Pastor started his Christmas series, Celebrate Christmas. He noted that Christmas is a time for “Wonder”. Wonder is defined as ‘a feeling of surprise or admiration’. The gift of the savior as a baby is a wondrous event but sometimes we get wrapped up in the holiday preparations and forget the reason for the season: Jesus. We need to be careful that we don't minimize Christ in Christmas; that we don't take the Christ story for granted. Each year we should take the time to rediscover the importance of the holiday.
Jesus cannot be moderately important in our life. How can we celebrate the day without engaging the ONE who made the day?
Matthew 1:23 tells us that the son is to be called “Immanuel”, God WITH us!
Point: Christmas is the annual announcement that God desires to be with you. Will you be with Him?
There were wonderful events leading up to the birth: Elizabeth became pregnant; Zechariah was struck silent; Mary became pregnant; the Inn was full; angels appeared to the shepherds.
Luke 2:8-13 tell how the angels appeared to the shepherds. Not just a few angels, but ‘the armies of heaven’. It is not hard to imagine why they were terrified. But really, it was an occasion of wonder.
God Himself wrapped in flesh became human to bridge the gap for mankind. John 1:1-5, 10-14 became human. Emmanuel - God with us.
Week 2 of Advent we celebrate the Hope of the promised savior.
There are so many good songs. This is the one I chose for today.
Verses for TodayLuke 2:13-14(NLT)
13 Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in highest heaven,
and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
Thank you, My Lord, for being the Light of the World and coming to be God WITH us.

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