Pastor started a new sermon series this morning called Hope is Born before we shared communion.
This morning the message was about The Promise given and kept. We know from our human experiences that promises aren't always kept. Satan has managed to destroy the hope of many by promoting broken promises.
We must learn that hope does not come from any humans in our lives. The true source of hope is God's gift. God is always working, and Jesus is the promise that has never been broken. “For no word from God will ever fail.” Luke 1:37.
Point: Jesus is the source of Hope for the future. He is the promise that will never be broken.
Our God is the God of the impossible giving the immaculate conception of Jesus by the virgin Mary and the miraculous conception of John by an elderly Elizabeth. Luke 1:26-38. Matthew 1:19-21.
How often do we turn down the challenge of God? Joseph was prepared to quietly set Mary aside until God challenged him to proceed to marry her.
What if we gave God permission to do the impossible in our lives? Pastor compared trusting God to trusting a parachute when skydiving. There are life situations where there is no other answer but God.
Elizabeth stated to Mary: ‘You are blessed because you believed the promise of the Lord.’ Luke 1:39-45.
Jesus the Messiah fulfilled the promise of salvation by dying on the cross. Jesus was sent to die for each of us. He came to earth as a baby to be God with us and in us. He was born to be broken, as should we be.
Do you trust the promise? Then surrender your life in this realm to achieve the second level of His promise: eternal life. Hold on to the promise of Christ; this will give you hope for every day.
I had several songs of promise and chose two to share.
First is Precious Promise
And this wonderfully illustrated song: Who Would Have Dreamed?
Verses for Today:Luke 1:37 and 45
NIV 37 “For no word from God will ever fail.”
NASB 37 “For nothing will be impossible with God.”
NIV 45 “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”
Lord, I thank you for the Promise that was given in the birth of Jesus and fulfilled by His death on the cross.
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The Bluff Point Romances just get better as they go. You have been very busy! I hope the week ahead is a good one!