Everyone must cope with the tug of war that comes with the expectations of life. We are bound in earthly forms with fleshly desires and can only find our freedom in Christ and by walking in the Spirit. Galatians 5:13-26.
Point: Living the Spirit-led life, means living a LIFE-giving life.
How do we judge morality in the ever-changing standards of the world? We are to search God’s word and trust God's grace. We cannot succeed through human effort to keep the law, so we need to live each day by the spirit.
We should be loving our neighbor as ourself. Even within the church we should be Life-giving, encouraging each other, not tearing each other down.If we are criticizing and sniping at each other then we are destroying ourselves from within; doing Satan's job.
We must consider the Sin-led life vs. the Spirit-led life, noting the difference as set out as immorality in Galatians 5:19-21 and the fruits of the spirit in verses 22-26. Living in the Spirit means living for a higher standard. The higher standard produces. It doesn't just refrain from doing.
How do we live the Spirit-led life? Ask the Spirit to convict us and conform our lives. Nail the sin-led desires of life to the cross and leave them there where they are covered by Christ’s blood. Bury the sinful impulses or nail them each day.
I wanted to start Christmas songs today so this one fits a bit with the message.
Verses for Today:Galatians 5: 24-25 NIV
24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Lord I pray that you help me each day to live by Your Spirit!

This is a very touching message. I try to live my life where I love my neighbors as I do myself. I think the song you chose does fit the message very well.