Carol and I became friends as moderators at the SweettoSensual Romance Group. I am happy to have been able to print one of her books, Gifts For the Goddess
Savannah Heat
Carol also has a group of short stories you can check out on her site and she hosts a monthly giveaway of a tote bag (I love mine!) or an apron.
I asked each author to answer two questions for their spotlight.
The first I asked and the second they provided.
Question #1: Why do you write/what do you hope your readers get from your books?A: From early childhood, books enchanted me. I recall being about five and declaring, "I'm gonna be a writer when I grow up." That strong desire was manifested in 1983 when I began my career as a professional technical and business writer. Later I wrote short stories that were published both in print and in online publications. Today, I have three novels and a novella published and am working on a fourth novel. For me, the answer to why I write is "I need to write as much as I need to breathe."
I hope I can take the reader on an emotional journey when she or he reads one of my books. I believe fiction is emotion. If you're reading a book that isn't emotionally engaging you might as well be reading the phone book. For example, in Gifts for the Goddess, published by eTreasures Publishing, the heroine is searching for that elusive relationship with a soul mate. The story touches emotions because her search is universal--we all want to find lasting, undying love.
Love's Reflection, the book I'm offering as a giveaway for this event, is a romantic comedy with a big "what if?" It's meant to brighten your day.
Question #2: I'd like to tell you about my next novel. My work-in-progress, "Little Dove," is a historical. It's slower going because of the amount of research required. For instance, if I write "the doorbell rang," I need to know how doorbells looked in 1900. Were they electric? Did they have chimes? How did people make them ring? By pushing a button? Pulling a cord? What sound did they make? A clang? A ring?Please visit Carol at her link below.
I'm having a lot of fun writing my first historical, and have another planned.
Thank you, Martha, for giving me this opportunity to be a part of the Second Year Blogaversary.
For extra credit you can email her to say "Hi" and "Thank you" for the support and giveaway at MBS Blogoversary.
Giveaway donated by Carol:
eBook Copy of Love's Reflection.
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