As the book was presented to me I share: "If you are concerned about anti-Christian intimidation growing in America, this one is perfect for you."
Issachar's Heirs
by Brian Chilton
Gerne: Political Thriller, Christian Fictionby Brian Chilton
- File Size: 2008 KB
- Print Length: 374 pages
- Publisher: White Feather Press (October 10, 2013)
My Rating: 4.75 of 5.0
Book Description
Publication Date: October 10, 2013
The 20th century dawned with Evil’s perpetual whispering about Europe’s Jewish Problem. Decades passed, more listened, and Evil’s power grew. Evil soon demanded that listening was not enough, placing men into power also eager to act. Multitudes stood by, stilling listening, watching, while Evil’s Solution was imposed. Millions died.
Now at the dawn of the 21st century Evil’s murmur has begun again. But this time the whisper that grows ever louder complains of America’s Christian Problem . . . America’s Christian Problem . . . America’s Christian Problem . . .
In 2016, Nemesis, a small but powerful coalition, will follow Evil’s call to act . . . .
Will the nation founded for religious freedom now allow Christianity to be driven from her shores?
Issachar Stone objected to President Lincoln’s declaring martial law over the Supreme Court’s opposition but still he tried to warn of assassination plots. Issachar and others of his time formed a group to watch over the US Constitution to try to protect America from any future president who might try to take unilateral control.
Jack Stone isn’t aware of the dedicated and secret society his great ancestor was part of. But Issachar would be proud of Jack’s stand as a constitutional lawyer and firm believer in Christ and God’s sovereignty. Jack has watched with dismay and frustration as the rights of Christians have been eroded and trampled in favor of humanist agendas including legalized abortion, gay rights and liberal teachings in schools.
Now Christians have fallen under violent attack with three mega churches being bombed on July 3, 2016. The FBI receives a call claiming a domestic terrorist group called Nemesis, consisting of a 'high priestess', some Muslims, two gays and others, has targeted Christians with a “Vengeance Sunday”. The newly appointed acting director of the FBI is told by White House officials, including the President himself, not to waste FBI resources on such an unlikely tip.
A conspiracy of powerful government and media forces twist the facts to make the public think that intolerant Christians are attacking gays with verbal hate mongering that must be stopped. Through treacherous lies and murders the conspirators pursue an attack that seeks to ultimately eliminate Christians from America.
Jack Stone and other Christians are protected and brought together, through divinely directed circumstances, to fight for Christianity and for the very foundation of American freedoms. They recognize that it is only with God’s help and direction they will have a chance against the out of control president who declares martial law and war against the Christian community.
There are strong characters and engaging plot action. There is excellent summary of the challenges that Christians have faced over the past fifty years as America has lost its moral foundation. There are practical examples and supporting legal documentation showing the moral decline and increasing control of humanist agendas. There are also uplifting Biblical quotes, hymns and messages of salvation. The only part of the story that I found lacking was the fact that the president did not target Jack, Lin and the others more specifically when he learned of their involvement. Also, I was disappointed that there was no resolution of what would happen to the president even after his lies and deeds were exposed.
I think this book is awesome and I totally enjoyed it even as I experienced chills, frustrated disgust and tears of sorrow and joy. The story is fiction but there is a factual history that makes it not too far fetched as a prophetic picture for the future of America. As the author notes, this book will most likely be read by Christians, but oh how I wish humanists, doubters and seekers would read this book and open their hearts.
I received this title for review through a publicist.
About the Author:
A 1992 graduate of University of Virginia School of Law, Brian represented the mother and daughter in the 2004 Supreme Court case, Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow, resulting in the words "under God" being retained in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Born in 1965, Brian was the unplanned baby of an unmarried teenage mother. By God's grace his birth preceded Roe v. Wade's expansion of abortionby eight years and he wasadopted into a Christian home. He and his wife Lori have been married twenty-seven years, live with their three children in Virginia, and attend McLean Bible Church.
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