Rose and Briar Inn Stories, Book 1
By: Andrea Twombly
Narrated by: Lisa Leslie
Narrated by: Lisa Leslie

Length: 50 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 05-24-18
Publisher: Annie Acorn Publishing LLC
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Holiday
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0
Publisher's Summary
Annie Acorn Audio is pleased to present Christmas at the Inn written by Andrea Twombly and narrated by Lisa Leslie.
“The sign says NO VACANCY, not VACANCY.” The innkeeper's gruff reply belied his handsome face, and Angela Perkins took a step back.
Heading north for the holidays, things certainly hadn't gone as she had planned. A snowstorm, an apple pie, and an old friend all conspire to bring her to a crossroads. Will a Christmas Eve detour send her back to her snug village home, or will she forge ahead and let a turn in the road lead her to newfound happiness?
In this, the first entry in her new Rose and Briar Inn series, internationally beloved From Women's Pens author Andrea Twombly weaves a warm story of the Christmas season, rich in challenges overcome and courage discovered along a twisting road to love.
You won't want to miss this one!
©2015 Annie Acorn Publishing LLC (P)2018 Annie Acorn Publishing LLC
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 05-24-18
Publisher: Annie Acorn Publishing LLC
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Holiday
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0
Publisher's Summary
Annie Acorn Audio is pleased to present Christmas at the Inn written by Andrea Twombly and narrated by Lisa Leslie.
“The sign says NO VACANCY, not VACANCY.” The innkeeper's gruff reply belied his handsome face, and Angela Perkins took a step back.
Heading north for the holidays, things certainly hadn't gone as she had planned. A snowstorm, an apple pie, and an old friend all conspire to bring her to a crossroads. Will a Christmas Eve detour send her back to her snug village home, or will she forge ahead and let a turn in the road lead her to newfound happiness?
In this, the first entry in her new Rose and Briar Inn series, internationally beloved From Women's Pens author Andrea Twombly weaves a warm story of the Christmas season, rich in challenges overcome and courage discovered along a twisting road to love.
You won't want to miss this one!
©2015 Annie Acorn Publishing LLC (P)2018 Annie Acorn Publishing LLC
This is a sweet, quick novel with mature characters who have lost their life partners. A snow storm brings an unexpected encounter that could change the future lives of the retired teacher and the lonely innkeeper. Will they be held by their past loves or will they see a chance for a new future?
I enjoyed the easy flow of this story. The characters are nicely developed even though this is short. The reader anticipates this to be a second chance at love story and the author delivers in a sweet fashion. I recommend this to readers who enjoy mature characters and a second chance at love.
Audio Notes: Lisa Leslie provides a direct narration with distinct voices. I felt that the reading was a calmer emotional presentation than might have been. Still, it was a pleasant performance.
Source: author through AudioBook Boom. This qualifies for Audiobook and 2018Alphabet Challenges.