This morning was Mission Sunday where the young children in BGMC collect change (and dollars) for missions around the world. Among these missions that received funds is the Convoy of Hope which has been to our own community, for Hurricane Michael in 2018 and again last month for the tornado that ravaged homes in our community.
Pastor continued his messages from Nehemiah with a sermon from Nehemiah 7:1-5 which he titled “Not Like Many”. The book of Nehemiah was written by Ezra and tells of the remnant returning to rebuild. These actions are the fulfillment of prophecies given by Isaiah and Jeremiah. We are reminded that the rebuild doesn't look like the way it was. It is a new season.
The enemy continues to obstruct the efforts as he always does in three ways: criticism, confusion and discouragement.
God always makes a way for His will to be accomplished. He who has begun a good work will be faithful to complete it. Philippians 1:6.
As the wall was being completed, Nehemiah looked to appoint leaders to continue the work; who could be entrusted with God's work. The man is described as “a faithful man and honored God with fear more than many.” Nehemiah 7:2 NLV. A faithful, trustworthy man; more than the many. Faithful means consistent, honest, and stable, with integrity. The job was not for doubters or the wishy-washy. God wants men who will be good and faithful servants. Matthew 25:21.
The trusted leaders were faithful, trusting God. and God-fearing, not man-fearing.
The mother of Zebedee’s sons asked for favorable position for her sons. But Jesus responds that “Whoever wants to be first among you, let him be your servant.” Matthew 20:20-28.
Nehemiah was a servant leader. He chose others who were faithful and God fearing.
Leaders, 1 Timothy 1:18-19; and helpers, 1 Timothy 3:9-10. Titus 1:7-9.
The work that God has done is too precious to leave in the hands of those who aren't faithful and God fearing. It is certain that the enemy will come back. Good leaders are to guard the work. Nehemiah 7:3.
The city large, but people were few, no houses rebuilt. Nehemiah 7:4. God was looking for a remnant. He will work through the remnant.
God provides the vision, not man. God ‘put it into [the] heart’ of Nehemiah to take gather the people and note their names. Nehemiah 7:5. How did he hear from God? Nehemiah was praying. It is hard to be spirit-filled if we are not in prayer. Worshipping is more than music. Our honor to God should be from our hearts, it should be spirit worship. Seek Him in secret and He will use you.
God sees everyone. No one is beyond His sight and notice. Everyone has a place. We all have a part in the Kingdom. A broken bone/body part hurts the whole. When a member is broken it hurts the whole Kingdom.
I like this song video for today.
Verses for Today:Nehemiah 7:1-2 New Life Version
7 When the wall was built and I had set up the doors, and the gate-keepers and singers and Levites were chosen, 2 I gave my brother Hanani, and Hanaiah the captain of the strong place, the work of watching over Jerusalem. For he was a faithful man and honored God with fear more than many.
Lord, I pray that you direct a strong remnant to complete your good work!

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