Beyond the Shadow of Canderlay Manor
by Dee Julian

My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0
by Dee Julian
- File Size: 833 KB
- Print Length: 312 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1494876965
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0
Book Description
Publication Date: January 7, 2014
In Regency England, Morgan Spence sets his mind upon achieving two goals. Acquiring his father’s abandoned ancestral estate and finding a wealthy bride to foot the bill for its restoration. Having accomplished the first part of his plan, Morgan moves into the neglected manor and soon discovers he’s not alone.
Afraid for her very life, Isabelle Lindley is forced into seclusion by the disfigured ruffian who burned her cottage and chased her into the forest. For the last three months she’s been hiding in a secret room at Canderlay Manor, depending upon the kindness of an old caretaker. When the new owner takes up residence, Belle tries to frighten him off by pretending to be a spirit, but the hoax backfires and nearly ends the man’s life.
After a near fatal accident, Morgan isn’t sure if he’s dealing with a ghost or clever intruder. When he discovers the truth, his plans for the future sail slightly off course, leaving him more determined than ever to avoid losing his heart.
Isabelle Lindley is a mostly proper Vicar’s daughter. She is certainly caring and kind-hearted even if she does have a bit of a mischievous streak. Isabelle has been hiding in the secret rooms of the unoccupied Canderlay Manor since her cottage was burned and she escaped into the woods. Isabelle used to live in the Manor with her beloved uncle and she is aided now by the old caretaker, Samuels, who is helping her until she comes of age to collect her inheritance.
Morgan Spence has always dreamed of purchasing back the manor that was his childhood home. Now that he has succeeded he stops by to access the condition of the old estate. It is a dark, stormy night and he isn’t sure if the lights he sees flickering in the Manor are real or the result of rumored ghosts. Checking more closely he stumbles upon evidence of an intruder but is startled into falling over a banister when he turns to find a ghostly apparition.
Morgan’s friend and brother-in-law, Bartholomew, chalks it up to a night of drink but Morgan is convinced that someone is hiding, especially when he begins to smell roses in certain rooms. Morgan is glad to take the old caretaker on as his house servant and more delighted to discover that Samuels is cook, groom, foreman and able to fill most other positions too.
Morgan is concerned about finances to repair and refurnish the home and plans to marry an heiress to make up the funds he will need. Although his head-strong sister, Margaret, shows up with furnishings to fill the house he still feels he will have to repay her.
Belle finds it hard to remain hidden and when she is discovered, Margaret recognizes her and knows something is wrong. Morgan isn’t ready to trust the minx but begins to fall for her sweet innocence and caring nature. When Belle is threatened again a story of bribery and murder orchestrated by a man of the ton is slowly revealed. But they dare not accuse a nobleman without clear, strong evidence.
Isabelle is a delightful character with a wonderful mix of naivete and stubborn determination. Morgan is practical and warm. The behavior, as well as the pairing, of Belle and Morgan makes for many smiles and chuckles. The villains are quite properly nasty and I enjoyed the action as the mystery was unraveled. This reads smoothly with it’s engaging characters and mysterious plot. It is one of those stories that I was eager to read but sad to finish. I have enjoyed all of Ms. Julian’s books which have likable characters, a good plot with some suspense and a wonderful sense of warmth. I highly recommend these historical romances!
I received this ebook from the author for an honest review.
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