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Showing posts with label 2016 Alphabet Soup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2016 Alphabet Soup. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Book Review and Tour Giveaway: Ultimate Courage (True Heroes) by Piper J. Drake

This is wonderful romantic (military) suspense with guard dog.
Ultimate Courage (True Heroes)
by Piper J. Drake
File Size: 895 KB
Print Length: 336 pages
Publisher: Forever (July 26, 2016)
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Military Romance
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Retired Navy SEAL Alex Rojas is putting his life back together, one piece at a time. Being a single dad to his young daughter and working at Hope's Crossing Kennels to help rehab a former guard dog, he struggles every day to control his PTSD. But when Elisa Hall shows up, on the run and way too cautious, she unleashes his every protective instinct.
Elisa's past never stays in her rearview mirror for long, and she refuses to put anyone else in danger. But with Alex guarding her so fiercely yet looking at her so tenderly, she's never felt safer . . . or more terrified that the secrets she keeps could put countless people in grave peril. The only way for both to fully escape their demons will take the ultimate act of courage: letting go and learning to trust each other.

Elisa is on the run from a possessive ex-fiance who views her as his possession. She was flattered by the attention from the wealthy man at first until she realized that she was no longer allowed a career or friends of her own. It took a while but she finally got up the courage to make a break for it. But it seemed that wherever she goes, it isn’t long before he locates her and makes it clear that he is expecting her return. Bad things could happen to anyone who might help her so Elisa remains on the run and tries to stay under his radar sources.

Elisa meets Alex and his spunky daughter at the emergency room. Elisa’s wrist is swollen while Serena, aka Boom, has a broken arm from an accident during martial arts training. Elisa appears at Hope's Crossing Kennels the next day to return a glove that Boom left behind. She shows up just in time to step in as a sorely needed secretary for the office. Alex recognizes that Elisa and is cautious and skittish; behaviors familiar from his own PTSD which he struggles to control. Although Alex doesn’t know Elisa, he is intrigued by the mixture of strength he sees beneath the docile postures. He is willing to step out to help her even as he gives her room to learn to trust him.

As Elisa and Alex grow closer they realize that each has secrets. Can they learn to trust each other and give their growing attraction a chance to deepen? Or will Elisa bolt again as soon as she knows her ex-boyfriend is on her tail?

I really liked these warm characters and was quickly pulled into the story. I also love the dog elements and found Souze, a German Shepherd Dog, to be a great addition. The continuing characters at the kennels provide good support and the addition of the owners of the martial arts academy, a gay couple, are a nice touch too for diversity.

The plot moves along at a good pace with sensual tension and the hint of danger that ultimately appears. This is the sort of romantic suspense/military romance that I really enjoy and I recommend the series and this author. This is the second book I have read in this series and I hope to read more.

I received this title from Hachette, Forever line, through NetGalley for an honest review. This adds to my NetGalley Challenge and "U" in Alphabet Challenge. 

Extreme Honor, #1 -- My Review Link
Ultimate Courage, #2
Absolute Trust, #3



Piper J. Drake (or "PJ") spent her childhood pretending to study for the SATs by reading every interesting novel she could find at the library. After being introduced to the wonderful world of romance by her best friend, she dove into the genre.

PJ began her writing career as PJ Schnyder, writing sci-fi & paranormal romance and steampunk, for which she won the FF&P PRISM award as well as the NJRW Golden Leaf award and Parsec award.

PJ's romantic suspense novels incorporate her interests in mixed martial arts and the military. The True Heroes series is inspired by her experience rescuing, owning and training a variety of retired working dogs, including Kaiser, a former guard dog, and Mozart, who was trained to detect explosives.

   You’ve got to be insane.”
   Elisa Hall took a prudent step—or two—back as she observed the standoff brewing in front of her. A tall man stood between her and the emergency room reception desk, glaring at the woman in scrubs behind it. He stood at an angle to Elisa, so he could see the reception desk to his right and the entirety of the waiting area in front of him.
   He clenched his fists.
   Elisa retreated farther back toward the entrance, releasing her throbbing rist and letting her hands fall to her sides. Harmless. Nothing to see here.
   “I’m sorry, sir, but ambulances take precedence over walk-ins,” the nurse repeated. She was braver than Elisa would’ve been in the face of rage on a level with the man’s at the counter.
   He was dressed in loose fitness shorts and a close-fitting black tee. His hands were wrapped in some cross between tape and fabric.
   “Fighter” might as well have been printed across his very broad, muscular shoulders.
   Actually, now that she was looking, his tee said Revolution Mixed Martial Arts Academy.
   Well, then. Maybe she should just take more ibuprofen and forget about seeing a doctor for her swollen wrist after all. Getting her injury examined wasn’t worth staying anywhere near this guy.
   The nurse glanced quickly at Elisa then returned her attention to the man, her expression softening with sympathy. “As soon as an examination room opens up, we’ll get you in to see the doctor. Please, wait right here and fill out these forms while I help this young lady.”
   Wait, what? The man’s face, and his focus, turned toward her. Oh, great.
   Usually she envied nurses their ability to sympathize with so many patients and make such a difference in their lives. Now was not one of those times.
   Elisa squashed the urge to bolt. Never ended well when she tried it. Better to hold very still, wait until the anger in front of her burned itself out, and pull herself together afterward.
   Instead, she fastened her gaze on the floor and tried to keep her body from tensing visibly. Silently, she sang herself an inane nursery rhyme to take her mind
off the weight of the man’s intense glare. Please, please, let him walk away. They were in public, and even though the emergency room waiting area wasn’t packed, it still had a dozen people scattered around the seats.
   But the expected explosion, shouting, other things . . .never happened. Instead, the man had quieted. All of the frustrated aggression seemed to have been stuffed away, somewhere.
   She swallowed hard. Relief eased her constricted throat, and she breathed slowly for the time being. Leaving remained the best idea she had at the moment.
   But he stepped away from the counter and farther to her right, motioning with a wrapped hand for her to step forward. As she forced her feet to take herself closer to the reception desk—and past him—he gave her room.
   Belatedly, she realized his movement also happened to block her escape route toward the doors. He couldn’t have done it on purpose, could he? But Elisa took a step up to the reception counter and away from him anyway.
   “Yes, dear?” The nurse’s gentle prompt made Elisa jump.
   Damn it. Elisa’s heart beat loud in her ears.
   The nurse gave her an encouraging smile. “Don’t mind him. He’s been here before. I’ve already asked another nurse to bring ice packs as fast as possible. I don’t
mind if he blows off some hot air in my direction in the meantime. I would be upset, too, considering today’s situation.”
   Elisa bit her lip. She could still feel the man standing behind her, his presence looming at her back. He couldn’t possibly appreciate the nurse sharing some of his private information. And he didn’t seem to need ice packs or any other medical attention. He appeared very able-bodied. “It’s none of my business.”
   The nurse placed a clipboard on the counter and wrinkled her nose. “Oh, trust me, the entire waiting room knows what his concern is. Tell me what brought you here.”
   This might be the most personable emergency room reception area Elisa had been to in years, not counting the extremely angry man standing behind her. They were either not very busy—not likely if all the examination rooms were full up—or extremely efficient.
   Efficiency meant she could get in and out and decide what her next steps would be.
   “My wrist.” Elisa held out her left arm, her wrist obviously swollen. “I thought it was just a bad sprain, but it’s been more than a few days and has only gotten worse. I can barely move it now.”
   And if she could have avoided it, she definitely wouldn’t have stopped in to get it treated. An emergency room visit, even with the help of her soon-to-be nonexistent insurance, was still an expense she didn’t need. It’d been six months or so since her last significant paycheck, and she could not afford to extend her insurance much longer. Plus, it might be better not to. One less way to track her.
   “Is that your dominant arm, dear?” The nurse held up a pen.
   Elisa shook her head.
   “Oh, good. Leave your ID and insurance card with me so I can make copies. Take a seat over there to fill out this form and bring it back to me.”
   Okay, then. Elisa took the items and made her way toward the seating area, thankful the nurse hadn’t asked her to give her name and pertinent information verbally. It was always a risk to share those things out loud.
   She’d learned over and over again. There was a chance a slip of information in the unlikeliest of places would find its way to exactly the person she didn’t want
to have it. No matter how careful she’d been over the last several months, it hadn’t been enough yet.
   But it would be. This time. She was learning, and she was free. Every day was a new chance.
   Nodding to herself, Elisa looked for a seat. It might not be crowded, but just about everyone in the room had decided to sit with at least a chair or two buffer between them and the next person. The buffer seats were all that were left, and most of the other people waiting to be seen were either men, or women sitting with men.
   Then she caught sight of a young girl sitting with her legs crossed in the seat next to the big planter in the corner. Slender, but long limbed, the girl had a sweet face and the gangly look of a growing kid. Elisa guessed the girl was maybe eight or nine, could even be ten. Hard to pin down age when the kid had such an innocent look to her. The seat next to her was open, and she was waiting quietly, hugging a big, blue, plush . . . round thing. Whatever it was.
   Elisa walked quickly over, and when the girl looked up at her with big, blue eyes, Elisa gave her the friendliest smile she could dig up. “Mind if I sit next
to you?”
   The girl looked around, her gaze lingering on the reception area behind Elisa for a moment before saying, “Sure.”
   Elisa took a seat.
   After a few silent moments, the little girl stirred next to her. “Are you sick?”
   Well, paperwork didn’t take much of her attention, and it’d been a while since Elisa had been outside of her own head in a lot of ways. Conversation would be a welcome change and a good distraction from the constant worry running in the back of her mind. “Not sick so much as hurt. I won’t give you the plague.”
   A soft, strained laugh. “Same here.”
   Elisa took a harder look at the big, plush toy. It wasn’t for comfort as Elisa’d first assumed. It was supporting the girl’s slender left arm, which was bent at an impossible angle.
   “Oh my god.” Why was she sitting here alone?
   “Don’t worry.” The girl gave her a quick thumbs-up with her right hand. “The doctors are really good here, and I’m in all the time.”
   Such a brave face. She had to be in an insane amount of pain. And here she was encouraging Elisa.
   “Is there someone you should talk to about how often you get hurt?” Elisa struggled for the right tone. It was one she’d heard more than once when people had been concerned for her. Some places had safeguards in place for . . .
   Blue eyes widened. “Oh, it’s not what you’re thinking. Trust me, people ask my dad. And it’s not like that at all. I study mixed martial arts. I get bruised and
bumped all the time, and usually it’s nothing, but Dad always makes me come in to get checked.”
   It was hard not to believe in the earnest tone. But monsters were everywhere.
   The girl gave her a rueful smile, still amazing considering how much pain she had to be in. “This time it wasn’t just a bump.”
   “Which is why they’re going to see you as soon as they can, Boom.”
   Elisa hadn’t heard the man approach. He was just there. He kneeled down in front of the girl then gently tucked an ice pack around her arm while moving it as little as possible. For her part, the girl hissed in pain but otherwise held up with amazing fortitude.
   Elisa would’ve been in tears. The forearm had to be broken. Both bones. It didn’t take a doctor to figure that out. No wonder the man had been mad earlier. She’d want this girl to be seen as soon as possible, too. She dropped her gaze, unable to watch.
   “Here.” An ice pack appeared in her view. “Your wrist should be iced, too. Take down the swelling while you wait.”
   Speechless, Elisa looked up.
   The man’s words were gruff, awkward. His expression was blank. But his eyes—a softness around his eyes—and a . . . quiet in the way he watched her made her swallow and relax a fraction. Her heartbeat stuttered in a fluttery kind of way. A completely different reaction from what she should be experiencing if she were wise. She didn’t know this man and he was probably married. The girl had a mother somewhere. Where? Maybe on her way. This man was just being nice. Maybe.
   Learn from your mistakes. You never know who a person really is.


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Audio Book Review: Desolation by M.L. Banner

This is an engaging character driven, post-apocalyptic scenario, pitting good and evil.
Written by: M.L. Banner
Narrated by: Mikael Naramore
Length: 8 hrs and 37 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release Date:12-08-15
Publisher: Toes in the Water Publishing, LLC
Genre: Post Apocalyptic, Sci Fi
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

Publisher's Summary
A world devastated: a sky filled with magical auroras at night and deadly radiation during the day; technology all but gone; hundreds of millions dead by fire, starvation, disease, and violence. The survivors will have to face their own desolation.
Three groups struggle to endure and hold onto what little they have, while others will do anything to take it all. On a beach in Mexico, a small town in Wyoming, and a rural ranch in Illinois, epic battles between good and evil will be fought. Winners will have to face forces of nature never seen before.
But, there is a dim light on the horizon. A 150-year-old secret may lead the lucky few to a place that holds the promise of a new future, unless the sun doesn't set on humanity first.
This is the stunning follow-up to the #1 Amazon best seller Stone Age.
©2014 Toes in the Water Publishing, LLC (P)2015 Toes in the Water Publishing, LLC

A solar flare has devastated the world as we know it. Electronic technology is gone, the cities are in flames and conductive surfaces, such as water, continue to give off electrocuting charges. Many are dying from starvation and disease, not to mention violence as people sink to thievery and worse trying to protect themselves and obtain food for their families.

Maxwell Thomas is a wealthy man who was prepared for the disaster. He had several homes and escape plans. He even knows of a secret community, Cicada, where the scientists were to gather for survival. Unfortunately Max has been ‘commandeered’ by a drug cartel with some vicious members. He must escape and get back to Bill and Lisa King in a resort community in Mexico.

Bill and Lisa have supplies thanks to their good friend, Max. They are willing to help others in their community until neighbors try to take the supplies by force.

Far away, in Illinois, “the Teacher” leads a religious group of followers. He has gathered an army of men to protect him and provide the basic needs of shelter, food and water for the crowd that follows. Since their supply is limited they conscript the followers to work, including attacking communities along their path to fill the needs of the cult.

College student, Darla King and her younger brother, Danny are walking away from the fires of Chicago, trying to get to their grandparents’ home in Michigan. It is a dangerous world to be traveling as wicked men are willing to rape and murder and steal the resources that are found along the way. After several attacks and difficult escapes, Darla and Danny stumble into the cult crowd. Darla quickly learns that crowds are not always safe.

Steve Parkington, Darla’s boy interest, and his father have crashed in their small plane. They find themselves with a small group of survivors on a well-stocked and protected ranch, known as Wright ranch.

In Nebraska, Maggie, an astronaut and scientist, becomes the sole survivor of a space capsule crash. Now she must fend for herself in a hot and hostile world. Along the way she will rescue and be aided by another scientist who is traveling by bicycle to get to Cicada.

I was quickly engaged by the good characters and their battle against the evil forces. I liked the excellent story telling writing style which pulled me in and made me care about the characters. The author shifts among the scenes until the people and groups converge.There seemed to be a few loose ends but I still was engaged and enjoyed the tale.

I did not realize this was a second book in a series until I started it. I wish I had read/listened to them in order but still this was good but I could tell that I missed some character build up as well as the initial disaster. I will want to pick up the first book and I am also interested in the Cicada series that follows these events even if it is set years later.

Audio Notes: Mikael Naramore does a good job with the various voices and the emotional energy of the story.  He also delivers the narrative with strong, appropriate pacing. The narration made this an easy and engaging listen, enhancing the story.

I received this audio from the publisher through Audiobook Jukebox.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Book Review: Laos File (The Shake Davis Series) by Dale Dye

This is a remarkably well-written, chilling and aching thriller portraying danger in secrets of  turbulent events of the Vietnamese War.
Laos File (The Shake Davis Series)
by Dale Dye
File Size: 1623 KB
Print Length: 282 pages
Publisher: Warriors Publishing Group (January 22, 2013)
Genre: Military Thriller
My Rating: 5.0 of 5.0

Military Writers Society of America 2011 Book Award winner: From the bestselling author of Platoon comes a military thriller about one Marine’s quest to leave no POW behind.
The death of a salty old senior noncommissioned officer who ran special operations in Vietnam leads US Marine Gunner Shake Davis on a shocking and potentially lethal mission to find out what happened to hundreds of American prisoners of war. Written by bestselling author Dale A. Dye and based on Oliver Stone’s classic film.
With “plenty of action and lots of military detail” (Vietnam Veterans of America), Laos File is a great read for fans of Tom Clancy and W. E. B. Griffin.

US Marine Gunner Shake Davis served as a gunner in Vietnam when he was barely out of his teens. He has never forgotten the fear when he faced a young enemy in a bunker as they fought hand to hand. Shake never planned to return but fate has different plans. Shake stayed with his commanding officer as he died in a remote cabin. After burying the man, Shake begins to call family and authorities to advise of the passing. He soon learns that his longtime friend had secrets, including a tour with the CIA. Also two of the commander’s family members advise that, having received news of the death, they are following instructions to mail packages to Shake.

The material that Shake receives has him postponing retirement and setting out to determine what happened to hundreds of American prisoners of war who never made it out of Vietnam and remain unaccounted for all these years later. Among the missing was his old friend’s only son. Now Shake has been given a last mission: find the rumored “Laos File” that tells what happened to the 200+ soldiers who disappeared as they were being marched toward prisoner exchange.

Shake drives his daughter to Miami to get her settled in college before he leaves on this new mission. When Shake is attack in a concert crowd he begins to suspect that someone does not want him researching the facts. Shake is pulled onto a team that is headed to Vietnam to make ‘reparations.’ As he proceeds, Shake quickly discovers that the Miami attack will not be the last of the assassination attempts he will have to dodge. Shake gets support from a young female officer among the team, not realizing that she is keeping secrets too.

Although it started a bit slowly, I enjoyed the writing style which consists of wonderful wording prose and yet is direct and distinct, fitting the sound of a gruff soldier. I was soon drawn into the story and placed in the scenes and amidst the fast paced action by the strong visuals painted by the author. The author blends current and past reminisces for Shake and for another character, Minh, a Vietnamese man. About a third of the way in the pasts of the characters intersect. From there the paths of Shake and Minh are on a collision course for a traumatic meeting.

There is rough language – again consistent with a salty Marine and adding to the authenticity of the story. The recounting of the struggles, fears and horror of the young soldiers during the Vietnam War are chilling and the mental scars, as well as physical scars, of the characters are aching. I found the presentation utterly remarkable and engrossing. At the conclusion of the book there is a brief biography of the author that is impressive and supports the first hand atmosphere conveyed in the story. I highly recommend this military thriller and I plan to look for more intense stories by Mr. Dye.

I received this through NetGalley for an honest review. This qualifies for my NetGalley Challenge and "L" in my Alphabet Soup Challenge.

Monday, June 27, 2016

2016 Alphabet Soup Challenge Update Midyear

I am working this 2016 Alphabet Soup Challenge in expanded mode. I am trying to fill the Alphabet with TBR books, ebook and audio if possible, as well as new books. 
(A for audio; E for ebook; P for print; TE for Tour; AE for author ebook).
Books 1 and 2 are will be TBRs: 1 = print or ebook and 2 = audio/Audible. 
Books 3 and 4 will be  new books: 1 = NG (NetGalley), TE (tour ebook) or AE (author ebook); 
4 = new audio/Audible titles.
(A ABB = Audiobook Boom; A ABJ = Audiobook Jukebox)
[Brackets indicate a planned book.]

Title (author to be added if not in yet), date acquired; linked to review when read.
A1. (P/E TBR) Arena by Karen Hancock (fall 2015)
A2. (A TBR) Agenda 21: Into the Shadows by Glenn Beck (Audible credit 1/16)
A3. (NG) Admiral (An Evagardian Novel) by Sean Danker
B1. (NG TBR) Brilliance (The Brilliance Trilogy Book 1) by Marcus Sakey (Selected Dec 2015);
B2. (A ABJ) Buster the Military Dog by Will Barrow (Rec'd Dec 2015 through ABJ)
B3. (TE) Breaking the Story (Scottie's Adventures Book 2) by Ashley Farley
B4. (A-Narrator) Bad Deeds
C1. (E TBR) [Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles Book 1) by Marissa Meyer; Kindle pick up 2/14]
C2. (A TBR) Classic Love Poems (Free Audible 2/15)
C3. (TE) City of Gold by Carolyn Arnold (Rec'd Jan 2016 for Great Escapes Book Tour)
C3. (NG TBR) Chakana: Encounter In The Sacred Valley by W.E. Lawrence (Rec'd Dec 2015)
D2. (A TBR) Daemon by Daniel Suarez Audible 2012
D3. (NG) Dear Emma by Katie Heaney (Rec'd Jan 2016 through Hachette at NG)
D4. (A ABB) Defects: The Reverians by Sara Noffke (Rec'd Jan 2016 through ABB)
E2. (A TBR) [Eye of the Needle 2012]
E3. (NG) Extreme Honor by Piper J. Drake (Rec'd Dec 2015)
E3. (TE) Emmy Nation Undercover Suffragette (Rec'd Dec 2015 for iRead BookTour)
E4. (A new) Enforcing Home
F2. (A TBR) For Honor We Stand: Man of War, Book 2 by H. Paul Honsinger (Audible 12/15)
F3. (E) First Fruits by Brad Duncan
G2. (A-TBR) Grave Surprise
G3. (E) Guardian of Paradise by W. E. Lawrence
G4. (A) Good Morning... Processes Must Be Improved by Ray Jay Perreault
H1. (E TBR) [His Lady Mistress 2009]
H2. (A TBR) Heroes Are My Weakness by Susan Elizabeth Phillips Audible 8/14
H3. (NG) Hold Your Breath (Search and Rescue) by Katie Ruggle
I2. (A TBR) [Into the Black 2015 (NOV Sci Fi) Importance Earnest]
I3. (T) Immurement: The Undergrounders Series Book One by Norma Hinkens (Rec'd Feb 2016 for Expresso Book Tour)
I4. (A) In the Mist of Killarney: An Irish Faery Tale by Robert McCallum
J2. (A TBR) (The) Jewel of Dantenos: The FREE Lee Starfinder Adventure by Brian D. Anderson
J3. (NG) Jessica’s Christmas Kiss by Alison May (Rec'd in Dec 2015)
J3. (TE) Jamie Quinn Mystery Collection: Box Set Books 1-3 by Barbara Venkataraman
K2. (A TBR) Kiss an Angel
L2. (A TBR) Lost in a Good Book Audible 3/12
L3. (NG) Laos File (The Shake Davis Series) by Dale Dye
M1. (P TBR) Mistletoe Memories: Four Generations Transform a House Into a Home for Christmas (LBC purchased in Nov 2015)
M2. (A TBR) [Monster Hunter Audible 11/15]
M3. (NG) Much Ado About Highlanders (The Scottish Relic Trilogy) by May McGoldrick
M4. (A ABB) Making Amends by Melinda Clayton
N1. (NG TBR) Night Study by Maria J. Snyder(Rec'd Nov 2015)
N2. (A TBR) [Nation 2012] [No Easy Hope 2015]
N3. (TE) Nobody But You (Cedar Ridge) by Jill Shalvis
N4. (A ABB) Northern Lights: A Scorched Earth Novel by Boyd Craven III
O2. (A TBR) Old Man's War by John Scalzi (Audible 2/13)
P2. (A TBR) Professional Integrity (A Riyria Chronicles Tale) by Michael J. Sullivan (Audible free book 2015)
P3.(NG TBR) (The) Path of the Bullet by MC Jacques (Rec'd Dec 2015)
P4. (A ABJ) Pack: A Paranormal Romance Novelette by Jeaniene Frost
Q1. (E TBR) Quiet As They Come by Angie Chau (Free 2010)
Q3. (E) Quirky Essays
R2. (A-TBR) Reunion in Death by J.D. Robb (Audible credit 12/15)
R3. (TE) Rarity from the Hollow by Robert Eggleton
R4. (A ABB) Redfall: Fight for Survival: American Prepper Series, Book 1, by Jay J. Falconer
S1. (E TBR) [Snowbound 2009]
S2. (A TBR) Straits of Hell by Taylor Anderson (Audible credit 11/2015)
S3. (NG TBR) Steamborn by Eric R. Asher (Received in Dec 2015)
S4. (A ABJ) Singular by David F. Porteous (ABJ Jan 2016)
T1. (P TBR) Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball by Donita K. Paul (LBC Print purchased Nov 2015)
T2. (A TBR) To Live Forever (Audible credit or purchase August 2015)
T3. (TE) Those Who Walk in Darkness by Joyce Lavene and Jim Lavene
T4.(A TBR) Time Heist: Firstborn Saga Volume 1 by Anthony Vicino (Rec'd from author Dec 2015)
U2. (A TBR) Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (Audible 2/15)
U3. (NG T) Ultimate Courage by Piper J. Drake
U4. (A Narrator) Unseemly Pursuits
V2. (A TBR) Variant by Robison Wells (Audible 2012)
V3. (E PBL) Violets in February by Clare Revell
W2. (A TBR) What Happens in London Audible 2012
W3. (NG TBR) What We Find by Robyn Carr
X2. (A) X Minus One: Protective Mimicry (October 3, 1956) by Algis Budrys, Ernest Kinoy – adaptation (Audible purchase 12/31)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Book Review: Guardian of Paradise by W.E. Lawrence

This story is full of action and romance in a beautiful, exotic setting.
by W.E. Lawrence
File Size: 909 KB
Print Length: 384 pages
Publication Date: October 15, 2014
Genre: Action Adventure, Historical
My Rating: 4.0 of 5.0

In 1888, Kira Wall, surviving daughter of missionaries swept away in a tsunami, lives a primitive, but enjoyable life with natives on an isolated island in the South Pacific. But her serene world is turned upside down when an Australian merchant ship, commanded by the sinister Captain Darcy Coleman, arrives with an overabundance of modern and lavish goods. Kira suspects ill intent. Chief Ariki refuses to listen to Kira’s warning, forcing her to uncover the real plan of the captain on her own. Unfortunately, she has a distraction. A six-foot tall, blond, and handsome distraction. Trevor Marshall, doctor and botanist, hopes to find exotic plants on the island to research new cures and medicines. He is dedicated to science, but when meeting the strong-willed, beautiful Kira Wall, he’d prefer to spend time researching her—all night.

The captain thwarts Kira’s attempts to call him out at every step, turning the village chief against her. With only Trevor and her best friend Malana by her side, she stalks the captain and his officers through the dense, predator infested jungle, toward the island’s inactive volcano. Frustrated by her failure to reveal the captain’s true intentions, Kira begins to think maybe she’s wrong about everything. Then an explosion and earthquake bigger than anyone on the island has ever seen renews her resolve. Was the blast natural or man-made? She is determined to prove it was the captain’s doing. Kira races against time and the island people’s naivety to stop the captain from destroying her home and killing everyone she loves.

Kira grew up to become part of her island tribe after her missionary parents died. She has more caution about the merchant ship sailors who come to the island than the simple island people. This particular ship’s captain is a smooth talker and has brought modern fabrics and equipment to trade in exchange for harvesting some of the bountiful crops on the island. Chief Ariki is willing to trade with Captain Coleman and pushes aside Kira’s warnings.

One of the men from the ship is handsome doctor and botanist, Trevor Marshall. He is awed by the health of the people and the rich quality of the crops. He is also fascinated by the beautiful young woman, Kira. They become friends while she shows him special plants on the island.

Kira discovers Captain Coleman and his officers digging up river and she is more convinced they are up to no good. An unfamiliar blast could be a natural earthquake caused by their volcano but Kira suspects it is man-made. The shake has caused injury to the chief's son who is also husband of Kira's best friend, Malana. Kira’s angry accusations, with no proof, get her banished from the village until the visitors are gone.

Matters turn more dangerous when Kira and Malana discover the real goal of the Captain. Kira is a strong, clever woman who is willing to face the dangers. But how can one woman ward off the evil men before they destroy her island and injure her naïve people?

I liked Kira’s strong character although she is repeatedly impulsive. This of course creates opening for the action and conflict. Trevor is known as a lady’s man so Kira was clearly out of her depth with him. Other than that trait, Trevor is cheerful, likable and honorable. He has a true heart to help people fight disease and he is willing to help Kira if she will let him.

This is the second book I have read by W.E. Lawrence. They are stand-alone stories but have  similarities. The young, innocent women get caught up in a very sensual situation with the men who ultimately help ‘save the day’ from danger. I emphasis help, as the women have a strong part in the action against the evil forces. I find the sensuality just close to too strong for my preference although the scenes are really more tastefully intense than graphic.

I enjoyed the historical setting and the nuggets about the primitive, simple life-style. Initially I didn’t understand how Malana could be away from her children so much without her absence being notice but later it is noted that the children are in their teens. The action keeps the story moving at a good pace and makes it an enjoyable adventure romance. I recommend it to readers looking for a quick moving romance with adventure.

I received this title for an honest review. This is "G" in my Alphabet Soup Challenge.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Book Review: Cast Adrift by Mannah Pierce

There is really good world building in this gripping story.
Cast Adrift
by Mannah Pierce
File Size: 804 KB
Print Length: 451 pages
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing (May 8, 2015)
Genre: Science Fiction, Space Adventure
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Cast Adrift is the first part of a science fiction saga set in an interstellar world of the far future where Earth is merely a myth. Ean is queen of the Willow, a small ship with a Traditional crew who live in space and trade between the stars. Suddenly Tre, the laid back crew enforcer, is demanding that they dash to one system to pick up cabin boys and then divert to another to recruit an adolescent who is utterly unsuited to spacer life. Who is Jax? What is Rae? Why is the most powerful individual in Known Space interested in Kip? Most importantly, what is Tre up to?

Jax is a young boy of twelve who has arrived at an age, as well as a circumstance, that requires him to sign on as crew for a spaceship and train to become a 'spacer' who can defend himself. His wealthy family made arrangements so there should be a Traditional crew that will bid for him or accept him. The difference between a “Traditional” crew and one that is not, is important. Traditional crews consist of all males but they have strict rules of integrity that protect the young unlike other ships. Plus, the right ship for Jax has an agent on board who knows Jax’s true identity. Jax gets the signal from “Tres” the enforcer on the Willow. Jax brings along another young street rat, Rae, who is a hybrid 'cat' with an unknown defect.

Now Jax and Rae are cabin boys on the crew of the Willow. The queen on the ship is Ean who has the perfect, caring personality and organizational skills to manage a successful crew. Jax is a quick learner with an educated background and incentive to train. Rae is a fast, street smart scamp who is surprised and thrilled to have the first friend of his life. The crew adds a medico friend of Tres and also collects a fourteen-year-old boy, Kip. The other members of the crew do not understand why Tres, who clearly has his own secrets, has encouraged them to pick up Kip. But Tres has information that this boy is special too.

Danger waits as there are those who are seeking Jax and many who will sell him out. And that may include betrayers within the crew once they learn who he is. As the crew tries to dodge danger, it stalks them...and finally catches up.

Ms. Pierce has a gift for world building and I found this writing wonderfully creative and remarkable. The plot is well laid out and consistent in the details and growth. There are also some subtle double meanings and twists that added to the overall package. Granted, I was not thrilled about the homosexual nature of the crews but I understand how it is an important element of the dynamics among the characters. The issue was handled with dignity and not in a prurient way.

I couldn’t help being rather enthralled with the story. I feel vested with the characters and I don’t think I can resist reading the next book and finding out what happens. I certainly recommend this to readers who love unique and well written science fiction.

I received this title through Publishing Push and the author. Don't miss the author's interesting guest post that will give you some background on her writing and her story development!

Biography of Mannah Pierce
Mannah Pierce has been building her imaginary interstellar world of the far future, story by story, for four decades. At the age of fifty she decided to try sharing it with readers online and then, five years later, spurred by the diagnosis of a life-limiting illness, she wrote and had published Cast Adrift, her first fiction book.

In the everyday world, Mannah Pierce was a scientist and teacher but now works for a charity. She has been married for over thirty years and, predictably, likes cats.

Read more about her journey as an author:


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