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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

MBS February 2016 Reading Wrap Up

Martha's Bookshelf February 2016

My goals are repeated below the book list. I was ahead by two in January but am down by five in FEBRUARY with a net down of three. Hopefully I will have a month or two that picks up the loss.
Total read = 10
Audio/Audible = 5
eBook = 2 (tour reviews)
NetGalley = 2
Print (LBC) = 1
TBR = 4 (obtained prior to 2016)
New to Me Authors = 7
Series Continued = 1

There were three 5.0 rated books in February and three 4.5 rated.

Code for the list is:
A = Audible     ABJ = Audiobook Jukebox    ABB = Audiobook BLast
E = eBook
NG = NetGalley
P = Print
LBC = Ladies Book Club
TBR = From the TBR shelves prior to 2016

  1. P-LBC-TBR-- Book Review and Giveaway: Mistletoe Memories: Four Generations Transform a House Into a Home for Christmas (Romancing America); Inspirational Fiction; Christmas Romance; my rating 5.0.
  2. ABJ-- Audible Book Review: Singular by David F. Porteous; Sci Fi, Thriller; my rating 4.25.
  3. ABB-- Audible Book Review: Star Crusader: Hero of the Alliance by Michael G. Thomas; Sci Fi, Space Adventure; my rating 4.25.
  4. NG-TBR-- Book Review: Emmy Nation: Undercover Suffragette (The Suffragette Nation Book 1) by L Davis Munro; Historical Fiction, Women's Suffrage; my rating 5.0.
  5. A-TBR-- Audible Book Review: Classic Love Poems by William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Elizabeth, Barrett Browning and others; Poetry; my rating 5.0.
  6. E(Tour)-- Book Review: Immurement: The Undergrounders Series Book One by Norma Hinkens; Sci Fi, Dystopian; my rating 4.5.
  7. ABJ-- Audible Book Review: The Last Drop: The Last Drop, Book 1 by Andrea Perno; Fantasy, Young Adult; my rating 4.0.
  8. E(Tour)-- Book Review and Feature: City of Gold by Carolyn Arnold; Mystery Thriller; my rating 4.25.
  9. A-TBR-- Audible Book Review: Reunion in Death: In Death, Book 14, by J.D. Robb; Mystery Thriller, Modern Detective; my rating 4.5.
  10. NG-- Book Review: The God's Eye View by Barry Eisler; Suspense Thriller, Political; my rating 4.5.

I have certain goals to reach my challenges and reading total for 2016.

The YEARLY reading goals:
Total = 180
Audio =  72
NetGalley = 42
Print = 12
Tours = 24
Ladies Book Club (LBC) = 12
Mixed in (hopefully includes TBR books I've won) = 18

My TBR goal is to read at least 100 from my shelves, whether Audible, Kindle, other ebook or print.

This breaks down roughly to 15 books on a MONTHLY basis in these formats (with TBRs, print, LBC and others overlapping at times):
Audio --  6
eBooks -- 2  (author review/tour or TBR)
NetGalley -- 3.5
TBR Print  --  1
TBR eBook -- 1
LBC -- 1
Other -- 1

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday Post March 6, 2016/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday March 7, 2016

I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading now at The Book Date.
Thank you to Sheila for the years that she handled this meme.
Thank you to Kathryn for taking up the baton.
What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I had another busy week and am still playing catch-up. Our son reported to his new base and our d-i-l and granddaughter are with him for the weekend. The girls will be coming back to spend another week with us.

Reading was good even with only two books finished. I am half way through two more. I finished one ebook and one audio again. I posted three reviews, one with giveaway, and I posted my other usual posts.

I enjoyed visiting other blogs early in the week.
Thanks as always to all the nice people who visit me.

These were last week's posts:
  • Book Review: The God's Eye View by Barry Eisler; Suspense Thriller, Political; my rating 4.5.

Finished Reading:
1. Audible/MPE (ABB)

Defects: The Reverians, Volume 1
Written by: Sarah Noffke
Narrated by: Elizabeth Klett
This is interesting and I will post my review this week.
I received this from the narrator through Audiobook Blast
Click on book title for full description.

2. eBook/Kindle + Print (LBC)

Talon: Combat Tracking Team (A Breed Apart Book 2)
by Ronie Kendig
My Ladies Book Club enjoyed this title. My review is linked above.
Click on book title for full description.

Currently reading:
1. ebook/Kindle (NG)

Dear Emma
by Katie Heaney
This started slowly for me but now I am well into it.
I received this from Grand Central/Hachette through NetGalley.
Click on book title for full description.

2. Audible/ MP3 (TBR)

Agenda 21: Into the Shadows
Written by: Glenn Beck
Narrated by: Jeremy Lowell, January LaVoy
I am not quite midway and enjoying the dangerous escape.
I selected this from my Audible library for a TBR listen.
Publisher's Summary
The sequel to Agenda 21, from number-one New York Times best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio host Glenn Beck.
"I knew those men were our enemies, but they, like everyone else in the Republic, were nothing more than servants. Rule followers. They had no choice. But I did. I had a choice and I made it. I knew then and there that, no matter what happened, I would never go back. Never."
It was once named America, but now it is just "the Republic". Following the worldwide implementation of a UN-led program called Agenda 21, the once-proud people of America have become obedient residents who live in barren, brutal Compounds and serve the autocratic, merciless Authorities.
Citizens mainly keep their heads down and their mouths shut - but Emmeline is different. When the Authorities took her mother away, she started questioning the world around her. What happened to her mom? Why is everyone confined to grim living spaces and made to eat the same food cubes every day? Why was her own baby taken from her to be raised in the Children's Village? And are the rumors that somewhere out beyond the fence live those who got away during the Relocations - the so-called shadow people - really true?
When Emmeline's questions lead to the realization that she will never see her child again, she decides to escape the Compound with her partner David and their baby Elsa. Fleeing the armed enforcers of the Earth Protection Agency, and facing the unknown for the first time in their lives, Emmeline and David run into the shadows in the desperate hope of finding something they'd only heard stories about from those who'd lived before the Relocations: freedom.
©2015 Mercury Radio Arts, Inc. All rights reserved. (P)2015 Simon and Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved.

3. eBook/Kindle (NG)

Path of the Bullet
by M C Jacques
This had to be pushed back for the other two that need to be read this week.
Click on book title for full description.

4. eBook/Kindle (Tour)

Those Who Walk In Darkness (Jacks Jackson Mystery Book 1)
by Joyce Lavene and Jim Lavene
I received this through Great Escape Book Tours for review on March 15, 2016.
Three years ago in 1867, Julia Jackson was a well to do young woman from Boston whose fiancĂ©, Jonathon, was killed right before her eyes. Obsessed with finding the killer, a man whose face she saw only in a flash as he walked up and shot Jonathon, she leaves her family and her life behind. She starts a new life as ‘Jacks’ Jackson—a cigar smoking, dead eye, female Pinkerton agent…pretending to be a man.
Now Allan Pinkerton needs Jacks to find the man who kidnapped the wife and son of a railroad official, David Boyd. Their only clues are the severed finger from the man’s wife, complete with wedding ring, and a map of the Qualla boundary, the Cherokee reservation in North Carolina.
Jacks doesn’t like the way the whole thing sounds from the beginning. David Boyd isn’t important enough to target for a kidnapping. And why travel so far with two hostages?
But Pinkerton tells her that he believes the man responsible for the kidnapping worked with Jonathon’s murderer in a train robbery five years ago. Jacks agrees to go after the kidnapper with hopes of catching him before he can reach his home grounds.
Pinkerton insists that Jacks bring three men with her—Boyd, her new partner, and a Cherokee guide named Running Wolf, who’s always watching her, like he’s trying to figure it out.
Can Jacks catch the kidnapper with her secret—and her life—intact?

February 28, 2016- up to date -
Reading The One Year Bible again along with my husband and others from our church.
I will also be listening (sometimes) to the companion commentary online.

I posted two reviews last week which leaves two for this week - once again up to date.
I don't think I will get too many TBRs this month as I have a month full of scheduled reviews:
Rel 3/1/16 Dear Emma by Katie Heaney - (NG) from Grand Central Publishing
3/5 Ladies Book Club - Talon
3/15 Those Who Walk In Darkness (Jacks Jackson Mystery Book 1)
by Joyce Lavene and Jim Lavene - Great Escape Book Tours
3/17 Breaking the Story (Scottie's Adventures Book 2) by Ashley Farley – (NG) through Caffeinated Book Reviewer
3/24 The Ethical Coach Leader by Dwight Johnson - through iRead Book Tours
Rel 3/29/16 The Cracked Spine by Paige Shelton – (NG)

In addition to those I have five more author reviews committed with no specific dates. Plus my NetGalley shelves with 10 books.

This week we added one of our childrens' titles at eTreasure's NetGalley:
Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story
by Clara Bowman Jahn and Susan April Elwood

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs.  This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Leslie of Under My Apple Tree, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit and Vicki of I'd Rather Be at the Beach.
Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

I received two new tour review titles this week.
TBR Triple Dog Dare update: It has been 66 days and I only bought one $.99 Kindle book.
However, I am looking at just succumbed to buying four Audible books on sale for $5.95.
I haven't selected my February Audible titles yet but most likely this week. :-).
I did add more free kindle titles to my library.

Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles
I received two titles by the same author to review through iRead Book Tours.
The Path
by Peter Riva
I enjoyed a mystery by this author and was interested in his sci fi series so I am glad to be reviewing books 1 and 2.
The first will be for April 21.
"All life on earth is about to be terminated by an entity as old as the galaxy itself. To make matters worse, Simon has broken everything already."

The second book will be for review on May 3.
by Peter Riva
"For fans of cyberpunk and classic science fiction, Reaching Angelica is the second book in Peter Riva’s Tag series, the comic, thrilling, and continuing saga of Simon Bank—ex–master system computer wrangler and very unlikely savior of the universe."



I ended up buying four Audible titles on sale for $5.95 each
A Voice in the Wind -- Christian Fiction set in Ancient Rome
Written by: Francine Rivers
Narrated by: Richard Ferrone

The Reaper: Autobiography of One of the Deadliest Special Ops Snipers
Written by: Gary Brozek, Nicholas Irving
Narrated by: Jeff Gurner

H Is for Hawk -- Memoir of bereavement turned to training a Hawk.
Written by: Helen Macdonald
Narrated by: Helen Macdonald

Death World: Undying Mercenaries, Book 5 I have books 1-3 so thought I'd get this on sale.
Written by: B. V. Larson
Narrated by: Mark Boyett


Over the past week I added 53 free Kindle titles to my library. Titles found linked through Bookbub, Bookfun, Ereader News Today, Free Par-tay, Ignite Your Book, Inspired Reads, Pixel of Ink or Kindle ebooks.

Sunday Words of Encouragement March 6, 2016

We had another good morning at church. We continued discussing Romans 12:12, moving on to the second phrase which reads “…persevering in tribulation,…” Other verses talk about us enduring hardship - 2 Timothy 2:3; James 1:2-4. Paul was writing from experience, explaining how to live and relate to others in the Christian life.  Although we have troubles we have already been told that all things work together for good to those who love God. Romans 8:28. That raises the question of “how is your attitude”?

Hardships make us dependent on God. Even mature Christians need to recognize that they are dependent on Him. He may use trials to reveal God's character. He wants His children to appreciate all that He has given them. He perfects us through our weaknesses and we are to be careful to remain humble and give Him the thanks and glory. 2 Corinthians 12:9.

Our Pastor’s sermon followed this theme. It was titled: “Just a Little More Time” and was based on the story of King Hezekiah found in 2 Chronicles 32:24 – 26. Hezekiah was a good King who removed the false worship and idols from the land. God have him wealth and victory over King of Assyria. But when it came time for Hezekiah to die, he prayed to God for more time. God granted the prayer with 15 more years.

Unfortunately, instead of giving thanks and glory to God, Hezekiah boasted to the visiting Babylonians of his treasury and successes, thus setting the country up for their attack. Hezekiah’s pride brought about the destruction of his kingdom. When he repented, God delayed the consequences, but still those consequences came in time. The lesson is one of caution: How vigilant are you? Are you seeking to serve God, do His will and give Him glory, or are you in danger of experiencing shipwreck? Humble yourself to His guidance and direction.

This is a good song recognizing God’s promise
and recognizing that His Grace is Enough!
Verses for Today:
2 Timothy 2:1-3 (NIV)
1 You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. 3 Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

I give you Thanks Lord that you have blessed me throughout my life. Guide me Each and Every Day and let me never forget that I have no success in school or life that isn’t the result of Your Blessings.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sharing Beyond Books #242 Comment Giveaway March 5, 2016

Hello again and Welcome to Sharing Beyond Books, SBB!
I hope everyone had a good week and is getting ready for weather changes. 
I am still playing catch-up. Our son had to report to work on Thursday so they went for the weekend but Hui and the "Sweet Pea" will be back Monday for another week visit.

Thanks to everyone who commented last week.

Everyone (19) of us agree that we are not really influenced or swayed by the author endorsements. Many will read them, though a few ignore them. A few don't trust those endorsements at all and many of us prefer to rely on reader reviews.


The Winner from SBB #241 comments is: #1 Poetryinleaves who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the Updated ARC/Review titles or (not yet updated) Love titles - all linked near the end of the post. I'm hoping to update the book choices - maybe the beginning of next year, lol. Please let me know your choice by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #242
(One Question.)
Natalija asks: 1) What are your favorite book settings??
This is a hard question for me because I think I like a variety of settings. I love outer space and historical settings more than contemporary and I like small town more than city. I like western romances, more than western cowboy. And thinking about it I think I like US settings just as much as foreign or exotic places. Soooo - that did not help me narrow down a "favorite" setting. I think maybe mine tie with outer space/other worlds, including alternate history, and Regency London. Oh - but I love Scotland and Ireland too.
Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! The supply of questions is dwindling so share some if you think of any -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify to use.

Your turn to share:
Natalija asks: 1) What are your favorite book settings??
SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the Valentine and "Love" books or the February 2015 Newly Updated ARC/Review List. (My daughter pulled several of the Christmas titles to give with gift bags we made up for the nursing homes. One of these days I will get together a new box of Christmas titles.)

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on the question above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made through Saturday March 12, 2016 at 5 PM central.

Book Review and Giveaway: Talon: Combat Tracking Team (A Breed Apart Book 2) by Ronie Kendig

This has good characters and engaging action and suspense…plus a dog. :-)
by Ronie Kendig

File Size: 1045 KB
Print Length: 352 pages
Publisher: Shiloh Run Press (May 1, 2013)
Publication Date: May 1, 2013
ASIN: B00C1T441O
Genre: Mystery Suspense, Military, Christian
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Aspen Courtland is out to find her missing brother. Only his combat tracking dog, Talon, knows where to look. Problem is, after a brutal attack that separated dog and handler, Talon’s afraid of his own shadow. The search is on, but when one mistake means disaster, can Talon muster the courage for one last mission?

Aspen Courtland was in the military service, but not in combat. She manages her own activities to keep fit, including boxing. She is working with her missing brother’s combat tracking dog, Talon. Aspen is half preparing for the chance to go abroad to look for her brother. If only she had a hint that he was alive and where to look.

Cardinal was raised in a very difficult situation. Now he is a government “asset” staying low and waiting for the chance to find his missing protĂ©gĂ©, Austin Courtland. He finally gets the “go ahead” and reaches for another resource that he needs to locate Austin: Talon. Cardinal doesn’t tell his secrets – to anyone. He won’t be telling Aspen his connection to her brother but he needs the dog. What Cardinal didn’t plan on was Aspen as the handler who has to come along with the dog to find Austin.

Aspen, Talon and Cardinal, and a few friends, go to Africa to try to pick up the trail where Cardinal thinks he last saw Austin. Talon has bonded with Aspen but it isn’t clear if he is totally ready as he is still suffering from PSTD. Things become very tense and the team comes under fire. Aspen grows closer to Cardinal and tries to make him break from his secrets. Then a threat comes to challenge Cardinal with Aspen and Talon witnessing.

Cardinal is a dark loner and wonderfully conflicted character. His darkness is balanced – and challenged -- by Aspen’s sweet nativity and trust. I enjoyed the conflicted romance, the action, the dog element and the faith references, even though I thought there could have been some capitalizing on God’s control.

I (and the other book club ladies) really enjoyed the story as a whole. However, there are issues. The story bounces between characters but this is a style that Ms. Kendig uses. I have read some of her other military books and she jumps between scenes and characters as the story builds so that was okay for me. A couple of the characters have multiple aliases so you have to figure out who is who. I recognized several of the characters from the Quiet Professionals series by Ms. Kendig. The underlying conspiracy of corruption involves some of those characters without having filled in backstory. It would have been nice to provide that connection although it isn’t totally necessary to enjoy this story. There were also unexplained or loose ends: how was some of the intelligence of the enemy obtained? How did everyone get time off at the end?

So it wasn’t perfectly executed but it was still engaging. I recommend it to those who enjoy military action, military dogs and of course a romance with a rogue hero.

Take Control of Your TBR PileI picked this title up at a good price last November for our Ladies Book Club. I count it for TBR Triple Dare, March 2016 TBR Challenge and "T" in Alphabet Soup.

GIVEAWAY: Two Winners:
One (gently read) PRINT COPY
US Only for Print; Worldwide for eBook

(Don't forget to fill in the form for entry!
I have noticed a few commenters who forgot to enter through the Form.)
For 3 Extra Bonus entries
(a) comment on the review, OR
(b) Visit the Author's website and tell me something you learned or like there.

* This contest is open to US only for Print Copy.
* This contest will close 5 PM (Central) March 14 , 2016.
WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED after March 14, 2016.
Winners will have 72 hours to respond on the winners form linked in the announcement or by email.


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