Contact email: mesreads AT
###Winner Announcement Posts are linked here.###

GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Friday, February 24, 2012

ALL Winners of Random Acts of Kindness

Sorry for the delay in announcing the fifth day and Overall winner - I have been on the road and out of touch of internet.
Thank you to everyone who is entered the MBS Random Acts of Kindness Giveaway Hop
Each day I picked a name from that day's entries (midnight to midnight for 5 days). Those winners get a $5.00 GC or PayPal credit. The Final Overall Winner gets a $10.00 GC.
Congratulations to ALL the Winners
Daily $5.00 GC Winners:
February 17 midnight to midnight - Winner JEWEL
February 18 midnight to midnight - Winner KIM
February 19 midnight to midnight - Winner RENEE B
February 20 midnight to midnight - Winner ANGELA B
February 21 midnight to midnight - Winner  OLOORE

FINAL - $10.00 GC Winner: KATRINA P

ALL WINNERS please fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form and let me know if you want a CG or PayPal.  Please reply within 72 hours! 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Delay in Posting Review for The Canker Death

My review post for The Canker Death will be postponed until tomorrow as I am still juggling work with staff out sick. I have gone home late for two nights, eaten and gone to bed within an hour of arriving home. :-(
I apologize to Pump Up Book Tours and author Bottino for the delay.

Also winners for the fifth day and overall on the hop, and winners on the Elven Lord tour will be announced late tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for understanding. :-)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Interview with Laura Lond, Author of My Sparkling Misfortune - With Giveaway!

Today please help me welcome Laura Lond, Author of My Sparkling Misfortune.
Hello Laura-
I have to say that I am glad I read the book before I prepared these questions. You have a wonderful sense of humor that comes through in the book.

Q1.  What inspired you to write for publishing?
A: I wanted to be a writer as long as I can remember. Even as a young child I knew I wanted to write books, and not just as a hobby. I knew I wanted to do it for a living. How a young child would get such an idea, I don’t know, but there I was, writing my first “book” with a pencil, in huge all caps, shortly after I had learned my letters.
That sounds like fun and good practice. :-)
Q2.  It appears that you have had experience with traditional publishing and now self-publishing. Could you share some brief thoughts on why you chose to self publish My Sparkling Misfortune?
A: My Sparkling Misfortune was actually my last attempt to go the traditional publishing route. I had completed the book and, as usual, wasted well over a year querying agents and publishers. After 150+ rejection letters I signed with a small publisher, mostly out of desperation. I knew they were new and inexperienced. I decided to take the risk, and I had paid for it. They’d botched the nice, professionally drawn cover I had ordered and paid for. They’d botched the text. They’d botched the formatting for Kindle. Having wasted another year or so trying to get them correct all that, I pulled the book from them and re-released it independently.
 I am glad that an unpleasant experience turned into something good for you.
Q3.  What was the best piece of advice you received regarding your writing career?
A: Write the books you want to read.
There is some succinct, good advice!
Q4.  If you were to start over what might you do differently?
A: If I were to start over right now, I would release books to Kindle and other e-platforms and follow up with paperback and audio versions -- independently, never worrying about agents or publishers. There was no such option back when I was starting out. You either worked with a publisher or paid hundreds, if not thousands, to self-publish a paperback with very limited distribution options. Thank goodness things are so different for authors today.
It seems you learned from tough experience.
Q5.  I am inclined to think that marketing a book is much the same for traditional and self-published unless you are a really big name author. Do you find this to be true and what is your favorite part of marketing/promotion?
A: Yes, unless you are a big name it’s pretty much a one man show -- or a one woman show in my case. :-) You have to find ways to spread the word about your books, all by yourself. My favorite part is interaction with readers. It is always fun to hear from my audience, see what they like and dislike, what they want to know, what they expect from the upcoming books. Another recent favorite is working with voice artists to create audio versions of my books.

I think My Sparkling Misfortune would be a fun audiobook to listen to.
Q6.  Do you have a least favorite part or most difficult element of writing/publishing/promoting?
A: Writing itself can be and usually is difficult, but it is certainly not my least favorite part; it’s what I was born to do. Publishing, now that I do it independently without having to wait for months or years, isn’t a problem, either. Promotion… Yes. I am no social butterfly, I’ve never liked being in the spotlight; for someone like me, there’s little to like about it. The worst part? Radio or TV interviews. I have done them in the past, and it’s just too stressful. “Never say never,” I know, but right now my stance on it is, Never Again. :-)
Hmm - I wonder what trick you could use to help relax for interviews. Maybe practice with a friend?
Q7.  When you started My Sparkling Misfortune did you intend a series and did you have each book plotted out before you started the first one or did the subsequent book(s) flow from the first book?
A: I thought it was going to be just one book. As soon as I had completed it though, I began to suspect there was more to the story. Readers’ feedback had confirmed that suspicion right away: virtually everyone who had read it wanted the second book.
There are certainly questions left open at the end of book one that call for more!
Q8.  Is there an ancillary character in My Sparkling Misfortune you had the most fun with?
A: That would be Tulip a.k.a. Jarvi, of course. The way he keeps driving Lord Arkus, the main character, up the wall is something I wish I could do more often in my books.
It had to be Jarvi! He is so much fun.
Q9.  Who did the illustrations for the book and cover and did you get to input a lot with that?
A: The artist is Alla Alekseyeva, she usually does covers and illustrations for foreign language editions of my traditionally published books. I had hired her directly to work on this series, and she has done an excellent job. I had discussed the main characters with her before she started, so we both knew exactly how they should look. The rest was up to her. I just told her I wanted one illustration per chapter, letting her choose what parts of the story she wanted to capture. Having seen her work before, I could fully trust her with that.
Alla did a wonderful job bringing the character views to life and your trust was well place.
Q10.  Do you have a favorite mentor or author that you have learned from?
A: I have learned from many authors and books and I continue to learn. It is hard to name one, but if I absolutely have to, I’d pick C.S. Lewis. He wrote what he loved to write, and he wrote in a magical way.
Yes, C.S. Lewis did write in a magical, gifted way. Thinking of Lewis, your villain profile reminds me a bit of Screwtape. :-)
Q11. If you could ask the readers to finish a question, what would it be?
A: A global question: “I love reading because … ?”
Thank you for sharing and for offering a book copy!
Laura: I’d be happy to provide a Kindle-compatible copy of the book.

Take a peek at my review on the previous post and check the blog tour here.

TO ENTER THIS GIVEAWAY for a Kindle Compatible copy provided by the author: 

1. Visit the author's website and tell me something of interest you found there.
This is required for entry.

2.  For two extra entries, comment on this interview and answer the author's Q in paragraph 11.

3.  For two extra entries, comment on my review (one post back).

4.  For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

5. For two more entries, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.
(Eight total entries possible.)

* This contest is open WORLDWIDE.
* This contest will close 10 PM (Central) on March 2, 2012.
The winners will be randomly selected from all entries and announced on March 3 with 72 hours to complete the winners form.

Book Review: My Sparkling Misfortune by Laura Lond

This is a fun, fast read with lovely illustrations; good for adult or young readers.
by Laura Lond
  • Paperback: 126 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace (March 1, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1460922360
  • ISBN-13: 978-1460922361
Gernre:  YA, Fantasy
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Book Description
Publication Date: March 1, 2011
***1st place Reader Views Literary Award 2010 winner in the Young Reader category***

Lord Arkus of Blackriver Castle readily admits that he is a villain and sees no reason why it should stop him from being the protagonist of this book. After all, Prince Kellemar, an aspiring hero, has defeated him in a rather questionable way. Bent on revenge, Arkus attempts to capture a powerful evil spirit who would make him nearly invincible, but a last-minute mistake leaves him with a Sparkling instead--"a goody-goody spirit that helps heroes, watches over little children, and messes up villains' plans." Bound to Lord Arkus for five years of service and sworn to act in his best interests, the Sparkling is not easy to get rid of, and of course his understanding of "best interests" is quite different from what Lord Arkus has in mind.

Lord Arkus loves being a villain known as Arkus the fearsome and Dreaded Lord. Prince Kellemar is a neighboring enemy and would be hero.  Kellemar flatters and tempts Arkus to steal a gold stash. The plotting Prince has set a trap so that just as Arkus is about to retrieve the prize he is faced with the beast that is set on killing him. Arkus usually escapes the beast by running to the white towers where the beast won’t go but Prince Kellemar has destroyed the surrounding towers! Arkus runs far away to escape.

Prince Kellemar claims that he killed the infamous Lord Arkus and Arkus wants revenge. But Arkus can’t return until he heals and finds a way to stay protected from the beast. Arkus decides to capture an evil spirit, a mighty Gormak, to give him power. Instead the creature he captures is a “sparkling”, which is a good spirit who only helps heroes. Arkus doesn’t think he can use the help of the sparkling, whom he names Jarvi, until Arkus discovers that Jarvi can be very helpful by preforming three miracles each day. The trouble is that Jarvi cannot do any evil or harm.

Jarvi finds a way to twist Arkus’ evil intentions to something good and suddenly, against his own wishes, Arkus rescues the local Princess and becomes a hero known as the Lakeland Knight. The ambitious Prince Kellemar appears as the fiancĂ© of the Princess and tries to expose Arkus as a villain. With a twisted irony, Kellemar is now becoming a villain while Arkus remains a hero. When Kellemar kidnaps Arkus friend, the young prince of the local royal family, Jarvi offers his special sword to help Arkus. Arkus may be able to use the sword to defeat the Kellemar and the ever hunting beast, but his victory may cause great injury to Jarvi.

The story is told by Lord Arkus in a first person account of his life and adventures. It is quickly clear that Arkus is a likable villain and you wonder what set him off on the path of misdeeds. There are hints of an event where he lost a childhood friend but the details are not revealed in this book. It is heartwarming to watch as Jarvi shows Arkus how to trust and do good. Jarvi is an absolutely adorable character. He is a cross between an angel and a genie with a joking, prankster attitude. I have to say he almost steals the spotlight from Arkus, although he doesn’t mean to.

This is a good book for an older child and it is entertaining for adults too. My only disappointment was the ending which seemed very abrupt, leaving open questions  which can only be answered by the next book.

Arkus' comments on villainy:
There are no heroes without us villains. Location 51
Arkus' thoughts when Prince Kellermar says "Arkus, you are despicably wicked."
Blatant flattery, I noted. He must want something. Location 70.

I received this book to review as part of Bewitching Blog Tour.
Please learn more about the author in the Interview with a Giveaway in the next post. 
I will add this to my ARC and New Authors challenges.

Check the blog tour here.

Purchase links:


Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? February 20, 2012

This meme starts at Book Journey!

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I completed four good books.  I only posted three reviews so I'll have to add an extra this week. I also posted a guest post with giveaway, an ARC giveaway and a giveaway hop. I also posted my regular Friday Pick Giveaway, Saturday Sharing Beyond Books and the Sunday post. 

Thank you to the nice people who visited me last week. My secretary was still out except for one day last week so I had no time for computer visiting. I hope to do a group tonight as it will be another busy week for me. I even have a mediation tomorrow even though it is a holiday.

These were last week's posts plus Winner posts not listed.
  • Book Review and ARC Giveaway - 2 Copies: The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi; Psychological Thriller; my rating 4.5. 
  • Book Review: Journey in Time by Chris Karlsen; Time Travel Romance; my rating 4.25.  
Finished Reading
1.  ebook/Kindle

by Chris Karlsen
Review and author guest post 
with giveaway linked above.

2. ebook/Kindle
by Laura Lond
A fun read. Review and Giveaway to post 
as part of Bewitching Blog Tour on 2/21.
Book Description
Publication Date: March 1, 2011
***1st place Reader Views Literary Award 2010 winner in the Young Reader category***
For full description click on the title link.

3. Kindle (NG)

by Tess Hilaire
A bit gritty but an awesome story!
I'll post a review this week.
Read for Sourcebooks.
Book Description
Publication Date: February 7, 2012
He had once been a warrior of the Light, one of the revered Paladin. A protector. But now he lives in darkness, and the shadows are his sanctuary. Every day is a struggle to overcome the bloodlust. Especially the day Karissa shows up at his doorstep.

She is light and bright and everything beautiful—despite her scratches and torn clothes. Every creature of the night is after her. So is every male Paladin. Because Karissa is the last female of their kind. But she is his. He may not have a soul, but he can't deny his heart.

4. Print

by Michael
Sad but a good mystery.
I'll post a review this week.
Reviewing for Little Brown & Co.

Book Description
Publication Date: February 27, 2012 | Series: Joseph O'Loughlin
She's standing at the front door. Covered in blood. Is she the victim of a crime? Or the perpetrator?
For full description click on the title link.

Line Edits/Releases: Nothing completed but close.

Currently reading:
1. eBook/Kindle

I am almost midway and 
still trying to figure this one out. 
Review to post 2/23;
(Pump Up Your Book Blog Tours)
Product Description
When the reclusive, cynical systems administrator, Petor Fidelistro, discovers that one of his own servers has been cracked late one night, he makes it his personal business to track down the perpetrator. What his search uncovers thrusts him, unaware, into a mad shifting between worlds, time and alien minds.

Fighting to keep his grip on reality, and forcing him to cope with his past, Petor finds himself uncontrollably transitioning between sentient minds that range from semi-conscious to dominant, from beings whose bodies and identities he can control, to those who control him so fully as to be unaware of his presence. As the story unfolds, Petor gathers clues in a twisting mystery that sends him shifting between the mourning child Nanzicwital; the golem giant Faskin; the lascivious, female ambassador Desidia; and Nokinis, an insane prisoner with whom Petor battles for mastery of his own memories. As he struggles to make sense of what is happening to him, Petor finds himself embroiled in the tumultuous upheaval of a ubiquitous society that transcends life, itself.

2. Audio

Lothaire is a pretty hard character to like so far.
I received this on Thursday to review for
Simon & Schuster through AudioJukebox
Book Description
Publication Date: January 10, 2012 
New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole continues her Immortals After Dark series filled “with kick-butt action and scorching passion” (Romantic Times)! Available simultaneously in hardcover and on audio for the first time ever! 
From the humblest of beginnings a millennia ago, Lothaire the Enemy of Old rose to power, becoming the most feared and evil vampire in the immortal world. Driven by his past, he will not rest until he captures the vampire Horde’s crown for himself. The discovery of his Bride, the female meant only for him, threatens to derail his plot.

Elizabeth Peirce is a mere mortal, a glaring vulnerability for a male with so many deadly foes bent on annihilating anything he desires. Yet soon he discovers his Bride’s secret. A magnificent power dwells inside the fragile human, one that will aid his quest. But to possess that power, he will have to destroy her. Will Lothaire succumb to the torments of his past, or seize a future with her?

3. Print

by Eowyn Ivey
I will start this tonight or tomorrow. 
Reading for Little Brown & Co.
Book Description
Publication Date: February 1, 2012
Alaska, 1920: a brutal place to homestead, and especially tough for recent arrivals Jack and Mabel. Childless, they are drifting apart--he breaking under the weight of the work of the farm; she crumbling from loneliness and despair. In a moment of levity during the season's first snowfall, they build a child out of snow. The next morning the snow child is gone--but they glimpse a young, blonde-haired girl running through the trees.

This little girl, who calls herself Faina, seems to be a child of the woods. She hunts with a red fox at her side, skims lightly across the snow, and somehow survives alone in the Alaskan wilderness. As Jack and Mabel struggle to understand this child who could have stepped from the pages of a fairy tale, they come to love her as their own daughter. But in this beautiful, violent place things are rarely as they appear, and what they eventually learn about Faina will transform all of them.

I am again listening to The Listener's Bible NIV read by Max McLean. 
[Reading and listening on my new MP3.]
Instead of studying with the Tyndall One Year Bible this year I am studying with Through the Bible in One Year by Alan B. Stringfellow. It is a Study that I used for teaching back in around1989 so I will enjoy it again.  I finish Deuteronomy and read Joshua this week.

Line Edits: As soon as reports are finished I will be back to continuing to work on print releases and making special arrangements for a children's book.

February:- I had fifteen books for certain plus a few more I may squeeze in. Ten completed.


2/21 My Sparkling Misfortune by Laura Lond, review (Bewitching Blog Tours)
2/23 The Canker Death by James R. Bottino, review (Pump Up Your Book Blog Tours)

Currently Reading (see above):
Little Brown & Co.
The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey

The Night is Mine by ML Buchman (NG)

Shadow Boxing [Family Heirlooms Series Book 2] by Karen Wiesner

This got bumped to March  Love to Water My Soul (Dreamcatcher Series #2) by Jane Kirkpatrick, review (Ladies' Book Club)

[To be posted - I am setting these up soon for interview/feature days.
These were read and ready for reviews for Authors.
Quest for Magic by Jean Hart Stewart - Read; review to be posted with interview.
Seeing for the First Time (What You See is What You Get) and To See (What You See is What You Get) by Nicole Zoltack - Both Read; setting up author interview with reviews.
Steamrolled by Pauline Baird Jone. Read; review to be posted with author interview.]


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