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GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Words of Encouragement February 12, 2012

This morning our Pastor gave a good message entitled "A Heart Problem."  He reminded us that Saul had started out following God's word but soon turned to his own power and desires. When Saul realized that the Lord was with David, Saul became afraid (and jealous) of him, and remained his enemy for the rest of his days.  1 Sam18: 28-29.

Saul had a chief shepherd, Doeg, who was an Edomite, an enemy tribe, but who had chosen to become a Jew. Doeg happened to see Ahimelech, the priest in Nob, give provisions and the sword of Goliath to David. Saul confronted the priest and then ordered his guards to kill Ahimelech and his household.  The guards refused knowing that the priest and household were innocent.  However Doeg not only slaughtered all 85 of Ahimelech's household, he proceeded to kill everyone, including women and infants, and innocent animals in the town of Nob. 1 Sam 22: 6-19.

Doeg, like Saul, had a heart problem that we must be careful to avoid.
1.  He desired power for himself.
2.  He had a lack of "awe of Heaven." Religion was a ritual and a duty, not an act of obedience and a submission.
3.  He did not internalize God's word.  All of his understanding was superficial and he did not allow God's word to reach or move his heart.

David was a man of God's heart who was attacked and pursued by Doeg, a man after Saul's heart. God did punish Doeg for his wickedness. Psalm 55:23. Doeg became leprous and died in his early thirty's - half the age of a man's life.

We must be careful who we allow to influence us. Don't lie down with pigs or dogs... don't allow other crabs to keep us down in a pot.
Pastor asked us to reflect: Who are you allowing to shape your heart?

 Here is a song that struck me as good for Valentine week:
My Offering
A Verse for Today:
Proverbs 4:23 New Living Translation
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

I pray today that my heart might be tuned to God's Will and message.
I am praying for another online follower this week.

Sharing Beyond Books #35 Comment Giveaway February 11, 2011

Welcome to another late SBB. We just had a rush trip to south Florida. DH drove so he took the brunt of it but it was still rushed.

Thank you to all those who commented last week.
The large majority of us would choose to be a millionaire in the 1800s. Only Krystal was willing to be a cavewoman for partial choice. :-)

I was surprised by how many of you don't keep lists although several said they thought it might be a good time to start. At least nine of you keep your list on Goodreads and other online group lists. That seems like a good idea.  Miki started her list at the young age of 8!


The Winner from SBB #34 comments is: #8 Tore. There are still 8 'love' books to pick from, 3 Christmas choices and 1 Summer title below. Tore please choose a book from the remaining Love Books List for Giveaway or remaining Christmas Giveaway Books, the one summer book below OR pick from the ARC box and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #35 Questions

Q1. This week Margaret asks:  When downloading those freebies in a series do you actually buy the sequel??
A:  If I like the first in a series I will almost always end up buying the next... I do love a good series! Also, sometimes the freebee is book #2 and I have to get #1 as I don't like to start mid series.
I wanted to think of an example: I got Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater last summer as a free download from SYNC YA Listening at AudioBook Community.  I have purchased Linger and Forever on Audible since.  I hope to listen to Forever soon!
Image found at Glogster

Q2. Here is my question: Do you have special plans for Valentines or do you hope to get a special gift??
A:  We are looking forward to our church youth sponsored Valentine's dinner tomorrow night. No special gift is expected although my DH usually gets me some flowers and/or makes me a nice dinner. Chocolates are nice too but we are trying to diet so maybe not this year.

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask.  Input suggestions in this Suggested Question FormAt the end of each month I will draw from the suggestions I used the month before and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions but some of you others might want to get in a question or two as we have a few people submitting most of the questions so far.  Either way - it works for me. :-)  The question list is being replenished!  Thanks for sending in questions! 

Your turn to share:

1. This week Margaret asks:  When downloading those freebies in a series do you actually buy the sequel??

2. Do you have special plans for Valentines or do you hope to get a special gift??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining  Valentine and "Love" books or the remaining Christmas Giveaway Books - there are still about 12 books available plus 2 left in the Summer titles to choose from. Also I have added the Review and ARC Box now.

My copy is a paperback from 2006
with a different cover.

A Summer Affair (Calhoun Chronicles) 
A Summer Affair (Calhoun Chronicles)
I love Susan Wigg's historicals!

SBB Rules: a) Must be a follower; 
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, February 17, 2012 at 10PM central.

Winners of Forever's Paranormal Two Books and The Rook

Giveaways ended February 10, 2012

winnie, Booklover0226 and Mara80


ALL WINNERS please fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form so I can let the Publisher know to send the books and I can mail the other to the winners.  Please reply within 72 hours! 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Book Review: Baby, Baby by Karen Wiesner

Once again Ms. Wiesner has crafted real to life characters in a warm, believable story.
  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 377 KB
  • Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press LLC (April 1, 2011)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0056HP6QK
     Genre:  Christian Fiction, Inspirational Romance
     My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

Product Description Book One Family Heirloom: Accepting God’s will A Proverbs 31 wife wonders, does “submissive” mean giving up having anything of her own?

Thirty-seven-year-old Tamara Wolfe married her childhood sweetheart, Robert, right out of high school and proceeded to have a passel of children who fill her life to capacity. With the last of her children in preschool, Tamara decides to make a business out of her long-time love of creating designer gift baskets. She doesn’t expect Robert to be against it from her first word.

Robert has always prided himself on giving Tamara the option of staying home to raise the children, just as his father did before him. Since birth, it’s been drilled into him that a man who doesn’t provide for his family is the worst kind of loser. What will happen if her business takes off? She won’t have time to take care of the family. Worse, maybe she won’t need him anymore.

Although they’d agreed years before their family was complete, Robert considers that perhaps the cure for Tamara’s restlessness is another baby.

Tamara prays for wisdom. All she wants is a small space of time for herself. Is she being selfish? Or is God leading her to continue being an outdated model of the Proverbs 31 wife--submissive, but never equal?

Tamara and Robert have had a nice marriage raising several children together. They have shared their ups and downs and most importantly have shared their faith. As their youngest child enters pre-school, Tamara is encouraged by a stranger to market the gift baskets that have been a labor of love for her to make special and give as gifts. Before she even realizes it Tamara is buying the materials and passing out flyers through her friends and sister-in-law who think this is a grand idea.

Unfortunately, when Tamara presents the idea to Robert he is angered and threatened. Robert’s father had always insisted that it was the husband’s responsibility to provide for the family and his wife had no business going out to work. Robert had no idea how limiting this was for his mother and he has managed to forget his mother’s unhappiness at the restrictions placed on her.

Robert argues that setting up the basket business will effect Tamara’s household and family life. Also he insists that they don’t need the extra money that she could bring in. Even if it would help with upcoming college expenses which will stress their  budget if he doesn’t get the promotion he is fighting for at work.

Robert is a worrier and has had times of depression that Tamara has patiently worked through. Now he gets more tense as the promotion looks like it will go to a less qualified co-worker. He also wonders if Tamara might be attracted to another man at their church who has had a secret crush on her for years. Tamara is concerned that Robert may even be trying to force her to get pregnant to keep her with young ones so she can’t develop this side interest.  His behavior causes pain and hurt for Tamara and frightens his sister who thinks that he will be unreasonably dictatorial like their father.

Tamara is a beautiful, loving and supportive character - I’d love a friend like her. Robert’s work stresses are very vivid to me as my husband had to deal with a similar situation. The tension builds and secrets are revealed. The couple experiences much stress and some estrangement before they can talk clearly and hear each other’s concerns and desires. This communication problem is so real in life, as are the problem of worrying too much and the issue of submission being improperly used as a tool of control in some Christian households.

The writing flows well and kept me engaged in the interesting problems. I was anxious to learn how the matters were resolved.  I highly recommend reading Ms. Wiesner’s works if you enjoy life-like stories that deal with real Christian issues.

Interesting quotes:
Tamara's thoughts:
Has she been so giving that her own husband felt no compunction about being selfish and insensitive to her?  Location 1533

Tamara to a friend whose husband isn’t a believer:
“Ed doesn’t own your soul. The Lord does, and He wants to be the source of your reliance.”  Location 2033

Thank you to the Author for this book to enjoy and review.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sourcebooks' Specials for Valentines!

Please find information here for TWELVE books at special prices for "Sharing the Love" at Valentines.
As always, please be patient if our online retailers don’t have every single title uploaded to their discounted price points, but the promotions are set to begin on the start dates listed below. These deals are available with all major e-Book retailers!

Feel free to share the info with others on Facebook and Twitter, and however else you’d like to spread the word. We have a special page with all of the titles listed here:, for easy sharing!

Please be aware of the following:
©       There are 12 titles included in this promotion!
©       These titles consist of Romance Fiction and Romance Non-Fiction titles.
©       Pay attention to prices—they vary from Free up to $2.99—I have noted those prices below on each title.
©       This promotion will last from 1/31/12-2/15/12.
©       Please Note: the last three titles listed are adult in nature—{Check the special page for more info}

You can always receive the latest information about our eBook deals by checking our eBook deals page, which also lists our eBook retailer partners:

Thank you,

DANIELLE L. JACKSON | Publicist | @SourcebooksCasa
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Share the Love with Sourcebooks Valentine’s Day eBook promotion! (1/31/12 – 2/15/12)

Title: Lucky in Love by Carolyn Brown
Promotional Price: FREE (1/31/2012 – 2/15/2012)
Category: Contemporary Cowboy Romance
When hunky rancher "Lucky Beau" Luckadeau accuses spitfire Milli Torres of stealing his prize bull, she promptly shoots at him, triggering a feud that only gets resolved when they discover they share a steamy hot memory from a night long ago...

It was a night of passion that has always haunted Lucky. The mysterious beauty he seduced at a cousin's wedding disappeared. He's always been lucky at cards, lucky
with cattle, and lucky with land, but he's never been lucky in love.

Now Milli Torres has come to southern Oklahoma to help out on her grandfather's ranch. A cut fence and a big, mean Angus bull in the pasture are bad enough, but then she looks up and sees Beau Luckadeau. Great God Almighty, how did he get from Louisiana to Ardmore, Oklahoma, and what in the hell is she going to do if he recognizes her?

Title: 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover by Linda Wisdom
Promotional Price: FREE (1/31/2012 – 2/15/2012)
Category: Paranormal Romance
Jazz can’t decide whether to scorch him with a fireball or jump into bed with him.
Jasmine Tremaine, a witch who can’t stay out of trouble.

Nikolai Gregorivich, a drop-dead gorgeous vampire cop on the trail of a serial killer.

The sizzling love affair between Jazz and Nick has been off-again, on-again—for about 300 years. Mostly off, lately. But now Nick needs Jazz’s help, and while Jazz and Nick try to figure out their own hearts and resist their ever-increasing attraction, they must steer clear of a maniacal killer with super-supernatural powers. They are surrounded by a hilarious cast of oddball paranormal characters, including Irma, the chain-smoking ghost who haunts Jazz’s sports car, Dweezil, her ghoul of a boss, and Fluff and Puff, a pair of bunny slippers with sharp teeth and short tempers (watch your ankles)!

Title: The Greatest Love On Earth by Mary Ellen Dennis
Promotional Price: $1.99 (1/31/2012 – 2/15/2012)
Category: Historical Romance

He’s fearless, except when it comes to Calliope Kelley…
Nothing could shake the courage of lion tamer Brian O’Connor, until the circus is threatened and the love of his life deserts him…

Danger, drama, dazzling excitement are her world…
Bold, beautiful Calliope Kelley would jump through flaming hoops to protect her father’s circus. But when disaster strikes and Calliope loses everything, she knows she must build brand new dreams…

Torn apart and betrothed to others, a twist of fate brings Brian and Calliope back under the bigtop, where together they’ll walk the high-wire to see if great loves turn to ashes or rekindle to burn brightly forever…

Title: The Fire Lord’s Lover by Kathryne Kennedy
Promotional Price: $1.99 (1/31/2012 – 2/15/2012)
Category: Fantasy Romance

If his powers are discovered, his father will destroy him…
In a magical land ruled by ruthless Elven lords, the Fire Lord’s son Dominic Raikes plays a deadly game to conceal his growing might from his malevolent father—until his arranged bride awakens in him passions he thought he had buried forever…

Unless his fiancée kills him first…
Lady Cassandra has been raised in outward purity and innocence, while secretly being trained as an assassin. Her mission is to bring down the Elven Lord and his champion son. But when she gets to court she discovers that nothing is what it seems, least of all the man she married…

Then Dominic and Cassandra together uncover an unspeakable evil, one that threatens the destruction of the magical realm they would give their souls to save…

Title: The Man Who Loved Pride and Prejudice by Abigail Reynolds
Promotional Price: $1.99 (1/31/2012 – 2/15/2012)
Category: Contemporary Romance

A modern love story with a Jane Austen twist…
Marine biologist Cassie Boulton has no patience when a modern-day Mr. Darcy appears in her lab on Cape Cod. Proud, aloof Calder Westing III is the scion of a famous political family, while Cassie’s success is hard-won in spite of a shameful family history.

When their budding romance is brutally thwarted, both by his family and by hers, Calder tries to set things right by rewriting the two of them in the roles of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet from Pride & Prejudice…but will Cassie be willing to supply the happy ending?

Title: Everything I Know About Love I Learned from Romance Novels by Sarah Wendell
Promotional Price: $2.99 (1/31/2012 – 2/15/2012)
Category: Relationships (Non-Fiction)

Take a dashing hero with a heart of gold and a mullet of awesome. Add a heroine with a bustle and the will to kick major butt. Then include enough contrivances to keep them fighting while getting them alone and possibly without key pieces of clothing, and what do you have? A romance novel. What else? Enough lessons about life, love, and everything in between to help you with your own happily-ever-after.

Lessons like...

©       Romance means believing you are worthy of a happy ending
©       Learning to tell the prince from the frog
©       Real-life romance is still alive and kicking
©       No matter how bad it is, at least you haven’t been kidnapped by a Scottish duke (probably)

Title: 1001 Ways to Be Romantic by Gregory J.P. Godek
Promotional Price: $2.99 (1/31/2012 – 2/15/2012)
Category: Relationships (Non-Fiction)

More Romantic than Ever!

Sure, you could buy some roses.
Yes, you could cook an elegant romantic dinner.
Of course, you could give a heart-shaped box of chocolates.

But sometimes you want to do more than that. Sometimes you want to show just how much you really care, how much passion you really feel, and how much more your partner means to you than absolutely anything else.

Packed with unique suggestions, easy gestures, and thoughtful gift ideas, 1001 Ways to Be Romantic is “worth memorizing” (Boston Herald). More than one and a half million people have used this book to kick up the fun and romance, making it a modern classic and #1 national bestseller. It’s a must-have for anyone, in any relationship, who wants to spark some more love in their lives.

Title: It Was Love When… by Robert K. Elder
Promotional Price: $2.99 (1/31/2012 – 2/15/2012)
Category: Relationships (Non-Fiction)

He told me I was a penguin: "tiny, adorable, and loved by everyone."


It may be after three days together, or after three months-it's that moment when it all falls together. From heartfelt declarations to all-knowing smiles, It Was Love When .. captures that moment when love is just beginning.

I thought to myself, "I love him more than Spider-Man loves Mary Jane."
I was looking through his iTunes when I realized that our playlists were nearly identical.
Suddenly he turned off the lights and told me to look up at the ceiling. Glow-in-the-dark stars covered the entire ceiling, spelling out "I love you."

Both addictive and heartwarming, It Was Love When .. is a freeze frame of that moment when you realize that you're truly, completely in love.

Title: Love by the Numbers by Glynis McCants
Promotional Price: $2.99 (1/31/2012 – 2/15/2012)
Category: Relationships (Non-Fiction)

The love you have always desired is in the Numbers…

International bestselling author and media sensation Glynis McCants created this exciting guide to love through the power of Numerology because she believes that the greatest gift one can receive is that of true and lasting love. The secret is in understanding you and your partner by the Numbers, and gaining the insights you need to keep your love thriving!

Glynis' celebrated system is a contemporary spin on the ancient Science of Numerology that is easy to use and amazingly accurate. She'll teach you the simple way to create a Numerology Blueprint that reveals what kind of mate would fulfill your—or a potential mate's—innermost needs and desires.

If you're single, you'll learn how to pick the right partner from the start!
If you're in a relationship that's lost its spark, you'll have the information you need to reignite the passionate love you once had.

With Love by the Numbers as your guide, you can ensure that your love relationship stays healthy, satisfying, and on track for a lifetime.


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