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###Winner Announcement Posts are linked here.###

GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sunday Post July 10, 2016/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday July 11, 2016

I miss-scheduled this so it is posting late... but better late then not at all.

I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading now at The Book Date.
Thank you to Sheila for the years that she handled this meme.
Thank you to Kathryn for taking up the baton.
What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I had another sketchy work week last week as I spent time in Alabama with my Hubby. He finally got discharged on Thursday and I brought him back to our home town where he is in rehab facility five minutes away. Now I visit for breakfast and dinner till 9pm so I get a little time at home. He is still in a lot of pain but he gets stronger each day and is getting needed physical therapy support to recoup his strength without overdoing.
I continue to give thanks for all the prayers, well wishes and support!

My reading was good due to driving and hospital time when I couldn't use the computer.  I finished three books, two ebooks and one audio. I did get four reviews up as well as usual memes.
I got to visit a little early in the week while learning my new tablet.
Thanks as always to all the nice people who visit me.

These were last week's posts:

Finished Reading:
1. eBook/Kindle (iRead Book Tours)

Regina Shen: Defiance
by Lance Erlick
This continues to be an engaging YA, female society dystopian series.
I received this through iReads Book Tours.

Review and Tour giveaway are linked above.

2. Audible/MP3 (TBR)

Written by: Daniel Suarez
Narrated by: Jeff Gurner
This is a very intense AI suspense/mystery - well done!
This is a TBR from my own Audible shelf.
Click on book title for full description.

3. eBook/Kindle (NG)

A License to Wed: Rebellious Brides
by Diana Quincy
This sounds fun. Release date 7/5/16.
I received this title from the publisher through NetGalley.
My review is linked above.

Currently reading:
1. Audible/MP3 (My shelf)

Burning Nation: Book 2 of Divided We Fall
Written by: Trent Reedy
Narrated by: Andrew Eiden
Chilling, scary and sad. This is an intense sequel from my own Audible credits (2016).
Publisher's Summary
In this wrenching sequel to Divided We Fall, Danny and friends fight to defend Idaho against a federal takeover and the ravages of a Burning Nation. At the end of Divided We Fall, Danny Wright's beloved Idaho had been invaded by the federal government, their electricity shut off, their rights suspended. Danny goes into hiding with his friends in order to remain free. But after the state declares itself a Republic, Idaho rises to fight in a second American civil war, and Danny is right in the center of the action, running guerrilla missions with his fellow soldiers to break the federal occupation. Yet what at first seems like a straightforward battle against governmental repression quickly grows more complicated, as more states secede, more people die, and Danny discovers the true nature of some of his new allies.
Chilling, powerful, and all too plausible, Burning Nation confirms Trent Reedy's place as a provocative new voice in YA fiction.
©2015 Trent Reedy (P)2015 Scholastic Inc.

2. eBook/Kindle (NG)

by Hayley Stone
This is action packed and hard to put down.
(Releasing 7/26.)
I received this through NetGalley.
Perfect for fans of Robopocalypse, this action-packed science-fiction debut introduces a chilling future and an unforgettable heroine with a powerful role to play in the battle for humanity’s survival.
The machines have risen, but not out of malice. They were simply following a command: to stop the endless wars that have plagued the world throughout history. Their solution was perfectly logical. To end the fighting, they decided to end the human race.
A potent symbol of the resistance, Rhona Long has served on the front lines of the conflict since the first Machinations began—until she is killed during a rescue mission gone wrong. Now Rhona awakens to find herself transported to a new body, complete with her DNA, her personality, even her memories. She is a clone . . . of herself.
Trapped in the shadow of the life she once knew, the reincarnated Rhona must find her place among old friends and newfound enemies—and quickly. For the machines are inching closer to exterminating humans for good. And only Rhona, whoever she is now, can save them.

3. eBook/Kindle (Author)

Indiana Belle (American Journey Book 3)
by John A. Heldt
I received this from the author, having enjoyed another of his "time-travel" novels.
Providence, Rhode Island, 2017. When doctoral student Cameron Coelho, 28, opens a package from Indiana, he finds more than private papers that will help him with his dissertation. He finds a photograph of a beautiful society editor murdered in 1925 and clues to a century-old mystery. Within days, he meets Geoffrey Bell, the "time-travel professor," and begins an unlikely journey through the Roaring Twenties. Filled with history, romance, and intrigue, INDIANA BELLE follows a lonely soul on the adventure of a lifetime as he searches for love and answers in the age of Prohibition, flappers, and jazz.

I suspect (hope) I will get to start another audio late in the week.

July 3, 2016 - I was caught up through June 30th but now have to catch up to date in July with Reading The One Year Bible again along with my husband and others from our church. I will also be listening (sometimes) to the companion commentary online.

I posted four reviews this past week and have six pending. Two of the pending reviews will post the week of the 25th so I hope to continue to catch up before then.

I am finally getting to the five nine, now seven nine (again) back to four five author ebook reviews committed with no specific dates.
My NetGalley shelves are down to four when I finish the one I am reading this week.

I hope to get a couple of backlist titles up at eTreasure's NetGalley page in the near future.

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Leslie of Under My Apple Tree, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit and Vicki of I'd Rather Be at the Beach. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

This week I received two new NetGalley titles.
I resisted purchases but picked up more free kindle titles.

Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles
Recieved from NetGalley:
The Steam Man of the Prairies
by Edward S. Ellis
"One of the earliest examples of steampunk literature, this 1868 story was actually written during the Victorian era and was among the first American science-fiction novels." -- How could I resist??

A Pancake House Mystery
by Sarah Fox
The cover pulled me in for this cozy mystery.




Over the past week I added 42 free Kindle titles to my library. Titles found linked through Bookbub, Bookfun, Ereader News Today, Free Par-tay, Ignite Your Book, Inspired Reads, Pixel of Ink or Kindle ebooks.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday Words of Encouragement July 10, 2016

This morning we had another good Sunday School lesson and then spirit-filled worship. The sermon was provided by the pastoral candidate using Matthew 13, the parable of the sower as a pivotal lesson.

Pastor stated that we all have “defining moments” in our life. Some are good, some are bad. Some come through firsts and some through losses. As good examples he noted being called to ministry; wedding; learning he would become a father; and each of his sons accepting Christ. There are also moments of loss, in jobs, finances, health and death.

The “Church” (global) has moments too, such as reformation and persecution. These moments impact individuals and groups. Another defining moment is the passing of the mantel of leadership to a new servant. Every defining moment includes a definite opportunity.

Summarizing the parable of the sower (Matthew 13: 3- 22), the seeds fall in four scenarios: the path, rocky soil, thorns and good soil. Seeds falling on the path may get snatched away. Those falling on rocky soil with no roots never grow. Those falling among the thorns start to grow but are choked out. Finally, those that fall into good soil hear the message, understand and bear fruit.

Each service to God is a journey in the process, not an immediate event. Each believer is a sower. Each believer that is good soil should be producing a good crop. Listening and absorbing God’s word is not enough; faithfulness is not enough. We each need to be fruitful.

We must recognize that there is opportunity to be fruitful in each defining moment. There is peace in Jesus even through pain. "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Isaiah 52:7, Nahum 1:15, and Romans 10:15. We should all use the talents we are given. As we prove fruitful, we will receive more opportunities. As the Pastor mentioned, we should all rejoice in changing the rosters of heaven and hell. The local church can make a difference when we acknowledge our relationship with Jesus to those around us in the world. Right now, as our society sinks into more and more turmoil we can know that the name of Jesus makes the world uncomfortable because He shines a light on the darkness of souls. We have an opportunity to allow God to use us; to become sowers, the feet of whom bring good news to a troubled world.

Once again I was looking for one song but was led to this lovely piece!  

A Verse for Today:
Isaiah 52:7 (NIV)
How lovely on the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace And brings good news of happiness, Who announces salvation, And says to Zion, "Your God reigns!"

I pray: Help me Lord to be bold to take the Good News to those I meet near and far.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Sharing Beyond Books #260 Comment Giveaway July 9, 2016

Hello again and Welcome to Sharing Beyond Books, SBB!

Thanks to everyone who commented last week.

It is a little difficult to summarize pet peeves and likes in romance books. However eight of us noted we do not like prolonged sexual content and several of us do not like graphic sex. Several mentioned they like sweet romance and romances that reveal the caring of the characters. Fredamans and Rubynreba noted they want the build-up for the relationship, not just love at first sight. Two people mentioned they do not like cliffhangers and bn100 doesn't like (in addition to cliffhangers) grammatical errors, cheesy dialogue, and cliches.


The Winner from SBB #259 comments is:#6 SueF who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the Updated ARC/Review titles or (not yet updated) Love titles - all linked near the end of the post. [I'm hoping to update the book choices - maybe the beginning of next year, lol.] Please let me know your choice by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #260
(One Question.)
Becky asks: Do you like to read outside??
I suppose I am not a huge fan of reading outside when it is hot. But during spring, fall and cool, but not cold, winter I sometimes enjoy reading outside.
This image of cafe readers at Grand Millenium Plaza by HK Sheung Wan
Found at Wikimedia Commons.

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! The supply of questions is dwindling so share some if you think of any -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify.

Your turn to share:
Becky asks: Do you like to read outside??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the Valentine and "Love" books or the February 2015 Newly Updated ARC/Review List. (My daughter pulled several of the Christmas titles to give with gift bags we made up for the nursing homes. One of these days I will get together a new box of Christmas titles.)

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on the question above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made through Saturday July 16, 2016 at 5 PM central.

Book Review: A License to Wed: Rebellious Brides by Diana Quincy

This is an enjoyable, character driven, sexy, second chance historical romance.
A License to Wed: Rebellious Brides
by Diana Quincy
• File Size: 4809 KB
• Print Length: 226 pages
• Publisher: Loveswept (July 5, 2016)
• Sold by: Random House LLC
• ASIN: B016GRO8T4
Genre: Historical Romance
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

Perfect for readers of Madeline Hunter, Lisa Kleypas, and Sabrina Jeffries, the Rebellious Brides series continues with a sizzling tale of forbidden love between a socialite and a scholar—who might just be an infamous spy.
Lady Elinor Dunsmore made the mistake of falling for her older brother’s best friend, who vanished after a night of unbridled passion. Six years and a lifetime later, their eyes meet across a Paris salon. Her friends and family believe she’s dead, but Elle is very much alive. She’s now associated with a ruthless general, who wants her to seduce the man who broke her heart in order to learn his deepest secrets. Is Will a mild-mannered scholar—or the notorious agent they call The Razor?
The bastard son of an earl and an actress, Will Naismith always knew he was an unsuitable match for Elle Dunsmore, no matter how powerfully he ached for her. And yet he almost allowed his desires to spoil her glittering future. After the agony caused by Elle’s supposed death, Will has devoted himself to the Crown, but his entire life has been leading up to this unexpected reunion. As much as he still wants her, though, he must not succumb to lust once again. For his mission is delicate—and Elle is delectably dangerous.
Includes a special message from the editor, as well as an excerpt from another Loveswept title.

Lady Elinor was only a young girl when she determined that she would marry her older brother’s best friend, Will. During the celebration of her eighteenth birthday, Elle manages to break Will’s defenses down. After their joint passion he offers to marry her but she refuses as it sounds like he is offering out of duty.

Will is enthralled with Elle but he has stayed away from her as he knows she is a lady of station who deserves better than a nobelman’s bastard son. When Elle refuses his offer, he takes off to town and then gets called away for a work related task. When he returns a few months later, Elle has married a wealthy French aristocrat.

Six years later they meet unexpectedly in Paris. Will thought Elle was dead and she is shocked to see him in Paris. They each felt abandoned or rejected from their earlier encounter. They are both hiding secrets and begin a reluctant relationship filled with distrust and misunderstandings. They actually work at cross-purposes because they don’t confide in each other although there are glimpses of hope from each that keeps the relationship moving forward.

I do not know enough to know if the description of Parisian fashions in the time period are accurate but they are described as quite risqué. These details are part of the sensual leaning that runs through the book. This is a character driven story and I enjoyed the secrets, tension and danger in the storyline. There is a strong emphasis on the attraction between the main characters and there are several sexual encounters. The later scenes are fairly explicit but not in an unpleasant way. At least the reader knows they really care for each other even if the characters haven’t discovered that yet.

This is a new author for me. The writing flows well and this is easily read as a standalone. I enjoy historical romances and liked the second chance theme of this tale. I would recommend this to readers who enjoy sexy romance.

This title released on 7/5/16. I received this from the publisher through NetGalley for an honest review. This qualifies for my NetGalley Challenge.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Martha's Bookshelf***Friday Pick Giveaway July 8, 2016

Happy Friday!
Thank you all for continued well wishes for my hubby. They finally got his blood pressure, oxygen and sugar levels in good ranges so he was discharged from the hospital (an hour away) today and moved to a rehab facility here in town that is only half a mile from our home. Much easier for me to go back and forth.
I might (hope to) be able to get a picture of the latest book group this weekend.

US Entrants: Leave a comment and tell me WHICH BOOK you would like to get from the Friday Pick lists.
INTERNATIONAL: Leave a comment indicating "Gift Card" (see further comments near the end of the post.)

CUT OFF TIME IS THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 9:00 PM CENTRAL so I do not have to stay up too late to do the winner post! I will randomly pick two winners to announce Friday mornings with the next Pick post.

Thank you to all who entered the July 1 Pick. There was one automatic win again this week. Automatic wins are those who requested the book four times without other people asking for that book during those weeks. There was one title with a multiple block and it was won this week.
AUTO: bn100 gets Realms of Shadow

to picked Winners from July 1 Pick:
Rita gets Never Marry a Cowboy through the block
Mary P gets a GC

All winners please fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form or email me to confirm your win, send your snail mail address information and let me know if you would like bookmarks - sensual, sexy or sweet bookmarks. {The form is new because Google changed their forms and the old one wasn't letting me print out the responses.}
This works for me -- every season! 
Image found at Book People's Blog.

New Book Group #66 June 25, 2016
(I will post a picture later. *Four of these books are very old; pulled from a box of gothic novels I have had for many years. They may not be wanted by anyone and if so, I will donate elsewhere in time.)
Sandra Brown: Above and Beyond and Honor Bound (my copy is 1986 edition with a different cover
Joan Johnston: Faron & Garth: The Cowboy and the Princess / The Wrangler and the Rich Girl and Sweetwater Seduction
Swan for the Money by Donna Andrews (new- hardcover)
*Maggie – Her Marriage by Taylor Caldwell (1953 very old, yellowed pages, some stain damage doesn't effect reading)
*Witch’s Hammer by Caroline Farr (a 1967 yellowed pages - different cover)
*Mistress of Mount Fair by Jane Gordon
Once an Angel by Tammy Hilz
Bound By Temptation by Lavinia Kent
Fire Dancer by Ann Maxwell
On Fire by Carla Neggers (1999 version with different cover)
Breathing Room by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Waiting for Nick & Considering Kate by Nora Roberts
*She Came Back by Patricia Wentworth (1981 yellowed pages)
Freedom's Stand by J. M. Windle

New Book Group #65 April 29, 2016
Jayne Ann Krentz: Gift of Gold and Man with a Past (spine creased) 
Linda Howard: Cover of Night and Strangers Night
A Dangerous Fancy by Tracy Cozzens
The Bodyguard and the Snitch by Christy Tillery French (autographed)
When Dashing Met Danger by Shana Galen
The Champion by Heather Grothaus
Never Marry a Cowboy by Lorraine Heath
Just The Way You Are by Donna Jordan
The Second Chair by John Lescroart (hardcover)
What a Rogue Desires by Caroline Linden (spine creased)
Violets are Blue by James Patterson
The Bequest by Candice Proctor
A Perilous Attraction by Patricia Francis Rowell (spine creased)
So Wild A Kiss by Nancy Richards-Akers

New Book Group #64 March 4, 2016

Short Straw (Ed Eagle Novel) by Stuart Woods Hardcover
First Things First by Stephen R. Covey- Audio Cassette
N is for noose by Sue Grafton -Cassettes
Regretsy: Where DIY Meets WTF by April Winchell

New Book Group #63 January 22, 2016

Wayward Winds by Michael Phillips - Audio Tapes

New Book Group #62 November 6, 2015
All Gone

New Book Group #61 October 30, 2015
After I noticed the trend I went on a hunt for “bride” titles. I even pulled a couple from some of my long time collections(*). (But they are not getting read on my shelves.)

Bride of Lochbarr by Margaret Moore (*)
The Ideal Bride by Stephanie Laurens (*)
A Necessary Bride by Debra Mullins
Border Bride by Deborah Hale

New Book Group #60 September 18, 2015
A set of "haunting" tales and a few mysteries for October!

Shannon Drake –  Realm of Shadows (Alliance Vampires#4) 
The Shadowing by Joan Overfield
The Renegade Hunter by Lynsay Sands
Trilogy Of Mysteries Audio Book Shadow Prey, There Was A Little Girl, Smokescreen Audio Cassettes (NOT CDs)

New Book Group #59 July 31, 2015
A few more summer titles, historicals and mysteries!

Cruise to a Wedding by Betty Neels

New Book Group #58 June 26, 2015 -- All Gone
Servant, The Awakening by L.L. Foster

New Book Group #57 May 1, 2015 -- All Gone

New Book Group #56 March 20, 2015
(I'll try to get the rest linked another day.)

The Sweetheart Dance by Patti Ann Colt
Raintree Haunted by Linda Winstead Jones (spine creases)

New Book Group #55 February 5, 2015 -- All Gone

New Book Group #54 December 26, 2014

Ender’s Shadow by Orson Scott Card - Tape Cassettes

BOX 4 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 47-53)

The Hidden Truth of Cytech's Randall Forty byVickie Kennedy
First to Fight Anthology
Jezebel by Katherine Sutcliff
The Commander by Kate Bridges
A Garden of Friends by Penny Pierce Rose
Undateable by Ellen Rakieten & Anne Coyle

BOX 3 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 39- 47)

Shetland Summer by Janet Lynnford
Breakfast in Bed by Sandra Brown - Audio Cassette Tapes (link is for mass media version)
A Lady of Consequence by Mary Nichols
Sweet Talking Man by Betina Krain

BOX 2 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 24- 38)

Thinner by Stephen King
Foundation (Foundation Novels) by Isaac Asimov
Magic: The Gathering Distant Planes, An Anthology
The Willful Widow by Valerie King (spine wear)
An Honorable Man by Rosemary Rogers (spine creases)
A Courtesans Guide to Getting Your Man by Susan Donovan and Celeste Bradley -- NOTE This book has dog bite damage; it is missing half back cover and the edges of pages in the back third of the book... it does not effect the text but I will understand if no one wants this one
Tara Taylor Quinn: Father: Unknown and McGillus v.Wright
The Trailsman: Texas Lead Slingers by Jon Sharpe
Anthology: Something Borrowed, Something Blue - this book has spine creases and minor water damage...I thought I had read it and liked it but now I realize it was another anthology I read with Elaine Barbier.

BOX #1 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 1- 23)

Circle of Stars by Anna Lee Waldo
Alien Chronicles - The Crimson Claw by Deborah Chester
Ghost Writer (Shivers #3) by M.D. Spenser

If you saw the pictures posted of my bookshelves and boxes you know I do have lots of books! And that doesn't include the other eight or so boxes at my office!! And more books as I find deals too good to pass up! I am sharing my book bounty by these Friday Pick Giveaways.

I started Friday Pick on November 27, 2009 and in almost six years I have posted 62 groups of 16 (992) books to find new homes! (as of November 6, 2015).

I am happy to say that so far about 974+ books have found new homes! YAY. I have to update my print out to check the exact number sent out - a few were never claimed. I periodically update the lists - deleting those won. You can still go to the Friday Pick list link to see older posts and the older lists book pictures if you want!

Note rules here regarding international entries.
Because postage to overseas can be prohibitive I am willing to give a $5.00 book certificate to international winners - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, ARe, TWRP, ClassAct Books, eTreasures, Desert Breeze, tell me where and I'll set it up. So for my overseas visitors your comment may indicate a smaller book and I'll check postage or note your choice of gift card.

I learned that The Book Depository does not ship to everywhere. The postage for some of the books to far away places runs between $7.00 and $10.00 and up. Since I would award $5.00 for The Book Depository to an international winner, as an alternative you may choose a smaller book and we will hope the postage will not exceed $6.00. If the postage is more, or if you want to pick a larger book and you are willing to pay any extra postage beyond the $6.00 I will work with you on that. This may not make a difference to many but if it helps one or two of you to give one of my books a home that will make me happy too. :o)

Repeating this helpful blog tip: You can right click on a link and you will be given the choice to open the link in a new window or tab so you do not navigate away from the screen you are on!! I use this all the time!


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