Contact email: mesreads AT
###Winner Announcement Posts are linked here.###

GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday Post October 11, 2015/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday October 12, 2015

I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! at Book Journey is active again too.

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

This was a 'pushy' work week for me. I keep plugging away at the work. Saturday evening we had a nice visit with our two grandaughters while our daughter and son-in-law celebrated their anniversay. Today after church the girls helped pick the peanuts from the garden. :-)

My reading and listening were good this week if not overly much.  I only finished two books: one print and one ebook. I am well into another ebook and the audio, which is a longer one. I posted three reviews and the usual memes posted.

I enjoyed visiting other blogs early in the week.
Thanks as always to all the nice people who visit me.

These were last week's posts:
Finished Reading:
1. Print Book

Jennifer: An O'Malley Love Story, O'Malley Series #1
By Dee Henderson
I enjoyed this light romance. I will post a review this week with giveaway.
Click on book title for full description.

2. eBook/Kindle

Children of the Comet
by Donald Moffitt
This ended up quite entertaining.
I will post a review on release date October 13, 2015.
Click on book title for full description.

Currently reading:
1. eBook Kindle

Kiss of Midnight: A Midnight Breed Novel (The Midnight BreedSeries Book 1)
by Lara Adrian
This is moving very quickly - I am 80% completed.
Click on book title for full description.

2. Audible/MP3

Citizens of London: The Americans Who Stood with Britain in Its Darkest, Finest Hour
Written by: Lynne Olson
Narrated by: Arthur Morey
I am 13 hours into this 17 and 1/2 hour audio.
This is really informative and I am enjoying it more than I thought I might.
Click on book title for full description.

3. eBook Kindle

On the Run (The Elijah Project)
by Bill Myers (Author), James Riordan (Contributor)
This looks like a quick read.
This is another TBR title in my free Kindle library since 2010 but was delayed for my Book Club titles.
Click on book title for full description.

4. eBook/Kindle

Love in the Details: A November Wedding Story
(A Year of Weddings Novella)
by Becky Wade
This sounds sweet and 
I am looking forward to reading this.
I received this through NetGalley.
Holly ended things to give him a better life, but she was the future he’d always dreamed of.
Eight years have passed since Holly last saw her high school sweetheart, Josh. Now the wedding of Josh’s best friend has brought him back to Martinsburg, Texas. His duties as best man and Holly's as the church's volunteer wedding coordinator link them together. As they work behind the scenes to plan a beautiful November wedding for their friends, they're forced to confront painful reminders of what might have been.
Holly broke up with Josh all those years ago in an attempt to ensure his future success. However, she never told him the true reason behind her actions and now must decide whether to keep her secret hidden. She's terrified of letting herself fall for him because she barely managed to piece her life back together after losing him the last time.
Not a day's gone by since Josh parted from Holly that he hasn't thought about her. The pain of the past eight years has been too much to bear and he doesn't want to make himself vulnerable to her again. But the more time he spends with her, the harder it is to deny the love he still has for her.
Will Josh and Holly risk their hearts on the hope that God's timing really can be best?

5.  TBD -I am likely to pick up another ebook or audio but not sure what yet.

October 1, 2015- I am still up to date on Bible reading and greatly enjoying the readings-- It seems my eyes are open to more details and meaning. I am reading The One Year Bible again along with my husband and others from our church. I am also listening to the companion commentary online.

I posted three reviews last week. This left one old plus two new titles from this week.
I finished one book from NetGalley and plan to start another this week. I didn't add any new books (although I was looking) so my waiting NetGalley shelf is now five.
I am pulling in more books off my Kindle and Audible shelves for my TBR Challenge - I just have to read them and not postpone them. :-) 

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs.  This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Leslie of Under My Apple Tree, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit and Vicki of I'd Rather Be at the Beach. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

I didn't select any review books but I did purchase one ebook; and of course I added more free kindle titles to my library.

(I scanned NetGalley and some of my review requests and nothing is really jumping out at me although I am going to request some new Audio books through Audiobook Jukebox. Other than that I think it is time to work on the TBR piles!)

Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles




I didn't resist this one for $.99 - it sounds like one I would like!
Two complete Dystopian series in this boxed set.
Kindle Edition


Over the past week I again added 62 free Kindle titles to my library. Titles found linked through Bookbub, Bookfun, Ereader News Today, Free Par-tay, Ignite Your Book, Inspired Reads, Pixel of Ink or Kindle ebooks.

Sunday Words of Encouragement October 11, 2015

We had another good service today. Our Sunday School teacher shared stills and videos from the Band of Brothers first trip to Haiti. We are holding the ministry in prayer this week as they hold crusade. We believe the trailer of wood and supplies will be going out this week. A second trip will be planned when they know the supplies have arrived.

Pastor’s sermon was titled: The Problem of Spiritual Ignorance.
There are people who Do Not Know – however, ignorance doesn’t change reality.
Acts 19:2. It is our job to learn the laws, rules and respond. Acts19:6 -- when they listened and learned, they obeyed. Otherwise people act improperly from ‘impure passions’ because they do not know the Scriptures. Matthew 22:29.

There are people who Refuse to Hear – they chose to do what displeases God. Isaiah 65:12. They think they have religion in their hearts but they are not yielded in relationship. Isaiah 66:4. As Jeremiah 5:21 says, there are foolish people, ‘who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear.’ They choose to worship other, false gods through immorality and their own self-will.

There are people who Refuse Understanding – they chose to believe lies Romans 1:18,25 and fail to recognize that the intent inside defiles, not outside actions. Mark 7:18-29. God abandons them to their evil minds Romans 1:28... and they lead others astray. v31-32.

Then there are those people who Choose Understanding – The blind man chose to believe that Jesus came to show the condition of men. When given the choice, some will choose salvation, others will choose more condemnation. John 9:37-39.

There are those people who Chose God's Rest -- Hebrews 3:11, 4:1-3.

Some Believe by Testimony -- Testimony to others: (old testament) Job 19:25-27; (new testament) John 2:11, John 4:39.
Some Believe by the Word – they hear and receive. 1 Corinthians 15:1, 11.

In the end -- Spiritual Ignorance is No Excuse for Disobedience. Hebrews 4:3.

I think this song fits today.
I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel.
Verses for Today
Jeremiah 5:21-22
21 Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear:
22 Should you not fear me?" declares the LORD. "Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it.

This week's old testament reading has been in Jeremiah. The verses above were from Monday 10/5/15. I love how messages are consistent and confirmed. I give thanks that I have chosen to see, to hear, and to believe.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sharing Beyond Books #223 Comment Giveaway for October 10, 2015

Hello again and Welcome to Sharing Beyond Books, SBB!
I am enjoying the cooling weather as fall has moved in nicely here. I am mindful though of dangers for those in the fire areas (California), the flooding areas (east coast of the US), severe weather in UK, and typhoon victims in Taiwan and China.

Thanks to everyone who commented last week.
Eight commenters feel they are not online as much as they used to be due to families and life issues. Six people feel they are on too much; one wants to get outside more and another wants to exercise more. Alyn even thinks her online time lessens her reading time - ouch! One person feels well balanced on time and another person feels it is up and down.

The regular Winner from SBB #222 comments is: #8 Rita who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the Updated ARC/Review titles or (not yet updated) Love titles - all linked near the end of the post. I'm hoping to update the book choices this week. Please let me know your choice by completing the (new) WINNER FORM.

WEEK #223 (One Question.)

Poetryinleaves asks: Do you subscribe to any magazines? If so, which ones??
I no longer subscribe to magazines. A long time ago I had STACKs of National Geographic - I donated them to a library. And I used to get Highlights for my kids mainly because I loved that when I was a kid. My children didn't enjoy it as much as I did. :-(.  
(At least this image isn't full of nearly nude covers!)
Image found at The Richest.

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the  month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! The supply of questions is dwindling so share some if you think of any -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify to use.

Your turn to share:
Poetryinleaves asks: Do you subscribe to any magazines? If so, which ones??
SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the Valentine and "Love" books or the February 2015 Newly Updated ARC/Review List. (My daughter pulled several of the Christmas titles to give with gift bags we made up for the nursing homes. One of these days I will get together a new box of Christmas titles.)

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on the question above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made through Saturday October 17, 2015 at 5 PM central.

Book Review and Giveaway: First the Dead: A Bug Man Novel by Tim Downs

I really liked the history, mystery and forensics in this story.
First the Dead: A Bug Man Novel
by Tim Downs
Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson; First Edition edition (January 8, 2008)
ISBN-13: 978-1595540249
Genre: Mystery
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

When a national disaster strikes, "first the living" is the rule.
Unless you're the Bug Man.
When Hurricane Katrina strikes New Orleans, forensic entomologist Nick Polchak signs up to help with the recovery effort. He is known as the Bug Man for his knowledge of insects and what they can reveal about the dead. The government's mandate is clear—rescue the living first, recover the dead later.
But something is very wrong in the toxic soup-bowl of post-Katrina New Orleans.
Someone is using the cover of disaster to kill . . . hiding the victims of murder in the same watery grave as the victims of Katrina.
It's a tale only the dead can tell. But no one besides the Bug Man is listening.
" . . . stands out from the pack of CSI-inspired mysteries with its quirky hero and creative handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster."
—Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

Nick Polchak is a forensic entomologist more commonly known as “the Bug Man”. He studies the bugs (maggots, larvae and flies) that inhabit, grow and feed off of dead bodies. He is able to determine time of death, location and many other details if he gets to the bugs early enough. Nick is often called in as part of a DMORT (Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team) when there is a crisis like an airplane crash or natural disaster where bodies have to be recovered and identified. This time the team has been called in to set up on the edge of New Orleans to help deal with the expected disaster of Hurricane Katrina. The order has been given that everyone, including Nick, is to help rescue the living first and worry about dead bodies later.

Nick isn’t happy about the order to ignore the dead as he knows that forensic evidence on the dead bodies will quickly deteriorate in the flood conditions left behind by the hurricane. He tries to comply with the order but when he discovers two bodies that he suspects did not die in the hurricane, but before it, he can’t stop himself from trying to preserve the evidence. But someone else clearly doesn’t want him preserving any evidence or poking his nose into unexplained deaths found in the flooded homes.

Nick is a very brusque and dry character – a singular loner. The DMORT psychologist, Dr. Beth Woodbridge, would love to figure Nick out but he is clearly, adamantly unwilling to cooperate with analysis. I really enjoyed the forensic elements of this story and the mystery. I also found the history of Katrina’s impact on New Orleans very fascinating. There is also detailed description of meth addiction which was all new to me.

Not all of my ladies’ book club members liked this. However, I think any reader who enjoys CSI type shows or novels should enjoy this book and series. Of course, that assumes that the reader isn’t turned off by bugs. Although I got the book at deep discount through I did not really find anything more than a sentence or two that might be considered to touch on faith. One of our book club ladies has read more books in the series and said that some of the others do have some faith references. I would be interested in reading more in this series.

This was purchased for Ladies' Book Club discussion in October. I will count it towards my TBR since I have had it since 2014.

ONE (gently read) hard cover PRINT COPY GIVEAWAY
US Only

(Don't forget to fill in the form for entry!
I have noticed a few commenters who forgot to enter through the Form.)
For 3 Extra Bonus entries (a) comment on the review, OR
(b) Visit the AUTHOR'S FACEBOOK PAGE and tell me something you learned or like there.

* This contest is open to US only for Print Copy.
* This contest will close 5 PM (Central) October 17, 2015.
WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED after October 17, 2015.
Winners will have 72 hours to respond on the winners form linked in the announcement or by email.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Audible Review: The Remaining: Extinction by D. J. Molles

This is a satisfactory conclusion although I don’t want the series to be over.
by D.J. Molles
Narrated by: Christian Rummel

Length: 12 hrs and 24 mins
Series: The Remaining, Book 6
Unabridged Audiobook
Release Date:07-28-15
Publisher: Audible Studios
Genre: Sci Fi, Post Apocalyptic
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Publisher's Summary
This is the sixth and final novel in the action-packed series following Special Forces captain Lee Harden and a group of survivors struggling to survive while rebuilding an America devastated by a bacterium that has turned 90 percent of the population into a ravenous horde.
The merciless tide of infected is flooding south, and time is running out to stop them. Bolstered by new allies, Captain Lee Harden continues his struggle to establish a safe haven from which the embers of a shattered society can be rekindled.
This is the sixth and final novel in D. J. Molles' best-selling series: Book one: The Remaining; book two: The Remaining: Aftermath; book three: The Remaining: Refugees; book four: The Remaining: Fractured; book five: The Remaining: Allegiance; book six: The Remaining: Extinction; novella one: The Remaining: Trust; novella two: The Remaining: Faith.
©2015 D.J. Molles (P)2015 Audible, Inc.

The healthy plague survivors led by the bottomless determination of Captain Lee Harden now face the infected hordes that are flooding into North Carolina from the northern states. Lee has already survived an assassination attempt and returned from near death to continue to lead the survivors at Camp Ryder. But the opposition has not done with its efforts to stop him. They will take ruthless steps and use betrayal to try to coerce Lee’s capitulation.

Lee and his allies make a last ditch effort to eliminate the hordes before they overrun North Carolina. As usual, the best laid plans face problems in the final execution and the situation is tense and frightening.

The lines between friends and enemies has become blurred at this point in the series. There are more human betrayals and losses to be suffered. There are also dangerous rescues to cheer. Some characters face a last chance for redemption and one newer character is revealed who might come as a surprise to some readers.

I enjoyed the continuing action, emotional ups and downs, twists and surprises. Either the language wasn't as severe in this book or I was more accustomed to it (I hope not) as it was not so glaring to me. There is still quite a bit of violence which goes hand in hand with the story lines.

This is intended to be the conclusion of the series which makes me sad. Molles really does a good job of wrapping up most of the loose ends and character threads. Still there is room for more beyond this stage and I would be eager to see the series continue. I truly enjoyed the action ride.

Audio Notes: As I have noted in the previous reviews I have greatly enjoyed Christian Rummel’s multi-faceted narration. He manages the variety of voice well and provides good emotional intensity and action. I highly recommend this series in audio. (Now I will be looking for more books narrated by Rummel in hopes of finding another good series.)

Links to my reviews of the earlier books:
The Remaining, Book 1  4.25
The Remaining: Aftermath, Book 2  4.5
The Remaining: The Refugees, Book 3  4.25
The Remaining: The Fractured, Book 4  4.5
The Remaining: Trust: a Novella  4.0
The Remaining: Faith: a Novella  4.0
The Remaining: Allegiance, Book 5 4.25

I had to get the last book to complete this series! I picked this up at Audible with my second September credit. It qualifies for my Audio Challenge.

Martha's Bookshelf***Friday Pick Giveaway October 9, 2015

Happy Friday.
We have made it to 8:00pm so hopefully the power will stay up tonight. Losing power made me ponder what life would be like without it. I could listen to my Kindle and MP3 until their charges ran out. Then I would have to go back to print books and reading by daylight or candle/fire light. We should give thanks for all we have while we have it!
I have had a swamped week and my desk is covered with files that I will be in tomorrow to work on before I become overwhelmed. 

US Entrants: Leave a comment and tell me WHICH BOOK you would like to get from the Friday Pick lists.
INTERNATIONAL: Leave a comment indicating "Gift Card" (see further comments near the end of the post.)

CUT OFF TIME IS THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 9:00 PM CENTRAL so I do not have to stay up to late to do the winner post! I will randomly pick two winners to announce Friday mornings with the next Pick post.

Thank you to all who entered the October 2 Pick. There were no automatic wins this week. Automatic wins are those who requested the book four times without other people asking for that book during those weeks. There was one title blocked again this week.
AUTO: rubynreba gets Only by Your Touch

to picked Winners from October 2 Pick:
Janhvi gets a GC
CarolNW gets The Man Who Ate the 747

All winners please fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form or email me to confirm your win, send your snail mail address information and let me know if you would like bookmarks - sensual, sexy or sweet bookmarks. {The form is new because Google changed their forms and the old one wasn't letting me print out the responses.}

Lovely thought! Books are for EVERYONE!
Image found at National Book Foundation.

New Book Group #60 September 18, 2015
A set of "haunting" tales and a few mysteries for October!

Shannon Drake – When Darkness Falls (Alliance Vampires #2)  and Realm of Shadows (Alliance Vampires#4) 
Charlaine Harris – Club Dead and Grave Signt
A Darker Dream (Love Spell romance) by Amanda Ashley
Bloody Good by Georgia Evans
Cat of Nine Tales by Deborah Macgillivray
Fated (Dark Protectors Book 1) by Rebecca Zanetti
Grave Sins by Jenna Maclaine
Primitive by Mark Nykanen (ARC copy)
The Accidental Human (Accidentally Paranormal Novel Book 3) by Dakota Cassidy
The Demon in Me by Michelle Rowen
The Shadowing by Joan Overfield
The Renegade Hunter by Lynsay Sands
Silent Night, Haunted Night (A Nicki Styx Mystery) by Terri Garey
Tombs of Endearment (Pepper Martin Mysteries, No. 3) by Casey Daniels
Trilogy Of Mysteries Audio Book Shadow Prey, There Was A Little Girl, Smokescreen Audio Cassettes (NOT CDs)

New Book Group #59 July 31, 2015
A few more summer titles, historicals and mysteries!

Broken Vows, Mended Hearts by Lynn Stone, Gail Ranstrom and Anne O'Brien
3,2,1 Married! by Sharon Sala, Marie Ferrarella and Beverly Barton
Only by Your Touch by Catherine Anderson
Cruise to a Wedding by Betty Neels
Little Girl Lost by Shirlee McCoy
Beloved Enemy by Terri Reed
You Don't Know Jack by Erin McCarthy

New Book Group #58 June 26, 2015
-- A few summer titles, a few mysteries, a few historicals...

Hot Pursuit - Karen Rose, Annie Solomon and Carla Cassidy
Love Me Tomorrow by Rosanne Bittner (spine creasing)
Sevant, The Awakening by L.L. Foster

New Book Group #57 May 1, 2015
(I'll finish the list with authors on Saturday 5/2/15)

A Little Bit Wild by Victoria Dahl
The Ruthless Greek's Virgin Princess by Trish Morey
Rally Fever by Crea Jones

New Book Group #56 March 20, 2015
(I'll try to get the rest linked another day.)

The Sweetheart Dance by Patti Ann Colt
Raintree Haunted by Linda Winstead Jones (spine creases)

New Book Group #55 February 5, 2015
(I'll try to get the rest linked another day.)
If I Had You by Deborah Bedford
The Man Who Ate the 747 by Ben Sherwood

New Book Group #54 December 26, 2014

Ender’s Shadow by Orson Scott Card - Tape Cassettes

BOX 4 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 47-53)

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
The Hidden Truth of Cytech's Randall Forty byVickie Kennedy
First to Fight Anthology
Jezebel by Katherine Sutcliff
The Commander by Kate Bridges
The Cinderella Plan by Margaret Daley
The Mr. & Mrs. Happy Handbook by Steve Doocy
A Garden of Friends by Penny Pierce Rose
Richard Paul Evans PAIR: The Looking Glass and The Carousel
Undateable by Ellen Rakieten & Anne Coyle
Sleeping with Ward Cleaver by Jenny Gardiner

BOX 3 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 39- 47)

Shetland Summer by Janet Lynnford
Breakfast in Bed by Sandra Brown - Audio Cassette Tapes (link is for mass media version)
Cattle Rancher, Secret Son by Margaret Way
Whisper on the Wind by Joan Smith
Remember Me by Mary Higgins Clark
A Lady of Consequence by Mary Nichols
Sweet Talking Man by Betina Krain

BOX 2 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 24- 38)

Thinner by Stephen King
Foundation (Foundation Novels) by Isaac Asimov
Magic: The Gathering Distant Planes, An Anthology
The Willful Widow by Valerie King (spine wear)
Dancing on Snowflakes by Jane Bonander
An Honorable Man by Rosemary Rogers (spine creases)
A Courtesans Guide to Getting Your Man by Susan Donovan and Celeste Bradley -- NOTE This book has dog bite damage; it is missing half back cover and the edges of pages in the back third of the book... it does not effect the text but I will understand if no one wants this one
Tara Taylor Quinn: Father: Unknown and McGillus v.Wright
The Trailsman: Texas Lead Slingers by Jon Sharpe
Anthology: Something Borrowed, Something Blue - this book has spine creases and minor water damage...I thought I had read it and liked it but now I realize it was another anthology I read with Elaine Barbier.

BOX #1 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 1- 23)

Circle of Stars by Anna Lee Waldo
Alien Chronicles - The Crimson Claw by Deborah Chester
Ghost Writer (Shivers #3) by M.D. Spenser
Death Angel by Linda Howard

If you saw the pictures posted of my bookshelves and boxes you know I do have lots of books! And that doesn't include the other eight or so boxes at my office!! And more books as I find deals too good to pass up! I am sharing my book bounty by these Friday Pick Giveaways.

I started Friday Pick on November 27, 2009 and in five+ years I have posted 54 groups of 16 (864) books to find new homes! (as of February 6, 2015).

I am happy to say that so far about 873+ books have found new homes! YAY. I have to update my print out to check the exact number sent out - a few were never claimed. I periodically update the lists - deleting those won. You can still go to the Friday Pick list link to see older posts and the older lists book pictures if you want!

Note rules here regarding international entries.
Because postage to overseas can be prohibitive I am willing to give a $5.00 book certificate to international winners - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, ARe, TWRP, ClassAct Books, eTreasures, Desert Breeze, tell me where and I'll set it up. So for my overseas visitors your comment may indicate a smaller book and I'll check postage or note your choice of gift card.

I learned that The Book Depository does not ship to everywhere. The postage for some of the books to far away places runs between $7.00 and $10.00 and up. Since I would award $5.00 for The Book Depository to an international winner, as an alternative you may choose a smaller book and we will hope the postage will not exceed $6.00. If the postage is more, or if you want to pick a larger book and you are willing to pay any extra postage beyond the $6.00 I will work with you on that. This may not make a difference to many but if it helps one or two of you to give one of my books a home that will make me happy too. :o)

Repeating this helpful blog tip: You can right click on a link and you will be given the choice to open the link in a new window or tab so you do not navigate away from the screen you are on!! I use this all the time!

Delay in Friday Book Pick Post 10-9-15

Hi all and Happy Friday.
My home power has gone out the last two nights (our whole neighborhood) for about two hours. 8pm on Wednesday and 7:45 on Thursday just as I was sitting down to work on the computer. Since the power was off we went to bed early both nights. :-)
I was up and out early for court this morning and have had a full day at work.
I hope to get the post up late tonight or early Saturday.
Enjoy your Friday everyone!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Audible Review: The Remaining: Allegiance by D. J. Molles

This wasn’t the strongest episode but I thought it still moved forward well.
The Remaining: Allegiance
Written by: D. J. Molles
Narrated by: Christian Rummel
Length: 14 hrs and 52 mins
Series: The Remaining, Book 5
Unabridged Audiobook
Release Date:02-24-15
Publisher: Audible Studios
Genre: Sci Fi, Post Apocalyptic
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

Publisher's Summary
This is the fifth novel in the action-packed series following Special Forces Captain Lee Harden and a group of survivors struggling to make their way in a ruined world. After a bacterium has turned 90 percent of the population into a ravenous horde, Lee must complete his mission: SURVIVE, RESCUE, REBUILD.
©2015 D.J. Molles (P)2014 Audible Inc.

This is the fifth novel in the series. Lee is trying to recover from his injuries and struggles. He is trying to help with the state of leadership at Camp Ryder, while trying to figure out how he can help the two convoys that went east and west.

LaRouche has gone missing from the east group leaving Wilson to continue the scrambling efforts to destroy the bridges over the Roanoke River. The team is on a desperate race to stay ahead of the infected hordes they can hear and see on the north side of the river.

Harper’s team has reached Eden only to discover that they may be too late to prevent the spread of the infected hordes there. His team has been joined by a group of Marines although there is some friction between the Camp Ryder team and the Marines. An impulsive and angry decision puts one team member down with a broken leg. But real trouble appears when a betrayal takes place.

While we follow the usual characters, we also get to follow new characters. Abe and Luke were part of Project Hometown until they got new orders. They have begun to question if they are doing the ‘right’ thing. They are moving in one direction but become captives of a new element in the story.

Things move quickly in this episode following five different threads. There is still good action and much conflict as personalities continue to mold with the new realities and moralities of the situation. Sides are being drawn between those who support the concept of Project Hometown and those who are committed to follow the new President with the plans to abandon the southern states to the hordes. Lee and Camp Ryder have to face the fact that they cannot succeed without gaining new alliances.

This installment has a bit too much internal introspection that creates strange pauses. Still, I am completely wrapped in this series and I am anxious to listen to the next book to find out what happens. (There is still a lot of violence and language continuing in the series although maybe not as heavy or noticeable/memorable.)

Audio Notes: I don’t have much new to add regarding the excellent narration by Christian Rummel. I read the two novellas on Kindle and I am glad to be back to audio for the rest of the series. The narration enhances the intensity and entertainment value for me.

Links to my reviews of the earlier books:
The Remaining, Book 1
The Remaining: Aftermath, Book 2
The Remainig: The Refugees, Book 3
The Remaining: The Fractured, Book 4
The Remaining: Trust: a Novella
The Remaining: Faith: a Novella

I selected this with a September Audible Credit. This adds to my Audio Challenge.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday Post October 4, 2015/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday October 5, 2015

I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! at Book Journey is active again too.

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

My DH and I enjoyed a relaxing Bahama's cruise.  We met many Christians on the ship which was encouraging and refreshing for us. We were glad to return before bad weather but I am mindful of (and prayerful for) the many states experiencing rain and flooding this past week. 

I enjoyed my reading and listening.  I finished three books: two audio and one ebook. I posted five reviews and the usual memes posted.

I didn't visit last week as I was away on cruise with limited internet. I hope to do better this week.
Thanks as always to all the nice people who visit me.

These were last week's posts:
  • Book Review (Plus Giveaway Link): The Last Chance Christmas Ball - Collection of Eight Wonderful Authors; Historical Romance, Holiday; my rating 4.5.
Finished Reading:
1. Audible/MP3

The Remaining: Extinction
by D.J. Molles
Narrated by: Christian Rummel
I think this is the conclusion but 
I would like more.
I will post my review this week.
Click on book title for full description.

2. eBook/Kindle + Print

First the Dead: A Bug Man Novel
by Tim Downs
We discussed this at Ladies' Book Club on Saturday October 3, 2015. 
I will post a review and giveaway later this week.
Click on book title for full description.

3. Audible/MP3

Annihilation: Love Conquers All
Written by: Saxon Andrew
Narrated by: Liam Owen
I needed more sci fi after finishing The Remaining series so I pulled this from my Audible Library from August 2014.
Publisher's Summary
Annihilation: Love Conquers All offers humor and a tale of enduring love against the backdrop of galactic war on a grand scale.
Tag, an exceptional young human living in Central City on the planet Earth, tries to keep his powerful, one-of-a-kind skills undetected by leading an ordinary life and staying under the radar. But one day, on the way home from school, Tag's compassion leads him to make a decision that alters the course of his life - and history.
The Alliance of Worlds, which includes Earth as a ruled non-member, has decided that humans are to be annihilated as an example to anyone who discovers an ancient alien technology, even though there is no proof against them. The Alliance thinks fifty thousand warships can do the job. Unfortunately, the humans are not cooperating with their plan and one young human who has fallen in love will change everything...
In this epic story, author Saxon Andrew takes us into the future and the lives of human and nonhuman characters alike. Along with a hearty dose of battles and spaceships, this is a story that offers humor and a tale of enduring love against the backdrop of galactic war on a grand scale.
©March 2011 Saxon Andrew (P)2014 Saxon Andrew Publishing LLC.

Currently reading:
1. Print Book

Jennifer: An O'Malley Love Story, O'Malley Series #1
By Dee Henderson
I haven't quite finished this although we discussed it Saturday at ladies' book club.
Click on book title for full description.

2. Audible

Citizens of London: The Americans Who Stood with Britain in Its Darkest, Finest Hour
Written by: Lynne Olson
Narrated by: Arthur Morey
I had this in my Audible library since 2011 so it is part of my TBR Challenge. 
I am about 5 hours in and finding it quite interesting.
Publisher's Summary
In Citizens of London, Lynne Olson has written a work of World War II history even more relevant and revealing than her acclaimed Troublesome Young Men.
Here is the behind-the-scenes story of how the United States forged its wartime alliance with Britain, told from the perspective of three key American players in London: Edward R. Murrow, Averell Harriman, and John Gilbert Winant. Drawing from a variety of primary sources, Olson skillfully depicts the dramatic personal journeys of these men who, determined to save Britain from Hitler, helped convince a cautious Franklin Roosevelt and a reluctant American public to support the British at a critical time. The three---Murrow, the handsome, chain-smoking head of CBS News in Europe; Harriman, the hard-driving millionaire who ran FDR's Lend-Lease program in London; and Winant, the shy, idealistic U.S. ambassador to Britain---formed close ties with Winston Churchill and were drawn into Churchill's official and personal circles. So intense were their relationships with the Churchills that they all became romantically involved with members of the prime minister's family: Harriman and Murrow with Churchill's daughter-in-law, Pamela, and Winant with his favorite daughter, Sarah.
Others were honorary "citizens of London" as well, including the gregarious, fiercely ambitious Dwight D. Eisenhower, an obscure general who, as the first commander of American forces in Britain, was determined to do everything in his power to make the alliance a success, and Tommy Hitchcock, a world-famous polo player and World War I fighter pilot who helped save the Allies' bombing campaign against Germany. Citizens of London, however, is more than just the story of these Americans and the world leaders they aided and influenced.
©2010 Lynne Olson (P)2010 Tantor

3. eBook/Kindle

Children of the Comet
by Donald Moffitt
This releases October 13, 2015 so I am reading it now to review. I am 15% in.
I received this through NetGalley.
In the far future, on top of a gigantic tree rooted in the ice ball of a comet, a young man’s journey leads to unexpected encounters

In this brand-new cosmic adventure by the author of The Genesis Quest and The Jupiter Theft, Torris, son of the Facemaker, knows only his small community at the base of the great Tree on a comet with almost no gravity or atmosphere. Torris’s daily struggle for survival includes harvesting frozen air to keep breathing, dodging flutterbeasts, and hunting meatbeasts for food. When it comes time to make his vision quest to the top of the Tree, Torris is completely unprepared for what he finds: first, a thieving and hostile fellow quester; then, Ning, a female hunter from a neighboring tree-bearing comet, who has catapulted across empty space in search of food to save her family; and ultimately, alien visitors in a massive starship that has spent billions of years crossing the galaxy.

Shocked at the cultural differences between his home and Ning’s and stunned by the changes precipitated by the arrival of the spaceship, Torris must learn quickly, adapt even faster, and face an uncertain and rapidly changing future unlike anything he has ever imagined.

4. eBook Kindle

Kiss of Midnight: A Midnight Breed Novel (The Midnight BreedSeries Book 1)
by Lara Adrian
This has still been pushed to the side but I do expect to start it before week's end. 
Click on book title for full description.

October 1, 2015- I am still up to date on Bible reading and greatly enjoying the readings-- It seems my eyes are open to more details and meaning. I am reading The One Year Bible again along with my husband and others from our church. I am also listening to the companion commentary online.

I posted five reviews last week which was good for being out on cruise! This left only one old plus the three new titles from this week.
I finished one book from NetGalley and started another this week. I didn't add any new books (although tempted!) so my waiting NetGalley shelf is now six.
I am pulling in more books off my Kindle and Audible shelves for my TBR Challenge - I just have to read them and not postpone them. :-) 

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs.  This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Leslie of Under My Apple Tree, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit and Vicki of I'd Rather Be at the Beach. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

I didn't select any review books and I didn't purchase any except I added more free kindle titles to my library.

(I still have many author requests, old and new ones, to consider and reply to.)

Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles







Over the past week I again added 55 free Kindle titles to my library. Titles found linked through Bookbub, Bookfun, Ereader News Today, Free Par-tay, Ignite Your Book, Inspired Reads, Pixel of Ink or Kindle ebooks.

Sunday Words of Encouragement October 4, 2015

It was lovely to be back with home church family this morning. The pastor we are supporting in Haiti is here for local spiritual days. The Band of Brothers returning from the Haiti trip had a remarkable story to tell about one of our friends who was detained and arrested. Thank God that He was in control and used the situation as an opportunity to share witness to God’s grace and glory! (More on that another time.)

Pastor’s Sermon was “How Big is Your God?”
Our ‘home’, Earth, is just a teeny speck in the observable universe. Yet God is the creator of all of that observable universe. We need to remember that the closer you get to the action, the less interference there is. If we want a closer relationship with God, we have to keep praise, worship and prayer in the forefront of our lives.

Pastor shared the story of Jesus healing the blind man from Luke 18:35-43. See also the version in Mark 11:46-end where it says that the blind man cast off his coat – the coat was his right to a beggar’s position. When we trust God to get us out of a position of begging we move to Him and move to a position of blessing.
Don’t tell God how big your storm is. Tell your storm how big your God is!
SO -- How big is your God?

I am sharing a video that includes images our pastor shared in still shots.

There are other fascinating links too: check here or just google search "earth compared to universe".

I found this song to share to fit today's message.

Verses for Today:
Psalm 8:3-4 (NIV)
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?

God created us, sent His only son, Jesus, to redeem us since we can never be good enough on our own. And He gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us through our days here in this ‘foreign world”. I am thankful that I believe in an Almighty, all powerful God. I can feel peace and joy knowing He controls the world and yet cares for me.


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