Our grandson is 9 years old and our granddaughter turns a big, precocious 2! I loved the balloon creatures that the magician made so I was trying to get them in the pictures.
This is the my daughter and the birthday girl with a pink poodle.
This was a shot from across the room.
This is the middle child posing for me with her red dog.
A gorgeous girl whose BD is in December.
I do fear she will have those middle child issues.
Here is the BD boy and girl with their cakes:
Rabbit in a hat and giant cupcake!
These cakes were made by their paternal grandmothe who makes wonderful cakes.
Here are some more balloon creations:
Flower, swan and frog.
I really wanted a flower but gave my turn to one of the kids for a second creation.
The magician did a great show
and in the background (across the room) DH and I watched Beauty and the Beast. :-)
[This is really fuzzy because I took it from the corner of picture to leave out the sweet girl in front.]
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