Contact email: mesreads AT
###Winner Announcement Posts are linked here.###

GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Words of Encouragement February 19, 2012

This was a morning where God spoke independently through three leaders to give the same message. That is always so awesome!

Our Sunday school leader had his message on Daniel prepared but was led instead to prepare a tangent lesson on "purification." We have been studying end times and Daniel's prophesies.  Daniel says in chapter 12 verse 10:  "Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand."

Our teacher explained the process of purifying or refining.  We actually had a man in class who used to be an iron smelter so he gave even more supporting detail.  The purifier sits before the crucible and monitors the heat of the fire and level of melted gold, adding the necessary flux (laundry soap/bleach), until the dross (waste) is removed and the smelter can see himself reflected in the gold. (See Malachi 3:1-4).  We may go through trials (the fire), but with the influence of the Holy Spirit, God's word, meditation, and church friends (the flux) we can give up the impurities (dross) in our life so that we become more like our Creator and Savior. We can have joy even in times of trouble as the trials prepare us to seek God more fully. James 1:2.

Our worship leader picked songs this morning included that included Get Ready for Revival, Days of Elijah ("And these are the days of great trial, Of famine and darkness and sword, So we are the voice in the desert crying, Prepare ye the way of the Lord") and I Hunger and Thirst for You.

Our Pastor's message was entitled Rivers in the Desert. He reminded us not to be depressed or discouraged in difficult and dry times because God makes 'a new way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.' Is 43:19.

If we do not experience the desert then we may not recognize our need to seek God's help. Yet He is the only supply we ever truly need. The desert triggers the Divine supply. God is a God of transformation. The enemy brings desolation, desertion and dryness, but God will provide a way out and a new road. Only God (not drink, drugs or any other addiction) can fill the empty, dry places within us. We always have a hope if we have faith in God.

Thank you to my church team for being open to be led by the Spirit so that the word and message are affirmed!

I wish I could have found a different version of this song
but surprisingly I only found one other.
The speaker gives a nice invocation and the song starts at 1:40.
I Hunger And Thirst
Verse 1
I hunger and thirst for You
I hunger and thirst for You
In the desert of my need
You're the fountain that I seek
You're the Living Water I keep running to
I hunger and thirst for You
I hunger and thirst for You

Verse 2
I hunger and thirst for You 
I hunger and thirst for You 
Heaven's Manna Bread of Life 
Fill the emptiness inside
 Nothing else can satisfy me like You do
 I hunger and thirst for You
I hunger and thirst for You

Written by: David Moffitt, Sue C. Smith
CCLI Song No. 4290124

© Copyright 2004 New Spring, a division of Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing; dba / CCTB Music (ASCAP)  Licensing through Music Services.

Verses for Today: 
Isaiah 43:18-19 New International Version (NIV)
18 “Forget the former things;
   do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
   Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
   and streams in the wasteland. 

I prayed this morning that I will always recognize my need for God and recognize that His Grace is sufficient for me in all things and all times.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sharing Beyond Books #36 Comment Giveaway February 18, 2012

Welcome to another Saturday SBB. I had another pressing week. Good things at work but no time for computer visits.

Thank you to all those who commented last week.
At least eight or more of us would buy and read sequels after getting the first book free (or winning it.). Another four are in the "depends if likes the first book" group. Ricki noted that she has won or received later books in a series and had to go buy the first.

Well I am sorry most of you had no plans for Valentines. We had fun at the church dinner and we didn't have to play in the Newly Wed game this year as we did a few years ago. :-) DH did get me a bouquet of flowers that have graced the dining table all week. I hope Elizabeth had a nice dinner out and that Wolfswan1 has a good anniversary dinner on the 19th! As for scottsgal... I would be glad to skip a Valentines dinner for a cruise anytime! *BG*


The Winner from SBB #35 comments is: #19 Abby. There are still 9 'love' books to pick from, 2 Christmas choices and 1 Summer title below. Abby please let me know if you want a GC or choose a book from the remaining Love Books List for Giveaway or remaining Christmas Giveaway Books, the one summer book below OR pick from the ARC box and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #36 Questions

Q1. This week Carol L asks a question that follows well on last week's series Q:  When starting a series do you let the books wait till you're able to read them back to back or do you just jump in with Book #1??
A:  I guess I jump in with Book #1 but I used to like to have the others on hand. That is why I have several collections like Catherine Coulter, Christina Dodd, Jude Deveraux and Iris Johansen to mention only a handful of my many collections. More recently I have been buying books as I go through the series like JD Robb, the Mercy Thompson Series and a few others, which I have been reading on Audible mostly.  But I have my lists so I can pick up books I may be missing in a series if I find them on sale!
My 20 Catherine Coulter books (these are the ones I haven't read yet)

My Christina Dodd Collection plus some of the Deveraux to the left

Q2. Here is my question: Assuming you had to do these chores, which would you do first: dust, vacuum or fold laundry??
A:  I know it is a silly question but I have to do all three and I was just trying to decide which to do first. I will probably dust then fold and save the vacuuming because DH is already in bed and I wouldn't want to disturb him. Besides, we could run the Robot vacuum (love that guy!) tomorrow downstairs while I run the canister upstairs.

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask.  Input suggestions in this Suggested Question FormAt the end of each month I will draw from the suggestions I used the month before and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions but some of you others might want to get in a question or two as we have a few people submitting most of the questions so far.  Either way - it works for me. :-)  The question list is being replenished!  Thanks for sending in questions! 

Your turn to share:

1. This week Carol L asks:  When starting a series do you let the books wait till you're able to read them back to back or do you just jump in with Book #1??

2. Assuming you had to do these chores, which would you do first: dust, vacuum or fold laundry??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining  Valentine and "Love" books or the remaining Christmas Giveaway Books - there are still about 12 books available plus 2 left in the Summer titles to choose from. Also I have added the Review and ARC Box now.

My copy is a paperback from 2006
with a different cover.

A Summer Affair (Calhoun Chronicles) 
A Summer Affair (Calhoun Chronicles)
I love Susan Wigg's historicals!

SBB Rules: a) Must be a follower; 
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, February 24, 2012 at 10PM central.

Winner of Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel

Congratulations to 
Winner of 
 Giveaway Ended February 17

Gothic text from

Thank you to everyone who entered.
mamabunny13 please fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form so I can let the Publisher know to send the book  Please reply within 72 hours! 

Book Review: Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations) by Michael J. Sullivan

This is action packed adventure and very enjoyable entertainment!  Love adventure? Treat yourself to this book, which is actually two books in one.
  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 1082 KB
  • Publisher: Orbit; Original edition (November 23, 2011)
  • Sold by: Hachette Book Group
  • Language: English
     Genre:Fantasy Adventure
     My Rating: 4.75 of 5.0

Product Description
Royce Melborn, a skilled thief, and his mercenary partner, Hadrian Blackwater, make a profitable living carrying out dangerous assignments for conspiring nobles--until they are hired to pilfer a famed sword. What appears to be just a simple job finds them framed for the murder of the king and trapped in a conspiracy that uncovers a plot far greater than the mere overthrow of a tiny kingdom.

Can a self-serving thief and an idealistic swordsman survive long enough to unravel the first part of an ancient mystery that has toppled kings and destroyed empires in order to keep a secret too terrible for the world to know?

And so begins the first tale of treachery and adventure, sword fighting and magic, myth and legend.

When author Michael J. Sullivan self-published the first books of his Riyria Revelations, they rapidly became ebook bestsellers. Now, Orbit is pleased to present the complete series for the first time in bookstores everywhere.

Thieves are not always likeable...but sometimes they are. This is one of those stories. Royce and Hadrian are somewhat like Robin Hood as they tend to steal from the rich and help the poor. They are clearly thieves for hire and have been known in the past to be assassins. Royce was once a member of a well known thieves’ guild. However his successes made someone jealous and fearful so they set him up and got him banished. When he and Hadrian started working together, independent of any guild, they became known as the Riyria - successful and daring thieves who managed always to escape.

They have just returned from a successful job, particularly in light of a double play. They would not normally take another assignment immediately but their greed lets them get talked into the job of stealing a famous sword. Unfortunately for them when they enter the chapel to get the sword they find the King murdered and suddenly they are accused, captured, gagged and sentenced to execution by the Prince without even the chance to speak out.

A surprising source helps them escape provided they kidnap the Prince, for his own protection, and sent off on another adventure. They are hunted criminals with an unhappy companion who takes some understandable convincing of their good, or at least not malevolent, intent.

This story is packed with action and made me think of other great adventures like Robin Hood, Lord of the Rings and others.  There are elves, who are hated and abused. Myths that add to the story. There is a masterful, all but forgotten wizard with riddles and secrets. There are multiple suspects in the King’s daughter, who has studied sorcery and in the King’s brother, who might be protecting the Prince or plotting against him. No sooner do Royce and Hadrian rescue the Prince, a second time, than the Prince must send them out for another, seemingly impossible, rescue. All of the danger is part of a bigger political intrigue and villainy as nobleman and church leaders battle for power.

Theft of Swords contains The Crown Conspiracy and Avempartha, the first two novels in the series.  I was very glad that this story consisted of two books as I wasn’t ready for the adventure to end with the first part. In the second book Royce and Hadrian are sought out by a young farm girl who seeks their services to save her father and village from the biggest, “baddest” (okay that’s not a real word but it fits) beast. She doesn’t have enough coin to pay their fee but their kind hearts are pulled into her plight.

I truly enjoyed these characters and liked that we learned some, but not all their history and secrets, as they struggle through their obstacles. The writing has a good flow that fit with the action. The descriptions bring the scenes alive. The second book ends with a big question that makes me want to get the next book sooner, although I already wanted to get it.  If you enjoy action packed fantasy stories I highly recommend this!

Descriptions to enjoy:
Myron, a monk who had never been outside of the abbey thinks this as he travels with Royce, Hadrian and the Prince:
He had seen snow, of course,... He never had seen how it settled on a forest or glittered on the edges of rivers and streams. Location 3166
The incredibly lustrous blade of Pickering's rapier caught the faint light in the corridor and glowed as it streaked through the air. It flashed and sparked when steel met steel. Location 3439.

Received for review from Orbit through NetGalley.
NOTE to my followers:
New feature: At the end of each month I will be hosting a monthly giveaway of a favorite book that I read that month - most likely books that are not already part of a giveaway. The Theft of Swords is likely to be my pick for February, although the month and reading isn't over yet. I may (possible but not guaranteed) be influenced by comments. So you might want to comment on reviews for books you are particularly interested in as it may effect my choice plus review comments will earn extra credit. :-)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Martha's Bookshelf***Friday Pick Giveaway February 17, 2012

[** If you are new to Friday Pick Giveaway - Welcome!  Scroll down a bit (below book group #19) for instructions on how to enter.] 

All I can say is Whew with another busy week and a secretary out sick. 
Glad to see some of you read the paragraph last week. Watch the next day or so for those packages.  *BG*

I forgot my camera for the sets so they will have to wait till next Friday. But you have the Random Acts Giveaway Hop to enter over the next few days.

Thank you to all who entered February 10 Pick.  There was only ONE Automatic winner this week (those who requested the book four times and I did not note other people asking for that book during those weeks).  Four books were blocked choices. :-(

bn100 chose Double Jeopardy.

to picked Winners from February 10 Pick:

Margaret chose The Jester Audio Tapes
Mona gets the lucky draw for Silent Night

All winners please fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form or email me to confirm your win, send your snail mail address information and let me know if you would like bookmarks - sensual or sexy and I have a new supply of sweet. 

Here's another idea for decorating
in February. Favorite Books named on heart cut outs.  
 Found at No Shhing Here

New Group #25 January 12, 2012

*Smaller books on the right would be okay for most international mailing.
Endless Chain by Emilie Richards
Baby and All (3 Novels in 1) by Candace Camp, Victoria Pade and Myrna Mackenzie
Leopards Kill by Jim DeFelice
Thinner by Stephen King
Category 7 by Bill Evans and Marianna Jameson
Dangerous Lady by Amanda Scott
November of the Heart by Lavyrle Spencer
Hell's Belle by Jane Holleman
*Prime Time by Sandra Brown  
*Silent Night by Mary Higgins Clark
*Out of the Blue (Allegheny Hopes) by Janice A. Thompson
*A McKaslin Homecoming by Jillian Hart 

New Group #24 Pick Books November 25, 2011
(The only Thanksgiving title I found is a Harlequin I'd like to read someday so no Thanksgiving titles for November.)

After Dark by Beverly Barton(spine wear)
The Shattered Rose by Jo Beverley
Final Justice by Jasmine Cresswell
Green Calder Grass by Janet Dailey
Praying for Sleep by Jeffery Deaver
Sunset Bay by Susan Mallery
The Wedding Wager by Cathy Maxwell
Moon Racer by Constance O'Banyon
Destiny Unleashed by Sherryl Woods

New Group #23 Pick Books October 14, 2011
I tried to pick some books that would be good for October -
Halloween or dark minded.

Ghost Writer (Shivers #3) by M.D. Spenser
Witch by Barbara Michaels (spine wear)
Emily's Good Nightmare by Cosmic Debris Cosmic
Death Angel by Linda Howard

New Group #22 Pick Books September 2, 2011

Tender Triumph by Judith McNaught
A Far and Deadly Cry by Teri Holibrook

New Group #21 of Pick Books July 29, 2011
There are eight mysteries and I have asterisked nine books that are smaller and would be good for oversea choices if so desired.

* I. O. U by Pickard, Nancy (spine creased)
Stand by Me Anthology with Dallas Schulze, Roberta Leigh and Linda Randall Wisdom (spine creased)

May, 2011 New Group of Pick books
Group #20

Luciano's Luck by Jack Higgins - Audio Cassettes

3/25/11 I did get to set up a new group of books:
Group #19

Primary Colors - audio tapes
Note of Peril (black strip on cover)

2/19/11 Book Group #18- Pairs!
Not all of these are two from a series but several are. Each pick gets two books.
Patricia Cornwell Pair:

I have finally updated the intro and Entry paragraphs here:
If you saw the pictures posted of my bookshelves and boxes you know I do have lots of books! And that doesn't include the other eight or so boxes at my office!! And more books as I find deals too good to pass up! I am sharing my book bounty by these Friday Pick Giveaways. 

I started Friday Pick in November 27, 2009 and in two years I  posted 24 groups of 16 books to find new homes! (Nov 2011)

I have periodically update the lists - deleting those won. You can still go to the Friday Pick list link to see older posts and the older lists book pictures if you want! I am happy to say that so far about 310 books have found new homes! YAY. I have to update my print out to check the exact number sent out - a few were never claimed.

Note rules here regarding international entries.
Because postage to overseas can be prohibitive I am willing to give a $5.00 book certificate to international winners - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, ARe, TWRP, ClassAct Books, eTreasures, Desert Breeze, tell me where and I'll set it up. So for my overseas visitors your comment may indicate a smaller book and I'll check postage or note your choice of gift card.
I learned that The Book Depository does not ship to everywhere. The postage for some of the books to far away places runs between $5.00 and $6.00 and up. Since I would award $5.00 for The Book Depository to an international winner, as an alternative you may choose a smaller book and we will hope the postage will not exceed $6.00. If the postage is more, or if you want to pick a larger book and you are willing to pay any extra postage beyond the $6.00 I will work with you on that. This may not make a difference to many but if it helps one or two of you to give one of my books a home that will make me happy too. :o)


Leave a comment and tell me WHICH BOOK you would like to get from the Friday Pick lists.
CUT OFF TIME IS THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 10:00 PM CENTRAL so I do not have to stay up past midnight to do the winner post!
I will randomly pick two winners to announce Friday mornings with the next Pick post.
Automatic wins are those who requested the book four times and I did not note other people asking for that book during those weeks.

WINNERS PLEASE CHECK THE WIN POST ON FRIDAYS AND fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form or email me at [I will confirm receipt of the addresses- well I realize I haven't always done this. But if you filled out the form and don't get the book within two weeks nudge me with an email please!] If I have the winners e-mail I will send a reminder in a week or so....

Thanks for helping these books find new homes!!

Repeating this helpful blog tip: You can right click on a link and you will be given the choice to open the link in a new window or tab so you do not navigate away from the screen you are on!! I use this all the time!

1/14/11 New List

Moonfire by Judith Redman Robbins
Saving Faith by David Baldacci (Audio Book)

12/3/10 Book Set:
Best Of Enemies by Taylor Smith
Sleight of Hand by Robin Hathaway
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
Uneasy Alliance (Famous Firsts) Jayne Ann Krentz (slightly worn)

List #15

List #14
Lines of Defense by Barry Siegel
Gospel Truths by J.G. Sandom

Here is set #13 of Used books!
Pearl Beyond Price by Claire Delacroix

This is a group of books I have had for several years but not gotten to read. Since it doesn't look like I will get to read them for another year (or more!) I am passing them on. Although as I type them part of me still says "But you may want to read that some day!" Yes, yes; along with the other 700 books I am housing! Must Let goooooo.....
Group #12
The Ripple Effect by Lynn Erickson
Double Jeopardy by William Bernhardt

Group #11
Cat's Eyewitness by Rita Mae Brown
Alien Chronicles - The Crimson Claw by Deborah Chester
Snow in April by Rosamunde Pilcher
Looking Back by Belva Plain
The Ring on Her Finger by Elizabeth Bevarly

List #1 Circle of Stars by Anna Lee Waldo

Pick #2
The Blue Zone by Andrew Gross

Pick #3
One Eye Closed by Karen Whiddon

Pick #4
Talking God by Tony Kellerman
Everything to Gain by Barbara Taylor Bradford
The Sixth Sense
The Shadow by Shelley Munro (PA)
Swear by the Moon by Shirley Busbee

Pick #5
See Jane Lead by Lois P. Frankel
The Jester by James Patterson - Audio Tapes
The Daddy Spell by Patti Ann Cole
Misfortune by Nancy Geary
False Prophet by Faye Kellerman
Cold Hit by Linda Fairstein - Audio Tapes

Pick #6
The Marshall Takes a Bride by Renee Ryan *PA*
Elusive Love by Catherine Lanigan

Pick #7
Scarred by William Heffernan (spine creased)
Prey by Michael Crichton - Audio Tape
Princess Charming by Jane Heller (slightly creased)

Pick #8
(sc) = slightly creased on binding otherwise all in good shape
The Jury by Steve Martini - Audio Tapes
Midnight Come Again by Dana Stabenow (sc)
No Safe Place by Richard North Patterson - Audio Tapes

Pick #9
Spyder Web by Tom Grace - Audio Tapes
Three Weddings and a Kiss - Anthology
On Treacherous Ground by Earl Murray
Guardian by Dee Henderson - Audio Tapes
Time to Hunt by Stephen Hunter - Audio Tapes

Pick #10
The Third Twin by Ken Follett (spine creased)
Double Blind by Ken Goodard
Dreams Gather by Kathryn Collins (sc)


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