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###Winner Announcement Posts are linked here.###

GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sunday Words of Encouragement October 9, 2016

We had a good Sunday morning. Our Sunday School teacher talked again about spiritual warfare. We had a lovely time of worship and we acknowledged Pastor for “Pastor appreciation” month.
Pastor continued with the Healthy Church series. He reminded us from last week that Church health begins with a passion for Jesus. He noted that Paul’s letter to Titus sets out strategy to prepare the church for growth. Each chapter is set up with a What a Why and a How section. Chapter one addresses leadership. The church needs involved leaders. The stakes are high for the church; the kingdom.

Leadership defined: If someone is following you, you are a leader. Titus 1:5-9 identifies the elders as the overseers who manage God’s household (the “What”). It is important Because there was a problem as leaders were taking followers in the wrong direction. (The “Why” in verses 10-12.) Verses 13-16 reflect the “How” or what action needs to be taken to fix the problem.

Point: The healthy church has protective leaders who are submitted to Christ; who proclaim the Truth and lead from a pure heart.

The ‘Jethro principle’ (Moses’ father-in-law) applies to leaders who are to be appointed to help with the ministry tasks. Leaders need to evidence availability and willingness. All of us have the potential to lead even if only small teams. Jesus gave us the example of a servant leader. He led people by serving them. The healthy church needs leaders who will help to expand the church pie (not just share the existing pie). Titus shows a process for growing the church.

I found this old hymn on serving though not quite on leadership:
Verses for Today:
Titus 1:7-9 ESV
7 For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, 8 but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. 9 He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound[g] doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.

Lord, help me to be available and willing to follow You and lead as You will!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sharing Beyond Books #273 Comment Giveaway October 8, 2016

Hello again and Welcome to Sharing Beyond Books, SBB!

Thanks to everyone who commented last week.
Eight of us do tend to read more in the winter. Six believe it is the same and three do not have seasons so it doesn't impact there reading. Except that Linda says she reads more during holidays. :-)


The Winner from SBB #271 comments is: #13 (again) Rubynreba who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the Updated ARC/Review titles or (not yet updated) Love titles - all linked near the end of the post. [I'm hoping to update the book choices - maybe the beginning of next year, lol.] Please let me know your choice by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #273
(One Question.)
Becky asks: Do you think it signifies a lack of imagination to picture characters as popular film and television actors? Sometimes there are a lot of characters to keep track of, or you're really tired from a long day of tax law, and can't picture one in your head so you just go, "Okay, Sir James is Tom Hardy." And then later when they describe Sir James as tall, with flaxen hair, aren't you like "Noooooo, ignoring! Tom Hardy"??
This question made me chuckle. I don't think I picture characters as film or television actors. Then again I have a rather lame imagination. I am a person of words not art/images. My mother had art talent, my eldest brother is an architect and my sister has artistic skills. Mostly the crafts I do are in Vacation Bible School with the kids. I can't picture a finished house or home - it is just not part of my mind frame - much less really "see" a character in my mind. I do better with words. :-).
Image result
Image Found The Book Lounge.

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! The supply of questions is dwindling so share some if you think of any -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify.

Your turn to share: Becky asks: Do you think it signifies a lack of imagination to picture characters as popular film and television actors? Sometimes there are a lot of characters to keep track of, or you're really tired from a long day of tax law, and can't picture one in your head so you just go, "Okay, Sir James is Tom Hardy." And then later when they describe Sir James as tall, with flaxen hair, aren't you like "Noooooo, ignoring! Tom Hardy"??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the Valentine and "Love" books or the February 2015 Newly Updated ARC/Review List. (My daughter pulled several of the Christmas titles to give with gift bags we made up for the nursing homes. One of these days I will get together a new box of Christmas titles.)

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on the question above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made through Saturday October 15, 2016 at 5 PM central.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Audible Book Review: Kiss an Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

This is a charmingly fun and easy romance.
Kiss an Angel
Written by: Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Narrated by: Anna Fields
Length: 11 hrs and 24 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release Date:04-02-07
Publisher: Books on Tape
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Publisher's Summary
Arranged marriages seldom happen in modern America, so Daisy Devreaux hates her father's ultimatum: marry the humorless man he has picked for her, or go to jail. It's not much of a deal for Alex Markov, the prospective groom, either. He's got no time to indulge an uptown girl.
So Alex puts Daisy to work in his traveling circus, expecting the harsh realities will break her. Instead, he finds she's got heart enough for both of them.
©1996 Susan Elizabeth Phillips; (P)1996 Books on Tape

Daisy was raised by a beautiful but flighty mother who loved men. Pampered as a princess, Daisy was never really grounded in living skills. When her mother passed away Daisy went on a spending spree with no understanding of the debt that she faced. Her wealthy father gives her ultimatum – go to jail for writing bad checks or marry a man he has chosen for her. The man, Alex, may be strong and handsome but Daisy doesn’t like his stern, humorless countenance.

Alex is a private man who had never intended to marry. But he has his own good reasons for agreeing to marry Daisy – not that he plans to tell her why. He doesn’t plan to tell her much of anything as he has no time to indulge a ‘rich princess’. He does pan to put her to work in the traveling circus really hoping to chase her back to daddy.

Daisy is dismayed to find herself in a ratty trailer in the middle of a struggling traveling circus. Not only is the living situation a drop for her but the circus owner clearly resents her presence. Most of the circus members are willing to welcome Daisy and are particularly thrilled to learn she is married to Alex – even if he doesn’t seem too thrilled. Then an event occurs that turns all of the workers against her.

Daisy is punished with the lowest of duties – cleaning up after the elephants. Everyone is expected to pull their weight and no one cares that Daisy is afraid of dogs much less elephants! She now has to suffer through the worst tasks and the snubs and jeers of everyone or she has to admit defeat and run home to a father who already considers her a failure at life. No one suspected the heart that Daisy reveals. Although nearly tempted to give in, instead she finds the grit to stick it out and to push Alex to open his heart.

I do enjoy the light romances by Susan Elizabeth Phillips (SEP). She creates distinct characters and puts them into real life, if sometimes unusual, settings. This circus setting was great fun and Daisy does make a few surprising friends. I liked how her character grows into the inner strengths that she always had but never had to reach. Alex has his own damaged past and Phillips creates a charming story as Daisy’s exuberance, bravery and out right heart melt his ice cold walls.

The story is full of heart and humor. There is some foul language which is too bad that you have to jump past that. I recommend this fun read and other romances by this author.

Audio Notes: Anna Fields, who died in 2006, was a fabulous fit for SEP romances. She gives each of the characters their own voice and makes them come alive. I always enjoy listening to her narration and am sorry she is no longer with us. I realized a bit into this book that is was familiar. I read it in print in 2009. I enjoyed revisiting it in audio.

I added this to my Audible library in 2012. This adds to my Audio and TBR Challenges and is a "K" in Alphabet Challenge.

Martha's Bookshelf***Friday Pick Giveaway October 7, 2016

Happy Friday!
I've felt good getting through files at work this week. My desk is still covered with files but I have made progress. 
Hubby continues to get stronger. We are hosting a family (friends of our son) who evacuated the coast due to hurricane Matthew. We are praying for safety and minimal damage for all those still in the path of the storm.

US Entrants: Leave a comment and tell me WHICH BOOK you would like to get from the Friday Pick lists.
INTERNATIONAL: Leave a comment indicating "Gift Card" (see further comments near the end of the post.)

CUT OFF TIME IS THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 9:00 PM CENTRAL so I do not have to stay up too late to do the winner post! I will randomly pick two winners to announce Friday mornings with the next Pick post.

Thank you to all who entered the September 30 Pick. This week there was one automatic win. Automatic wins are those who requested the book four times without other people asking for that book during those weeks. There were one title blocked by three requests.
AUTO: bn100 gets Freedom's Stand

to picked Winners from September 30 Pick:
Mystica gets a GC
Miki also gets a GC

All winners please fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form or email me to confirm your win, send your snail mail address information and let me know if you would like bookmarks - sensual, sexy or sweet bookmarks. {The form is new because Google changed their forms and the old one wasn't letting me print out the responses.}
Love to fall into books. :-)
Image found at Tumbler.

New Book Group #67 September 9, 2016

(*Three more very old books from my Gothics box.)
Into the Night (book 5) and Gone too Far (book 6) by Suzanne Brockmann
The Wedding Night of an English Rogue: A Novel (A Boscastle Affairs Novel Book 3)
The Wicked Games of a Gentleman: A Novel (A Boscastle Affairs Novel Book 4) by Jillian Hunter
*Bloodstone by Lynn Benedict (1973 - yellowed)
*The Brittany Stones by Lynna Cooper (1974 - yellowed; corner of cover cut)
Her Scoundrel by Geralyn Dawson
In Search of Lucy: A Novel by Lia Fairchild
No Place for a Lady by Katherine Greyle
Wicked by Beth Henderson
To Die For: A Novel (Blair Mallory Book 1) by Linda Howard
The Inheritance by Joan Johnston
A Dark Champion by Kinley MacGregor
*The Man in the Garden by Paule Mason (1969 - yellowed)
Mysterious: The Right Path / This Magic Moment / The Search for Love by Nora Roberts (2008)
The Spitfire by Bertrice Small

New Book Group #66 June 25, 2016
(I will post a picture later. *Four of these books are very old; pulled from a box of gothic novels I have had for many years. They may not be wanted by anyone and if so, I will donate elsewhere in time.)

*Maggie – Her Marriage by Taylor Caldwell (1953 very old, yellowed pages, some stain damage doesn't effect reading)
Fire Dancer by Ann Maxwell
Freedom's Stand by J. M. Windle

New Book Group #65 April 29, 2016
A Dangerous Fancy by Tracy Cozzens
The Champion by Heather Grothaus
So Wild A Kiss by Nancy Richards-Akers

New Book Group #64 March 4, 2016


First Things First by Stephen R. Covey- Audio Cassette

New Book Group #63 January 22, 2016

Wayward Winds by Michael Phillips - Audio Tapes

New Book Group #62 November 6, 2015 -- All Gone

New Book Group #61 October 30, 2015
After I noticed the trend I went on a hunt for “bride” titles. I even pulled a couple from some of my long time collections(*). (But they are not getting read on my shelves.)

Border Bride by Deborah Hale

New Book Group #60 September 18, 2015
A set of "haunting" tales and a few mysteries for October!

The Shadowing by Joan Overfield

Trilogy Of Mysteries Audio Book Shadow Prey, There Was A Little Girl, Smokescreen Audio Cassettes (NOT CDs)

New Book Group #59 July 31, 2015 -- All Gone

Cruise to a Wedding by Betty Neels

New Book Group #58 June 26, 2015 -- All Gone

New Book Group #57 May 1, 2015 -- All Gone

New Book Group #56 March 20, 2015
The Sweetheart Dance by Patti Ann Colt
Raintree Haunted by Linda Winstead Jones (spine creases)

New Book Group #55 February 5, 2015 -- All Gone

New Book Group #54 December 26, 2014 -- All Gone

Ender’s Shadow by Orson Scott Card - Tape Cassettes

BOX 4 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 47-53)

The Hidden Truth of Cytech's Randall Forty byVickie Kennedy
First to Fight Anthology
Jezebel by Katherine Sutcliff
Undateable by Ellen Rakieten & Anne Coyle

BOX 3 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 39- 47)

Shetland Summer by Janet Lynnford
Breakfast in Bed by Sandra Brown - Audio Cassette Tapes (link is for mass media version)

Sweet Talking Man by Betina Krain

BOX 2 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 24- 38)

Thinner by Stephen King
Foundation (Foundation Novels) by Isaac Asimov
Magic: The Gathering Distant Planes, An Anthology
The Willful Widow by Valerie King (spine wear)
An Honorable Man by Rosemary Rogers (spine creases)
A Courtesans Guide to Getting Your Man by Susan Donovan and Celeste Bradley -- NOTE This book has dog bite damage; it is missing half back cover and the edges of pages in the back third of the book... it does not effect the text but I will understand if no one wants this one

The Trailsman: Texas Lead Slingers by Jon Sharpe
Anthology: Something Borrowed, Something Blue - this book has spine creases and minor water damage...I thought I had read it and liked it but now I realize it was another anthology I read with Elaine Barbier.

BOX #1 2015 (reboxed from Boxes 1- 23)

Circle of Stars by Anna Lee Waldo
Alien Chronicles - The Crimson Claw by Deborah Chester
Ghost Writer (Shivers #3) by M.D. Spenser

If you saw the pictures posted of my bookshelves and boxes you know I do have lots of books! And that doesn't include the other eight or so boxes at my office!! And more books as I find deals too good to pass up! I am sharing my book bounty by these Friday Pick Giveaways.

I started Friday Pick on November 27, 2009 and in almost six years I have posted 62 groups of 16 (992) books to find new homes! (as of November 6, 2015).

I am happy to say that so far about 1002+ books have found new homes! YAY. I have to update my print out to check the exact number sent out - a few were never claimed. I periodically update the lists - deleting those won. You can still go to the Friday Pick list link to see older posts and the older lists book pictures if you want!

Note rules here regarding international entries.
Because postage to overseas can be prohibitive I am willing to give a $5.00 book certificate to international winners - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, ARe, TWRP, ClassAct Books, eTreasures, Desert Breeze, tell me where and I'll set it up. So for my overseas visitors your comment may indicate a smaller book and I'll check postage or note your choice of gift card.

I learned that The Book Depository does not ship to everywhere. The postage for some of the books to far away places runs between $7.00 and $10.00 and up. Since I would award $5.00 for The Book Depository to an international winner, as an alternative you may choose a smaller book and we will hope the postage will not exceed $6.00. If the postage is more, or if you want to pick a larger book and you are willing to pay any extra postage beyond the $6.00 I will work with you on that. This may not make a difference to many but if it helps one or two of you to give one of my books a home that will make me happy too. :o)

Repeating this helpful blog tip: You can right click on a link and you will be given the choice to open the link in a new window or tab so you do not navigate away from the screen you are on!! I use this all the time!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Book Review: The Captive Heart by Michelle Griep

This is a 'captivating' American Revolution romance with wonderfully strong characters.
The Captive Heart
by Michelle Griep

File Size: 1318 KB
Print Length: 320 pages
Publisher: Shiloh Run Press (October 1, 2016)
ASIN: B01DQ93D32
Genre: Historical, Christian
My Rating: 4.75 of 5.0

Proper English governess Eleanor Morgan flees to the colonies to escape the wrath of a brute of an employer. When the Charles Town family she’s to work for never arrives to collect her from the dock, she is forced to settle for the only reputable choice remaining to her—marriage to a man she’s never met. Trapper and tracker Samuel Heath is a hardened survivor used to getting his own way by brain or by brawn, and he’s determined to find a mother for his young daughter. But finding a wife proves to be impossible. No upstanding woman wants to marry a murderer.

Eleanor is a proper English woman who had a difficult life with her father. She became a governess who had to reject the advances of her employers. Shevwas helped by her lecherous employer’s wife to escape to America. Unfortunately, the ship’s captain is corrupt and puts Eleanor with other women to be sold when they reach America. Along the way someone steals the money and reference letter that Eleanor was relying on for a new start. Instead Eleanor and two shipmate friends are carried off to a remote community in South Carolina where they each are placed in an 'indentured' situation. Before she can catch her breath, Eleanor is ushered into a marriage of convenience with a rustic man who needs a mother for his young daughter.

Samuel Heath is a multi-personality man. He is a frontiersman, trapper, tracker, friend of nearby Native Americans, a father of a toddler and once a proud British gentleman. Now he looks like a savage living in the wilderness and his loyalties no longer lie with Britain -- but that is a well-guarded secret. Samuel is haunted by memories of his first wife but now he needs a wife for his daughter, Grace. Even though a lovely young Native widow wants to be his mate, Samuel wants a woman who can raise Grace with proper ‘English ways’.

Eleanor and Samuel are an unlikely pair. She has no idea how to live a woodman’s rustic life. But Eleanor adores Grace, she is brave and willing to learn if only Samuel would stay home long enough to teach her. She soon discovers that he is the target of a bitter rival and he has secrets that he holds tight. But she also sees his warm love for his daughter and his steady provision and respect.

I was immediately pulled into this warm story first in England and then in the 1770 American frontier. Ms. Griep gives a vibrant portrayal of frontier living and pre-Revolution tensions. The characters are strong and well developed with a lovely passion that grows between strangers who show respect and care for each other. I enjoyed the faith foundations of both characters which is shown through their struggles and strengths.

This is a clean, American revolution historical romance, not to be confused with the sensual Regency romance genre. I highly recommend this captivating and delightful story. I will definitely look to read more by Ms. Griep.

I received this through NetGalley. It qualifies for my NetGalley Challenge.


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