Contact email: mesreads AT
###Winner Announcement Posts are linked here.###

GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday Words of Encouragement December 21, 2014

This is the Fourth Sunday of Advent when we remember LOVE - the love that God showed us by sending His son to earth, and the love that Jesus showed by leaving heaven to be born as a humble baby.

Our Sunday School was filled with excitement as we heard of the progress of Brother "E", a Haitian man we are helping to open and share ministry in his hometown. He came to America in the summer thinking he was to work here and send money home to his family. He was injured and lost his job. He came to our church in a state of despair during Wednesday night lessons. He returned Sunday and by the next Tuesday he had been "adopted" by the men's group that meets for prayer every Tuesday morning. The men raised funds for support and he returned to his home convinced that God wanted him to minister there.  Our congregation is honored to be helping to support his ministry in a place where voodoo worship is real and dangerous.

Brother "E" says he is a flashlight in a dark place but the light shines brightly due to the darkness. Since July there have been over 200 people who have accepted the message of salvation! He gives thanks to God for our support and we give thanks to God for his willingness and obedience to minister in difficult surroundings. Please pray for his continued protection and for God to continue to bless and spread the message in Haiti.

Church was nice with a good presentation from the young folk about the 12 Symbols of Christmas. Pastor shared a message on the importance of Angels - not only as seen in delivering messages in the Christmas story and other stories of the Bible, but also in our day to day lives. Do you believe in angels? Especially guardian angels?

I started out seeking another song video from our cantata.
I found numerous videos that I would love to share.
I will probably post one each morning this week leading up to Christmas.
The one I chose for today is to complete my Christmas Card list this year.
I am sending this Christmas Card song to all of my blog friends!
A Verse for Today:
Psalm 91:11
11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;

I pray, as Christmas Day approaches, that my friends know that they are loved, not just this special week but every day! I pray that angels watch over each of us and I pray that Brother "E" has a Christmas blessed by the touch of God's Holy Spirit!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sharing Beyond Books #182 Comment Giveaway 12/20/2014

Hello again on Saturday night and Welcome to Sharing Beyond Books, SBB!

I attended several nice parties this week as I continued working to get things all ready for at least my staff to be off. I am feeling so blessed to be looking forward to a relaxing Christmas week.

Thanks to everyone who commented last week.

Eleven  of you do not or would not regift and ten of us would or have, even if rarely. Most of us that do regift agree that we only regift if it is a new, unused gift and would be useful to someone else. We also do not regift 'personal' or special gifts. We have received candles and brick-a-brac that is impersonal, and not selected specifically for us. These are the sorts of things we regift. And we only exchange for size or if we already have the item.

The Winner from SBB #181 comments is: #17 Llehn who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the ARC/Review titles, Christmas titles or Love titles - all linked near the end of the post.  Please let me know your choice by completing the (new) WINNER FORM.

WEEK #182 (One Question.)

Q1. Elizabeth asks:  What books are you looking forward to reading in 2015?? (This was for 2014 but I converted it to 2015.)
A: I haven't picked any special titles although I have been looking for a book for my First Read of 2015. I am participating in a 2014-15 Winter COYER - clear out your ereader - challenge so I plan to read several books from my Kindle Library over the next two months.  Below is one title I might make the First Read but I have not decided for sure. It will be a January read for COYER in any event. Maybe some of your book interests will catch my eye.

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! We still have a supply of questions but from the same people so hopefully others will send more in -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify to use.

Your turn to share:

Q1. Elizabeth asks: What books are you looking forward to reading in 2015??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the Valentine and "Love" books, the Christmas Giveaway Books (this is the new link), or the June 2013 Newly Updated ARC/Review List.

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on either of the two questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made through Saturday December 27, 2014 at 5 PM  central.

Help Me Pick eBooks to Read - Comment Giveaway!

I have been thinking about what book I want to read first in 2015. Also I signed up for a COYER book challenge and I am ready to start reading from my VERY LARGE Kindle Library.
(Image found at WorldStart tips)

I have made a list of the Kindle books that I picked up in 2009, the year I got my first Kindle. There were only 114 books that year. Three were more than the $2.99 maximum allowed for the COYER challenge so they are excluded. I have also removed books I have already read, a cook book and two studies. That brings the number to 94. I think I have selected the one I want to start the year with so that brings me to 93. I have decided to list them 23 at a time and let commenters help me pick titles to read.
I will randomly select TWO WINNERS from the commenters. Winners will get either the book they chose gifted as an ebook (up to $7.00 value) or $5.00 GC.

Here are the first 23 titles to help me pick from:

Kiss of Midnight: A Midnight Breed Novel (The Midnight Breed.. Lara Adrian May 4,2009
The Alchemyst (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel.. Michael Scott May 4,2009
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day Roger McGuinn May 4,2009
Homespun Bride Jillian Hart May 4,2009
Snowbound Janice Kay Johnson May 4,2009
Once a Cowboy (Harlequin American Romance) Linda Warren May 19,2009
Dancing in the Moonlight (Silhouette Special Edition) Raeanne Thayne May 19,2009
Kiss Me Deadly (Silhouette Nocturne) Michele Hauf May 19,2009
His Lady Mistress Elizabeth Rolls May 19,2009
Hide In Plain Sight Marta Perry May 19,2009
His Majesty's Dragon: A Novel of Temeraire Naomi Novik May 19,2009
Deception (Love on the Edge) Sharon Cullen June 9,2009
Kiss Me Again Dee Tenorio June 30,2009
Magic Kingdom for Sale--Sold! (Landover) Terry Brooks June 30,2009
Serial Jack Kilborn June 30,2009
Her Wiccan, Wiccan Ways (Rhiannon Godfrey) Traci Hall June 30,2009
Loving A Lost Lord (Lost Lords) Mary Jo Putney June 30,2009
Irresistible Forces (Kimani Romance) Brenda Jackson June 30,2009
Weapons of Choice (Axis of Time, Book 1): A Novel of the.. John Birmingham June 30,2009
No Little People (Introduction by Udo Middelmann) Francis A. Schaeffer July 6,2009
Undead and Unwed MaryJanice Davidson July 8,2009
Crime Scene at Cardwell Ranch B.J. Daniels July 8,2009
Manifold: Time Stephen Baxter July 10,2009
My Kindle ebook library alone is just about 8,000.
That doesn't include eBook libraries at B&N, Smashwords, and;
plus NoiseTrade downloads ebooks I have won over the years.
I also have an Audible Library with a minimum of 30 books a year for 13 years; 
I am sure I have at least 50, probably more, unread books. 
And I still have another 700+ print books at home.

Open worldwide.
Thanks for helping me with this dilemma! :-)

Friday, December 19, 2014

Martha's Bookshelf***Friday Pick Giveaway December 19, 2014

[** If you are new to Friday Pick Giveaway - Welcome!  Scroll down a bit (below book group #19) for instructions on how to enter.]

It is hard to realize this is the last Friday before Christmas! The week has been busy with the last round of early mornings for court hearings. I also had several parties to attend this week. I expect to do some last minute shopping and I do have a few appointments to cover next week before closing the office so we can celebrate with family. I hope everyone else is looking forward to a lovely and special Christmas week!  Blessed and Merry Christmas to one and ALL!

For the next four weeks I will be giving at least 4 wins each Friday - whether auto or random.
(New List is now up but still needs picture - opps the picture is on my other computer so I will add it later.)

[UPDATED NOTE - US entrants I prefer, please, that you pick a book as that is the first purpose of this giveaway - to find new homes for books. The GCs are for the international entrants because postage has jumped up.]

Thank you to all who entered the December 12 Pick. There were two automatic wins this week.  (Automatic winners are those who requested the book four times and I did not note other people asking for that book during those weeks.) There was one title blocked but it was won. 
Carol M gets Behind the Mask
Carol L gets The Last Heiress
to picked Winners from December 12 Pick:
Booklady gets the Katherine Stone pair
Mary P gets a GC

All winners please fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form or email me to confirm your win, send your snail mail address information and let me know if you would like bookmarks - sensual, sexy or sweet bookmarks. {The form is new because Google changed their forms and the old one wasn't letting me print out the responses.}

I hope Santa brings you books - when he's not reading!
Image found at Love to Know

New Book Group #53 November 28, 2014
(Picture to be posted soon)
PAIRS - five sets!
Catherine Anderson: Seventh Heaven and Always in My Heart
Sandra Brown: A Whole New Light and Fanta C
Elizabeth Lowell: Autumn Lover (only Book 5) and Winter Fire (Only Book 6)
Joan Johnston: I Promise and Sisters Found
Katherine Stone: Rainbows and Pearl Moon
Queen of Babble Gets Hitched by Meg Cabot
To Catch a Flame by Kimberly Cates
Fifteen Minutes of Shame by Lisa Daily
Sleeping with Ward Cleaver by Jenny Gardiner
Never Say Never by Joan Hohl
Poe's Tales of Mystery and Terror (1967 Collection) by Edgar Allan Poe (Magnum Easy Eye Edition)

New Book Group #52 October 10, 2014
(Links to be added if and when time permits.)

Richard Paul Evans, The Looking Glass and The Carousel
Duo Book: Yesterday's Memories by Tara Taylor Quinn and Amanda Stevens
Range of Motion by Elizabeth Berg
At The Stroke of Madness by Alex Kava
Undateable by Ellen Rakieten & Anne Coyle
Behind a Mask by May Alcott
Here on Earth by Alice Hoffman

New Book Group #51 September 12, 2014
10/10 - I just realized I never posted the image for this group.

Elysa Hendricks, Star Crash (personally autographed copy) and The Sword and the Pen
Intrepid Encounter by Rebecca Ashley
The Reckoning by Jeanette Baker
Out of This Furnace: A Novel of Immigrant Labor in America by Thomas Bell Reprint Edition
Scandalous Virtue Mass by Brenda Hiatt 
A Stranger's Wife by Maggie Osborne

New Book Group #50! August 8, 2014

Maybe This Time by Victoria Barrett
The Commander by Kate Bridges
The Cinderella Plan by Margaret Daley
The Mr. & Mrs. Happy Handbook by Steve Doocy
A Garden of Friends by Penny Pierce Rose

New Book Group #49 June 27, 2014

Jezebel by Katherine Sutcliff
Down by the Water by Caroline Upcher
Miracle by Deborah Smith
The Awakening and Selected Short Stories by Kate Chopin

New Book Group #48 May 30, 2014---(All gone)
Dangerous by Debra Dier
First to Fight Anthology

New Book Group #47 April 25, 2014

Once Upon a Honeymoon by Julie Kistler
The Hidden Truth of Cytech's Randall Forty by Vickie Kennedy

New Book Group #46 March 15, 2014
Sweet Talking Man by Betina Krain
The Last Heiress by Bertrice Small (spine creases)

New Book Group #45 January 31, 2014---(All gone)

New Book Group #44 December 14, 2013---(All gone)

New Book Group #43 November 1, 2013 ---(All gone)

New Book Group #42 September 27, 2013 ---(All gone)

New Book Group #41 August 2, 2013

Cattle Rancher, Secret Son by Margaret Way

New Book Group #40 June 28, 2013

Breakfast in Bed by Sandra Brown - Audio Cassette Tapes (link is for mass media version)

New Book Group #39 May 31, 2013 - Plenty of "summer" titles!
Shetland Summer by Janet Lynnford

New Book Group #38 April 20, 2013
Awaken the Senses by Nalini Singh

New Book Group #37 March 22, 2013
Anthology: Something Borrowed, Something Blue - this book has spine creases and minor water damage...I thought I had read it and liked it but now I realize it was another anthology I read with Elaine Barbier.

New Book Group #36 February 15, 2013
The Trailsman: Texas Lead Slingers by Jon Sharpe

New Book Group #35 January 11, 2013 (All gone)
New Book Group #34 December 7, 2012--- (All gone)
New Book Group #33 October 27, 2012---(All gone)

New Book Group #32 October 5, 2012
NOTE This book has dog bite damage; it is missing half back cover and the edges of pages in the back third of the book... it does not effect the text but I will understand if no one wants this one - A Courtesans Guide to Getting Your Man by Susan Donovan and Celeste Bradley

New Book Group #31 August 31, 2012
An Honorable Man by Rosemary Rogers (spine creases)

New Book Group #30 July 27, 2012
The Willful Widow by Valerie King (spine wear)
Dancing on Snowflakes by Jane Bonander

New Book Group #29 June 29, 2012
Magic: The Gathering Distant Planes, An Anthology

New Book Group #28 May 18, 2012--- (All gone)
New book Group #27 April 13, 2012--- (All gone)
New book Group #26 March 2, 2012--- (All gone)
New Group #25 January 12, 2012---(All gone)
New Group #24 Pick Books November 25, 2011---(All gone)

New Group #23 Pick Books October 14, 2011
Ghost Writer (Shivers #3) by M.D. Spenser

New Group #22 Pick Books September 2, 2011---(All gone)
New Group #21 of Pick Books July 29, 2011---(All gone)
May, 2011 New Group of Pick books Group #20---(All gone)
3/25/11 Group #19---(All gone)
2/19/11 Book Group #18- Pairs!---(All gone).

I have finally updated the intro and Entry paragraphs here:

If you saw the pictures posted of my bookshelves and boxes you know I do have lots of books! And that doesn't include the other eight or so boxes at my office!! And more books as I find deals too good to pass up! I am sharing my book bounty by these Friday Pick Giveaways.

I started Friday Pick on November 27, 2009 and in five years I have posted 42 groups of 16 (832) books to find new homes! (as of November 2014).

I periodically update the lists - deleting those won. You can still go to the Friday Pick list link to see older posts and the older lists book pictures if you want! I am happy to say that so far about 745+ books have found new homes! YAY. I have to update my print out to check the exact number sent out - a few were never claimed.

Note rules here regarding international entries.
Because postage to overseas can be prohibitive I am willing to give a $5.00 book certificate to international winners - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, ARe, TWRP, ClassAct Books, eTreasures, Desert Breeze, tell me where and I'll set it up. So for my overseas visitors your comment may indicate a smaller book and I'll check postage or note your choice of gift card.

I learned that The Book Depository does not ship to everywhere. The postage for some of the books to far away places runs between $5.00 $7.00 and $6.00 $10.00 and up. Since I would award $5.00 for The Book Depository to an international winner, as an alternative you may choose a smaller book and we will hope the postage will not exceed $6.00. If the postage is more, or if you want to pick a larger book and you are willing to pay any extra postage beyond the $6.00 I will work with you on that. This may not make a difference to many but if it helps one or two of you to give one of my books a home that will make me happy too. :o)

Leave a comment and tell me WHICH BOOK you would like to get from the Friday Pick lists.
CUT OFF TIME IS THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 10:00 PM CENTRAL so I do not have to stay up past midnight to do the winner post!
I will randomly pick two winners to announce Friday mornings with the next Pick post.
Automatic wins are those who requested the book four times and I did not note other people asking for that book during those weeks.
WINNERS PLEASE CHECK THE WIN POST ON FRIDAYS AND fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form or email me at [I will confirm receipt of the addresses- well I realize I haven't always done this. But if you filled out the form and don't get the book within two weeks nudge me with an email please!] If I have the winners e-mail I will send a reminder in a week or so....

Thanks for helping these books find new homes!!

Repeating this helpful blog tip: You can right click on a link and you will be given the choice to open the link in a new window or tab so you do not navigate away from the screen you are on!! I use this all the time!

1/14/11 New List #17--- (All gone)

12/3/10 Book Set: #16
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

List #15---(All gone)
List #14---(All gone)
List #13 ---(All gone)
Group #12---(All gone)

Group #11
Alien Chronicles - The Crimson Claw by Deborah Chester

List #1
Circle of Stars by Anna Lee Waldo

Pick #2---(All gone)
Pick #3---(All gone)
Pick #4---(All gone)
Pick #5---(All gone)
Pick #6---(All gone)

Pick #7
Prey by Michael Crichton - Audio Tape

Pick #8
The Jury by Steve Martini - Audio Tapes

Pick #9
On Treacherous Ground by Earl Murray

Pick #10---(All Gone)

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Book Review and Tour Giveaway: Hope Rising (Of Love and War) by Stacy Henrie

This is a beautiful, warm romance that provides hope in a war setting and a faith-based message for any setting.
Hope Rising (Of Love and War)
by Stacy Henrie

  • File Size: 605 KB
  • Print Length: 353 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 145559881X
  • Publisher: Forever (December 16, 2014)
  • Sold by: Hachette Book Group
  • ASIN: B00JJ320YS
  • Genre: Historical Romance, Christian, Inspirational
My Rating: 5.0 of 5.0

Book Description
Publication Date: December 16, 2014
In France at the height of World War I, American nurse Evelyn Gray is no stranger to suffering. She's helped save the life of many a soldier, but when she learns her betrothed has been killed, her own heart may be broken beyond repair. Summoning all her strength, Evelyn is determined to carry on-not just for herself and her country, but for her unborn child.

Corporal Joel Campbell dreams of the day the war is over and he can return home and start a family. When a brutal battle injury puts that hope in jeopardy, Joel is lost to despair . . . until he meets Evelyn. Beautiful, compassionate, and in need of help, she makes an unconventional proposal that could save their lives-or ruin them irrevocably. Now, amidst the terror and turmoil of the Western Front, these two lost souls will have to put their faith in love to find the miracle they've been looking for.

Evelyn broke nursing rules by getting involved with Ralph, a soldier on leave. Ralph returned to the front lines before Evelyn discovered she was pregnant. Evelyn continues her dedicated work in the French hospital while dealing with sickness, fatigue and waiting for the time when Ralph will fullfill his promise to do the right thing and marry her.

Corporal Joel Campbell and his best friend, Ralph, are injured on the frontline. Ralph doesn’t survive but his last words are calling Evelyn’s name. Joel opens his eyes in the hospital to meet Evelyn.

Evelyn is in more turmoil having lost the man she loved and hoped to marry. She is afraid her condition will be discovered and she will be sent home. She has no idea how to explain her situation to her grandparents.

Joel guesses her circumstances after a few encounters. Evelyn learns that Joel’s injuries may leave him alone instead of having a full family and farm like he was raised with had dreamed of. As Joel and Evelyn begin to develop a friendship she thinks that perhaps they can help each other. Unfortunately Joel initially takes umbrage at her proposal. Then he decides they should take time to get to get to know each other better and then make a decision.

Evelyn and Joel help a local young boy, Louis, who does chores for an extra meal. Evelyn is teaching Louis and his friends to read while Joel shares his love of bird watching with Louis. There are other enjoyable characters like the surgeon Evelyn works with and her roommate.

This story shows a view of World War I that is realistic and provides a slice of hope in a setting of tragedy and loss. The characters are warm and the romance is sweat and engaging. The writing flows well and even the grimness of war is handled with a gentle tone. I loved the faith foundations that supported the characters and helped them to see that God's plans are not our plans but can provide something wonderful even if unexpected.

I totally enjoyed the read and look forward to reading the novella, A Christmas of Hope, which I will review next week. It is likely I will pick up the first book in this series, Hope at Dawn, too. I highly recommend this to those who enjoy a clean, historical romance with a sound faith message.

I received this from Forever, through NetGalley, for an honest review and part of blog tour.

Tis the season for second chances…
Having experienced the heartache of unrequited love, Maria Schmitt desperately seeks a new life. Landing a position as a clerk in a Sioux City bank is just what she needs to get started on her journey toward healing. But a dashing stranger soon puts her job-and her heart-in jeopardy. Saving lives was all Dale Emerson ever wanted to do . . . until a fateful day in France shattered his career as a surgeon. He lost everything that mattered, and the last thing he wants to do is resign himself to a life without medicine working at his uncle's bank. Then he meets Maria, a compassionate woman who can see past his scars to the man he once was-and the man he could be again. With Christmas right around the corner, these two wounded hearts may find that hope and a little holiday cheer are just the ticket to letting go of regrets-and embracing a future full of love and possibility.

About Stacy Henrie
Stacy Henrie has always had an avid appetite for history, fiction and chocolate. She earned her B.A. in public relations from Brigham Young University and worked in communications before turning her attentions to raising a family and writing inspirational historical romances. Wife of an entrepreneur husband and a stay-at-home mom to three, Stacy loves the chance to live out history through her fictional characters, while enjoying the modern conveniences of life in the 21st century. In addition to author, she is a reader, a road trip enthusiast and a novice interior decorator.

Stacy’s SM:

Buy links for HOPE RISING:
Barnes and Noble: 

Buy links for A CHRISTMAS HOPE:
Barnes and Noble: 
Google Play: 


     Evelyn lowered her gaze to the root she’d tripped over rather than continue to stare at her gallant rescuer. “It’s mostly Louis and Pierre who’ve been interested in reading, but they’ve caught on well.” She slid a few more inches away from him, finagling her feet around the gnarled roots. Breathing was difficult with Joel so close.
     He shifted to lean his shoulder against the tree trunk. “Is something wrong?”
     She pressed her lips together and shook her head. “Are you angry at me? For coming over to the group, instead of staying away like we talked about?” Evelyn flicked a glance at those hazel eyes.
     “No, not at all.”
     Silence reigned for several heartbeats, then she felt his finger beneath her chin. He gently prodded her head upward until she had to look at him. Her stomach flip flopped as she peered fully into his handsome face. Light fuzz covered his chin and jaw. He needed another shave. A strange, irrational thought that she must be the one to do it filled her mind.
     “Are you afraid of something, Evelyn?”
     She kept the word sealed inside as her thoughts spiraled like a tornado. What if he didn’t reciprocate these growing feelings? What if he decided not to marry her next week? There’d been times over the last few days when she thought Joel was beginning to soften toward her, even like her. She’d notice a lingering look from him or a smile, but they would disappear as quickly as they came and his manner would return to its usual, kind aloofness. Perhaps she ought to be asking him a similar question. What was he afraid of?
     “I’m fine, really.” She swallowed hard. “Just a bit tired is all.”
     Instead of releasing her chin as she expected, Joel lowered his gaze to her mouth. The rush of sound in Evelyn’s ears grew as thunderous as a windstorm.
     Was he going to kiss her? Should she let him?
     She wanted him to kiss her, had dreamt of this moment She held her breath as Joel leaned forward. Closing her eyes, she waited for his lips to reach hers. Would his kiss be as glorious as she’d imagined? Or better? She felt his breath brush her chin, sending her stomach into another frenzy of flutters.
     The sudden blare of horns dropped like a bomb into the quiet of the trees, obliterating their shared moment. Evelyn opened her eyes and turned toward the hospital. “More wounded soldiers.”
     Joel straightened, robbing her of the warmth of his closeness. “Which means more surgeries.”
     His disappointed tone had her hopes soaring heavenward again. Did it mean he cared? “Yes, it does. Will you watch after Louis for me?”
     “I don’t profess to be as good a teacher as you, but I’ll try.”
     “Thank you.”
     She turned to go, but Joel caught her hand, stopping her retreat.
     “Yes?” She wished she didn’t sound so breathless.
     Wished she didn’t have to leave him.
     He released her hand to brush her cheek with his thumb, heating her skin with the tender touch. “Good luck.”

Rafflecopter giveaway:


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