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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Congratulations to the Winners of MBS Dreaming Hop!

I have to say I am so glad I used Rafflecopter for this giveaway Hop.  I didn't have to print out the spreadsheet and number the entries, including extras. So simple to go to Rafflecopter and click: pick winner!!
  • 2 Winners get a Book or two from your own "DREAM LIST" Up to $15.00 Value

    And the winners are...

    results powered by
    Entry #1172 Adeeb F.
    Entry #501 Lisa J.

    The winners have been emailed (Rafflecopter makes that easy too). 
    Happy book picking Adeeb and Lisa!

    Book Review: Smitten Anthology

    Delightful reading! "Smitten" is a perfect way to describe how you feel when you read these heartwarming stories of love, friendship and faith.
    • Paperback: 432 pages
    • Publisher: Thomas Nelson (December 20, 2011)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1401684947
    • ISBN-13: 978-1401684945
         Genre: Contemporary Romance
         My Rating: 4.25+ of 5.0

    Book Description
    Publication Date: December 20, 2011
    Welcome to Smitten, Vermont.
    With the help of four friends, it's about to become the most romantic town in America.

    The proposed closing of the lumber mill comes as unwelcome news for the citizens of Smitten. How will the town survive without its main employer? A close-knit group of women think they've got just the plan to save Smitten. They'll capitalize on its name and turn it into a tourist destination for lovers-complete with sweet shops, a high-end spa, romantic music on the square, and cabins outfitted with fireplaces and hot tubs.

    But is this manly town ready for an influx of romantically-minded guests?

    Country music sensation Sawyer Smitten, the town's hometown hero, wants to help by holding his own wedding there on Valentine's Day. And little Mia's lavender wreaths hang all over town as a reminder that faith can work miracles. Along the way, four women spearheading the town's transformation-energetic Natalie, sophisticated Julia, graceful Shelby, and athletic Reese-get in the spirit by reviving their own love lives.

    Join best-selling inspirational romance authors (and real-life BFFs) Colleen Coble, Kristin Billerbeck, Diann Hunt, and Denise Hunter for an inspiring stay at the (soon-to-be) most romantic town on the eastern seaboard.

    One visit . . . and you'll be smitten too.

    This really is adorable! The four friends are like close sisters and they have the grit and determination to initiate changes to save their town. The mill is closing so the four decide to turn the town into a romantic getaway. After all, the name Smitten fits the desired new image. Of course the men in town resist what they think will turn their town into a frilly girl place that is going to fade around them.

    The four stories have different voices but fit together beautifully. They each have varying faith issues of forgiveness, trust, independence and pride that they have to overcome. The Biblical references are well placed and appropriate in the lives of the Christian characters. They are shared in the natural circumstances so they aren’t really preachy but are rather a reminder of God’s safe control and desire for the best in our lives.

    There is a fun forward and a Reading Group Guide as well as "Conversation over Coffee with the Authors" describing how the authors got together to work up the anthology. There is a brief blog post here:

    I would recommend reading any of these authors for warm characters and engaging plots. I look forward to reading more by each of them. I rate each story as 4.25 and the whole package gets extra bonus for working so well together!

    Natalie: Birthday Wishes by Colleen Coble
    Natalie’s father left when she was young and she doesn't trust men or relationships. Carson is a dependable businessman in town but Natalie’s sister, Lisa, has named him as the father of her daughter, Mia.  Natalie is raising the adorable Mia who is making lavender wreaths for the doors. The wreaths are to give the townspeople hope during the difficult times.

    When Carson’s country star brother agrees to be married in Smitten, Natalie is able to talk Carson into updating the old fishing cabins he owns. He can’t see it until she begins to describe the changes and becomes his assistant to remodel. As they work closely together they are drawn to notice each other as more than just friends.  Natalie has to find forgiveness and learn to trust if she wants to allow love to remodel her own life. 

    Julia: Small Town, Big Dreams by Kristin Billerbeck
    Julia has returned from New York to take care of her injured mother. Her friends encourage her to set up a spa like the one she ran in the city. A big city fellow comes to town to give her advice and to consider investing in her plans. He recommends that she rent space that is owned by rugged Zak who has the local rustic grill. It is a beautiful setting but Julia has always had a crush on her older brother’s best friend, Zak. She claims that she can’t envision a spa next to the smells of a rustic grill even though Zak is remodeling his restaurant. 

    Zak has always liked Julia but promised her brother that he would look after Julia and never try to seduce her. But he’ll chase away that city slicker and remodel the space for her spa because he knows she can make it work even if she doesn’t think so.  Can Julia find enough faith to risk telling Zak how she really feels or will she run back to New York?

    Shelby: You’ve Got a Friend by Diann Hunt
    Shelby tends to be a little accident prone but her friend Nick is always there coaching her on safety and rescuing her. Shelby isn’t really a socialite, she just appreciates fashion and teaches Social Graces to young girls so they will have nice manners and deportment. Nick is a strong lumberman and doesn’t see himself as someone Shelby could fall for. Besides, Nick has an ex-wife who left because she wanted the society things that Smitten and Nick couldn’t offer. But when Nick’s ex-wife dies and his preteen daughter comes to live with him its Shelby’s turn to rescue him by helping with this sweet lost young girl.  Meanwhile Shelby’s long absent father moves in and they begin to rebuild their relationship. 

    When Shelby and Nick grow closer Shelby knows she has to tell him of her secret. She has had to learn to put aside the guilt and forgive herself but will she be able to forgive Nick when he judges her for her past?

    Reese: All Along by Denise Hunter
    Reese and Griffen were best buddies in high school. When Reese was preparing to marry Sawyer Smitten Griffen left town to hide his broken heart. He is back in town now to help with all of the renovations and to see if he can’t show Reese how he really feels. Too bad that Reese seems to be struggling with her old feelings for her ex-fiancĂ© who is coming back to town to marry someone else. 

    Reese is working hard on setting up her outfitters shop and she is really glad to have her good friend Griffen there for support. But suddenly she sees him as more than a good friend. She decides to take plans into her own hands, even if it means a little deception. But her plans to make Griffen jealous backfire when he thinks she is trying to make Sawyer jealous.

    Reese realizes how God must feel loving us so much when we don’t always love him back. Can she get out of her own tangled web before Griffen leaves town again?
     I received this book for review from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley.
    This book will be linked to Vermont in my Where are you reading map; it will also go towards my ARC challenge.

    Wednesday, January 18, 2012

    Book Review and Giveaway: Miss Hildreth Wore Brown by Olivia deBelle Byrd

    Treat yourself to these delightful 'bon bons' of Southern charm!
    by Olivia deBelle Byrd
    • Paperback: 176 pages
    • Publisher: Morgan James Publishing (May 1, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1600377483
    • ISBN-13: 978-1600377488
          Genre: Humor
          My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0


    Book Description Publication Date: May 1, 2010
    While Olivia deBelle Byrd was repeating one of her many Southern stories for the umpteenth time, her long-suffering husband looked at her with glazed over eyes and said,“Why don’t you write this stuff down?” Thus was born Miss Hildreth Wore Brown—Anecdotes of a Southern Belle. If the genesis for a book is to shut your wife up, I guess that’s as good as any.  On top of that, Olivia’s mother had burdened her with one of those Southern middle names kids love to make fun.  To see “deBelle” printed on the front of a book seemed vindication for all the childhood teasing.  With storytelling written in the finest Southern tradition from the soap operas of Chandler Street in the quaint town of Gainesville, Georgia, to a country store on the Alabama state line, Oliviade Belle Byrd delves with wit and amusement into the world of the Deep South with all its unique idiosyncrasies and colloquialisms.  The characters who dance across the pages range from Great-Aunt LottieMae, who is as “old-fashioned and opinionated as the day is long,” to Mrs. Brewton, who calls everyone “dahling” whether they are darling or not, to Isabella with her penchant for mint juleps and drama.  Humorous anecdotes from a Christmas coffee, where one can converse with a lady who has Christmas trees with blinking lights dangling from her ears, to Sunday church,where a mink coat is mistaken for possum, will delight Southerners and baffle many a non-Southerner. There is the proverbial Southern beauty pageant, where even a six-month-old can win a tiara, to a funeral faux pas of the iron clad Southern rule—one never wears white after Labor Day and, dear gussy, most certainly not to a funeral.  Miss Hildreth Wore Brown—Anecdotes of a Southern Belle is guaranteed to provide an afternoon of laugh-out-loud reading and hilarious enjoyment.

    Review:  Ha - This is such a delight.
    The wonderful thing about this book is that it oozes Southern charm which is quite distinct from northern arrogance.  Now I don’t agree that all the antidotes would be limited to a Southern lady... I can relate to many. I was raised up north but moved to Florida when I was 13 so you would think I might be a southerner. Then again... we lived in Broward and Palm Beach counties until a few years ago. That is more like the north than the south.

    The author shares humorous tales with a Southern flair - sometimes genteel and sometimes feisty. She reaffirms that women, who know colors like teal and camel and share details when they talk together, are from Venus while men, who see blues and browns and speak “yes” and “sure”,  are from Mars.  She tells tales from a different generation, one that had to earn a car at college age. Compare this to her children’s generation where a child is given a car because ‘they are breathing at age 16'.  The south has their “characters” who are tough “eccentrics” by another name but sweeter I think. Ms. Byrd shares stories of several Southern "Characters."

    There are delightful stories from childhood antics, weddings, funerals, fashion, and adventures with pets. My favorites were hilarious Southern problems while visiting in foreign places like New York and Boston! I had to really laugh at one of her anecdotes disparaging Christmas Sweaters as I am one of those ladies who loves to wear Christmas sweaters for three weeks in December!

    This is an easy, fun read and I chuckled through a couple of quick chapters at a time. This would be a great book to pick up for those bloggers participating in the Southern Literature or Reading Challenge. It is also a wonderful choice to keep on a side table for a relaxing evening and it would make a lovely gift for a friend.

    This book will go in Florida for my Where Are You Reading challenge; it will also be on the New Author list and ARC list.

    Thank you to the gracious generosity of the author for the book to review and an extra copy for Giveaway.
    I thought about giving my copy too but decided I wanted to keep it and share it with a local friend. :-)
    TO ENTER THIS GIVEAWAY for the print book:

    1. Visit the author's site and tell me something of interest you found there and/OR  for two entries, leave a comment on the Guest Post to show warm hospitality to Ms. Byrd. :-).  One of these is required for entry.

    2. For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

    3.  For two entries, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

    It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.
    (Six total entries possible.)
    * This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
    * This contest will close 10 PM (Central) on January 27, 2012.
    The winner will be randomly selected from all entries.
    The WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED on January 28. 
    Winners will have 72 hours to respond by email or the winners form linked in the announcement.

    Guest Post: Books and Bellies by Olivia deBelle Byrd

    by Olivia deBelle Byrd
    Author of Miss Hildreth Wore Brown

          A funny thing happened before a recent book signing of my published book Miss Hildreth Wore Brown—Anecdotes of a Southern Belle. A new library had just been built in my hometown and the library foundation had graciously asked me to do a book signing.  The event would be complete with a Southern tea and beautiful belles in antebellum dresses using the catchy theme “Books and Belles.” The Sunday before this lovely event, the announcement came out in our local newspaper, but due to a sleepy proof editor the event was billed “Books and Bellies—A Taste of the South.” The head of the library foundation immediately called with the words, “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. My friend said to look on the bright side—maybe a lot of people will come just to see exactly what she is going to do!”

          I assured this gracious gal that if they were expecting a belly dance they would be sorely disappointed. As I explained, “I was raised by a host of Southern women and threatened within an inch of my life if I ever showed my belly in public. I am still not over it. This belly has yet to see the light of day.”

          As my birthright, I passed this on to my daughter. It is true I had to give in to bikinis, but if she were not within two inches of a beach, her belly was not to be seen. Before she left the house, I even made her perform the “belly test,” as she exasperatedly called it. She had to raise both arms so I could be sure her shirt covered every inch of her belly. If you are raised by a slew of Southern women, some lessons stick for life. Trust me on this one!

          I have had book signings where tea, homemade pound cake, cheese straws, and Mississippi Mud were served. I have spoken at book clubs, luncheons, garden clubs, and discussion groups. I have been on blogs, guest posts, facebook, and twitter. This author has dressed in a straw brimmed hat, white gloves, camellias, and a brown suit. But I stand my ground on this one. I do not care what the newspaper says. This Southern Belle is not displaying her belly—not even to sell a book!

    Olivia deBelle Byrd is a self-proclaimed Southern Belle who resides in Panama City, Florida, with her husband, Tommy. She is the author of Miss Hildreth Wore Brown—Anecdotes of a Southern Belle, which is her first collection of humorous essays. Like many Southerners, Olivia has a penchant for turning ordinary happenings into entertainment. Visit her website at

    I want to share that Ms. Byrd spoke at a Women's Luncheon I attended in December. She was a fun speaker and even more attractive than her lovely picture. She wore the same suit as on the cover of the book!  Check my Review Post for a chance to win this charming book.

    Tuesday, January 17, 2012

    Book Review and Giveaway Two Copies: A Cold Creek Secret by RaeAnne Thayne

    I find Harlequin romances to be reliably easy and engaging reading.  I’m happy to say that this one fits the rule.
    by RaeAnne Thayne
    • Paperback: 192 pages
    • Publisher: Mills & Boon (February 2011)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0263888630
    • ISBN-13: 978-0263888638
         Genre:  Contemporary Romance
         My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

    Book Description
    Series: Cherish | Publication Date: February 2011

     Just back from a tour of duty, all Major Brant Western wanted was a hot meal and a warm bed. What he didn't need was the stunning socialite in disguise who'd just shown up at his family's Cold Creek ranch. Scandal trailed bad girl Mimi Van Hoyt--aka "Maura"--everywhere she went. But once Brant discovered her secret, how could he turn her away?

    Being stranded in the middle of nowhere in a blizzard was not Mimi's idea of a fun time in the Tetons. Then why was she starting to think this sexy soldier could be more than her shelter from the storm? And the more determined Brant was to protect her and her unborn child, the more she believed that this honorable, irresistible military man was the only man for her.


    Major Brant Western is a hardcore military doctor who is home from Afghanistan for a Christmas break. His home is a rustic cabin, ranch in Idaho where it gets really cold and they have sudden blizzards.  While Brant is out checking on his horses he spots car lights veering into the stream near his home.  Brant rescues a young woman and her fluffy little white dog from the car.

    The woman identifies herself as Maura Howard and her bichon frise as Simone.  She was on her way for an unannounced visit to Gwen, Brant’s caretaker who lived in a smaller cabin on the property. Although Brant puzzles at the familiarity of the woman it doesn’t take long for him to recognize her as the wild socialite, Mimi Van Hoyt, whom he, and all of the world, have seen in the tabloids.

    Mimi/Maura is reluctant to trust this handsome, quiet and intense looking man even though he did rescue her and he seems to be kind. She doesn’t have much choice about hanging around though since they are snowed in.  She decides to start cleaning and redecorating in order to relieve the boredom considering that Brant pretty much keeps to himself and avoids her.  Brant doesn’t know what Mimi/Maura is up to but it is clear she is hiding secrets.  And he’s having trouble understanding what a rich socialite is doing fussing around his place like a decorator.

    Mimi is glad for a chance to be “a regular woman” for a change.  She is attracted to this strong man but he’ll be leaving town in a week to return to duty. Besides she believes he has a relationship with his neighbor friend and she isn’t going to repeat the mistake of getting involved with a man whose affections belong elsewhere.

    Brandt is strongly drawn to ‘Maura’ but he knows he isn’t in 'Mimi’s' league. Besides he’ll be gone and she can keep her secrets. But then he learns her secret and he wants to protect her. It doesn’t seem likely that these two from opposite social ends could get together as they go their separate ways.

    I enjoyed the conflict between the pair, the misunderstandings and the warm but denied passion. The ending is not completely surprising as it unfolds but it is very heartwarming. This is the second story I have read recently by Ms. Thayne and I appreciate her easy style and warm characters. If you want a quick, sweet romance this is a fine choice.

    This book is set in Idaho for my Where Are You Reading challenge.

    This book was provided as a free gift from Harlequin with an extra copy for Giveaway.
    TO ENTER THIS GIVEAWAY for the print book - Two Winners:

    1. Tell me if you have a favorite Harlequin book or category. If you haven't visited Harlequin recently, visit their site and tell me a category (genre) or book of interest you found there.  This is required for entry.

    2. For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

    3.  For two entries, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

    It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.
    (Four total entries possible.)

    * This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
    * This contest will close 10 PM (Central) on January 27, 2012.
    The winner will be randomly selected from all entries.
    The WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED on January 28. 
    Winners will have 72 hours to respond by email or the winners form linked in the announcement.


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