Author: Will Hartzell-Baird
Publisher: CreateSpace (March 10, 2009)
Buy Link
ISBN-10: 1441482458
ISBN-13: 978-1441482457
Paperback: 400 pages
Author's Website
Rating: 4.0
Product Description
As has been documented in any number of movies and books, there is a particular class of mansion that, through some indescribable means, bestows unanticipated engine/tire difficulty upon passing cars, forcing the unsuspecting occupants to knock on the door, asking to use the phone, never to be seen or heard from again. Countless motorists have been lost to these devious abodes, as well as to the mysterious mansion's close relatives, the darkened gas station and the eerily silent farm community looming unassumingly in the distance. Coincidentally, on a dark, stormy night while driving on an unfamiliar country road, Robbie inexplicably experiences car trouble...
Review: This was one bizarre story - and a fun change of pace!
I was chuckling from the first page. My first thoughts as I read the back blurb and started reading this was that it seemed like a cross between The Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Shining! As you read more you may think of Frankenstein, Dracula, werewolves, The Body Snatchers, The Night of the Living Dead, Tremmors, The Exorsist, Saw...and more. I am sure I can’t think of them all but the story doesn’t miss too many horrors. It even includes its own version of a time warp.
Robbie is not a likely warrior or hero, but someone had to serve as a catalyst to upset the status quo in the mansion that is seemingly controlled by robots. There are conspiracies and surprises around every corner, through secret passages ways and behind every door. And don’t you think you’d learn NOT to open every door when you are apt to find a new monster in the next room??!! It is fun that Robbie finds allies in unexpected friends: a rather nonchalant tour guide, a ghostly school chum, a couple who were separated in the mansion but find each other again, a paperclip man (he is really sort of sweet) and a renegade robot (he’s sweet too!)
I really liked the footnote style that the author used to explain a situation or capture an aside thought. I thought that was a very interesting technique. (You can see a sample of that by checking the link to the author's website.)
There was a point about one third or mid way in the book where I struggled with “how long can this go on and what is the purpose?” That feeling passed - and the purpose was clearly to entertain. I returned to the anticipation of wanting to know what other crazy things would happen, how it all turned out and which characters would make it out alive if there was an escape from the house. I wasn’t disappointed! It was a bizarre and twisted ride but a fun one - good for a real change of pace from romance or serious reading.
Thank you to the author, Will Hartzell-Baird, for providing the book for me to read and providing THREE other books for lucky winners!
Also- I will give my book to the first person who says they are willing to read the book and post a review on their blog or on Amazon or Goodreads.
1. Tell me if you have a favorite horror movie or monster! And leave your e-mail!
2. For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.
3. For another entry, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.
4. For another entry, visit the author's blog and tell me something of interest you find there! Go ahead - it will be fun - they won't bite!
(Four total entries possible.)
It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.
* This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
* No P.O. Boxes Please - for shipping reasons
* This contest will close Midnight (Central) on April 23, 2010. The winners will be randomly selected from all entries.