Beware as some of God’s enemies have silver tongues and appear harmless or good. But a discerning spirit will sense something wrong. Enemies can have a good reputation. They want to get their agenda done. Nehemiah 6:17. They made their attack personal. The enemy will destroy you with distraction and negative thoughts.
The enemy tried to call Nehemiah out four times but he refused to leave the work to go to their meeting. They were attacking his integrity. Nehemiah 6:5-7. The enemy will accuse others of motives they have (transference). Titus 1:15.
Nehemiah resisted the challenges and impulse to fight them directly. Nehemiah 6:8. Don’t take vengeance in your own hands. Stick with your job and let God deal with the enemy. Our job is to build the Kingdom: win the lost, minister love and peace; share the hope of Christ. Don’t get caught up so you become more political than spiritual.
They used intimidation. Nehemiah 6:9-10, 17-18. Nehemiah said, “No.” Nehemiah 6:11-14. Sometimes the enemy uses false prophets. Shemiah was a false prophet encouraging Nehemiah to go into the temple when he was not sanctioned to do so. We must be discerning. People who lack wisdom can be led astray. 2 Timothy 3:1-7.
Nehemiah prayed each time and asked God to give him wisdom and strength and for God to deal with the enemy. The work was accomplished with the help of God. Nehemiah 6:16. We are to set our mind on the work of God, not the work of the world. 2 Timothy 3:12-15.
There are evil people and agendas surrounding us. The church has to do its mission in order to show the enemy that the work of God is being done with His help. You will reap a harvest… keep on focusing on God’s work. God knows there is opposition, but He says continue to follow me and do my Will. He will handle the enemy but wants His followers to show His love and life.
We will ultimately win on our knees, not in the political battle. Pray – intercede for those who may be under attack. God will win!
I like this song for today: The Battle is Yours.
A Verse for Today:Nehemiah 6:16 NIV
16 When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.
Lord, help me stay focused on Your Will, to do your work and trust you to win the battles.