to all those who entered the GOT BOOKS? EVENT giveaway and the many who left such nice comments. If you are new to my blog - Welcome! You will learn that I LOVE to sponsor giveaways! Mostly books but I try to throw in some extra items every month or so just for fun, plus some giveaways to thank my Followers.
I have to get the summer giveaway posted soon. It looks like the giveaway list has outgrown the top of the blog spot so I will be moving it to the sidebar later this week.
BTW- a couple people asked about the metal hook bookmarks. My friend, Jensmere, is one of the September Blogmania sponsors at eTreasures Publishing so there will be more bookmarks available there with many other great prizes. That Giveaway event will have an international package too. Please check out the eight sponsor posts at eTreasures blog (and follow early to save time during the event). There are some more sponsor and gift posts coming up soon.
Jensmere also makes some lovely jewelry which I will be offering, with more bookmarks, in future giveaways here at my blog. As another blogger says - it's fun to have Bling with books!