So this is my question --- do books need to have all the bad language and cuss words to be considered "real"? A while back I had e-mailed an author and pointed out that although I really liked the action and plot in her book I didn't like the language. She responded that it was "real language" with a bit of an indication that I was NOT real!!
I was raised in a pretty conservative home and when I was in high school I was referred to as a "goodie two shoes" on occasion. [Hmmm - wonder where that phrase comes from?]
There was not much swearing at our house that I can recall. Somewhere along the way I made a conscious decision not to use swear words. Heck, darn and drat are about as harsh as I get! I don't even like to say 'crap' even though my kids rooms might have looked like that sometimes when they were teens! I just don't find the need to use rough language to express myself.
So needless to say I wonder why bad words have to be so prevalent in books. I understand that there is likely to be bad language in a cop story. [Unless it is inspirational - they manage just fine without bad language!!] I have read some good PI stories where there is some language but the book isn't peppered with it - just a word or five out of the whole book. However there are other books where it seems like it is every tenth (or even fiftieth) word and I don't like it!! [And if cops really talk that way all the time I sure am glad I don't have to work around them!!]

I really find it hard to swallow foul words in historical romance! Okay so maybe the people in the streets would have used gutter language and maybe the gents would have too. But I would just a soon not read it!
If I have accepted a review book then I will get through it but I am likely to make a note near the end of the review that it contains rough, raw, crude or swear language depending on the severity! I will also not steamy, graphic or explicit sex. Why do I note those aspects??? Because I think there may be some other readers out there who may want to be forewarned about the language or the explicitness.
So how do YOU feel about bad language in books???
Again this week there will be a drawing from all comments made on this post - leave your e-mail please so I can reach you! I will draw a winner Friday morning to chose a book from the Friday Pick books!