We enjoyed praise and worship in service before Pastor’s end of the year sermon. He noted that most of us seek to start a new year with a new plan; to make or do things better. He encouraged us to look back, even at the hard parts of 2018, and celebrate what God has brought us through.
He stated that true thankfulness can bring a fresh attitude for the new year.
He asked: “What does God say about thankfulness.” The old testament is full of ritual systems for celebration and giving thanks. Often readers of the Bible stories can draw a line from unthankfulness to sin.
Thankfulness is a key ingredient to an obedient, worshipful heart. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 admonishes the believers to always be thankful.
Point A thankful life is the only way of life for the healthy Christ-follower.
The Psalms are full of praise and thanksgiving.
Thankfulness pours out of healthy Christ followers.
Thankfulness shrinks the parts of us identified as the flesh. We are not to love worldly things but to do the will of God. 1John 2:15-17.
Thankfulness reduces our tendency to feel entitlement.
Thankfulness reduces our lust for what the world offers.
Thankfulness raises the value of what we already have, and Who it came from.
Thankfulness puts us in our right place and God in His right place.
God gives everything to us, including our very breath! Shouldn’t we use that breath and life to give Him thanks?
Nothing does more to express our thankful attitude than bringing the tithe as directed by God.
God gave us the ultimate gift in the sacrifice of His son.
We always have all we need to be thankful, if we focus on Christ’s gift.
2018 brought unexpected, unplanned events into our lives. Still, we can exercise thankfulness.
Pastor challenged us to consider Psalm 136 then make a point today to think of three specific things to be thankful for, beyond the obvious of life and family.
I was ready to post a different praise song but this one tugged on me.
Perhaps someone who reads this post needs to remember this song.
Praise You in This Storm.
Verses for Today:Perhaps someone who reads this post needs to remember this song.
Praise You in This Storm.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Psalm 136:1 and 26
1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
26 Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His love endures forever.
One of my selections for thankfulness today: I give thanks for the assurance and peace in my soul when I remember that God is in Control!