One of the most asked questions was “How do I determine God’s Will for me?” As the church’s pastor was away the sermon was shared by a visiting pastor. It is two parts so today we got the first part which was saying that when we seek to determine what God’s will is, we can first look to see what it is not.
The pastor noted that we communicate with God in a one to one relationship, so we need to determine what Prayer is not. He listed five items:
1. Prayer is not the lottery – expecting to win favor. (Matthew 6:7.) Rather, prayer is talking, and listening, to God, our heavenly Father.
2. Prayer is not a suggestion box. We should not be trying to tell God what to do or how He should handle things, through our prayers. The purpose of prayer is to bring me into alignment with plan of God by focusing on our relationship with Him.
3. Prayer is not a marriage certificate. Prayer time is important but it is not a substitute for relationship with spouse and family. It is not designed to meet personal needs. Family life must be attended to lest prayers be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7.
4. Prayer is not a Bible. God's Will is revealed in the Bible so prayer is not a substitute for reading the Word of God and the Rhema word (A rhema is a verse or portion of Scripture that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention with application to a current situation or need for direction.) Any utterance not consistent with the Biblical word is not of God. Isaiah 8:20; Matthew 4:4.
Prophecy may be given to help ‘fight the good fight’ (1 Timothy 1:18) but we are to live by full and truthful word in the Bible.
5. Prayer is not a church. The church is a gathering place for prayer; a “house of prayer”. Isaiah 56:7. But if we do not gather in fellowship with others, at a church or fellowship gathering, then we are missing out on that part of the relationship God has directed us to have with other believers. Prayer is the door that brings us into the presence of God but it is important to have prayers of agreement. Matthew 18:17-19. Prayer is the most powerful force on earth so shouldn’t we seek opportunity to share this power and draw on it by praying with others.
I appreciated these words and look forward to hearing Part Two of the message.
I found this song video a few weeks back and it fits for this message.
Verses for Today:Matthew 18:17-19 (NIV)
17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
We are praying today for a friend facing surgery this week. Lord please provide wisdom and skill for the doctors and nurses, relief of pain, comfort, strength and healing!