SkyLine The Dragon Commander
A Military Science Fiction Romance Adventure
by Kennedy King
![SkyLine: The Dragon Commander - A Military Science Fiction Romance Adventure by [King, Kennedy]](
File Size: 4302 KB
Print Length: 90 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Mind of Khan Studios (October 21, 2018)
Genre: Cyberpunk, Dragon, Fantasy, Military Sci Fi
My Rating: 3.75 of 5.0
It's 2350. Cold Fusion, AI nanotech cops, and the SkyLine between a dying Earth and a developing Mars are parts of life.
Major General Christopher Droan has survived a crisis. It left him with trauma and a deeper understanding of his dad’s distrust for technology.
Now all he wants is to focus on the love of his life, Sheeba.
It’s a turbulent time to be a Major General, even one resigned to desk work. But the calm can only last so long. When tragedy strikes Precinct 117 in Shanghai, Chris and his unit are forced to gear up again.
What waits for them in the heart of a robot with a beta personality matrix will change the planets on both ends of the SkyLine, mankind, and Major General Christopher Droan, forever.
Major General Christopher Droan leads a special team who has survived some traumatic battles. They have seen and survived devastating attacks. Droan is trying to put his love life first as he helps his fiancĂ©, Sheeba, plan their wedding. Sheeba is afraid to tell Droan of the nightmares that are increasing. When she’d like to keep Droan close to hand, he is called away to meet his team at the site of a radical attack.
Droan suspects that something is troubling Sheeba but she isn’t telling him the problem. He has no choice but to respond to the call out. A strong precinct in Shanghai has had all of the officers killed but one, Finch. The attack wasn’t from outside, but rather by the AI partners of the officers. Finch only survived because his new partner, DA-Vos, protected him. What, or who, could cause these specialized AI units to turn on their human masters?
The story has intrigue and some strange paranormal twists. Sheeba’s nightmare visions have a strange connection to an unexplained power that challenges Droan. How can Droan deal when confronted with “You cannot shoot a thought”?
I really liked the action and intrigue in the story. Droan’s assignment is a little confusing but I imagine it would come clear in the next book. There is some sexual contact (not vulgar) and some (gruesome) killing. The writing is easy and the story moves quickly. I just feel it could have used a little more depth and clarity. I recommend this to readers who like military sci fi with cyberpunk and dragon elements.
Source: NetGalley 2019. This qualifies for 2019NetGalley goal.