by Jennifer Kitchens
Print Length: 209 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1477612416
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
Genre: Historical Romance
My Rating: 4.75 of 5.0
Book Description
Publication Date: July 2, 2012
A Woman in Hiding
Nicole Farrington's life had never been easy, but it had always been bearable. At least it had been until now. Faced with a horrible marriage her step-brother has contracted for her, she will do anything to get away. She’ll run…run to anyone who might be able to help her. But running blindly down an unknown path may take her to an unexpected destination.
A Man Seeking Answers
Julian Huntington, Earl of Foxley, wants nothing more than to have his carefree life back. Now he is left with a title, a child, and a future that he never expected would be his. He refuses to believe his brother's death was an accident, no matter what people say. Someone killed him and Julian plans to find out who and why. Maybe then he can go on with his life…his brother’s life. But will the answers he seeks be enough, or will he find love to be a worthier goal?
Nicole Farrington lost her mother very young and as a teen lost her father. On his death bed her father gave her information revealing a secret of her past and telling her to seek out Lord Avonley if she was ever in need. She has worked along with the servants in her household and tried to avoid the lecherous guests her step-brother, Roland, brings home to party with. Now that she has turned eighteen her brother has negotiated to wed her to an older, unpleasant man, in exchange for settling his gambling debts. It is time to seek the help of Lord Avonley.
Nicole sets out disguised as a lad. Along the way “Nick” is rescued at an inn from a scuffle with some other young boys by a man handsome, kind man. When she finally makes it to her destination she meets another surprise. The plan is to send her to the Earl of Foxley, and to remain low key, while Lord Avonley seeks out papers that will get her away from her wicked step-brother.
Julian Huntington, Earl of Foxley, is struggling with his inherited position and his young niece who has withdrawn at the loss of her second parent. Julian is convinced his brother’s death a year earlier was not an accident and he suspects some foul play involving a wild party hosted by Roland Farrignton.
Julian doesn’t know who the lovely young lady is who appears seeking his dead brother, Roger. The note from Lord Avonley is vague and mysterious. Nicole is surprised to see the kind man who helped Nick and hopes he doesn’t recognize her. Introducing herself as Anna, Nicole quickly makes friends with young Clara and is brought under the wing of Aunt Gussie. Even though there is a risk of exposure, Nicole/Anna can’t stop Aunt Gussie from seeking to introduce Anna at ton parties. As Anna and Julian begin to draw closer, Nicole struggles with whether she should reveal the truth of her circumstances to Julian. Julian suspects she is hiding something and he is already trying to ferret out the truth of what happened to his brother. When the connections are revealed will Julian be able to forgive Nicole for her deceptions?
This is a wonderful sweet story with hidden secrets and interesting characters that keep it engaging. Nicole is tenacious if a bit reckless. Julian is kind even if a bit brusque. Clara adds a little extra charm as a child who needs special patience, love and reassurance. The writing moves at a good pace with descriptions that are strong with good imagery. The reading is light and quick. I am glad I got to read this and if you like sweet historical romance, treat yourself to this delightful story.
Example of a nice, strong description:As the slushy mess accumulated, a feeling of desolation and abandonment permeated the air. The old walls groaned as the wind rattled the window. Location 9Julian’s reaction to ‘Amma”:
There was something vulnerable about her that made him want to solve her problems. Location 616.
This ebook was provided by the author for an honest review.
I will add this to my New Author Challenge list.