The Library of Ever
by Zeno Alexander

File Size: 3795 KB
Print Length: 197 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1250169178
Publisher: Imprint (April 30, 2019)
Genre: Action and Adventure, Children's, Middle Grade
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0
The Library of Ever is an instant classic for middle grade readers and booklovers everywhere—an adventure across time and space, as a young girl becomes a warrior for the forces of knowledge.
With her parents off traveling the globe, Lenora is bored, bored, bored—until she discovers a secret doorway into the ultimate library. Mazelike and reality-bending, the library contains all the universe’s wisdom. Every book ever written, and every fact ever known, can be found within its walls. And Lenora becomes its newly appointed Fourth Assistant Apprentice Librarian.
She rockets to the stars, travels to a future filled with robots, and faces down a dark nothingness that wants to destroy all knowledge. To save the library, Lenora will have to test her limits and uncover secrets hidden among its shelves.
Lenora an 11-year-old left home is bored with the nanny who is dragging her around visiting the nanny’s friends and shopping for items the nanny wants. Finally, the nanny stops at the library and Lenora perks up. She slips away from nanny to visit the children’s section of the library and what an adventure she finds!
Lenora helps a boy trying to get into a strange, mysterious hall in the library. Lenora slips into a library through a door with a sign that says: Knowledge is a light. Lenora runs into a Chief Librarian who tells Lenora she must leave. But Lenora convinces the Librarian to give har a job as a Fourth Assistant Apprentice Librarian. Lenora is directed to use her imagination, be resourceful and show courage. She is placed first at the Calendar Help Desk so she can learn important dates in history. She begins learning interesting details but is soon dragged off by a robot to help a kingdom in the future! When she returns to her desk Lenora is promoted to Third Assistant and moves on to another help desk. Her adventure continues through several departments where she learns new facts and helps creatures including penguins, ants and cats. She visits the future, outer space, the globe and ancient Egypt. As the adventure moves along, Lenora is confronted by an enemy who wants to stop her and, even worse, wants to destroy knowledge. What can Lenora do to help fight the enemy that is trying to bring darkness?
The journeys are fantastical and the reader learns fun facts along the way. I found the story delightful and think it would be wonderful for the intended audience of middle graders. It might be better enjoyed if read in sections as it is rather busy and fast paced. Still, it is well worth the fun reading experience.
Source: NetGalley 2019. This qualifies for 2019NetGalley goal.