Anger is natural, but people need to find a positive way to express their anger. There is too much anger present in our society today. Human anger doesn't produce justice. Righteous anger produces just action. Stay in your lane. Exercise Control.
Today’s sermon was based on Matthew 6:33 and could be titled “The Right Priorities”. Matthew 6:25-33.
Even if we don't plan it, we all have priorities. Pastor reminded us of the movie Up where the dog, Dug, would be totally distracted by the squirrel. Believers shouldn't be distracted by the things of the world.
Believers need to be eternally minded. Matthew 6:19-21.
God knows what we have need of. He takes care of the plants and birds who do what they are designed to do. He will take care of His people, but we too need to do our work. Matthew 6:25-32.
Sometimes we say I need something when it's really a want. Believers should not be preoccupied with earthly matters. “Your Will be done” is the first thing we are told to pray after recognizing God as our father who is entitled to worship. Matthew 6:5-15.
We need to seek His Kingdom, Peace, and Joy. We get entangled with things of the world that take our attention. But if we seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness, then everything else will follow. Seeking God is putting emphasis on the right relationship. Asking “God lead me”.
Seek peace by being in right relationship.
Seek joy though the Holy Spirit.
Make God’s Kingdom a priority and blessings follow. God provides for and rewards his followers. Submit to God and let the “Main thing be the main thing.”
This song came to mind right away: First Thing First:
Matthew 6:33
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Lord, Help me submit to You, to Seek You and Your Kingdom!