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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Saturday Snapshot November 2, 2013 Flowers for Recovery

I didn't get to reply last week that the rose was for no special occassion. My DH is like that and has given me flowers on many 'non-occassions' through our marriage. 

I was thinking I wouldn't post this morning but I awoke early since I spent a good part of the last two days sleeping.  

This week I spent a couple hours on Monday making plant creations 
with my daughter and the Woman's Club.

Heather snapped a photo of the two of us:

Needless to say my surgery this week was great concern for my family.
DH and Heather were more upset than I was. 
I had expected another fibrous cyst and not invasive ductal carcinoma 
so I wasn't happy with the diagnosis. 
Plus the mammogram reported a spot in the lymph nodes they were concerned about.
However, I was relying on the Grace of God to have the lymph nodes clear.
The surgery took all day Thursday (mostly waiting, not in OR) and the results were good -
the tumor removed and the lymph node clear!
Heather sent this for me on Friday:

She sure didn't have to send me flowers
 and I feel badly for the worry she felt. 
But these flowers are clearly for an occasion as we celebrate the clear report.

[Oops - forgot to change this sentence.] I didn't get to visit much last week as I was trying to complete work and line up things before the surgery. I hope to visit a bit today between napping..

A big Thank You to Alyce of At Home With Books who has hosted this meme for a number of years. She is taking a summer hiatus at her blog and the new host will be Melissa at West Metro Mommy. Thank you to Melissa for picking up the responsibility.

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky being hosted this summer by West Metro Mommy. Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.


  1. I am glad that you got good news after your surgery....and what an ordeal! Naturally you are going to sleep a bit! Enjoy your flowers, and thanks for sharing. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. All best wishes for a speedy recovery to you! Beautiful mother-daughter photo. Thanks for sharing.

  3. So glad to read that your lymph node was clear. Hope you are feeling better and PTL for the results.

  4. Sending prayers to you for a speedy and complete recovery!

  5. So glad to read that your lymph node was clear. Sending prayers to you for a complete recovery. The flowers your daughter gave you are beautiful!

  6. I'm happy with he good result but i can undesrtand why they were worried too i wish you a full recovery

    best wishes

  7. Beautiful flowers! Great photo of that your daughter? You both look so happy. Have a great day!

  8. So glad you had a good report - take care & let yourself be pampered!

  9. Love you mom! I will send flowers any day to celebrate your life! You are so strong and amazing and I hope to be just like you "when I grow up" ;) Love you so much.


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