Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (April 13, 2010)
ISBN-10: 0446556521
ISBN-13: 978-0446556521
My Rating: 5++
Product Description
Already an internet phenomenon, these wise and insightful lessons by popular newspaper columnist and Pulitzer Prize finalist Regina Brett will make you see the possibilities in your life in a whole new way.
When Regina Brett turned 50, she wrote a column on the 50 lessons life had taught her. She reflected on all she had learned through becoming a single parent, looking for love in all the wrong places, working on her relationship with God, battling cancer and making peace with a difficult childhood. It became one of the most popular columns ever published in the newspaper, and since then the 50 lessons have been emailed to hundreds of thousands of people.
Brett now takes the 50 lessons and expounds on them in essays that are deeply personal. From "Don't take yourself too seriously-Nobody else does" to "Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift," these lessons will strike a chord with anyone who has ever gone through tough times--and haven't we all?
Review: I can’t say enough good about this book. I am buying copies for my daughter, my sister, my dad and stepmother and an extra to give to a friend. If it comes out in audio I’ll get it for my husband!
This book is full of basic, down to earth advise for coping with daily living as well as the road bumps and crisis that life throws at us. The chapters are short, bite size chunks that let you devour them, chew a bit and savor before going to the next bite. The chapter titles help give a picture of the wisdom that is shared in a humorous, entertaining flow. Here are just a small sampling. The titles are the author’s and the comments following are mine.
Lesson 1: Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. Now we all know that is true!
Lesson 15: Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.
Great reassurance.
Lesson 21: Burn the candles, use the sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save anything for a special occasion. Today is special enough. I’m guilty of this but it makes sense. Why get the pretty candles (or lingerie) and not enjoy them?
Lesson 26: Frame every so-called disaster with these words:”In five years, will this matter?”
I actually learned this in my teens and it helps to get over mistakes, embarrassment and guilt.
The author shares from her own experiences with a difficult childhood, as a single mother, a woman struggling to establish a career and a woman in her early 40s suffering with the emotional trauma of breast cancer. The book is not preachy although the author doesn’t hide her faith in God. Her faith is something she had to learn until it became part of her daily living. She shares from living in the trenches, not a palace.
I recommend this book for every gender, every race and every age. There is no person who is able to read who can’t benefit from the calm lessons expressed here. And it’s worth reading to your children to get the wisdom in their heads early. Please treat yourself and a friend to this book!
You have a chance to win one of three copies by entering my Giveaway.
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