Welcome to another SBB!
late on Saturday Night. I'm finishing this late tonight as we went to a Sunday School group bonfire. The location was on a lake and beautiful although the wind picked up for a chilly 57 degrees. We watched Thou Shalt Laugh 4 and there was some great humor!
Thank you to all who shared last week.
Several of your countries do not celebrate Halloween but I loved that most of you shared costume ideas o
r favorite costumes from childhood. I especially loved the book ideas:
Carol NW suggested dressing as a library;
Abby suggested dressing as a giant book; and
Elizabeth mentioned school children having to dress as book characters. Several of you also mentioned dressing in older period costumes which would be fun too.
It sounds like we all have pretty big, and mostly out of control, TBR piles, boxes and shelves. I think the most organized sounded like
Ricki with her sorted shelves,
miki with her boxes by genres and
mamabunny13 with her 10 books in a stack approach. I do have boxes by genres in addition to authors so maybe I can incorporate that for next year's approach to the TBR stacks. :-) And Birgit, Carol and others - we will not even discuss the ebook (Knidles, Nook, etc.) TBR stacks!!
The Winner from SBB #71 comments is:
#18 Cheryl C There are still 5 'love' books to pick from and 1 Christmas choice (see my note above about adding more titles to that list soon).
Cheryl please choose a book (or GC if international) from the remaining five
Love Books List for Giveaway, the new
Christmas Giveaway Book list, OR pick from the
Updated ARC/Review List and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the
WEEK #72 Questions
Q1. Faith Hope & CherryTea asks: Many of the classics being formatted for ebooks are including the original illustrations. Are you more influenced to prefer or choose a book with illustrations??
I have been really lax at re-reading classics. I'm thinking I would rather listen to them then read. :-) But IF I were reading I think I would love to see original illustrations in the old classics.
While looking for an image I discovered a classic
that I loved as a child. Maybe you have one to share that you remember?
Images found at
Ventura County Star for Winnie the Pooh
Q2. Since we are almost on Halloween I have one more question: IF you do / or were to celebrate what part of Halloween would you participate in?? Decorations? Would you let the kids go down the street door to door for trick or treating or take them to a festival event??
A: We avoid the night and turn out our porch light although we are on a secluded mile long drive so not likely to get visitors anyway. :-) I get a big bag of candy for our church which is sharing with other churches in a downtown "Trunk or Treat" event where they give the candy out of the backs of cars. My daughter will dress the grandkids and take them to that type of event but she may well walk them around her neighborhood too to get their "trick or treat" candy. They have a very safe neighborhood and she will decorate her house as will many others. Our town also has a haunted house every year.
Mystica asked last week to explain the candy "trick or treat" aspect. I found two articles to share for explanations: Why candy is given out on Halloween? found at http://www.emasherbs.com and http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_do_people_give_out_candy_on_Halloween
Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I will draw from the suggestions I used the month before and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions but some of you others might want to get in a question or two as we have a few people submitting most of the questions so far. Either way - it works for me. :-) The question list is being replenished! Thanks for sending in questions!
***OCTOBER Questions were submitted by: Louisa, Mary P, Krystal, mamabunny13 and Faith Hope & CherryTea. This months Q winner is: Krystal. Please choose a book selection from the SBB winner choices.
Your turn to share:
1. Faith Hope & CherryTea asks: Many of the classics being formatted for ebooks are including the original illustrations. Are you more influenced to prefer or choose a book with illustrations?? Or share an illustrated classic you remember from childhood.
2. IF you do / or were to celebrate what part of Halloween would you participate in?? Decorations? Would you let the kids go down the street door to door for trick or treating or take them to a festival event??
SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining
Valentine and "Love" books (5 left) or the new
Christmas Giveaway Books. Also I have added the
Updated ARC/Review List now.
SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, November 2, 2012 at 10 PM central.