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###Winner Announcement Posts are linked here.###

GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Audible Book Review: The Watchman of Ephraim

This is a solid, engaging thriller.  I especially recommend it to readers who enjoy counter-terrorism, action novels. 
The Watchman of Ephraim: Cris De Niro, Book 1 | [Gerard de Marigny]

Available in Print and Kindle
Genre:  Thriller 
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

Publisher's Summary
Cris De Niro worked his way up to the top of the hedge fund world. Yet, all of his money couldn't protect him from losing his wife on 9/11. Ten years passed since the tragedy. De Niro and his sons relocated to a sprawling ranch near Las Vegas. Turning to his faith to overcome his anguish, De Niro now lives for a higher purpose. From a biblical passage, he reads about the "Watchman of Ephraim", a defender who kept watch over the land. De Niro decides to acquire a lackluster counter-terrorism agency in order to transform it into a modern-day version of The Watchman for the United States but there's not a moment to lose.

Aref Sami Zamani is planning a terrorist attack on American soil - codenamed "Antioch", a plot to detonate a nuke over the city of Las Vegas. The Watchman uncovers a connection between Zamani and a Mexican drug cartel but their agent goes missing before they can learn more. That's because Zamani has a spy working for The Watchman.

Strange events start to unfold near the Nogales border crossing. References are discovered to something the Mexicans are calling "Noche Del Espantada" ...Fright Night", but can it mean something else?

September 11, 2011 and the sun hasn't risen yet in Las Vegas or Nogales. Antioch is in motion! At the border, Noche Del Espantada has begun and there are intruders at De Niro's ranch. De Niro has to protect his sons and someone new in his life, Dr. Moriah Stevens. She too, lost her spouse on 9/11. Moriah finds herself in love with De Niro but his devotion to his wife is proving too powerful for him, even after 10 years.

 It's the 10th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on American soil and unless De Niro and his new team are successful, the day will be known as "The 2nd 9/11".

In 2001 Cris De Niro is a wealthy man with a beautiful wife and young sons to raise.  Then terror and tragedy struck.  On 9/11 Cris realizes his wife is trapped in one of the Twin Tower buildings.  He has already been injured himself but he struggles to climb the stairs to reach her. When he would drop to the stairs and allow himself to die a firefighter steps in and makes him think of his young sons.  He chooses to live and raise his sons in a godly fashion as his wife would want.

Ten years later Cris and his sons are living on a massive ranch compound near Las Vegas.  There he has built a hidden, underground bunker to help in the fight against terrorism.  Cris has  purchased a counter- terrorism company and is determined to establish it as a Watchman against terrorism.  He brings along his brother-in-law, Richard, a tough ex–marine, to head the security details.  As they develop a strong team they uncover rumors of a terrorist attack and go into action to stop the threat.

There is conspiracy and betrayal to face. Even though the recruited expert operatives are well trained the agency is scrambling to prepare for the battle with little confirmed information. It is soon clear that someone is leaking the team assignments, undermining the defense and putting lives in danger. Stumbling a step behind the terrorists, it may take more than skill alone to stop another 9-11 attack.  I particularly enjoyed the plot with its conspiracy and greedy traitor creating more danger. There is plenty of action and excitement.

I liked several of the characters created by Mr. de Marigny.  De Niro is strong, reclusive, quiet and clearly  dedicated to his sons and his vow to fight terrorism.  Other characters are the silent but tough military characters.  I liked the good mix of action and emotional drama. The possible development of a love interest with Dr. Moriah Stevens, a 9/11 widow, is only a small part of the story. The relationship is awkward mostly because De Niro isn’t ready to move on from the love he lost.

The narrator does a good job trying to include different accents for the polished Cris, the tough brother-in-law, Richard, and the foreign terrorists. Mr. Alexander delivers a steady pace on the reading with a good balance of intensity to convey emotion and action.  I had no distractions with the narration.

The plot has twists to keep you actively moving forward. There is an underlying strength or foundation of faith without any direct preaching.  I would be glad to read/listen to more of these stories for the strong action plot.  I recommend this book to readers who like counter terrorism action.
Audiobook Jukebox

I received the Audible version of this book for review from JarRyJorNo Publishing through Audiobook Jukebox.

I am choosing the setting near Las Vegas, Nevada for my Where are You Reading challenge. I will also add it to my New Author and Audio challenge lists.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Book Review with Kindle Giveaway Link: Bloodline (The Samsara Chronicles Book 10)

Watch out for dark, slimy creatures, human-type and beastly-type, in this book.

by Diana Kemp and Gabriella Bradley 

  • File Size: 128 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: eXtasy Books (May 25, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0086FQP6Y
Genre: Science Fiction
My Rating: 4.0 of 5.0

Book Description
Publication Date: May 25, 2012
Intrigue and betrayal plague both Nirvana and Klatria, prompting Aislinn to call a tribunal of all Nirvanan nations to address the crisis.

While Vark, Soulmaster and corrupt ruler of Klatria, plots with the Nirvanan traitor to acquire the skull and kill the royals, insurrection grows from within the ranks of his own people. His intention to use Aislinn’s parents as pawns to lure Aislinn to Klatria conceals his true intentions to destroy them all.

This installment of this engaging science fiction series shows us the darkness of Aislinn’s enemies.  Shakan is disdainful of the ‘good’ royal family and their limiting ways. Although he hides his dark persona in the public halls of Nirvana, on his own he revels in his rebellion and hatred for the royal family.  He plans his conspiracy with the Klatrian leader, Vark, and the attack on Aislinn and her family. He will seek out Aislinn’s sister, Princess Nashira as his bride, even if he must force her as he destroys her family.

Shakan is not alone in is hatred and planning. He has visions of his ancient ancestor, Janvhar, locked in a cell by Her Royal Highness, Alaya. Shakan wrestles the icon from Janvhar’s cell so that he can release the long buried evil that will help him terrorize the royal family.

Meanwhile, on the foreign planet of Klatria, Vark, the cruel, barbaric leader, contemplates the stubbornness of his royal hostages who refuse to eat the meat offered to them.  He barely cares for their condition except that he is reminded by Rodorus that they are to be bartered for the skull promised to Vark by Shakan. Vark doesn’t realize that Shakan plans to retain the power of the skull for himself.

There is a group of leaders who object to Vark’s dark leadership. Anelda and Rodorus plan to sneak into the presence of Aislinn’s royal parents to ask them to help the plight of the remaining good Klatrians before their whole people is destroyed.

I was engaged by this alien world of fearsome creatures sharing the caverns with the disheartened people. The authors have created a terrible, dark and gruesome world where the society is dying because the infants cannot survive.  I felt empathy for the suffering and desperation of the good Klatrians. The authors have also made very dark and evil characters in Janvhar, Shakan and Vark. Just the type of villains you like to hate. 

This book ends with Aislinn and Dylan breaking free from an attack by Janvhar who tries to suck them into the overlap of time.  Aislinn is able to escape with the power of the skull.  Now they must return home to battle Shakan and figure out how to save her parents from the clutches of Vark. To be continued in Book 11, The Entity.
Aislinn’s destiny:
Your bloodline until now has used the powers, but only you can become one with them. Events have come to a full circle and await completion. Location 616.
Thank you to the authors for providing this book for review as part of a Pump Up Your Book Tour event with Kindle Giveaway link.


Pump Up Your Book and The Samsara Chronicles are teaming up to give you a chance to win a Kindle Fire!

Kindle Fire

Here’s how it works:

Each person will enter this giveaway by liking, following, subscribing and tweeting about this giveaway through the Rafflecopter form placed on blogs throughout the tour.  If your blog isn’t set up to accept the form, we offer another way for you to participate by having people comment on your blog then directing them to where they can fill out the form to gain more entries.
This Kindle Fire promotion will run from June 1 – August 31. Winner will be chosen randomly by Rafflecopter, contacted by email and announced on September 1, 2012.
Each blogger who participates in The Samsara Chronicles virtual book tour is eligible to enter and win.
Visit each blog stop below to gain more entries as the Rafflecopter widget will be placed on each blog for the duration of the tour.
If you would like to participate, email Dorothy at thewriterslife(at) Last day to sign up is July 27. What a great way to not only win this fabulous prize, but to gain followers and comments too! Good luck everyone!

Click on the graphic below to find out how you can win!

[If the picture link doesn't work, go to this page].


One lucky person who comments the most on The Samsara Chronicles’ blog stops will receive a $50 gift certificate. The blog host who receives the most comments through the tour will also receive a $50 gift certificate!

divider 13

Pump Up Your Book

Martha's Bookshelf***Friday Pick Giveaway August 10, 2012

[** If you are new to Friday Pick Giveaway - Welcome!  Scroll down a bit (below book group #19) for instructions on how to enter.] 

Happy Friday! It has still been busy for me but I am glad to say my daughter is feeling a bit better. Thanks for your kind words and prayers.

Thank you to all who entered the August 3 Pick.  There was only ONE Automatic winner this week. (those who requested the book four times and I did not note other people asking for that book during those weeks).  Dead Ringer was blocked again - a popular pick and it was won.
Sienny picked Midnight Rainbow four times for an automatic win.

to picked Winners from August 3 Pick:

June M chose Dead Ringer
Linda chose An Independent Woman but may get GC

All winners please fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form or email me to confirm your win, send your snail mail address information and let me know if you would like bookmarks - sensual or sexy and I have a new supply of sweet bookmarks.

Don't you just love dragonflies? 
This one with a book is extra lovely!
Image found at Literanista

New Book Group #30 July 27, 2012
This time I pulled some books from one of my older boxes.
*asterisks indicate lighter, smaller books possibly suitable for international mailing

Dead Ringer by Lisa Scottline
The Willful Widow by Valerie King (spine wear)
Threads of Destiny by Arnette Lamb
A Dangerous Devotion by Barbara Kyle
Carolina Moon by Nora Roberts (some spine wear)
{An Independent Woman by Candace Camp} Shipping cost TBD
Wolf Mountain Moon by Terry C. Johnston
Wild Escapade by Lisa Bingham
Dancing on Snowflakes by Jane Bonander
Virtue by Jane Feather
Don't Bargain with The Devil by Sabrina Jeffries
Mistress by Amanda Quick - Audio Cassettes
*Long Time Coming by Sandra Brown
*The Contrary Corinthian by Emily Hendrickson (spine wear)
*There Was a Little Boy by Claire Rainwater Jacobs
*On Thin Ice by Linda Hall

New Book Group #29 June 29, 2012
*asterisks indicate lighter, smaller books possibly suitable for international mailing
The Promise by Kasey Michaels
Winning Ways by Barbara Boswell
Tomorrow's Promise by Sandra Brown
Midnight Rainbow by Linda Howard
Death's Door by Meryl Sawyer
Life Support by Tess Gerristen Audio Cassettes
Plum Lovin' by Janet Evanovich
Exit to Eden by Anne Rice
While My Pretty One Sleeps by Mary Higgins Clark
Gifts from the Heart by Jillian Hart
*Simon Said by Sarah R. Shaber
*One is the Lonliest Number - Tom Clancey's Net Force
*Edwin of the Iron Shoes by Marcia Mueller
*Covert Pursuit by Terri Reed
*Close to Home by Carolyne Aarsen

New Book Group #28 May 18, 2012
*asterisks indicate lighter, smaller books suitable for international
Wanna Get Lucky? by Deborah Coonts
Game Over by Fern Michaels
Forever Victoria by Dorothy Garlock
Sleeping Alone by Barbara Bretton
Gentle From the Night Meagan McKinney (spine creased)
In Too Deep by Tina Wainscott
Wildflower by Jill Marie Landis
*Love and Other Four Letter Words by Caroline Mackler
*The Carousel by Rosamund Pilcher
*Shades of Grace by Barbara Delinsky (audio tapes)
The Heart of Justice by William L. Coughlin
Cross Country by James Patterson

New book Group #27 April 13, 2012
Some of the books on the right end are smaller and suitable for overseas mailing. :-)
Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris (spine damage)
Dear John by Nicholas Sparks
Midnight Hour by Debra Dixon
September Morning by Diana Palmer
Beneath the Surface by Annie White (slight spine wear)
*The Dream Horse by Virginia Campbell Scott
*Summer's Belle by Paige Winship Dooly

New book Group #26 March 2, 2012--- (All gone)
These are Paired sets - two per author.
Four are parts of series the others are just singles by the same author.
Winners get both books if you pick these.

New Group #25 January 12, 2012

*Smaller books on the right would be okay for most international mailing.

Leopards Kill by Jim DeFelice
Category 7 by Bill Evans and Marianna Jameson
Hell's Belle by Jane Holleman

New Group #24 Pick Books November 25, 2011---(All gone)
(The only Thanksgiving title I found is a Harlequin I'd like to read someday so no Thanksgiving titles for November.)

New Group #23 Pick Books October 14, 2011
I tried to pick some books that would be good for October -
Halloween or dark minded.

Ghost Writer (Shivers #3) by M.D. Spenser
Emily's Good Nightmare by Cosmic Debris Cosmic

New Group #22 Pick Books September 2, 2011

New Group #21 of Pick Books July 29, 2011
There are eight mysteries and I have asterisked nine books that are smaller and would be good for oversea choices if so desired.

Stand by Me Anthology with Dallas Schulze, Roberta Leigh and Linda Randall Wisdom (spine creased)

May, 2011 New Group of Pick books
Group #20

Luciano's Luck by Jack Higgins - Audio Cassettes

3/25/11 I did get to set up a new group of books:
Group #19
Primary Colors - audio tapes
Note of Peril (black strip on cover)

2/19/11 Book Group #18- Pairs!---(All gone)
Not all of these are two from a series but several are. Each pick gets two books.

I have finally updated the intro and Entry paragraphs here:
If you saw the pictures posted of my bookshelves and boxes you know I do have lots of books! And that doesn't include the other eight or so boxes at my office!! And more books as I find deals too good to pass up! I am sharing my book bounty by these Friday Pick Giveaways. 

I started Friday Pick in November 27, 2009 and in two years I  posted 26 groups of 16 books to find new homes! (March 2012)

I have periodically update the lists - deleting those won. You can still go to the Friday Pick list link to see older posts and the older lists book pictures if you want! I am happy to say that so far about 394 books have found new homes! YAY. I have to update my print out to check the exact number sent out - a few were never claimed.

Note rules here regarding international entries.
Because postage to overseas can be prohibitive I am willing to give a $5.00 book certificate to international winners - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, ARe, TWRP, ClassAct Books, eTreasures, Desert Breeze, tell me where and I'll set it up. So for my overseas visitors your comment may indicate a smaller book and I'll check postage or note your choice of gift card.
I learned that The Book Depository does not ship to everywhere. The postage for some of the books to far away places runs between $5.00 and $6.00 and up. Since I would award $5.00 for The Book Depository to an international winner, as an alternative you may choose a smaller book and we will hope the postage will not exceed $6.00. If the postage is more, or if you want to pick a larger book and you are willing to pay any extra postage beyond the $6.00 I will work with you on that. This may not make a difference to many but if it helps one or two of you to give one of my books a home that will make me happy too. :o)


Leave a comment and tell me WHICH BOOK you would like to get from the Friday Pick lists.
CUT OFF TIME IS THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 10:00 PM CENTRAL so I do not have to stay up past midnight to do the winner post!
I will randomly pick two winners to announce Friday mornings with the next Pick post.
Automatic wins are those who requested the book four times and I did not note other people asking for that book during those weeks.

WINNERS PLEASE CHECK THE WIN POST ON FRIDAYS AND fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form or email me at [I will confirm receipt of the addresses- well I realize I haven't always done this. But if you filled out the form and don't get the book within two weeks nudge me with an email please!] If I have the winners e-mail I will send a reminder in a week or so....

Thanks for helping these books find new homes!!

Repeating this helpful blog tip: You can right click on a link and you will be given the choice to open the link in a new window or tab so you do not navigate away from the screen you are on!! I use this all the time!

1/14/11 New List
Moonfire by Judith Redman Robbins

12/3/10 Book Set:
Sleight of Hand by Robin Hathaway
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

List #15---(All gone)
List #14---(All gone)

Here is set #13 of Used books!
Pearl Beyond Price by Claire Delacroix

This is a group of books I have had for several years but not gotten to read. Since it doesn't look like I will get to read them for another year (or more!) I am passing them on. Although as I type them part of me still says "But you may want to read that some day!" Yes, yes; along with the other 700 books I am housing! Must Let goooooo.....
Group #12---(All gone)

Group #11
Cat's Eyewitness by Rita Mae Brown
Alien Chronicles - The Crimson Claw by Deborah Chester
Snow in April by Rosamunde Pilcher
Looking Back by Belva Plain
The Ring on Her Finger by Elizabeth Bevarly

List #1
Circle of Stars by Anna Lee Waldo

Pick #2
The Blue Zone by Andrew Gross

Pick #3---(All gone)

Pick #4
Talking God by Tony Kellerman
Everything to Gain by Barbara Taylor Bradford
The Sixth Sense
The Shadow by Shelley Munro (PA)

Pick #5
See Jane Lead by Lois P. Frankel
Misfortune by Nancy Geary
Cold Hit by Linda Fairstein - Audio Tapes

Pick #6---(All gone)

Pick #7
Prey by Michael Crichton - Audio Tape
Princess Charming by Jane Heller (slightly creased)

Pick #8
(sc) = slightly creased on binding otherwise all in good shape
The Jury by Steve Martini - Audio Tapes
No Safe Place by Richard North Patterson - Audio Tapes

Pick #9
On Treacherous Ground by Earl Murray
Guardian by Dee Henderson - Audio Tapes
Time to Hunt by Stephen Hunter - Audio Tapes

Pick #10
The Third Twin by Ken Follett (spine creased)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway: Hell on Wheels by Julie Ann Walker

Hop on and hang on tight to this great, entertaining ride!
by Julie Ann Walker 
  • Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
  • Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (August 7, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1402267134
  • ISBN-13: 978-1402267130
Genre: Romanctic Suspense
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Book Description
Publication Date: August 7, 2012
Black Knights Inc.—Behind the facade of their tricked–out motorcycle shop is an elite special ops team assigned the jobs too hot for anyone else to handle.
Hold On Tight...
Ex–Marine Nate "Ghost" Weller is an expert at keeping his cool—and his distance—which makes him one hell of a sniper. It's also how he keeps his feelings for Ali Morgan in check. Sweet, sexy Ali has always revved his engine, but she's his best friend's baby sister...and totally off limits.
Rough Road Ahead
Ali's never seen anything sexier than Nate Weller straddling his custom Harley—or the flash of danger in his eyes when she tells him she's in trouble. First something happened to her brother, and now she's become the target of a nasty international organization. With Nate, her life is in the most capable hands possible—but her heart is another story altogether.


Ali thought she was close to her big brother, Grigg.  She and her parents are devastated when Grigg’s best friend, Nate, delivers the news that Grigg was killed in a freak accident at the motorcycle shop where they worked.  Ali has suppressed a crush for Nate since he seemed to always ignore her or dismiss her.

There is a lot Ali doesn’t know. Grigg and Nate are part of an elite black ops team and Grigg was tortured before being killed in action. Also Nate isn’t immune to her, but he does his best to ignore his attraction to her since Grigg warned him off years ago.

Nate is dark and quiet and apt to respond with one word sentences, especially if faced with Ali. Ali on the other hand gets nervous around Nate and tends to run off at the mouth.

Shortly after they learn that Grigg is dead, Ali starts feeling like she is being followed. After barely escaping a mugging she speeds off to Chicago to seek help from Nate. As soon as she enters the high tech machine shop with the ultra level security Ali suspects that this is more than a designer motorcycle shop team. It is discovered that Grigg took part in an 'off the books' operation and apparently sent secrets on a zip drive to Ali. She insists on going along to retrieve the drive as she really wants to uncover all the secrets.  But there is one secret that Nate will never reveal.

I loved the fast paced action of this story. The mob participation and bungling is a little bit of a stretch but it provided opportunities for danger and action.  The intense chemistry, resistance and passion between Ali and Nate makes a great romance. Ms. Walker's style is sleek and intense with a side of humor.  There was some rough language but not so much that I couldn’t read right on past it. 

There was a good secondary tension between Becky, the top notch mechanic and operative wanna be, and the team boss, Frank, who won’t allow himself to think of her beyond her great fix-it skills. They just rub each other the wrong way and I expect there will be another revved-up story for those two.

I would be glad to read more in this fast, tense series. If you like suspense, action and strong romance elements you will want to check out this book and the Black Knights series by Julie Ann Walker.
Ali's reaction to being stalked and nearly mugged:
She felt like her life had taken on the relative dimensions and kinetic energy of a tsunami, and she had nothing but her own two hands as protection against the coming onslaught. Page 78.
Nate stays on alert:
So yeah, the best thing for him to do would be to stay exactly where he was. Watching. Waiting. With five rounds of angry lead that could quickly affect an attitude adjustment in any unfriendly individuals.   Page 179.
Thank you to Sourcebooks for providing this book to read and review.
This is set in Chicago and Jacksonville, NC for my Where Are You Reading Challenge. I will also add this to my New Author and ARC challenge lists.

TO ENTER THIS GIVEAWAY for the Review Copy:
1. Visit the author's website and tell me something you find of interest. This is required for entry.

2.  For an extra entry, become a follower on any media (GFC, Twitter @MSEREADS, Facebook fanpage: , Goodreads or Linky - links on right sidebar) or tell me if you are already a follower.

It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.
(Two total entries possible.)

* This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
* This contest will close 10 PM (Central) on August 17, 2012.
The winner will be randomly selected from all entries.
WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED on August 18, 2012.
Winners will have 72 hours to respond by email or the winners form linked in the announcement.  

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Giveaway: Discover Georgette Heyer!

Here is a chance to win THREE Georgette Heyer titles courtesy of Sourcebooks.
Georgette Heyer, the “Queen of Regency Romance,” is one of the most beloved authors of all time, and Sourcebooks couldn’t be more thrilled to be her North American publishing home: all 52 of her delightful novels are back in print!
Over the years we have come to find that fans of Heyer’s work all have “Heyer moments”—stories about how they discovered her, which novel is their favorite, how they used to sneak and read their mother’s copies, and so on.
We LOVE hearing these stories from fans, and what better time to sing the praises of one of our favorite authors then on the anniversary of her 110th birthday!
In light of the anniversary, Sourcebooks wants to ask readers: “How did YOU discover Georgette Heyer?”

TO ENTER YOU MUST leave a comment:

(a) Share your "Heyer Moment": when you first discovered Georgette Heyer; what was her first book that you read; what is your favorite Heyer title.
(b) If you haven't read Ms. Heyer yet please share why you want to start reading her novels.

LEAVE your email so I can contact you if you win!

I will pick one winner from the comments who will receive a surprise grab-bag prize pack of 3 different Heyer novels: 1 Romance, 1 Mystery, 1 Historical Fiction (1 winner per blog, US and Canada addresses only)

This giveaway will end August 17, 2012 at 10pm Central.

Here are a few of the many wonderful titles. One of the first I read was False Colours.

Devil's Cub False Colours Faro's Daughter The Foundling Frederica Friday's Child

Here are other activities Sourcebooks is sponsoring for Heyer’s 110th birthday for the month of August!

All Available Georgette Heyer eBooks on sale for $2.99 from Tuesday August 14th – Monday August 20th! Check this link.

Get 30% off any Heyer print book during the whole month of August at the Sourcebooks store by using the coupon code HEYER at checkout!

Also, check out our Georgette Heyer Facebook page where we will be having discussions, parties and giveaways!


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