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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Giveaway - Three Copies Edge of Sight by Roxanne St. Claire

Full on action, suspense and romance!
Edge of Sight (The Guardian Angelinos) by Roxanne St. Claire

Author Bio


@RoxanneStClaire on Twitter



1. For your main entry comment on the author Guest Post - this is required for entry.  While there, Answer the Question posed by the Author at the bottom of her Post for TWO additional entries.
Make sure you leave your e-mail address!

2.  Visit the Author's website and tell me something you found interesting. Worth 2 entries.

3.  For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

4.  For THREE extra entries, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

5.  For THREE extra entries comment on my review post.

It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.

(12 total entries possible.) MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE YOUR E-MAIL! Three winners!
* This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
* No P.O. Boxes Please - for shipping reasons.
* Only one winner per household.
* This contest will close 10 PM (Central) on November 19, 2010. The winners will be randomly selected from all entries. 

Book Review: Edge of Sight by Roxanne St. Claire

This is romantic suspense as I love it:  intense characters with a strong hero who thinks he isn’t good enough and a committed damsel in distress heroine.

Edge of Sight (The Guardian Angelinos) by Roxanne St. Claire

  • Mass Market Paperback: 432 pages
  • Publisher: Forever; Original edition (November 1, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0446566586
  • ISBN-13: 978-0446566582
   Genre: Romantic Suspense
    My Rating: 4.75 of 5.0

The killer she can't escape . . .
The heartbreak she can't forget . . .
The one man who can stop them both.

When Samantha Fairchild witnesses a murder in the wine cellar of the restaurant where she works, the Harvard-bound law student becomes the next target of a professional assassin. Desperate for protection the authorities won't provide, Sam seeks help from Vivi Angelino, an investigative reporter who recruits her brother, Zach, to protect Samantha. A Special Forces vet with the scars to prove he's equally fearless and flawed, Zach takes the job, despite the fact that he and Sam once shared a lusty interlude that ended when he left for war and disappeared from her life. Now, as they crack a conspiracy that leads to Boston's darkest corners, Sam and Zach must face their fears, desires, and doubts, before a hired killer gets a second shot...

Review:  Samantha “Sam” was a witness to a murder when she was 16. Unfortunately it turned out she identified the wrong man.  When the true killer confessed, Sam worked for three years to help gain the release of Billy, the innocent man she helped send to prison.  Billy and Sam became friends through the process and Sam decided she would go to law school to become a lawyer to help others like Billy.

In the process of freeing Billy Sam has exposed some sloppy police work in the investigation procedures. That has put her on the blacklist of the Boston Police department. When Sam witnesses another murder the police don’t want to rely on her eye witness report, much less protect her. But the killer knows Sam was a witness and is out to clean up loose ends.

As she is laying low Sam seeks the help of a good friend who is a serious reporter and may have contacts to get good police updates. Her good friend, Vivi, happens to be the sister of the man Sam fell in love with three years before. After a hot and heavy fling, Zach walked out and returned to the Army without any contact at all. Fortunately Sam’s activities with the Innocence Mission have helped her work through the pain of her heartache even if she hasn’t forgotten.

When Sam seeks Vivi’s help she runs smack into Zach who is back from the service with some serious disfiguring wounds. Zach doesn’t feel he’s good enough for Sam; he thinks she deserves someone whole. Although Sam doesn’t want his help he can see she is scared and he feels compelled to protect her.

Other members of the Angelino family are pulled together to form the PI/security firm to be known as the Guardian Angelinos. They soon discover that there is more than one person out to kill Sam.

There is nonstop action dodging one assassination attempt after another. The killer isn’t beyond using Sam’s friends as bait to draw her in, involving Billy and Vivi in deep trouble.  Meanwhile the heat between Sam and Zach doesn’t simmer, it boils.

Can the Angelinos protect their first client?? Will Sam forgive Zach and can he see his way to acknowledging his love for her?  Read this book to find out for yourself. You will be glad you did.
I look forward to reading more books in this series and more books by this author.
CAUTION: Some strong language - but it is worth the read.

Please comment on the Author Guest Post and enter the Giveaway!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Guest Post - Writing Advice for Newbies by Author Vincent Zandri

Writing Advice for Newbies
By Vincent Zandri

Lately, a lot of interviewers have been asking me to lend some advice to newbie writers, especially young people just starting out. So for better or worse, here it is:

1. Stay in school. No writer who has to work three jobs as a dishwasher just to pay his rent ever managed to write the great American novel. Course I could be wrong here.

2. Read everything you can, starting with the classics, the Hemingways, the Faulkners, the Fitzgeralds, the Mailers, the Conrads, the Tolstoys…Skip the Dickens except for Tale of Two Cities. Especially read novels in your favorite genre. If you love noir, read all the Parker, Hammett, Spillane, Huston, and Zandri you can get your hands on. Then read some more.

3. Write like crazy, even if its just character sketches. Learn to pack the biggest punch using the least amount of words possible. And always keep a notebook with you at all times.

4. Be a newspaper reporter first. Write for an editor who demands timely, terse, 100-300 words pieces twice a day. Pieces that require a beginning, a middle and a resolution in the smallest amount of space possible. The job should be extremely low paying, and extremely high pressure. But do it anyway. Not only will you build up clips, but you will learn to work under pressure, when you don’t feel like it, when you’re hung over, when you’ve just found out your girlfriend is sleeping with your best friend behind your back, when an asteroid is approaching planet earth… Trust me, even Hemingway will tell you there is no better training for a would-be novelist.

5. Don’t be a newspaper reporter for too long. 3 to 5 years max. Then become a freelance writer and split your creative time between articles for magazines and newspapers, both online and paper (by 2020 it will be all online), and writing fiction. Write some short stories and try and get them published. Then start your novel. Don’t stop writing the novel until you have a complete draft, even if it’s crap. You can always edit or start another one.

6. Don’t get married or have children. You won’t be able to afford it. Also, for ten years or so, your writing will be both spouse and mistress. You're legal sig other won't be able to compete. have a boyfriend/girlfriend instead.

7. Share an apartment with friends if you can and don’t buy a new car. By a beater.

8. Get a passport and travel to as many destinations as you can. Never stay home for more than a couple of months at a time.

9. Live in Europe for a year. Europeans are different from Americans. They don’t place as a high value on making money the way we do.

10. Persevere, even when the dream seems impossible. Never give up!
To order the bestselling The Remains and The Innocent...just click on the titles!!!!!


Learn more about Vincent during Pump up Your Book Blog tour

You can also visit his website at or his blog at

The Remains

Watch for my review of The Remains on December 8.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Blog Tour: Montana Glory by R.C. Ryan - Starts November 1

Join me on November 10 for Q&A with author R.C. Ryan; Review and Hachette Giveaway.
See the full blog tour schedule below.

Author Info

Five Fun Facts



11/1/2010 Feature, Giveaway
11/1/2010 Giveaway
11/1/2010 Review, Giveaway, Guest Post
11/1/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/1/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/1/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/1/2010 Feature, Review, Giveaway, Q&A
11/1/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/1/2010 Feature, Giveaway
11/1/2010 Giveaway
11/2/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/2/2010 Feature, Giveaway
11/3/2010 Q&A
11/3/2010 Giveaway
11/4/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/4/2010 Giveaway, Q&A
11/5/2010 Feature, Giveaway, Guest Post
11/5/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/5/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/5/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/5/2010 Feature, Giveaway
11/6/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/7/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/7/2010 Feature, Review, Giveaway
11/8/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/9/2010 Feature, Review, Giveaway
11/9/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/10/2010 Giveaway
11/10/2010 Feature, Review, Giveaway, Q&A
11/10/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/11/2010 Review
11/11/2010 Giveaway
11/11/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/12/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/12/2010 Review
11/12/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/12/2010 Review, Giveaway
11/12/2010 Review, Giveaway

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Monday! What are you Reading November 1, 2010?

This meme starts at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books!

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I finished four good books this week and posted three Reviews with Giveaways.

As noted before,  for this feature I will only be giving a rating and a short summary comment on books I read from my TBRs or as fillers - which aren't many :).

I only got to visit a couple of  "It's Monday" posts last week and I visited a handful from the Enquiring meme (linked below).
I wish I had more time to visit. ***Sigh***

These were last week's posts plus Winner posts not listed.
Take a Chance on MeFinished Reading:

PB:  Take a Chance on Me by Jill Mansell.  
Fun book; 4.25 Rating. 
See the review and 
ARC giveaway link above.

PB:   Edge of Sight (The Guardian Angelinos) by Roxanne St. Claire. Intense romantic suspense. Check back Wednesday for my  Review, Hachette Giveaway and Author Guest Post.
The killer she can't escape . . .
The heartbreak she can't forget . . .
The one man who can stop them both.

Edge of Sight (The Guardian Angelinos)When Samantha Fairchild witnesses a murder in the wine cellar of the restaurant where she works, the Harvard-bound law student becomes the next target of a professional assassin. Desperate for protection the authorities won't provide, Sam seeks help from Vivi Angelino, an investigative reporter who recruits her brother, Zach, to protect Samantha. A Special Forces vet with the scars to prove he's equally fearless and flawed, Zach takes the job, despite the fact that he and Sam once shared a lusty interlude that ended when he left for war and disappeared from her life. Now, as they crack a conspiracy that leads to Boston's darkest corners, Sam and Zach must face their fears, desires, and doubts, before a hired killer gets a second shot...

A Halloween Collection Anthology: Sweet
Kindle:  A Halloween Collection Anthology: Sweet from Victory Press. This is one of the books donated by Victory Press for  my Halloween Giveaway. I did enjoy reading these sweet stories and I would be interested in reading longer works by all of the authors.
1 Go On Without Me by Markee Anderson - Paranormal (Ghosts); I liked this really sweet, quick romance.  4.0
2 Honor Cafe by Charlotte Raby Adrianne- Paranormal (Invisible man); I liked the story although the ending seemed abrupt; probably because of novella length. 4.0
3 The Halloween Witness by Rita Hestead - Historical mystery; I liked the direct writing but the story seemed to resolve a bit simplisticly so I’d like to read a longer piece by this author. 4.25
4.  The Memory Charmer and the Boy Next Door by Christine E. Schulze - pure fantasy; Christine definitely weaves an interesting fantasy tale. 4.0
5. I Love Pie! by Kate Kindle; Mad-Doctor theme; I liked the writing and the characters except I didn’t like the complete disregard for the marriage nor the mob attack even if it the Doctor was an evil human being. 4.0

Katie Up and Down the Hall: The True Story of How One Dog Turned Five Neighbors into a FamilyAudio: Katie Up and Down the Hall: The True Story of How One Dog Turned Five Neighbors into a Family by Glenn Plaskin.  An enjoyable "people" and pet read. Rating 4.25. See link for review and Hachette giveaway above.

Line Edits: Had some last minute adjustments on the new fantasy so it will go up this week.

Currently reading:

PB:   Elizabeth, Captive Princess: Two Sisters, One Throne by Margaret Irwin. I have just started this and like the imagery but am finding I have to concentrate on the twisting dialogue. Provided by Sourcebook for review.
Product Description
Elizabeth, Captive Princess: Two Sisters, One ThroneFrom an acclaimed master of historical fiction, a captivating series that is "vivid and psychologically brilliant."
-Times Literary Supplement, UK
In July 1553, sibling rivalry looms perilous, even life-threatening, between the daughters of King Henry VIII. Their brother King Edward is dead, his successor Lady Jane Grey has been beheaded, and Queen Mary Tudor has just won possession of the throne. But her younger half sister-the beautiful and vivacious Princess Elizabeth-holds the hearts of the people. Despite Mary's health fading fast and her power beginning to crumble, she won't give up the throne, determined to rule to the absolute end as her father did before her. In these treacherous times, when all about her there is secrecy and deception, Elizabeth must rely on her faith and courage if she is to survive her ordeal and rise to fulfill her destiny. With grace and elegance, Margaret Irwin continues the story begun in Young Bess, giving readers an intimate peek into the world of that most enigmatic of Britain's monarchs.
PB (Kinlde)Almost Heaven by Chris Fabry. This book was provided by Glass Road PR for a Blog Tour post on November 9.  Since we are on the road I ended up getting it for the Kindle so I didn't have to bring the book with me. I have only just started this but doesn't it sound really interesting??
Almost HeavenProduct Description
Billy Allman is a hillbilly genius. People in Dogwood, West Virginia, say he was born with a second helping of brains and a gift for playing the mandolin but was cut short on social skills. Though he’d gladly give you the shirt off his back, they were right. Billy longs to use his life as an ode to God, a lyrical, beautiful bluegrass song played with a finely tuned heart. So with spare parts from a lifetime of collecting, he builds a radio station in his own home. People in town laugh. But Billy carries a brutal secret that keeps him from significance and purpose. Things always seem to go wrong for him.
However small his life seems, from a different perspective Billy’s song reaches far beyond the hills and hollers he calls home. Malachi is an angel sent to observe Billy. Though it is not his dream assignment, Malachi follows the man and begins to see the bigger picture of how each painful step Billy takes is a note added to a beautiful symphony that will forever change the lives of those who hear it.

AUDIODon't Blink by James Patterson and Howard Roughan. YEAH!  I got my DH to listen to this in the car today so we are already half way done!
Product Description
Don't BlinkNew York's Lombardo's Steak House is famous for three reasons--the menu, the clientele, and now, the gruesome murder of an infamous mob lawyer. Effortlessly, the assassin slips through the police's fingers, and his absence sparks a blaze of accusations about who ordered the hit.

Seated at a nearby table, reporter Nick Daniels is conducting a once-in-a-lifetime interview with a legendary baseball bad-boy. Shocked and shaken, he doesn't realize that he's accidentally captured a key piece of evidence. Ensnared in the city's most sensational crime in years, Nick investigates for a story of his own. Back off--or die--is the clear message as he closes in on the facts. Heedless, and perhaps in love, Nick endures humiliation, threats, violence, and worse in a thriller that overturns every expectation and finishes with the kind of flourish only James Patterson knows.
Audible:  New Tricks by David Rosenfelt. I got the paperback to review from Hachette especially because I LOVE this series. But I have listened to all the previous Andy Carpenter series on Audible and as I started reading I could just hear the narration by Grover Gardner.  I missed it so I decided to download the Audible and enjoy the listen - which I am!
Product Description
Andy Carpenter gains possession of an adorable Bernese puppy whose owner was brutally murdered. Few can rival Andy's affection for dogs, and he will do whatever it takes to insure that this little pup doesn't fall into the wrong hands. However, his playful new friend is valued by several people, many of whom are willing to resort to violence to get what they want.It will take more than Andy's usual courtroom theatrics to save this dog, including a little help from his beloved Golden Retriever, Tara. Andy soon discovers that anyone around him is in danger, including his longtime girlfriend, Laurie, and he will have to muster all of his wits to save those he holds most dear.

Line Edits:  Still doing some minor changes on formatting wo more books for release. It takes a bit to get them just right and go back and forth with the authors for approval.

Upcoming books:  

PB: Montana Glory by R.C. Ryan - Hachette Blog Tour Review, Giveaway and Author Q&A coming up November 10, 2010.

PB:  Stronger than Sin (Sin 2) by Caridad Pineiro - Hachette Blog Tour Review and Giveaway due November 11, 2010.

PB: The Forever Queen: Sometimes, a desperate kingdom is in need of one great woman by Helen Hollick. I only just started the print book but left it at home. The review is not due until November 18 but the book is 621 pages. I will switch to the Kindle version later this week.


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