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Monday, April 12, 2010

Top Ten Picks Meme April 6, 2010: Must Reads

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jillian at Random Ramblings where she picks every week she picks a different and specific topic to list our top ten favorites.You really have to think a bit about these!
This week the list is:Top Ten Books You Have To Read At Least Once
Here are mine, not necessarily in the order listed except for #1.
The Holy Bible King James Version: King James Version
It doesn't have to be the King James Version. In fact sometimes people not accustomed to reading the Bible like The Way or The Message.

Hobbit and lord of the Rings Trilogy - Boxed Set of 4 BooksYou really should read the Hobbit
before the LOTR trilogy!

The Killer Angels
3. The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
I thought this was an excellent 
Civil War history novel. 
I loved the style that made reading history 
interesting by following the officers and participants.

The Shack 
4. The Shack by William P. Young
I don't necessary agree with all of the 
theories in this book - it is fiction. 
But it is a wonderful, imaginative presentation of God. 
If it makes you think - that's good.

Alice In Wonderland 
by Lewis Carroll
This is a classic not to miss.

God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours
This little book is so full of wisdom
for everyday living that 
I think everyone should read it at least once!

Rand's 1999 Atlas Shrugged (Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand)7Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
If you have never read this you really should.
My DH is not a reader although I can get him to 
listen to books on Audible now and again.
This may be the only book he has read 
more than once - other than the Bible.
He listened to this again about 
a month ago and kept saying - 
"This is happening in our country today!"

The Little Prince 
8.  The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Like Jillian I read this book very early in life 
and still have my copy. 
(Wait till you see the picture below!)

This Present Darkness 

9.  This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti
This book changed my view of angels and demons.
It also changed my prayer life!
10.  White Lotus by John Hershey
This is another classic worth reading. 
This might give you pause to think.
An allegorical novel by the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and reporter. In a world in which whites have been enslaved by Orientals, a young girl named White Lotus is captured in Arizona and transported to China. After being sold into slavery, she survives a vast Chinese civil war and is emancipated upon its conclusion. Later she abandons her life as a tenant farmer and moves to the white district of a large city in the North of China in search of a better life.

Now I do not have a copy of White Lotus but I have never forgotten reading it in college after reading Hiroshima.
We have several worn out Bibles - the red one in the picture below is my husband's and is all separated from its binding. My copy of This Present Darkness is with a friend at church but I do have the sequel Piercing the Darkness. I gave my copy of The Shack to my step mother.
But to show that I mean these books are keepers here are pictures of my very worn books!  My son insisted on buying a new set of Tolkien books as he refused to read my old "moldy" books! :D

Mailbox Monday April 12, 2010

This Meme starts with Marcia at The Printed Page
I got one book last week that wasn't a review book.

Ravishing in Red

Provocative in PearlsI won Ravishing in Red by Madeline Hunter at a Writerspace Chat!  Madeline was VERY nice!  Thank you Madeline and WS!

Madeline has published 20 historicall romances. I have read seven and had eight TBR on my shelf.  Now I won this first in the Rarest Blooms series and purchased Provocative in Pearls which is the second book in the series.
The three books I do not yet have are the first three in the Rothwell Series - although I think I have one on Kindle or Audible - I'll have to check that. 

Here is my thought - I am would like to do a Madeline Hunter Challenge.  I will read the two Rarest Blooms books first. I will finish those in plenty of time to pick up the third book, Sinful in Satin, which will be released in September.

Then I will read the five books in the Seducer Series plus two spin offs.

The Seducer series consists of five books, all set in early 19th-century Great Britain. Their order is:

LORD OF SIN and LADY OF SIN which are spin-offs of the series. They are not as closely tied to the others as the series books are tied to each other. However, they take place in the same world, and characters from the series appear in them.

That will be a total of ten books.  That is certainly doable in a year! If things go well I may add the Rothwell series. Is anyone else interested in joining the challenge??  I'll check around some of my historical romance friends to see if there are others interested.  If we get a handful or so I'll get a badge and a Linky list going.

What are you Reading Monday? April 12, 2010

This meme starts at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books!

I got to visit more new blogs this week for Friday's Blog Hop meme and during Readathon.  I had a lot of fun cheerleading during Saturday.  Unfortunately, between that and doing the taxes I only got three reviews done when I had hoped for at least twice that many.


PB: The Highest Stakes by Emery Lee.
This was very enjoyable! 
Review (with Giveaway of the ARC copy provided by Sourcebooks) to be posted by next week - have a couple other items going up first.
The breathtaking origins of thoroughbred horse racing
A tale of drama, danger, thwarted love, and retribution set in the high stakes gentleman’s world of 18th century horse racing, where fortunes could be won… and lost…
She’s lonely and neglected, but she knows horses…
Charlotte Wallace is orphaned and alone until a sympathetic stable boy takes her under his wing and teaches her everything about thoroughbred racing. In the process, the two discover in each other a love destined to be thwarted at every turn…
If only he could, he’d take her away with him forever…
Robert Devington has tried everything to persuade Charlotte’s uncle to allow them to marry. Then an ill-fated friendship, a scandal in the making, and one desperate act of folly rob them of their love and his livelihood… Dead set on retribution, all Robert’s hopes are hanging on one small horse—his only chance to reclaim his land, his dignity, and his love, against all odds…

The 8th Confession (The Women's Murder Club) by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro.This was fast paced and another good Women's Murder  Club mystery.  (I'm glad to say it was better than book #7.)
Someone is killing the richest people in the city—and it's the Women's Murder Club's scariest investigation ever.
At the party of the year, San Francisco's most glamorous millionaires mingle...while someone is watching—waiting for a chance to take vengeance on Isa and Ethan Bailey, the city's most celebrated couple. Finally, the killer pinpoints the ideal moment, and it's the perfect murder.
While Detective Lindsay Boxer investigates the high-profile killings, someone else is found brutally executed—a preacher with a message of hope for the homeless. His death nearly falls through the cracks, but reporter Cindy Thomas hears about it and soon discovers the victim may not have been quite as saintly as everyone thought.
As the hunt for two criminals tests the limits of the Women's Murder Club, Lindsay sees sparks fly between Cindy and Lindsay's partner, Detective Rich Conklin. The Women's Murder Club now faces its toughest challenge: Will love destroy all that four friends have built? James Patterson serves up a double dose of speed-charged twists and shocking revelations.

 Kindle2: King of Swords -A Dom for Christmas by Antonio Tiranth.
This was a short, sexy read. Nicely done with good characters and story to go along with the sexual relationship.
Lilyrose Munroe has always felt something was missing from her life and on Christmas, she finds that her old teenage crush, Sebastian Alexander, a Dominate is just the one to give it to her.

Kindle2 -  Stopping Time Part 2 by Melissa Marr
I continued this quick free Kindle read. I am glad I had Part 2 to complete Part 1.  This was interesting for hopping in the middle. If I had time I might go back and get the other books in the series - in fact I just got the Wicked Lovely for free at Kindle. :)
An exciting e-story original sequel to INK EXCHANGE! Leslie walked away from the Dark Court, determined to reclaim her life and live it on her own terms-even if it meant leaving behind the two faeries who love her. She knows Niall and Irial watch over her, and she would give almost anything to keep them from hurting. But she resists the pull to be with either one of them. Someone knows about Leslie-s past, however, and is intent on using her to reach the fey. And he doesn't care who gets hurt.

Audio CD - I had the The 8th Confession on Audible.

Currently reading:


God Never Blinks - 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours by Regina Brett
I am 50% completed. This is so wonderful I am listing it as one of my TEN PICK must read books!
See the posted Hachette Giveaway for book info and to enter to win one of three copies!

White Wolf of Avalon: Werewolf Knight by Eva Gordon
I am about 35% into this and enjoying it.

Ebook Description

Story of the secret society of lycans living in ancient Britain. Bledig, an orphan raised by a childless couple near the magical Isle of Avalon dreams of becoming a knight of the Round Table. Bledig refuses to become a beast and wants no part in marrying a wolf maiden and begetting lycan children. Annora,a Romano Greco wolf maiden, is more interested in intellectual pursuits than romantic ones.

Kindle - None started yet.

Audio CD/Audible -Black Magic Sanction (Rachel Morgan, Book 8) by Kim Harrison.
I really like this series. I started listening to this while I was working in the yard and doing laundry today.

Black Magic Sanction (Rachel Morgan, Book 8)Rachel Morgan has fought and hunted vampires, werewolves, banshees, demons,and other supernatural dangers as both witch and bounty hunter--and lived totell the tale. But she's never faced off against her own kind . . . untilnow. Denounced and shunned for dealing with demons and black magic, her besthope is life imprisonment--at worst, a forced lobotomy and genetic slavery.Only her enemies are strong enough to help her win her freedom, but trustcomes hard when it hinges on the unscrupulous tycoon Trent Kalamack, thedemon Algaliarept, and an ex-boyfriend turned thief.

Same old story:  This week I am again committed to writing more reviews!  It could happen!

Upcoming books:

Traction - Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman
Print Book - reading and reviewing for YGR Reviews.
I have three businesses - I wonder why they asked if I wanted to review this one. :o)

The Guise of a Gentleman by Donna Hatch
I saw this eBook on the review list for YGR and couldn't resist!

Uncertain Magic by Laura Kindale
This is a re-release by Sourcebooks. I can do a giveaway for this ARC too at the end of April or beginning of May.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Where is the Comment Box?? New Comment System

I am trying a new comment system from Intense Debate.  It allows me to answer each reply individually.   However the system doesn't seem to be showing the comments made and doesn't show how to comment.  If you click on the title of the post the comment box will open.  I will try this out but if it doesn't work then I'll delete it. :)

Sunday Words of Encouragment April 11, 2010

This morning our Pastor had another good message that contained more than one message (INHO). He did not present it this way and this is my summary; the scriptures he did provide with Galations 6:1-10 as the primary text.
1) Recognize that we are all sinners 1 John 1:8; Gal 6:1b
2) Dislike (I try never to expend energy in "hate") the sin, but love the sinner. Gal 6:2-4
3) Be compassionate, humble and gentle in addressing issues and seeking restoration Gal 6:1; but do not enable the sinner. We must each learn to be responsible for our own actions. Gal 6:5.
4) Do not grow weary in well doing. Gal 6:9 and 2 Thess 3:13.
5) You will reap what you sow. Gal 6:10.

I couldn't help but be reminded of the book Heart of Compassion that I reviewed a few weeks ago. There they showed compassion and helped the homeless help themselves! The story fits perfectly with today's message.

Here is another song I found last week that I had never heard but it is quite awesome and beautiful!
Lost in Wonder (You Chose the Cross) by Martyn Layzell

Verses for today:
Galatians 6:4-5
4Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. 5For we are each responsible for our own conduct.

I am praying today for those with addictions who need direction to get help but who must be willing to change before anyone else can help them.


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