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Saturday, April 10, 2010

A #Readathon Mini Challenge Story from My Review Books

During the #Readathon Sheila at Bookjourney issued this mini challenge:

As book lovers we do enjoy a good story!  Here is what this challenge will consist of:

Write a short story using Book Titles to make your story.  Your story should be three or four paragraphs long and have at least 10 book titles within it.  (*Bold the book titles to make them more obvious)
Feel free to post this to your blog (for two entries) and then leave me the link here in the comment area -or if you would rather, place your story in the comment area here for one entry.

I saw this "game" a week or so ago at Riding with the Top Down using just a few books for quick sayings and was thinking of posting on it.

So here goes my short story using all my current review books and four other TBR books that were in the box by my computer:

The White Wolf of Avalon, struck with Uncertain Magic couldn't get good Traction.  He had assumed The Guise of a Gentleman and he had to get to The Brothers of Gwynedd near The Wild Irish Sea before The Fire Lord's Lover went Missing. No one could explain his Primal Obsession to travel that Journey to Forgiveness.  He would offer her The Sun and The Moon and banish The Raindrop that saddened her if only he could reach her in time. Although he knew that God Never Blinks he was also aware that Heroes Die Too Young. He couldn't take that chance.

Check in on Comment Tuesday this week for the picture words I have made from the box of books I have won.  I have used three or four per phrase. Maybe you want to get some ready to share too!

Good #Readathon Break - Check out Some Magical Photos!

I was online a bit today cheering for #Readathon before I realized I had to finish my taxes.*

At one point I went to check out a review of The Maze Runner at Along for the Ride.

As always, I have to look around when I visit a new blog.  Sara follows a meme called Daily Dose Monday that features inspiring/magical images.  I thought the pictures she has posted are just wonderful! I got her okay to post about it and I encourage you to go take a look! I'm not planning on adding another Monday meme here but I may visit Sara's just to see her latest collection of pics!

*The taxes may not seem a big deal but for me I have to review two business profit and loss accounts and make sure entries are in the correct catagories because my assistant (my sweet daughter - and yes I paid her) is not a trained bookkeeper.  Then I have to figure out mortgage interest, look up interest paid, check car records for allocation, and calculate depreciation. That goes into a spreadsheet for each company. Then I have my numbers so I can do my Company taxes which I have to complete before I do our personal taxes. Now ask me: Why in the world do I wait till the last weekend? For 2010 it will be three business. Oh Sigh!

#Readathon Cheer for A-C Readers!

Sometimes it seems a burning need;
I can't do anything but read.
Must keep on reading till it's done.
That's all part of the #readathon!

YOU CAN DO IT All you A-C readers!!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Book Blogger Hop April 9, 2010

At least I am getting this posted on Friday!

This meme is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books.  I have the button on the sidebar in case I miss posting.  This is a fun meme where lots of  book bloggers and readers connect to find new blogs to read.  It's a great way to network with other bloggers and make new friends!   Your blog should have content related to books, including, but not limited to book reviews.

Her are some of the nice bloggers who visited me last week.  I finally got to visit Curling back today.:
Stephanie at Curling up by the Fire
Thank you for visiting me - it was nice to meet you.

I have trouble popping in to visit without reading and commenting on at least one other post - maybe a review or something that catches my eye.  So it will take me a long time to visit lots of blogs!  LOL

I am thinking of changing my blog name when I see all these lovely and cute names. Mine reflects my naturally serious persona!  I will have to try to come up with something that reflects the less serious side of me! There sort of is one...hidden under the proper Capricorn.

Readathon April 10, Reviewathon and Cheering!

Guess I have been busy at work and missed noticing the upcoming Readathon tomorrow, April 10.

I have been hesitant to sign up for a readathon as I am not sure my DH would appreciate it - I abandon him enough for books and computer as it is!!  I am sorely TEMPTED to sign up this time but have decided to use the Readathon time as Reviewathon time for Martha.  Let's see how many reviews I can get written in that 24 hour period! Then if I stay up to date maybe I can participate in the October Readathon!

However - I am signed up for the cheerleading so I can cheer along readers in between writing my reviews!

This is the first readathon I have participated in and I am looking forward to the fun!  Have fun ready all you participants!!


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