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###Winner Announcement Posts are linked here.###

GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday Words of Encouragement - February 7, 2010

We had another awesome service this morning! Nothing like it!
Interesting too with this being SuperBowl Sunday:  my hubby noted this morning that they have a countdown to Superbowl. Wouldn't it be great to have a countdown to Jesus' return?!

Then our Pastor commented that there is an ongoing battle between the angels and demons! That made me think about the SuperBowl too. Which battle is more important?

Here is a really upbeat song to get you roused! Shake the Foundations!!

by Joe Pace:
Glory Hallelu
this is what we've come to do
tear down strongholds, break the chains
bind the devil in Jesus's name

Tonight (it's alright), we got a right
To shake the foundation with praise


Praise Him
Praise Him
The Lord is worthy, the Lord is worthy
The Lord is worthy, the Lord is worthy

Tonight (it's alright), we got a right
To shake the foundation with praise


Tonight (it's alright), we got a right
Tonight (it's alright), we got a right
Tonight, we got a right
To shake the foundation with praise

A Verse for today:
Ephesians 6:12 Kings James Version 
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We prayed for healing this morning and again I brought to mind many of my internet friends who need a healing touch.  We are having a prayer service tongiht and I am looking forward to focusing on the heavenly battles. Think I would like to read Frank Peretti again soon!!
DH will tape the game :o)!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Giveaway - 5 copies of A BLACK TIE AFFAIR by Sherrill Bodine

I'll be starting to read this book on Monday.

Product Description


Fashion curator Athena Smith will do anything to get her perfectly manicured hands on the Clayworth family's celebrated couture collection for her exhibit. So when she's called in to make sure the gowns are the real deal, she's ecstatic...until a dress she's examining turns out to be loaded with toxins (talk about killer threads!) and Athena faints, only to wake up face-to-face with the One That Got Away, notorious Chicago bachelor Drew Clayworth.

Drew still believes Athena betrayed him all those years ago, and he's sure he can't trust her. But when the priceless gowns go missing, she offers to help track them down. Reluctantly allied in the quest, Drew and Athena are soon stunned by the barely restrained passion still sizzling between them...and memories both bitter and sweet. Is their new partnership just a business arrangement? Or is this something more than...
  • Mass Market Paperback: 240 pages
  • Publisher: Forever (January 1, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0446618594
  • ISBN-13: 978-0446618595

1. Visit the author's website and comment here telling me something you learned about her or her books. You might want to check out her fashion page! :o) Please include your email address, so I can contact you if you win.

2. For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

3. For another entry, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

4. It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.
(Three total entries possible.)


* This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
* No P.O. Boxes Please - for shipping reasons
* This contest will close Midnight (Central) on March 1, 2010. The winners will be randomly selected from all entries.

Friday, February 5, 2010

MARTHA'S BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!! I'm now a Publisher!

Well this announcement really needed a big flash!! 
Since late December I've made a few references to a "new project!"
Now my "team" and I are bursting so we decided to go ahead and announce even though the website isn't 100% yet!

Here is my news!
As of January 1 this year I became a publisher!
I purchased eTreasures Publishing!  We have 31 authors with 33 books!
Our website is still under construction with the books and author pages being added today and tomorrow!
But check it out here!

It is hard to appreciate the changes we are making without seeing the orignial site so here is a snapshot of an author page from the old site:

The previous owner had major health issues and was not able to actively grow the company over the past year and a half!  Now we are ready to shoot forward!

Please visit our new blog at to see some of our opening plans and join in the celebration!!

I do plan to continue with my review site here although I will no longer be doing reviews for some of the sites and publishers as it is sometimes viewed as a conflict or that the review will be more critical. It will be interesting to see if my review eye does change!!

Now that the big push to get things ready is ALMOST behind me I hopefully will get all caught up - or mostly - on the reviews I have to complete!

Martha's Bookshelf *** Friday Pick Giveaway February 5, 2010

The “Shelves with a Bench” was designed by Stanislav Katz,
a designer from Latvia.

UPDATE! Sandy who won last week's Tuesday Comment has chosen the book Outlander
Sorry to those of you who were hoping to win that one.  I knew it would be a popular choice!

No new books today but there are still plenty of books left in the Friday Pick lists!  So the deal works the same as it has for the past 10 weeks.  Check the choices by clicking on the link to review the books available.  Enter to win a book of your choice or a $5.00 gift certificate for our foreign friends!!
Tell me what book you would want if you win or what gift certificate.  Make sure you leave your e-mail for contact!!

Winner from Cover Comment Drawing!

Thanks to everyone who commented on the cover post!
I thought the comments were very interesting!!  I chose those two covers because I wasn't sure either of them was the best choice! ;o)
I think the majority agreed that the "busy" cover caught their eye but for the subject matter the more sedate cover on the right would get the attention!


Camouflage Text Generator at

I will e-mail Sandy to pick a book from the Friday Pick lists!!

I enjoy the comment drawings and it gets you bloggers thinking and chatting so I will no doubt do more of these!  I hope you like them too!


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