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GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Winners of Friday Pick January 29, 2010


Glitter text

NCgrampsof2 chose Digital Fortress!


Gothic text from

Scottsgal chose Fool's Paradise.

I will e-mail the winners for snail mail info!!

Winner of Reading Glasses!!

If you didn't win you can always check out the sale at Reading Glasses Shopper!!

My glasses are still doing a great job! See -  no spelling errors or anything!! LOL


Glitter Text Generator at

Molomatic chose

But she might change her mind and chose a new arival:

I had to mention that because this past weekend we were talking to the teenagers at church and most of them did not know what argyle and paisley were.... ah youth!
I will e-mail Molomatic and arrange for her to recieve her credit for the glasses of her choice!!
Thank you to all who entered and thanks to Reader Glasses Shopper!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Giveaway - Three Copies: WHO OWNS THE WORLD? by Kevin Cahill with Rob McMahon

Hachette offers such a wonderful variety of books! I haven't started this except to skim it so this is not my review. But I can tell that it is chock full of very interesting data! I like the very first Chapter heading and quote which you can check out in the "open the book" link below.

Product Description

You don't have to be a student of geography or cartography to have an interest in the world around you, especially with globalization making our planet seem smaller than ever. Now you can IM someone in Alaska, purchase coffee beans from Timor-Leste, and visit Dubai. But what do we really know about these lands?

WHO OWNS THE WORLD presents the results of the first-ever landownership survey of all 197 states and 66 territories of the world, and reveals facts both startling and eye-opening. You'll learn that:
--Only 15% of the world's population lays claim to landownership, and that landownership in too few hands is probably the single greatest cause of poverty.
--Queen Elizabeth II owns 1/6 of the entire land surface on earth (nearly 3 times the size of the U.S.).
--The Lichtenstein royal family is wealthier than the Grimaldis of Monaco.
--80% of the American population is crammed in urban areas.
--The least crowded state is Alaska, with 670 acres per person. The most crowded is New Jersey, with .7 acres per person. --60% of America's population are property owners. That's behind the UK (69% homeownership).
--And much, much more!

With its relevance to contemporary issues and culture, WHO OWNS THE WORLD makes for fascinating reading. Both entertaining and educational, it provides cocktail party conversation for years to come and is guaranteed to change the way you view the U.S. and the world.
  • Paperback: 384 pages
  • Publisher: Grand Central Publishing; 1 edition (January 29, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0446581216
  • ISBN-13: 978-0446581219

Hachette created a geography quiz to share - I guessed only one correctly without using the book!
Open the book to look at the index and explore a bit.
Learn more about the book at:
Learn why the author wrote the book:     Why write Who Owns the World?

1. Follow any one of the four links just above -  take the quiz, open the book to explore, learn more about the book or read why the author wrote the book - and tell me something you learned. Please include your email address, so I can contact you if you win.

2. For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

3. For another entry, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

4. It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.
(Three total entries possible.)


* This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
* No P.O. Boxes Please - for shipping reasons
* This contest will close Midnight (Central) on February 26, 2010. The winners will be randomly selected from all entries.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Two February Valentine's Giveaways!

I am planning on a Giveaway each month themed to the month. January was the calendars. This month is ....can you guess? VALENTINES of course!

I have two little packages of goodies to send out to two winners!
I couldn't resist these cute little plush animals! 
Plus a kitchen cloth, a polka dot note pad and some candy!!

They are basically the same content with slightly different colors and one has a pink cheetah(?) the other a dog!
Just comment and tell me something you like about February to be entered in the drawing!  PLEASE leave your e-mail so I can contact you if you win!
This will close at midnight February 8th so I can get them mailed on the 9th.  US and Canada entries only.

Is that Cover REAL? Does it REALLY Matter?? [With Giveaway!]

I was planning on something else today but it just wasn't quite ready --- soon though!
As second choice I thought I might continue my "realism" theme one more week!! Here is today's question!

How "real" should the cover be?????
Does it every bother you if the cover doesn't match the book?
Do you feel deceived sometimes if you got pulled in by a cover and discover the book is nothing like that?

I can think of a few times when I was annoyed that the cover showed a blonde and the heroine was a brunette (or visa versa!).  And many times the clothes on the cover are not as described in the book. I like my covers to match the story!  I can think of a particular book where I think the cover looked VERY interesting but the story didn't match!  As a courtesy, I won't single it out.  But it was annoying because I would not have gotten the book for review except for the pretty cool looking, but ultimately misleading, cover.

One more point that is interesting - as I was looking for graphics for this post [does anyone know how time consuming that can get??] I found these two book covers on the topic of art and graphics.  What do you think??                                                                                                                                                 

Which catches your eye?? Which book would you be inclined to pick for information on graphic art??


Again this week there will be a drawing from all comments made on this post - leave your e-mail please so I can reach you! I will draw a winner Friday morning to chose a book from the Friday Pick books!


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