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Monday, February 1, 2010

Mailbox Monday February 1, 2010

This Meme starts with Marcia
at The Printed Page

I received four "win" books this week.
I am going to post two this week and two next week.

I may have a few trickle in yet, but I am pretty sure I will not have too many new "win" books coming in as I have not been entering as many contests. 
I have plenty of books already to read with review books and last years books won!
Plus - and this is really important! -  I think my mania of last year to enter and win contests has finally subsided!

I won the ARC of Fallen by Lauren Kate from J. Kaye's Book Blog.
Thank you J. Kaye!

Product Description

There's something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori.

Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price's attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia. He's the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all screw-ups, and security cameras watch every move.

Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce--and goes out of his way to make that very clear--she can't let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, she has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret . . . even if it kills her.

Dangerously exciting and darkly romantic, Fallen is a page turning thriller and the ultimate love story.

I also won Eureka Poiut by Betty Ann Harris at a Contest posted at SaSR!
This is an attractive book and a story I am adding to my TBR list which I plan to start in a month or so!  Thank you Betty Ann! 

       BLURB:   Looking for your knight in shining armour?
Running as fast as you can, trying to avoid danger, into the arms of safety or is it?
Katie Montgomery, learns that her estranged husband, Craig Montgomery, has been deceiving her and is involved with a dangerous South American drug cartel. He becomes a fugitive and leaves Katie alone and in danger. The FBI is afraid that the drug cartel thinks Katie may know all about their drug operation, and to protect her the FBI assists her in assuming a new identity. Then enters Tom, the FBI special agent assigned to protect her. He is totally smitten with her and will do anything to protect her. They fall for each other but Katie cannot allow herself to give in and show her true feelings.
Unexpected twists and turns keep you on your toes as you root for Tom, who turns out to be the modern day knight in shining armor.
Are you up to finding out about a Special Agent?

What are you Reading February 1, 2010

Join this meme at:
J. Kaye's Book Blog
I did a few more reviews this past week but I am still behind.  I may do no reading for a night or two and concentrate on reviews.

[Note re codes: YGR is You Gotta Read Reviews; CR is CataRomance Reviews, BTL is Between the Line/WRDF - these are the three review sites where I read and review. There are links under Some Friends on the sidebar for each of these. MBS is this blog - Martha's BookShelf!]


PB: Truly Madly by Heather Webber.  Lucy Valentine is as smart as can be, as single as you can get, and so not qualified to run a matchmaking service. But when her parents temporarily step down from the family business, Valentine, Inc., it’s Lucy’s turn to step up and help out—in the name of love.  This was really fun and I think I would rather read about Lucy than Stephanie Plum! Review to be done in next couple days for CR.

Kindle2:  An American Rose Christmas I did enjoy this; some stories more than others but overall very good!  Review to be sent to YGR.

Audible: --------------

Audio CD: --------------


Currently reading:

PB: The Masqueraders by Georgette Heyer.  This is the first Heyer book I have read in years. A son and daughter of a Jacobite rebel flee to London masquerading as the opposite sexes!   I am enjoying the style and the fun story on this one! Reviewing for Sourcebooks with review to be posted here at MBS this week.

Next up: The Key by Pauline Baird Jones. See Audible below!)

Kindle2: None right now.

Audible: The Key by Pauline Baird Jones.  I have the print book but to speed this along I got the Audible to listen to!  A sci fi/romance combination I am looking forward to reading this!  Reviewing for the Author; review and giveaway to be posted at MBS.

Audio CD:  Absolute Power by David Baldacci.  This review Audio came in last week so I started it instead of the J.D. Robb books.  This was Baldacci's first book back in 1996.  It has started with an awesome preface and a real bang in the first disc!!  Fortunately I don't remember the movie in any detail so I think it will not effect the book which is bound to be better! :o)  Reviewing for Hachette; See Giveaway!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Giveaway - Three Copies Audio CD ABSOLUTE POWER by David Baldacci

I am now listening to this one - on Disc 3. The preface and disc 1 were awesome! I am not going to watch the movie again until after I listen to the whole book! I have a feeling it is much better than the movie which I haven't seen for a number of years.

ABSOLUTE POWER by David Baldacci
Publisher's Summary
In a heavily guarded mansion in a posh Virginia suburb, a man and a woman start to make love, trapping Luther Whitney, a career break-in artist, behind a secret wall. Then the passion turns deadly, and Luther is running into the night. Because what he has just seen is a brutal murder involving Alan Richmond, the president of the United States.
How far will the government go to protect the president?
Set in Washington, D.C., this fascinating thriller of unparalleled suspense dares to explore an unthinkable abuse of power and criminal conspiracy: a vicious murder involving the President and a cover-up orchestrated by his most trusted aides. One unlikely witness saw everything, but will America ever learn the truth?
This riveting debut novel of murder, honor, loyalty and betrayal reaches into the highest echelon of power... and the lowest depth of deception.
• Audio Cassette
• Publisher: Hachette Audio; Unabridged edition (February 1, 1996)
• Language: English
• ISBN-10: 1570423571
• ISBN-13: 978-1570423574


1. Comment here telling me - would you read the book or audio book before you see the movie Absolute Power for the first time or again if you have seen it before? Please include your email address, so I can contact you if you win.

2. For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

3. For another entry, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

4. It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.
(Three total entries possible.)


* This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
* No P.O. Boxes Please - for shipping reasons
* This contest will close Midnight (Central) on February 23, 2010. The winners will be randomly selected from all entries.

Sunday Words of Encouragement January 31, 2010

We had a really awesome service this morning! Our congregation is probably about 200 strong on Sundays. We have a men's group that meets Tuesday mornings at 5:45 consisting of about 15 to 18 men. There is another 15 or so who meet for the Wednesday night Bible study - maybe half of them overlap.

Some of the men gave testimonies on how the men's ministry is changing their lives! Then 25 men filled the alter to pray for our children. They closed with the Lord's Prayer and then sang Amazing Grace.... Very Awesome!

I couldn't find the song I really wanted for today but this is another uplifting song for our times!!  
These Are the Days of Elijah!

Verses for today:
Proverbs 4:10 - 11
10 Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many.
11 I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.

Chapter 4 is about asking for wisdom! I may have prayed this before (and probably will again!) - I pray that we ask for wisdom in our daily living.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Five Winners of Seduced by a Rogue!

by Amanda Scott!

Gothic text from
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Glitter text

I will e-mail the winners to respond within 72 hours!
Thank you to Hachette and Anna for this Giveaway!


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