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Monday, January 16, 2012

Book Review: The Second Sonata by Nathan Patrick Hardt

This is a very different story that left me pondering.

by Nathan Patrick Hardt

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 552 KB
  • Print Length: 396 pages
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B004FEFB9W
     Genre: Contemporary Fiction
     My Rating:  4.25 of 5.0

Product Description
Awake? Asleep?
Living, breathing, dreaming?
After crawling miraculously unscathed from a pulverizing car accident, Nicholas returns to his life to find that little is as it had been and even less is what it seems. With a newfound appreciation for life and an insatiable thirst to discover all it has to offer, he wastes no time beginning to mend damaged relationships and reconcile so much time squandered and forfeit.
At the behest of a charismatic but cryptic stranger, Nicholas takes every opportunity to seize upon his borrowed time, reuniting with loves long since lost. But even as his life is shaping to become everything it always could and should have been, Nicholas is increasingly certain that something is dreadfully amiss, uncovering mysteries lurking within every shadow and secrets behind each blessing.
Unsure of whether his journey of sudden self-awareness is being aided or daunted by this enigmatic chaperone, Nicholas must face the raw and painful truths creeping just beyond his senses, make decisions of dire and mortal consequence, and confront his most haunting of judgments before at last discovering the horrifying fate buried deep within the gathering darkness that has always been awaiting his return.
Painted within these pages is a simple reflecting pool of each of our lives and loves, our most joyous celebrations and mournful regrets, and a journey upon which we must all one day embark.

Nicholas is a bitter, resentful and defeated man who has allowed his life to spiral down into the bottle. He is a man ‘alone, desperate and drowning.’  Life has battered him down and finally his wife divorced him and moved away with their son, Ashton, his “blue and gold”, sky and sun.

The story begins one night as Nicholas is racing against closing time for one more drink. Instead of reaching the pub he slams into a tree. Thoughts of his son and a strange voice calling him “Jack” force him out of the wreckage to get away before the car explodes.  Suddenly things begin to change around him as he thinks he has gained a second chance to make something of his life.

Nicholas visits the pub a night or so later and is warmly welcomed by a friendly bartender and buddies whom he doesn’t remember but he is happy to be part of this group. Nicholas says goodbye to a lover as, even though they have good times when drinking, he knows they are not good for each other.  He realizes that he must ‘get his act together’ so he can begin a new relationship with his distant son.

Things are working out positively for Nicholas.  He has talked to his ex-wife and is excited about visiting with his son. A dog just like the one he had as a youngster has adopted him and he has renewed a friendship with his college sweetheart. Nicholas continues to have visits with a strange man/friend, Bradley, who seems almost like an angel. He also has strange dreams about destruction of his home and a rebirth. When Ashton comes to visit they plant a young tree but it just doesn’t seen to thrive in spite of all the care he gives it.

As a slow metamorphose takes place it is not altogether clear if this is real or a dream. The story is full of inner contemplation and ideas that provoke thought about alcoholism, creation, angels, purpose, free will, love, struggles and lives that are individual yet interconnected.

This did not read quickly although, or perhaps because, the writing is full of rich descriptions that had me making many notes. There is a fine mixture of “showing” and “telling” between the portrayal of Nicholas’ current doings and the narration of his past and his dreams and unconscious thoughts.

This is not a book for light reading or easy entertainment but when you want a change of pace to make you think a bit about our lives in this world this would be an interesting book to read. I think it was a suitable (ironically) book to start the new year with.

Two phrases I particularly liked and noted:
“Some people come into our lives, if only for fleeting moments, to make dramatic differences for the better.”
“...[T]he legacy left when you are gone is the only testimony to the life you led.”

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's Monday! What are You Reading? January 16, 2012

This meme starts at Book Journey!
What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I completed four books last week but only posted three reviews and one author interview.  II may have to post extra reviews this week.) I posted three book giveaways and one Giveaway hop.  As always I posted my regular Friday Pick Giveaway, Saturday Sharing Beyond Books and the Sunday post. 

I visited a handful of blogs last Sunday but then was busy and didn't get to visit at all during the week. *Sigh.*

These were last week's posts plus Winner post not listed.
  • Book Review and ARC Giveaway: Bossypants by Tina Fey; Comedic Memoir; my Rating 4.0. 
  • Book Review and ARC Giveaway: Scrumptious by Amanda Usen; Contemporary Romance; my Rating 4.25. 
  • Book Review and Copy Giveaway: Love Engineered by Jenna Dawlish; Historical Romance; my Rating 4.0. 

Finished Reading:
1. eBook/Kindle 

This was very nice! I'll post a review this week.
Read for Thomas Nelson through NetGalley.

2. Print
by RaeAnne Thayne
This was a free gift from Harlequin and I have a 2nd one for giveaway too.
I enjoyed this and will post a review later this week.

3. Audible

This was really fun! I do a review sometime this week.

4. Print/Kindle

by Robert Whitlow
Wow! I really liked this Christian mystery!
I read this for my church book club meeting this coming Saturday and will post the review then.
Book Description
Publication Date: June 3, 2008
The Tides of Truth novels follow one lawyer's passionate pursuit of truth in matters of life and the law.

In the murky waters of Savannah's shoreline, a young law student is under fire as she tries her first case at a prominent and established law firm. A complex mix of betrayal and deception quickly weaves its way through the case and her life, as she uncovers dark and confusing secrets about the man she's defending--and the senior partners of the firm.

How deep will the conspiracy run? Will she have to abandon her true self to fulfill a higher calling? And how far will she have to go to discover the truth behind a tragic cold case?

Line Edits/Releases: Nothing new this week.

Currently reading:

1. Print
by Olivia deBelle Byrd
This is really charming. I am almost finished.
The review, author guest post and Giveaway will post on January 18.

2. Audio MP3

by Timothy Woods
This is very engaging!
Listening to review for 
Crossroad Press through AudioJukebox.
Product Description
Washington, D.C., June 1863. It is the week before Gettysburg, and the nation's fate hangs in the balance.

A Union officer was not court-martialed after disobeying a direct order during battle. Why?

Major Russell Johns is being played by puppet-master, Gerard Chantier. Transplanted New Orleans businessman and toast of the town. Chantier hosts the city’s most lavish entertainments attended by members of Lincoln’s cabinet and Washington’s elite.

Little do they know Gerard is coordinating an attack with Confederate general JEB Stuart's cavalry to take over the city, kidnap Lincoln and bring victory to the South.

When Russell’s probing brings him in contact with Chantier's daughter, Thérèse, he has to face his most difficult moral choice: manipulating her to get to her father or honoring the one thing that has sustained him through years of battle and loss—his own integrity.


3. Print/Kindle

by Linda Wisdom
I will be starting this one next.
Reviewing for Sourcebooks.
Book Description
Publication Date: January 1, 2012
After more than a century, Doctor Lili Carter, witch healer extraordinaire, has returned to San Francisco and taken a job at Crying Souls Hospital and Asylum, where something peculiar and wicked his happening. Patients are disappearing, and Lil wants to know why.
Lili finds herself undeniably attracted to perhaps the most mysterious patient of all-a demented but seriously sexy demon named Jared. What's behind the gorgeous chameleon demon's late-night escapades?
Before long, Lili and Jared are investigating each other-and creating a whole new kind of magic.

4. Print

by Daniel O'Malley
This sounds fascinating and
I am looking forward to reading it. 
Reviewing for Little Brown & Co.
Book Description
Publication Date: January 11, 2012
"The body you are wearing used to be mine." So begins the letter Myfanwy Thomas is holding when she awakes in a London park surrounded by bodies all wearing latex gloves. With no recollection of who she is, Myfanwy must follow the instructions her former self left behind to discover her identity and track down the agents who want to destroy her.

She soon learns that she is a Rook, a high-ranking member of a secret organization called the Chequy that battles the many supernatural forces at work in Britain. She also discovers that she possesses a rare, potentially deadly supernatural ability of her own.

In her quest to uncover which member of the Chequy betrayed her and why, Myfanwy encounters a person with four bodies, an aristocratic woman who can enter her dreams, a secret training facility where children are transformed into deadly fighters, and a conspiracy more vast than she ever could have imagined.

Filled with characters both fascinating and fantastical, THE ROOK is a richly inventive, suspenseful, and often wry thriller that marks an ambitious debut from a promising young writer.

I am again listening to The Listener's Bible NIV read by Max McLean. 
Instead of studying with the Tyndall One Year Bible this year I am studying with Through the Bible in One Year by Alan B. Stringfellow. It is a Study that I used for teaching back in around1989 so I will enjoy it again.  I am at Exodus.

Line Edits: I am continuing to work on Smashword and print releases and making special arrangements for a children's book.

January - I have 16 total for January, plus added Audibles. Hmmm - four a week may be okay.  I am using NetGalley now so the (NG) means NetGalley.

1/18 Miss Hildreth Wore Brown, Ancedotes of a Southern Belle by Olivia deBelle Byrd with Author Guest Post and Giveaway
1/20 Deeper Water Tides of Truth Series, Book 1) by Robert Whitlow - for Ladies Book Club (Read waiting for review post.)

     The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi

(NG) Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations) by Michael J. Sullivan

(NG) Exclusively Yours by Shannon Stacey
Baby, Baby [Family Heirlooms Series Book 1] by Karen Wiesner
Shadow Boxing [Family Heirlooms Series Book 2] by Karen Wiesner

[To be posted - I am setting these up for January interview/feature days since I didn't get them in this year:
These were read and ready for reviews for Authors.
Quest for Magic by Jean Hart Stewart - Read; review to be posted with interview.
Seeing for the First Time (What You See is What You Get) and To See (What You See is What You Get) by Nicole Zoltack - Both Read; setting up author interview with reviews.
Steamrolled by Pauline Baird Jone. Read; review to be posted with author interview.]

Sunday Words of Encouragement January 15, 2012

This morning our youth Pastor shared a nice sermon reminding us that we are only sojourners on this earth. That is why we are not always comfortable in spirit especially as the world becomes more corrupted around us.
I love the thought that earth, in all its beauty, is only a reflection of what we will find in Heaven. It is hard to imagine!
This is a matching song and the lyrics are below the video.

I Don't Belong by Buddy Greene
(1st Verse)
It's not home where men sell their souls
And the taste of power is sweet,
Where wrong is right and neighbors fight
While the hungry are dying in the streets
Where kids are abused, and women are used
And the weak are crushed by the strong
Nations gone mad, JESUS is sad
And I don't belong

I don't belong and I'm going someday
Home to my own native land
I don't belong and it seems like I hear
The sound of a "welcome home" band
I don't belong, I'm a foreigner here
Singing a sojourner's song
I've always known this place ain't home
And I don't belong

(2nd Verse)
Don't belong, but while I'm here
I'll be living like I've nothing to lose
And while I breathe I'll still believe
My GOD is gonna see me through
I'll not be deceived by earth's make-believe
I'll close my ears to her siren-song
By praisin' HIS name, I'm not ashamed
'Cause I don't belong

I don't belong and I'm going someday
Home to my own native land
I don't belong and it seems like I hear
The sound of a "welcome home" band
I don't belong, I'm a foreigner here
Singing a sojourner's song
I've always known this place ain't home
And I don't belong

(3rd Verse)
But I belong to a kingdom of peace
Where only love is the law
Where children lead, and captives are freed
And GOD is more than just a baby on the straw
Where dead men live and rich men give
Their kingdoms to buy back a song
Where sinners like me become royalty
And we'll all belong

Yes I belong and I'm going someday
Home to my own native land
Where I'll belong and it seems like I hear
The sound of a "welcome home" band
Yes I'll belong, no foreigner there
Singing a sojourner's song
I've always known I'm going home
Where I belong.

Yes I've always known this place ain't home
And I don't belong.
Verses for Today:
1 John 2:15-17 (NIV)   
15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father[a] is not in them. 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

Today we receive grace for the moment, for each day, as we travel through a foreign land.
We are praying specially for peace and strength for our Pastor's family as he visits with his ailing father.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sharing Beyond Books #31 Comment Giveaway January 14, 2012

Hello again SBB fans! Sorry to be late tonight but the kids came over to share dinner and watch the playoffs so I couldn't get this up earlier.

Thank you for commenting last week, especially since I had a wrong link for the giveaway post last week.  Someone needs to nudge me when I do that. Sorry.

About 1/3 of us do not watch much TV at all.  Add a couple more who do not watch reality shows put the count at 7 who do not watch versus 12 who do watch reality TV.  Those that do watch seemed split between talent shows and bachelor or survivor type shows.

Surprisingly, the numbers were the same for making resolutions this year! 12 acknowledged making resolutions while 7 said no. However several of us who did not make resolutions agree that we may seek to make lifestyle changes. I like Llehn's attitude: if you want to accomplish something, then get to it! Heavensent1 was funny saying the only resolution she has kept was from 15 years ago - not to make any resolutions. :-)


The Winner from SBB #30 comments is: #2 winnie. (I love when newbies win!) There are still 9 'love' books to pick from, 3 Christmas choices and 2 Summer titles below. Winnie please choose a book from the remaining Love Books List for Giveaway or remaining Christmas Giveaway Books, the one summer book below OR pick from the ARC box and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #31 Questions

Q1. This week Abby asks:  If you could pick a favourite occupation (realistic or not) from a book, what would it be?? 
A:  Hmmm- I actually tried a Google search to help me think of and pick an answer to this.  I immediately thought of things like a kickin' demon killer or something like that... Then I thought twice.  As much as I like Eve Dallas (the In Death series) I don't think I'd want to be a female detective in a future NY. I kept thinking...Ahhh! I think I would like to be a special operative,  biblio-crimefighter (book detective) like Thursday Next! This reminds me I need to read more in this fun series.
This signage would only make sense if you are familiar with the series.

Q2. Here is my question: What influences your book buying the most?
    Price, cover, author, format or other?

A:  There are certain authors that I will always check out their books but that doesn't mean I'll always buy right away. Generally I think I am initially drawn to a book by the author or by a cover but I have to admit that my buying decision is the price. It is a lot easier to buy a $5.99 Kindle ebook than a $9.99 one or a $6.99 mass paperback than a $14.95 trade book - even though I understand why those prices have to be as high as they are for indie presses and authors. And I love to get books at used prices - which doesn't even get a royalty back to the author, sad to say.  Also, like Birgit I download many free Kindle books with the hope that someday I might read them!
[photo By mag3737]
Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask.  Input suggestions in this Suggested Question FormAt the end of each month I will draw from the suggestions I used the month before and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions but some of you others might want to get in a question or two as we have a few people submitting most of the questions so far.  Either way - it works for me. :-)  The question list is getting low so feel free to send in a Q or 2 or 4! Remember they don't all have to be book related. I'm going to be asking some other questions soon! 

Your turn to share:

1. If you could pick a favourite occupation (realistic or not) from a book, what would it be??

2. What influences your book buying the most? Price, cover, author, format or other??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining  Valentine and "Love" books or the remaining Christmas Giveaway Books - there are still about 12 books available plus 2 left in the Summer titles to choose from. Also I have added the Review and ARC Box now.

My copy is a paperback from 2006
with a different cover.

A Summer Affair (Calhoun Chronicles) 
A Summer Affair (Calhoun Chronicles)
I love Susan Wigg's historicals!

SBB Rules: a) Must be a follower; 
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, January 20 at 10PM central.

Winners of 52 Small Changes

I am really excited about working on this with others who are willing to help share the progress. I wish I could get books for everyone who entered. Since there was only one international entry, I decided to add one more to the print book wins in US/Canada.

Congratulations to the FOUR Winners:


We have two additional people who will be joining the "tracking" group. Winners, and others who wish to share, please email me at  Then we will coordinate the best way to share without posting all the details of the book, or our efforts, online. :-)


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