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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Guest Post by Micahel Wallace, Author of The Blessed and The Damned

Child Lost. Writer Found.
by Michael Wallace

When I was eight, I got lost in the Fiery Furnace while hunting lizards. Caught in the maze of fins, spires, hoodoos, and other weird sandstone formations in Arches National Park, I realized I’d taken a wrong turn and backtracked, only to come upon a gorge scoured in the slickrock that I hadn’t crossed. I followed a set of footprints in the sand, which vanished, and then scrambled up a sandstone fin, hoping to catch a glimpse of the edge of the maze. It didn’t work. Everything I tried seemed to take me deeper into the labyrinth. The search party found me three hours later, thirsty and dehydrated. I don’t remember being particularly frightened.

That incident in the Fiery Furnace lingered in my memory and emerged twenty-five years later when I started to write The Righteous, the first book in my series set in the polygamist enclave of Blister Creek, Utah. There is a sandstone labyrinth called Witch’s Warts in Blister Creek that serves as a secret entry in and out of the valley, as well as a focal point of violence and other weirdness. It is a strange, otherworldly landscape, and I’ve had readers write to ask me if such a place could be real.

The wilderness of southern Utah may be an alien place to most of my readers, but to me, it sends me to my childhood and makes me think about my father. He would take me into the desert armed with a guidebook of roadside geology to dig up trilobites and fossilized shark teeth or to look for geodes—hollow, spherical stones packed with crystals. We went to a ghost town in a dry canyon once and returned with 19th century medicine bottles turned lavender in the sun. On another occasion, we camped on the desolate edge of a sand dune wasteland and listened to a murder mystery that came in and out of focus from a distant AM station. The stars were so bright under the thin desert atmosphere that it felt like I was clinging to the skin of the earth as it hurtled through the universe.

The desert was a cornucopia of cool stuff to discover: arrowheads and potsherds, topaz and other valuable crystals, and of course snakes and lizards. My brother and I once cornered a Gila monster that hissed and lunged as we tried to figure out how to get the venomous lizard into a can. It disappeared when we ran back to camp to get our father. Mom was relieved; we already kept a rattlesnake in a locked cage in the shed.

I’ve seen zillions of rattlesnakes and scorpions—have you ever watched a death match between a scorpion and a dozen angry soldier ants?—and that stuff doesn’t frighten me. Sandstone cliffs with thousand foot drops like Angel’s Landing or Dead Horse Point? Yes, that’s scary stuff. Of course, I don’t take foolish risks like I did as a boy, but whenever I’m back in the desert I find myself thinking about how I’d get food, water, and shelter if I were lost.

The same thoughts come to my mind whenever I revisit the polygamist community of Blister Creek. The desert wilderness is a good place to drag characters if you want their struggles to play out against a beautiful, deadly canvas, where civilization remains distant and weak. And it’s a good place to dig up memories of my own childhood, stir them up with pure imagination, and set them loose on the world.

Michael Wallace Website

Please see my Review of the fourth book The Blessed and the Damned.

Book Review: The Blessed and the Damned by Michael Wallace

This radical religious thriller presents an intense terrorist scenario.
by Michael Wallace
  • File Size: 530 KB
  • Print Length: 349 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1612182216
  • Publisher: Thomas & Mercer (October 2, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Genre: Thriller
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

Book Description 
Publication Date: October 2, 2012
As the son of the prophet of Blister Creek, a polygamous enclave in Utah, Dr. Jacob Christianson has struggled for years to reconcile his faith with his skepticism about the fundamentalist practices of his community. Nevertheless, when his family and neighbors were threatened, Jacob stepped up time and again to lead the fight against those who would destroy them. Now Jacob and the residents of Blister Creek face a dangerous new challenge to their quiet existence. Taylor Kimball Jr. wants to take over as prophet of Blister Creek—and he wants Jacob’s sister Eliza by his side when he does it. With no room for personal reservations, Jacob forms a tenuous alliance with his father and the FBI. But Taylor Junior is as crafty as he is brutal, anticipating Jacob’s plan and drawing him out to leave Blister Creek vulnerable to attack. And this time Taylor has come prepared, with a horrific new weapon capable of annihilating Blister Creek. If he has any chance of winning this fight, Jacob will have to decide, once and for all, just how far he is willing to go to protect his community. The fourth in Michael Wallace’s riveting Righteous series, The Blessed and the Damned raises the stakes in Jacob’s world to dizzying new heights.

This gripping story continues the power struggles among factions of polygamous, patriarchal Mormon communities hidden in the mountains and deserts of Utah. In earlier books a rebellious group, including the Kimballs, tried to overtake the harsh and demanding “Prophet,” Abraham Christianson, at the Blister Creek community.  Some of the attackers were captured and imprisoned but others escaped to hide in the hills.

Taylor Kimball, Jr. spent several years in exclusion before he emerged to gather other bitter, “lost boys” -  those expelled from the main community. Taylor’s camp lives in rustic conditions and their jealousy and envy poisons and twists whatever faith values they once learned. Taylor believes he is directed by an angel of the lord to take over Blister Creek with Christianson’s daughter, Eliza, as his primary wife. Taylor’s take-over plan is anything but peaceful.  He plans to attack and decimate the communities before commandeering whatever and whoever survives the attack.

Dr. Jacob Christianson is the moderate of the family. He treasures his own family and walks a fine line between the Mormon community and governmental forces.  He doesn’t agree with his father’s harsh ways and he wants to protect his sister, Eliza, from being forced into an arranged marriage. When he and Eliza recognize the threat of the Kimball clan, they seek to locate the hideout before Taylor can attack Blister Creek or before an FBI raid causes a mass suicide.

I was immediately pulled into the action, conflict and intensity of the story.  I found Taylor’s terrorist tactics really horrifying and gut-wrenching. I was dismayed by the extreme lack of Christian values shown by the leaders. There was no forgiveness and no second chance given, even to those who sought it. There was no compassion for the rights of individuals.  The leaders range from the dictatorial, harsh “Prophet” to the crazed, twisted Taylor. Rather than try to find ways to live and work together the factions seek to kill the opposition, even innocent women and children.

I appreciated the difficult decisions the characters had to face. Jacob is repeatedly torn between duties, desires, faith and fear. Should he handle the search himself or bring in the authorities? Should he go help the injured or try to protect those who are the next target? I was saddened that Jacob didn’t recognize and accept the blessing and powers he might have shared if he had stronger faith. 

This is well written and the settings are wonderfully described.  I particularly liked the use of the Anasazi cliff dwelling. This is the fourth book in the series and I was glad that I had read the first story, The Righteous. However, Mr. Wallace does a good job of bringing in the back story so this could be read as a stand alone. I recommend this series to readers who enjoy intense conflict and aren’t put off by what I would term as religious extremism.
The "Prophet" gives a justification for killing:
“Fine, you’re a doctor,” Abraham said as Jacob turned to go. “But you don’t heal cancer, you destroy it. That’s what this is, a malignancy.  We cut one tumor when Eliza killed Gideon, but it has metastasized...” location 1735.
At least some of the characters have a sense of acceptance and humility:
So what if he fell short? She was a work in progress to, riddled with her own weaknesses.  Location 2545.
I received this ebook from the author for an honest review. Please enjoy Mr. Wallace's Guest Post too.
This story is set in Utah for my 2013 Where Are You Reading Challenge.

Monday, January 21, 2013

BookBlast with Giveaway: daynight by Megan Thomason

Are you ready for a twisted Second Chance?
Tour Schedule

daynight by Megan Thomason

Meet The Second Chance Institute (SCI): Earth’s benevolent non-profit by day, Thera’s totalitarian regime by night. Their motto: Because Everyone Deserves a Second Chance™. Reality: the SCI subjects Second Chancers to strict controls and politically motivated science experiments like Cleaving—forced lifetime union between two people who have sex.

Meet Kira Donovan. Fiercely loyal, overly optimistic, and ensnared by the promise of a full-ride college scholarship, Kira signs the SCI Recruit contract to escape memories of a tragedy that left her boyfriend and friends dead.

Meet Blake Sundry. Bitter about being raised in Exile and his mother’s death, Blake’s been trained to infiltrate and destroy the SCI. Current barrier to success? His Recruit partner—Miss Goody Two Shoes Kira Donovan.

Meet Ethan Darcton. Born with a defective heart and resulting inferiority complex, Ethan’s forced to do his SCI elite family’s bidding. Cleave-worthy Kira Donovan catches his eye, but the presiding powers give defect-free Blake Sundry first dibs.

Full of competing agendas, romantic entanglements, humor, twists and turns, daynight is Megan Thomason’s debut young adult dystopian novel and first in the daynight series.

“Sure to win over YA readers looking for a dangerous, dystopian adventure story” —Kirkus Reviews

“Gripping young adult dystopian novel; compelling conflicts; high stakes; powerful narrative; surprises keep coming; strong writing; page-turner; engaging characters; Readers will be hungry for the sequels.”—BlueInk Review (starred review)

“The writing is impressive and the story is a real page-turner. So many twists and turns… I’m hooked… I can’t wait for the next installment to come out…4.5 out of 5 stars”—Self-Publishing Review

“Delicious humor, intelligence, and sparkling dialogue” —Amazon reviewer

“Strangely brilliant and imaginative”—Amazon reviewer

“Grips you from the first page and keeps you wanting more”—Amazon reviewer

“Plot twists kept me reading till late at night”—Amazon reviewer

“Every page a thrilling experience”—Amazon reviewer

“Hooked from the first chapter and could not put it down”—Amazon reviewer

“It's like a CW fantasy TV show in a book with a really interesting environment.”—Amazon reviewer

“I'm a little tired of dystopian novels, but Daynight has a unique and fresh story line that didn't have any trouble keeping my interest.”—Amazon reviewer

Author Megan Thomason
Megan Thomason lives in paradise aka San Diego, CA with her husband and five children. A former software manager, Megan vastly prefers writing twisted tales to business, product, and marketing plans. When she isn't typing away on her laptop, she's reading books on her phone—over 600 in the last year—or attending to the needs of her family. Megan’s fluent in sarcasm, could potentially benefit from a 12-step program for road rage, struggles with a Hot Tamales addiction, loves world travel & fast cars and hates paperwork & being an insomniac. Daynight is Megan's first published novel, but fourth written one.

Book Blast Giveaway

$75 Amazon Gift Card
Apple Earbuds ($30 Value)
Ends 2/3/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mailbox Monday January 21, 2013

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.
FOR JANUARY: the Mailbox Monday Tour host is Lori's Reading Corner!

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs.  This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) but is now hosted at Mailbox Monday and through various blog hosts.

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. 

I didn't add quite as many books this week!
How are your mailbox and TBR piles doing?

Review Titles
I received one print book this week which I am extra excited about. I will be participating in The Discovery Saga Scavenger Hunt for this title: 
The Hunt will start 2/5 and my review and post day will be 2/14.

Received from Handlebar Publishing

by Wanda E. Brunstetter



From Audible $6.95 sale:
By: Jack Campbell
Narrated by: Christian Rummel


I did download some free Kindle Titles linked through Inspired Reads, Pixel of Ink and Kindle Review.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? January 21, 2013

This meme starts at Book Journey!

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I've had a fairly good week but have some extra work I didn't expect.  And my poor DH is very sick with the flu 'crud.'

I did some good reading, finishing four more books I really enjoyed.  I posted five reviews, two with giveaways. There were also two Giveaway Hops. I posted the regular Friday Pick Giveaway, Sharing Beyond Books Comment Giveaway and Sunday Words.
I only visited a little early in the week. Once again I didn't get as much visiting last week and I would like to do better this week.
Thanks again to all the nice people who visit me too.

These were last week's posts:
  • Book Review and Giveaway: The Publicist by Christina George; Contemporary Romance; my rating 4.0.
  • Audio Book Review: Cat Bearing Gifts by Shirley Rosseau; Cozy Mystery; my rating 4.0.
  • Book Review and Giveaway: A Perfect Match by Janice Hanna. Christian, Cozy Mystery; my rating 4.25.
  • Book Review: Dead Running by Cami Checketts; Romantic Suspense; my rating 4.75.
  • Book Review: Dying to Run by Cami Checketts; Romantic Suspense; my rating 4.75.
Finished Reading:
1. eBook/Kindle

Dead Running
by Cami Checketts
I really enjoyed this suspenseful, clean read.
Review is linked above.

2. eBook/Kindle

Dying to Run
Cami Checketts

I am really glad I had this sequel to read right away. Great romantic suspense. Review is linked above.
Book Description

Publication Date: October 30, 2012Cassidy Christensen wants to run.
Captured by the traffickers who killed her mother, Cassidy's only hope is Dr. Tattoo, a man she loves but nobody trusts. When she finally gets a chance to run, someone else she cares about is taken. Running might be her only chance at survival, but Cassidy won’t allow another family member to be killed in her place.

This must-read sequel to Dead Running will have you laughing, biting your nails, and hoping for more.

3. eBook/Kindle

Every Perfect Gift (A Hickory Ridge Romance)
by Dorothy Love
This is a lovely historical, Christian story!
I will post a review and Giveaway for Thomas Nelson.

4. Audio/MP3

Ashes of Twilight
by Kassy Tayler (Author),
Nicola Barber (Narrator) 
This is an interesting YA Dystopia. 
I will post the review the end of this week.
I am reviewing for AudioGo 
through AudioBook Jukebox

Line Edits:
This week we released an action, fun Sci-Fi:
by John Joseph Doody

For Earthers dwelling in Guild space, it is a one-hundred year journey back to Earth. An unimaginable voyage, until now.

When Guild commander and crack pilot, Thad Cochran boards the shuttle destined for the casinos of Timmerus, finding a way back to Earth is not on his radar. He wants the five-percent finder's fee the Guild is offering for a black box held by the lizard-like Yazz. Thad has a dream: With the loot he will get for stealing the Wonk Decelerator, he can buy a ranch on Beta Prime.

But things begin to fall apart for him in the dark caverns of Timmerus, and Thad must reconsider his priorities in life. Has he discovered a cause greater than his dream? Are there actually more important things to life than money and his dream? What about the woman who is waiting for him? What about freedom in the galaxy? And what about his discovery, fashioned by the gnarled hands of a brilliant, old Yazz, that could change everything?

Thad Cochran has a choice to make. He can fulfill his quest, escape with his life and be rich. Or he can fly with the Wonks ... one more time.
Genre: Science Fiction
Pages: 129

Currently reading:
1. eBook/Kindle 

by Megan Thomason
I am at 50% in this book for Review to post 1/23 for BookBlast Tour.
It is another engaging YA Dystopia.

Book Description
Publication Date: November 12, 2012
“Sure to win over YA readers looking for a dangerous, dystopian adventure story” —Kirkus Reviews

"Gripping young adult dystopian novel; compelling conflicts; high stakes; powerful narrative; surprises keep coming; strong writing; page-turner; engaging characters; Readers will be hungry for the sequels.”—BlueInk Review (starred review)

Meet The Second Chance Institute (SCI): Earth’s benevolent non-profit by day, Thera’s totalitarian regime by night. Their motto: Because Everyone Deserves a Second Chance at Life(TM). Reality: the SCI subjects Second Chancers to strict controls and politically motivated science experiments like Cleaving—forced lifetime union between two people who have sex.

Meet Kira Donovan. Fiercely loyal, overly optimistic, and ensnared by the promise of a full-ride college scholarship, Kira signs the SCI Recruit contract to escape memories of a tragedy that left her boyfriend and friends dead.

Meet Blake Sundry. Bitter about being raised in Exile and his mother’s death, Blake’s been trained to infiltrate and destroy the SCI. Current barrier to success? His Recruit partner—Miss Goody Two Shoes Kira Donovan.

Meet Ethan Darcton. Born with a defective heart and resulting inferiority complex, Ethan’s forced to do his SCI elite family’s bidding. Cleave-worthy Kira Donovan catches his eye, but the presiding powers give defect-free Blake Sundry first dibs.

Full of competing agendas, romantic entanglements, humor, twists and turns, daynight is Megan Thomason’s debut young adult dystopian novel and first in the daynight series.

2. Print

by Jeanette Murray
I have only just started.
Review and ARC giveaway likely to post next week.
Reviewing for Sourcebooks.

3. Audio/MP3

The Lost Flower Children
by Janet Taylor Lisle (Author),
Caitlin Davies (Narrator)
I will start this one midweek.
I am reviewing for AudioGo through AudioBook Jukebox.

Motherless Olivia and Nellie go to live with their elderly Great-Aunt Minty, who knows little about children, but a lot about her overgrown garden. Then one day, Olivia finds an old teacup in a flowerbed--and, later, an old story about eight children transformed into flowers. Only the person who finds their teacups can bring them back. Now the two sisters know what they must do.

4. eBook/Kindle

Immortal Craving
by Kendra Leigh Castle
I plan to start this by week's end.
Reviewing for Forever Romance.
Book Description
Release date: January 29, 2013 | Series: Dark Dynasties (Book 4)
The last-and most lethal-of his kind . . .

Wild, uncontrollable, and powerful, the lion-shifting Rakshasa were hunted down by vicious rival vampires who feared their dark, magical abilities. Somehow one survived, and now, after centuries of hiding, Tasmin Singh reemerges as fierce and fearless as ever at the door of the Lilim queen, seeking answers . . . and sanctuary.

The human best friend to a vampire queen, Bay Harper traded her quiet, comfortable life for a world filled with immortal assassins, warring werewolves . . . and this hauntingly sexy shifter. Only Bay's gentle touch can subdue Tasmin's inner demons, even as he brings out a passion and sensuality she never imagined she could feel. But when a bloody struggle threatens to tear them apart, can Bay risk everything on her faith in him-or will his dark side be stronger than even their all-consuming desire?

I continue to listen to The Listener's Bible NIV read by Max McLean. [Reading and listening on my new MP3.]  I am studying with the Tyndall One Year Bible this year, hoping to read daily along with my DH.

Line Edits: I hope to get in at least two books this week for formats.

I have listed 16 books for January with Audios to be added. I have completed 13 and reading continues to move along well. One or two titles might go into February -- we'll see.

Scheduled for January

1/21 Book Blast: daynight by Megan Thomason
1/23 Review: daynight by Megan Thomason (BookBlast Tour)
1/28 Book Blast: Jack Templar: Monster Hunter by Jeff Gunhus

(dates after the author indicate the release date):
The Officer Breaks the Rules (Semper Fidelis. Always Faithful)
by Jeanette Murray (1/8/13) (Print giveaway)

Immortal Craving by Kendra Leigh Castle (1/29/13)

      Random House:

           The Escape Diaries by Juliet Rosetti (12/10/12)

     Thomas Nelson (Hope to post with Giveaways)
         An Amish Kitchen Anthology/Collection (12/18/12)
         Waiting for Morning (The Brides Of Last Chance Ranch Series) by Margaret Brownley (1/8/13)

Audiobook Jukebox (more to be received)
The Lost Flower Children by Janet Taylor Lisle (AudioGo)

Authors - Done

Ladies Book Club (Done)

(I'm thinking I'd like to do a title with January or Winter in it for one of these)
TBR Collection - TBD - Won book: Journey to Forgiveness by Laurean Brooks
Won Book - TBD
(Broken Pieces)
Free Kindle/Nook or Smashwords - TBD


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