Shona Husk Interview,
Author of The Goblin King
SH: I write paranormal and fantasy romance so I find them quite similar in that both require believable world building. But where paranormal is grounded in reality with fantasy I can create anything—as long as I don’t break my own rules :). In both cases I build the world and characters together.
SH: That depends on the series…The Goblin King was originally intended to be stand-alone but as I wrote it I realized there were other stories to tell (Dai, his brother, was too interesting to not explore further) and from there the other stories grew. With my Vampire rock stars for Ellora’s Cave I had them plotted before I started as I wanted each of the stories to be very different and yet be linked by the things the band, Lucinda’s Lover, was going through.
Q3. Do your work career/hobbies/interests
influence your writing?
SH: I think there are similarities between my day job and writing in that both are creative up to a point and then it’s all about editing and fine-tuning. My interests are quite varied. I love history so that definitely influences my world building. I also read nonfiction about whatever takes my fancy (On my to be read shelf at the moment is a book on the history of swords and also ‘the world without us’). Ideas come from all over the place and no writer is a blank canvas. We all bring our life experiences with us even if it is subconsciously.
Q4. Can you see yourself in any of your
SH: No. My characters are not based on real people—or me (I’d run from a goblin or a vampire!). That said I have written my first red-haired heroine, Jaines in Dark Vow, but that’s all we have in common.
Q5. Which authors have influenced you most and
SH: I grew up reading fantasy novels so I think I absorbed the love of world building early (and a love of heroes with swords). These days my favorite authors are still the ones with the ability to take me somewhere else, either back in time or to another world.
Q6. What is the biggest obstacle you have to
overcome when you want to write?
SH: Time at the moment. But while I might be blocking out my evenings for edits, I’ve found writing 500 words during my lunch break a great way to progress something new and then when I do get a week or so between edits the story is already a few chapters in and I can get the rest down fast. I like a fast first draft to capture the story and then when I type it up it gets its first edit before going to my crit group.
Q7. Please share with us your most rewarding
experience since being published.
SH: I just did my first solo book signing on the weekend and it was great to meet people and talk books and writing. It was really nice to be on the other side of the table.
Q8. If you could have readers finish a sentence
what would it be?
SH: My favorite paranormal creature is…
Once Upon a Time…
A man was cursed to the Shadowlands, his heart
replaced with a cold lump of gold. In legends, he became known as… The Goblin King.
For a favored few he will grant a wish. Yet,
desperately clinging to his waning human soul, his one own desire remains
unfulfilled… A Willing Queen.
But who would consent to move from the modern-day
world into the realm of nightmares? No matter how intoxicating his touch, no
matter how deep his valor, loving him is dangerous. And the one woman who might
dare to try could also destroy forever his chance at a … Happily Ever After.
Debut author Shona Husk is a civil designer by day and an author by night. She
lives in Western Australia and through history, myth and imagination she
creates heroes that are armed and dangerous but have a heart of gold-sometimes
literally. For more information on Shona
and The Goblin King, and where to
download the FREE prequel, The Summons, please
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