
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sunday Post January 21, 2018/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday January 22, 2018

I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading now at The Book Date.

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

We are still chugging along at work and have the year end financial reporting to get done this week. My daughter/office manager returned to the office but one of our new staff people went out Thursday with the flu.
Our weather has warmed up this weekend to 34-68. It is still light out up to 5:30pm which we like.

I am enjoying my reading but iffy on the listening. I finished one Audible and one ebook. I posted five reviews and my usual memes.

I visited 34 blogs Monday through Thursday. :-)
Shout Out this week to Girlxoxo who shares The Master List of 2018 Reading Challenges -- so many tempting.
Thank you to all the nice people who visit me.

These were last week's posts:
  • ATBR- Audible Book Review: Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara; Fantasy, Supernatural; my rating 3.75.
  • eTBR- Book Review: Cinder by Marissa Meyer; Adaptations, Alien, Sci Fi; my rating 4.25.

Finished Reading:
1. Audible/MP3 (TBR)

The Emerald Atlas, Books of Beginning
By: John Stephens
Narrated by: Jim Dale
Series: The Books of Beginning, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 44 mins
This is a fun listen good for children and adults.
Source: Audible 2013.
Click on book title for full description.

2. eBook/Kindle (NGTBR)

Rise of the Fallen: Wars of the Realm, Book 2
by Chuck Black
Loved this action story from the perspective of the angel.
Source: NetGalley 2017.
Click on book title for full description.

Currently Reading:
1. Print TBR (Publisher)

Seek and Destroy (America Rising)
by William C. Dietz
1/2 way and I am still enjoying this 2nd book; plan to finish this week.
Source: Publisher 2017.

Click on book title for full description.

2. Audible/Smartphone (2018Purch)
Island cover art

By: Aldous Huxley
Narrated by: Simon Vance
Length: 11 hrs and 27 mins
Release date: 09-13-16
I am 4 hours in and struggling to 'get into' this title I picked for Vintage Sci Fi.
Source: Audible Daily Deal 2018.

3. Audible/MP3 (ATBR)
Ubik cover art

By: Philip K. Dick
Narrated by: Luke Daniels
Length: 7 hrs and 56 mins
This is another Vintage Sci Fi.
This is starting with some humor in the story.
Source: Audible Daily Deal 2017.

Publisher's Summary
A mind-bending, classic Philip K. Dick novel about the perception of reality.
Named as one of Time's 100 best books.
Glen Runciter runs a lucrative business - deploying his teams of anti-psychics to corporate clients who want privacy and security from psychic spies. But when he and his top team are ambushed by a rival, he is gravely injured and placed in "half-life," a dreamlike state of suspended animation. Soon, though, the surviving members of the team begin experiencing some strange phenomena, such as Runciter's face appearing on coins and the world seeming to move backward in time. As consumables deteriorate and technology gets ever more primitive, the group needs to find out what is causing the shifts and what a mysterious product called Ubik has to do with it all.
©1969 Philip K. Dick (P)2014 Brilliance Audio, all rights reserved.

4. eBook/Kindle (NGTBR)

A Gem of a Problem (Emma Berry Murray River Mystery Book 1)
by Irene Sauman
This looks like a good break from the Vintage Sci Fi.
Source: NetGalley 2017.
As if losing Sam wasn’t enough, now she must deal with what he has left behind.
Emma hadn’t known Sam was delivering (smuggling?) a package across the Murray River border between the colonies, but the package, containing something of great value, is missing after the sinking of the paddle steamer Mary B. She doesn’t believe the Major’s story of why. It makes no sense. But his threats are real enough.
If only Daniel wasn’t blaming her for everything. She will have to travel a lonely road in her efforts to locate the missing item before time runs out. Who is lying to her, who is telling the truth? Will what she finds be what she is looking for? And more importantly, will it be what the Major expects?

January 21, 2018 - I am enjoying reading and listening the One Year Bible plan on my new smartphone. My husband hasn't joined my plan but he is listening some days too. You can check out the audio on the companion commentary online.

I completed 2 books and posted 5 reviews - yay, a good dent.  I still have 7 current year reviews. Now that I have my first 2018 review done I will start linking again at Goodreads, Amazon and Audible too but will start that work soon.
My NetGalley shelf is now at 22 with five older 2017 and others picked up end of year. I still have one committed author title in queue and many through InstaFreebie. I have more new author requests but haven't had time to reply.

We're working on two more fiction books to add to eTreasure's NetGalley page.

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Leslie of Under My Apple Tree, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit and (yours truly). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
I didn't pick up any reviews this week.
I resisted the Audible daily deals this week but they are having a sale for the 2017 DD titles. I am tempted to pick up another handful.
I purchased four .99 cent Kindle titles this week.
As usual, I picked up more free kindle titles as usual. (Note these are in my Amazon library, NOT on my Kindle until I download and transfer them.)
Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles


I picked up four Kindle titles at $.99:
All I Ever Needed (The Compass Club Series, Book 3)
Jo Goodman
I've actually read this series over 10 years ago and really liked it.
I think I still have the paperbacks.

Becky Harling
I liked the sound of this and gifted it to my daughter.
The Pulse Super Boxset: EMP Post Apocalyptic Fiction
Alexandria Clarke
Post Apocalyptic - looks good to me.

I have book one on Audible and book 2 at Kindle. 
I thought this was a good price for book 3. 

I picked up free Kindle titles to add 57 titles to my library this week! Titles found linked through Bookbub, Bookfun, Ereader News Today, Free Par-tay, Ignite Your Book, Inspired Reads, Pixel of Ink or Kindle ebooks.


  1. I like the look of A Gem of a Problem. You got a lot done this past week. :-)

  2. Some neat books this week. Not one for sci-fi, but A Gem of a Problem should be on my list. Hope you enjoy all your books.

  3. Your week sounds very full. Iv e done very little reading.

  4. It's hard to resist those bargain books. I hope they're all great!

  5. I am curious about A Gem of a Problem. Enjoy all of your books and your week. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. I am working on lowering my review stack. A new arrival this week from the authors was a 2017 release. Otherwise everything is a 2018 release. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  7. Hope you stay clear of the flu, all the best with end of financial year. I am afraid I leave most sci fi at the door, I should read a little more of it!

  8. Those $.99 deals are hard to pass up! The flu seems to be going at full speed across the country. Hope your office is rid of it soon!

  9. ISLAND and A GEM OF A PROBLEM look good.

    Have a great week, and thanks for hosting.

  10. Gem of a Problem looks like a good one, enjoy your books!

  11. It sounds like you had a busy blogging week. I’m way behind on all my blog stuff. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  12. Enjoy your reading this week. Those cheap and free kindle books are hard to pass up.

  13. Enjoy your reads!

    Have a great week!

  14. I am also way behind on all my blogging committments, particularly reviews and my reading has been painfully slow. Books are certainly being added to my various shelves and TBR piles, much more quickly than they are leaving and being re-homed with friends and family!

    No disrespect, but as so many of your featured books are science fiction, I can usually leave them behind quite happily, - but there is always just that one that I really need to add and this week is no exception. So as with so many other of your commenters, I quite like the sound of 'A Gem Of A Problem'

    Thanks for sharing, I hope that you can manage to steer clear of all the flu bugs (says she, touching wood herself!)

    Thanks for sharing and Happy Reading :)


  15. Argh... Vintage Scifi month is getting away from me again! And P.K. Dick is one of my favorites. So prescient. Haven't read Ubik yet.

  16. Kinda curious about Ubik. Have a good reading week :-)


Your comments are always appreciated!