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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Post February 18, 2024/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday February 19, 2024

Sunday Post #318 Chairs, Compliance, and Storms
I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? now at The Book Date (at Wordpress)
What Are You Reading? is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

My work continues busy but I do feel I am being productive and moving forward.
I had a couple of nights where the computer crashed and I didn't bother to reboot it. I am looking at new computers before this one goes completely kaput.

My daughter remembered me on Valentine's Day. This was sweet as she learned from my sweet Bob who never missed a special day (and many regular days) to give me flowers. 

I took a week off the chair yoga but did several days of walking routines. I may restart the chair yoga again. 

I will continue to pray for the Advent messages all year: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

I was surprised to talk to my son Saturday night and learn that they were shoveling now Friday and Saturday! We had some very nice crisp days, a couple of rainy days and then the rain brought in some cooler temperatures in the 30s at night.  

I finished two audios and made a little progress in two ebooks. I did a short review on the second at Goodreads but it is the same as set forth below.
I only visited 3 blogs last week to link up. I have to make up with visits this week. is still sharing some free listens for children.
Finished Reading:
1. Audible on Smartphone (A2024).

The North Star
By: Killian Carter
Narrated by: Sean Runnette
Series: Galactic Sentinel, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 53 mins
Genre: Military, Space Opera
My Rating: 4.0. This is full of action and characters that grew on me.  The narration was good and added to the work. I will likely continue the series. 
This was a free title expiring 2/29 and filled the "N" title.
  2024Alphabet and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Source: February 2024 Audible Plus title.

Click on link to see full description.

2. Audible on Smartphone (A2024).

Metal Fury: Publisher's Pack
Metal Fury, Books 1-2
By: Jonathan Yanez, Stevie Collier
Narrated by: Chris Ciulla
Series: Metal Fury, Book 1-2
Length: 17 hrs and 28 mins
Genre: Fantasy, Military, Space Opera.
My Rating on Book 1: 4.0. The main character, Jack, is a bit bumbling and awkward. He was an orphan who ended up being raised in the military with a companion AI and mech armor that he loves. He is a good guy who is chosen to become a hero to fight an evil scheme of destruction.
I mostly enjoyed the story but the continual crazy battles with last minute escapes became tiring. The narration was very good, but I will not continue with book 2 at this time even though it is free.
This is another Audible Plus expiring 2/29. It filled "M" title for my alphabet challenge.
2024Alphabet and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Source: February 2024 Audible Plus title.

Publisher's summary
Contains books one and two of the Metal Fury series.
I Am Mech, book one
His job was to guard against terrorist threats. Now he’s discovered an even more sinister enemy. To stop this encroaching doom, the people cry out for a hero. Instead, they get Jack.
This ace mech pilot contends with legendary prophecies, ancient powers, and fickle companions as he sets out on an epic task to save his planet from a baddie hellbent on destruction. Has his positive self-talk got him in too deep, or will he actually pull through to do some good this time?
Mech Planet, book two
The path to freedom leads to combat in a slave arena.
He’s only just survived the trash planet. Now, Jack has arrived in a new world to find his friends captured and enslaved. The twisted politics of Shivbowl leave little room for his normal antics. He’ll have to play by their rules and beat out the competition in the mech battling games.
While hope for freedom fades, a new darkness promises everything Jack has ever wanted but goes against everything a Knight stands for. Can he resist this powerful calling?
©2020 Archimedes Books (P)2020 Podium Audio.

Currently Reading:
1. Audio on Smartphone (ATBR).
Book cover for Prodigal by Judy K. Walker with featured deal banner

A Supernatural Crime Thriller
By Judy K. Walker
Book #1 Dead Hollow
Read by Alex Knox
Run Time 9h 46min
Genre: Crime, Mystery, Supernatural, Thriller.
I am already 60% in and it is reading quickly.
I needed a change from space so I picked this thriller for my “P” title.
2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Source: 12/4/2021 Chirp purchase $1.99.

It’s happening again. And either Adam’s crazy, or he’s a kidnapped child’s only hope.
Drifter Adam Rutledge is haunted by his childhood, by how helpless he felt when his best friend was abducted and how terrifying it was to see the boy’s fate in his nightmares.
Twenty years later Adam is shaken by a vivid dream, one powerful enough to send him back to Cold Springs. But his Appalachian hometown never lost its mistrust of the orphaned boy who drew heartache like a lightning rod. Especially now that another child has been taken.
To find the missing girl, Adam must dig deep and solve the riddle of his own tragic past. When his efforts unleash visions he’s spent decades burying, his sanity stretches to the breaking point. And all the while, a man is watching and waiting in the shadows.
A madman who means to kill him.
Prodigal is the first book in the Dead Hollow psychic suspense trilogy. If you like crime thrillers with authentic characters and a dash of paranormal, then you’ll love Judy K. Walker’s haunting series.

2. eBook - NetGalley App on Smartphone (NGeB2024)

If the Boot Fits
By Karen Witemeyer
Pub Date 12 Mar 2024 | Archive Date 21 Apr 2024
Bethany House, Bethany House Publishers
Genre: Christian | Historical Fiction | Romance
I am still enjoying this - reached 25%
2024NetGalley, 2024Alphabet, and 2024ebook Goals. Source: 1/12/2024 ebook from NetGalley.

Click on link to see full description.

Sort of ON HOLD. Kindle (/NetGalley )App on Smartphone (NGeB2023)

The Altered Moon 2: The Tyrant of Unity
By James McGettigan, Jingjing Huntley (Photographer), Fabiana Granado, Kyle Davis, Jason Frank, Serena Lucatero, Jacqui Corn-Uys (Editor), Anthony McGettigan (Editor), Judy McGettigan (Editor)
Genre: Alien Invasion, Space Sci Fi.
This is still reading slowly. I have reached 64%.
Although I am reading the other NetGalley ebook, I open this each day to read on the Kindle App.
Source: December 27, 2023 NetGalley.

2024TBR, 2024NetGalley, 2024Alphabet, and 2024ebook Goals.
Click on link to see full description.

I will be looking next for titles with the letters O, Q, R, T, U, X, and Y for my next picks. I only have these 7 letters left now as I am zipping through this challenge. 

February 18, 2024 - I am enjoying the YouVersion App called The Bible Recap with Tara Leigh Cobble. (The link is to the plan online.) We are reading in Leviticus which sets a lot of the regulations for the Israelites, always showing that God is Holy and yet he desires us to draw near.

I finished two books, rated with mini reviews/comments above.

I continue on two ebooks. I still have another ebook and an older audio on my shelf I need to listen to.
I still have the two old NetGalley ebook titles.

Other Sources: I have a dozen or so books that I received from Facebook links and newsletter sign-ups, not specific review requests. plus many titles through InstaFreebie over the past few years.

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit, and Me. Emma has retired so we are looking for another person willing to assist.

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
No new review titles.
I selected my two January Audible Credits. 
I also chose my VIP for February.
No new Kindle titles this week.
Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles


2/17/24 January Audible Credits: Both of these are to continue the series.
The Extinction Survival Series Box Set
Lost Valley, Satan's Gate, Cost of Survival & Warrior's Fate
By: Walt Browning
Narrated by: Bronson Pinchot

Length: 38 hrs

Galactic Breach
Ruins of the Galaxy, Book 2
By: Christopher Hopper, J. N. Chaney
Narrated by: R.C. Bray

Length: 9 hrs and 59 mins

2/17/2024 February VIP This sounds fun.
Not the Witch You Wed
Series: #1 Of Supernatural Singles
Written By: April Asher
Narrated By: Zura Johnson

Duration: 12 hours 15 minutes

5 more Audible Plus titles from 12/1 to 12/17/2023.
Ninefox Gambit
By: Yoon Ha Lee
Narrated by: Emily Woo Zeller
Series: Machineries of Empire , Book 1

Length: 10 hrs and 52 mins

My Dead World 2: My Dead World, Book 2
By: Jacqueline Druga
Narrated by: Kelsey Navarro
Series: My Dead World Series , Book 2

Length: 5 hrs and 18 mins

Cole Blooded: Cole Blooded, Book 1
By: Blaise Corvin, Outspan Foster
Narrated by: Ryan Burke
Series: Cole Blooded , Book 1

Length: 6 hrs and 13 mins

Mitigating Risk: Nora Hazard Series, Book 1
By: Blaise Corvin
Narrated by: Emily Beresford
Series: Nora Hazard , Book 1

Length: 7 hrs and 49 mins

Competitive Advantage: Nora Hazard Series, Book 2
By: Blaise Corvin
Narrated by: Emily Beresford
Series: Nora Hazard , Book 2

Length: 7 hrs and 45 mins

I still have 8 Audible Plus titles to list from 2023 and some from 2024. 

No new free titles added to Kindle library.  Free titles might be found at Bookbub, Book Adrenaline, Ereader News Today, Inspired Reads, or Kindle ebooks.

Sunday Word's of Encouragement February 18, 2024 - Give and Do Good.

We started today’s service with warm worship. Prayer for each other’s needs – peace, direction, healing, strength… Your Will Be Done!

Today’s sermon was inspired by the scripture Nehemiah 5:1-6.
In addition to the physical building, there is need for a spiritual rebuilding. The poor were being exploited by the leaders charging interest. There came a great cry. God hears our cries. Isaiah 59:1.

We live in a culture that is greedy. We have to learn to be content and not seek more over seeking to give to help others. We brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out. 1 Timothy 6:10. We are not to be haughty in our wealth. 1 Timothy 6:17.
God wants us to increase our status of giving, not our status of living. 1 Timothy 6:18-19. It is a Christian process to give. Acts 2:43-45.

What you are giving may be the answer to someone else’s prayer.
This is when we are generous givers:
1. Give away more than you spend on luxuries like automobiles, vacations.
2. You view your resources as tools to do good works for the kingdom so that God is glorified.
3. You are more blessed when you give than receive.

He who knows the right thing and doesn’t do it, to him it is sin. James 4:17. Fear of God is a key to keep you doing right
Even if someone isn’t a good steward and doesn’t take care of the gifts, we don’t get to choose. God is the judge and he calls us to be generous.

I chose this song for today: Everlasting God!
Verses for Today
Nehemiah 5:1-6:14 NIV
Nehemiah Helps the Poor
5 Now the men and their wives raised a great outcry against their fellow Jews. 2 Some were saying, “We and our sons and daughters are numerous; in order for us to eat and stay alive, we must get grain.”
3 Others were saying, “We are mortgaging our fields, our vineyards and our homes to get grain during the famine.”
4 Still others were saying, “We have had to borrow money to pay the king’s tax on our fields and vineyards. 5 Although we are of the same flesh and blood as our fellow Jews and though our children are as good as theirs, yet we have to subject our sons and daughters to slavery. Some of our daughters have already been enslaved, but we are powerless, because our fields and our vineyards belong to others.”
6 When I heard their outcry and these charges, I was very angry.

Lord, help me to be mindful of the needs of others and help me to give generously of my resources.
(Image found at YouVersion Study)

Saturday, February 17, 2024

MarthaE Cooking #6

These are my HelloFresh meals for early February. It is still taking me longer than they say to do the prep and cooking but I am enjoying the cooking and the flavors. I listen to audio books while cooking which is a plus for me. 

Mexican-Style Beef & Bean "Lasagna".
This uses tortillas instead of noodles.
It was very good and provided six servings for me.

Sweet & Spicy Rainbow Edamame Rice Bowls,
with Cabbage, Carrots & Sesame Dressing.
I can't say "edamame" right but I do like it and this was an easy dish to make.

Creamy Cilantro Steak Bowls,
with Garlic Lime Rice & Charred Green Jalapeño (to taste).
I like steak and cilantro. The sauce was wonderful and a couple of Jalapeño slices was enough to add just a bit more flavor.

This is HelloFresh Bacon which is nice and thick with two poached eggs I made for Saturday breakfast.

Creamy Dreamy Mushroom Cavatappi, with scallions & Parmesan.
This was easy to fix and another yummy dish for three meals for me.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday Post February 11, 2024/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday February 12, 2024

Sunday Post #318 Chairs, Compliance, and Storms
I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? now at The Book Date (at Wordpress)
What Are You Reading? is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

My second ultrasound did not clearly show any mass so the radiologist decided there was nothing to biopsy. That is good news.  There is a cyst they will review again in 6 months. Meanwhile, I still see the surgeon in two weeks to decide if we will do other surgery to stop the daily/nightly bleeding. It is only a little but it is annoying as I have to protect my clothing and sheets. 
Again, I thank everyone for good wishes and prayers.

This is some of the damage I had from a couple of weeks ago in our  "spring room". I have to get help to put up new screening and/or plastic. So little time and so much to juggle!

I feel like I am making progress, even if slowly, at catching up on work.
I finished a month of chair yoga so now I am adding some walking routines and wall yoga.

I will continue to pray for the Advent messages all year: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

We had a range of temperatures again last week. The sun was out until the weekend when it rained  More rain is expected Monday then clear days. The temps will dip below 40 only one night. Day temps will be 60 to 71 so that should be nice.

I finished three audios and made a little progress in two ebooks. I did one review on Audible but it hasn't shown up yet.
I visited 15 blogs last week. I have decided I won't be adding shout outs (unless I come across a new one in my blog comments) until I feel I am getting more caught up. is still sharing some free listens for children.
Finished Reading:
1. Audible on Smartphone (ATBR).

Galaxy on Fire: Publisher's Pack
By: Craig Robertson
Narrated by: Scott Aiello
Series: Galaxy on Fire, Book 1-2
Length: 13 hrs and 17 mins
Genre: Adventure, Funny, Space Opera.
This showed up as expiring 2/29 so I listened to it as my "G" title.
My Rating 3.75. There is some entertainment in this series but the silliness is over the top silly. I don't expect to continue with any more.
2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Source: April 2023 Audible Plus.

Click on link to see full description.

2. Audio on Smartphone (ATBR).
Howl's Moving Castle

Howl's Moving Castle
By Diana Wynne Jones
Duration: 8 h 37 min
Genre: Fantasy, Folklore, Young Adult
I figured it was time to listen to this classic.
It is my “H” title.
My Rating 5.0. This is delightful, easy and entertaining listening.
2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audiobook Goals.
7/22/2019 2 for 1 Credit.

Click on link to see full description.

3. Audible on Smartphone (A2024).

By: Evan Currie
Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell
Series: Atlantis Rising Trilogy, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 36 mins
Genre: Military, Post Apocalyptic.
This popped up as a Plus title that is expiring 2/29/24. I liked the looks of it so I chose it for my "K" alphabet title.
My Rating: 4.75. I found this entertaining and liked the characters and the world building. This is a good v. evil story with plenty of action. I submitted my review on Audible but it doesn't show up yet.
I expect I will get the next books in the series.
2024Alphabet and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Source: February 2024 Audible Plus title.

Publisher's summary
The last war was fought with weapons unimaginable....
A war was fought. Humanity lost.
Time for a rematch.
The world fell, the invaders won, and demons now ruled what had once been man's domain. The great works of a once powerful civilization lie in ruins, its people having forgotten the wonders of their forefathers as they now live in the yoke. Not everyone is willing to go quietly into the endless night, however, and for every inch of ground they'd won, they had paid in blood and bone. At the end of it all, however, the demons stood victorious and all that was left to accomplish was the final cleanup of the human pests that infested occasional parts of the conquered world.
In one nearly uninhabitable part of that world, a very young such pest has come of age and, without understanding what it means, she walks in the shadow of destiny.
The demons have a lesson to learn, one last to be taught to them by humans, before they can call this world truly their own.
A cleansing fire can start from the smallest of sparks...and it is always darkest just before the dawn.
©2017 Evan Currie (P)2017 Podium Publishing

Currently Reading:
1. Audible on Smartphone (A2024).

The North Star
By: Killian Carter
Narrated by: Sean Runnette
Series: Galactic Sentinel, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 53 mins
Genre: Military, Space Opera
I liked the sound of this and am enjoying it.
It is another free title expiring 2/29 and works for "N" title.
  2024Alphabet and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Source: February 2024 Audible Plus title.

Publisher's summary
An ancient alien race, a sentient monkey, and epic battles.
Jason Grimshaw has one job.... Get the cadets to Colony 115.
Just another day. Just another milk run. Or so he thought.
When scanners pick up an unidentified alien vessel, it's already too late. With his ship blown out from under him, and his crew scattered across a war-torn planet, his day just keeps getting better.
The good news is, one of the pilots survived. The bad news is, it's the biggest pain in his ass, and she's stranded miles away.
When Clio Evans said she wanted to fly, crash-landing a starship wasn't what she had in mind. She may not be the most experienced Fleet pilot, but she sure as hell has a few tricks up her sleeve, and with an army standing between her and the rest of her crew, she'll have to pull out all the stops, even if it means exposing a secret that'll see her hanged for treason.
You'll love this military sci-fi adventure with a twist, because who doesn't love overbearing commanders, cocky redheads, and aliens with guns?
©2019 Killian Carter (P)2019 Podium Publishing

2. eBook - NetGalley App on Smartphone (NGeB2024)

If the Boot Fits
By Karen Witemeyer
Pub Date 12 Mar 2024 | Archive Date 21 Apr 2024
Bethany House, Bethany House Publishers
Genre: Christian | Historical Fiction | Romance
I am enjoying this so far at 10%
2024NetGalley, 2024Alphabet, and 2024ebook Goals. Source: 1/12/2024 ebook from NetGalley.

Click on link to see full description.

Sort of ON HOLD. Kindle (/NetGalley )App on Smartphone (NGeB2023)

The Altered Moon 2: The Tyrant of Unity
By James McGettigan, Jingjing Huntley (Photographer), Fabiana Granado, Kyle Davis, Jason Frank, Serena Lucatero, Jacqui Corn-Uys (Editor), Anthony McGettigan (Editor), Judy McGettigan (Editor)
Genre: Alien Invasion, Space Sci Fi.
This is still reading slowly. I have reached 60%.
Although I am reading the other NetGalley ebook, I open this each day to read on the Kindle App.
Source: December 27, 2023 NetGalley.

2024TBR, 2024NetGalley, 2024Alphabet, and 2024ebook Goals.
Click on link to see full description.

I will be looking next for titles with the letters U, T,  M and O for my next picks. I only have 9 letters left in the alphabet so I am zipping through this challenge. 

February 11, 2024 - I am enjoying the YouVersion App called The Bible Recap with Tara Leigh Cobble. (The link is to the plan online.) We are reading in Exodusl We have read about the Ten Commandments, and are into the details of the building of the Tabernacle, the preistly clothes, and the seven holy objects.
I started a 5 day study: Unpackin' It - a reading plan for Sport Fans. It seemed appropriate during SuperBowl weekend.

I finished three books, rated with mini reviews/comments above.

I continue on two ebook. I still have another ebooks. I still have an older audio on my shelf I need to listen to.
I still have the two old NetGalley ebook titles.

Other Sources: I have a dozen or so books that I received from Facebook links and newsletter sign-ups, not specific review requests. plus many titles through InstaFreebie over the past few years.

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit, and Me. Emma has retired so we are looking for another person willing to assist.

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
No new review titles.
No titles bought this week.
Ten new titles on Audible Plus - only listing two 
No new Kindle titles this week.
Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles



Two of the ten titles I got from Audible Plus this week - one read and one currently reading.
By: Evan Currie
Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell
Series: Atlantis Rising Trilogy, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 36 mins
Above in Finished Reading.
The North Star
By: Killian Carter
Narrated by: Sean Runnette
Series: Galactic Sentinel, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 53 mins
Above in Current Reading.

I still have 13 Audible Plus titles to list from 2023 and some from 2024. 

No new free titles added to Kindle library.  Free titles might be found at Bookbub, Book Adrenaline, Ereader News Today, Inspired Reads, or Kindle ebooks.

Sunday Words of Encouragement February 11, 2024 - Rebuke Discouragement.

This morning our church shared communion. Pastor continued his sermon series in Nehemiah. This week we are in Nehemiah 4 where the Israelites faced opposition and discouragement.
The people were hearing grumblings and they were complaining. Faith comes by hearing! Romans 10:17. What you listen to effects your believe system. Discouragement changes your perspective. Don’t believe the world or the enemy that says that people won’t be saved, that our society is too far gone. Don’t let the propaganda of the enemy discourage you. Focus on God.

Pastor shared experience when he was aged 28-30 when he suffered severe back pain from injury in a car accident (not his fault). Doctor told him his lower discs were gone, he had bone on bone and couldn’t lift more than 20 pounds, couldn’t play golf, or play ball with his young sons. Devil started to threaten him saying, “I will have your ministry. You will be in a wheelchair and unable to minister with energy. You won’t be able to play with your kids.” He began to believe these lies. He asked friends for prayer and they gave him scriptures passages that encouraged Dodie Osteen. He put his focus on God and overcame the discouragement. To this day he has not had surgery, although he does have pain now and then.

I have a similar situation as I was diagnosed with crushed discs in 2000. I prayed to God to take it away or at least control the pain. Except for a few episodes (less than 10 in 23 years), I have had minimal pain! I am careful not to twist and if I get tired, I might feel pain as it attacks my week spot. I’ve learned to stretch carefully but otherwise I give thanks to God for removing that pain.

Without hope, we lose faith. Complaining is a symptom of discouragement. The enemy kept pressing in on the Israelites. Nehemiah 4:11. We are all in spiritual warfare and the enemy will push whenever there is an opening. Don’t let the enemy lie to you. Focus on God and the good deeds he has already done and trust that He will do more as he has promised.

Discouragement breeds fear. Nehemiah 4:12. Faith is necessary to please God and do his mission. Hebrews 11. Nehemiah resisted the discouragement and pressed on to fulfill God’s plan. Nehemiah 4:13-15.

Know where you are weak so you can shore up those spots; set a guard at the low places.
You are not beyond failure. Protect your walk with God. Galatians 6:1. My help comes from God. Psalm 121:1-8. Magnify the Lord with me! Psalm 34:3-5.

Don’t let fear or discouragement control your mind or heart. Remember God! 1 John 4:4; Romans 8:31; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. We do not have power within ourselves. But through God we have ability to bring the discouraging thoughts into captivity.

Discouragement brings fear, encouragement brings faith. Seek the Lord who gives you rest. Matthew 11-28. Encourage others.

When the enemy sees your faith, their plans are frustrated by God. Nehemiah 4:15. God expects us to overcome obstacles because He is working it our for our favor. Hebrews 12:2.  Find your place in the Kingdom. Finish the assignment God has for you.

I found this beautiful song video for today: Fear Is Not My Future by Maverick City Music.

Verses for Today:
Nehemiah 4:10-15 NIV.
10 Meanwhile, the people in Judah said, “The strength of the laborers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.”
11 Also our enemies said, “Before they know it or see us, we will be right there among them and will kill them and put an end to the work.”
12 Then the Jews who lived near them came and told us ten times over, “Wherever you turn, they will attack us.”
13 Therefore I stationed some of the people behind the lowest points of the wall at the exposed places, posting them by families, with their swords, spears and bows. 14 After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.”
15 When our enemies heard that we were aware of their plot and that God had frustrated it, we all returned to the wall, each to our own work.

Lord. I am so thankful that You are so faithful. I turn away from fear and discouragement and remember You are in control!

Destroying your discouragement.
Nehemiah 4:10-15


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