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GIVEAWAYS ARE NOW LOCATED ON THEIR OWN PAGE - CLICK ON TAB ABOVE; Giveaways also linked on right sidebar.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Who Wants to Read Along ??

I noticed several other book bloggers are reading 8th Confession or have it TBR.  I just started and I'd love to do a Twitter read along if anyone wants to join.  Have you ever done a read along?  It's easy.

Note comments with #8thConfession and look for my Twitter account as MSEREADS. 

If you see other books on my What are you Reading Monday or Monday Mailbox lists that you want to do as a read along just make a comment on the post or e-mail me. It's fun to share comments, without sharing spoilers, as you read along.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Review and Giveaway - Death Mill Mansion by Will Hartzell-Baird

Title: Death Mill Mansion
Author: Will Hartzell-Baird
Publisher: CreateSpace (March 10, 2009)
Buy Link
ISBN-10: 1441482458
ISBN-13: 978-1441482457
Paperback: 400 pages
Author's Website 

Rating: 4.0

Product Description
As has been documented in any number of movies and books, there is a particular class of mansion that, through some indescribable means, bestows unanticipated engine/tire difficulty upon passing cars, forcing the unsuspecting occupants to knock on the door, asking to use the phone, never to be seen or heard from again. Countless motorists have been lost to these devious abodes, as well as to the mysterious mansion's close relatives, the darkened gas station and the eerily silent farm community looming unassumingly in the distance. Coincidentally, on a dark, stormy night while driving on an unfamiliar country road, Robbie inexplicably experiences car trouble...

Review: This was one bizarre story - and a fun change of pace!

I was chuckling from the first page. My first thoughts as I read the back blurb and started reading this was that it seemed like a cross between The Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Shining! As you read more you may think of Frankenstein, Dracula, werewolves, The Body Snatchers, The Night of the Living Dead, Tremmors, The Exorsist, Saw...and more.  I am sure I can’t think of them all but the story doesn’t miss too many horrors.  It even includes its own version of a time warp.

Robbie is not a likely warrior or hero, but someone had to serve as a catalyst to upset the status quo in the mansion that is seemingly controlled by robots.  There are conspiracies and surprises around every corner, through secret passages ways and behind every door.  And don’t you think you’d learn NOT to open every door when you are apt to find a new monster in the next room??!! It is fun that Robbie finds allies in unexpected friends: a rather nonchalant tour guide, a ghostly school chum, a couple who were separated in the mansion but find each other again, a paperclip man (he is really sort of sweet) and a renegade robot (he’s sweet too!)

I really liked the footnote style that the author used to explain a situation or capture an aside thought.  I thought that was a very interesting technique. (You can see a sample of that by checking the link to the author's website.)

There was a point about one third or mid way in the book where I struggled with “how long can this go on and what is the purpose?”  That feeling passed - and the purpose was clearly to entertain.  I returned to the anticipation of wanting to know what other crazy things would happen, how it all turned out and which characters would make it out alive if there was an escape from the house.  I wasn’t disappointed! It was a bizarre and twisted ride but a fun one - good for a real change of pace from romance or serious reading.

Thank you to the author, Will Hartzell-Baird, for providing the book for me to read and providing THREE other books for lucky winners!
Also- I will give my book to the first person who says they are willing to read the book and post a review on their blog or on Amazon or Goodreads.


1. Tell me if you have a favorite horror movie or monster! And leave your e-mail!

2. For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

3. For another entry, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

4. For another entry, visit the author's blog and tell me something of interest you find there! Go ahead - it will be fun - they won't bite!
(Four total entries possible.)

It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.

* This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
* No P.O. Boxes Please - for shipping reasons
* This contest will close Midnight (Central) on April 23, 2010. The winners will be randomly selected from all entries.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Mailbox Monday April 5, 2010

This Meme starts with Marcia at The Printed Page

These are books I got last week.

King by Right of Blood and Might by Anna L. Walls.
I won this at Stormy's Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My
It took some time to get here because Ms. Walls lives in Alaska and doesn't get to do regular mail like we are spoiled with.  I thought that was pretty cool actually!
Thank you Stormy and Anna! 

I would like to present you with my first endeavor, a book that I have written titled King by Right of Blood and Might. It is a story about a young prince who must learn how to run a country from sources other than his father. His father, the king, had been a paranoid recluse ever since his own father died and he ran his family accordingly. During that time, the infrastructure of the country collapsed and many of its citizens were enslaved and taken away. Knowing that he couldn't teach his son the things he wanted and needed to know, King Aidyn sent his son to foster with the neighboring king to the south. After my young hero learned the things he needed to learn, he had to assemble an army and return home to reclaim and rebuild his own country. His unique friendships afforded him an unprecedented opportunity to do that. All that remained to be seen is if he can hold it all together long enough to achieve his goals. During this time, we watch his mother descend into insanity and his love for his betrothed grow. We also learn more about how things in the country reached this state and more about his family.


Love Unexpectedly by Susan Fox.  I won this by commenting on Susan's guest post at You Gotta Read Guest Blog.
Thank you Susan and YGR.

Naveen Bharani is in love with his neighbour, Kat Fallon, but she’s stuck him in the buddy trap.
Kat has a disastrous history with men: she’s always picking losers and having nasty break-ups. No way will she risk her friendship with Nav. He’s the best friend she’s ever had and, though she’s attracted to him, she can’t risk losing him.
When she tells him she’s traveling home from Montreal by train for her baby sister’s wedding, the desperate Nav sees this as his last chance. He’s going all out in pursuit of the woman of his dreams.
Nav decides to revamp his image and play “stranger on the train.” He’s determined to seduce Kat into seeing him in a whole new light, and realizing he’s the man of her dreams.
Their journey across Canada by train—as best friends playing the “stranger game”—is truly one wild ride to love.

What are you Reading Monday? April 5, 2010

This meme starts at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books!

I got to visit a few blogs this week for this meme for the Top Ten meme and for Friday's Blog Hop meme.  Wish I had more time

My circumstances are pretty much the same as last week: lots of books to review; two interviews with Giveaways to prepare and at least three other Giveaways to post soon.  *Sigh*


PB:  Death Mill Mansion - A Lighthearted Comehy by Will Hartzell-Baird. This was fun to read something so different and bizarre. Book provided by author.  Giveaway of three copies plus my copy for review coming up soon.

 Kindle2 -  Stopping Time Part 1 by Melissa Marr
I needed a quick read the other day so I read this
which was a free Kindle read.
It is really 3 or 4 chapters so next I will have to read Part 2.
An exciting e-story original sequel to INK EXCHANGE! Leslie walked away from the Dark Court, determined to reclaim her life and live it on her own terms-even if it meant leaving behind the two faeries who love her. She knows Niall and Irial watch over her, and she would give almost anything to keep them from hurting. But she resists the pull to be with either one of them. Someone knows about Leslie-s past, however, and is intent on using her to reach the fey. And he doesn't care who gets hurt.

Audio CD:  -------------

Currently reading:

PB: The Highest Stakes by Emery Lee.
I am 70% complete on this. A fine historical with lots of horse racing history! 
Review (with Giveaway of the ARC copy provided by Sourcebooks) to be posted around the first week of April.
The breathtaking origins of thoroughbred horse racing
A tale of drama, danger, thwarted love, and retribution set in the high stakes gentleman’s world of 18th century horse racing, where fortunes could be won… and lost…
She’s lonely and neglected, but she knows horses…
Charlotte Wallace is orphaned and alone until a sympathetic stable boy takes her under his wing and teaches her everything about thoroughbred racing. In the process, the two discover in each other a love destined to be thwarted at every turn…
If only he could, he’d take her away with him forever…
Robert Devington has tried everything to persuade Charlotte’s uncle to allow them to marry. Then an ill-fated friendship, a scandal in the making, and one desperate act of folly rob them of their love and his livelihood… Dead set on retribution, all Robert’s hopes are hanging on one small horse—his only chance to reclaim his land, his dignity, and his love, against all odds…

PB (and Audible):  The 8th Confession by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro.
I have this in print to read from Hachette but to speed things along I have just started to listen to it on Audible.
Someone is killing the richest people in the city—and it's the Women's Murder Club's scariest investigation ever.
At the party of the year, San Francisco's most glamorous millionaires mingle...while someone is watching—waiting for a chance to take vengeance on Isa and Ethan Bailey, the city's most celebrated couple. Finally, the killer pinpoints the ideal moment, and it's the perfect murder.
While Detective Lindsay Boxer investigates the high-profile killings, someone else is found brutally executed—a preacher with a message of hope for the homeless. His death nearly falls through the cracks, but reporter Cindy Thomas hears about it and soon discovers the victim may not have been quite as saintly as everyone thought.
As the hunt for two criminals tests the limits of the Women's Murder Club, Lindsay sees sparks fly between Cindy and Lindsay's partner, Detective Rich Conklin. The Women's Murder Club now faces its toughest challenge: Will love destroy all that four friends have built? James Patterson serves up a double dose of speed-charged twists and shocking revelations.

Kindle2: King of Swords -A Dom for Christmas by Antonio Tiranth.
I am 40% along on this very fast paced, sexy read.
Lilyrose Munroe has always felt something was missing from her life and on Christmas, she finds that her old teenage crush, Sebastian Alexander, a Dominate is just the one to give it to her.

Audio CD - No audio but have The 8th Confession on Audible to listen to this week. Last week I listened to my Easter Choir songs.  :)

Same old story:  This week I am again committed to writing more reviews!  It could happen!

Upcoming books:

God Never Blinks - 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours by Regina Brett
Review and Hachette Giveaway to be posted soon.

Traction - Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman
Print Book reading and reviewing for YGR Reviews.
I have three businesses - I wonder why they asked if I wanted to review this one. :o)

The Guise of a Gentleman [The Rogue Heart Series] by Donna Hatch.
I saw this on the review list and couldn't resist!

Uncertain Magic by Laura Kindale -
This is a re-release by Sourcebooks. I can do a giveaway for this ARC too at the end of April or beginning of May.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Top Ten Picks Meme: Fictional Characters

This is a new meme hosted by Jillian at Random Ramblings. The week's (Tuesday to Monday) topic is "Fictional Characters".  I had to think on this a few days. 
Here are the ones I picked - in no particular order although the first five came to mind quicker than the rest.

Several people picked characters from Harry Potter - I picked a different Wizard.
1. Gandalf the Grey from Lord of the Rings.
(Aragorn would be a good choice too.)

2. Chloe from the TV series 24
Just look at this sulk!
She manages the computer sooo well!

3. Sookie Stackhouse from the Vampire Series
by Charlaine Harris. From the book not the TV series.

I'm waiting for the next book due out in May!

4.  Tempe Brennan
from the Bones series
by Kathy Reichs.
Again - the books not the TV series.
She is a wonderful forensic
anthropologist -and very human!

5.  Rachel Morgan from the Hollows series
by Kim Harrison

I have to check my Audible for this
book that was just released.

6.  Yelena and 7. Valek
from the Study trilogy by Maria V. Snyder.
If I forgot that series last week
then it should be added!
I LOVED all three books!

8.  Doc--Delilah Oliver Clementyne the heroine of  Girl Gone Nova
by Pauline Baird Jones
Doc's mission is to do the impossible.
Usually she succeeds!
Sara from The Key, the first book
in the series,  was close behind this choice.

 9. Hawkeye from The Last of The Mohicans
- the 1992 movie.
I like the character.
This is the only movie I liked this actor in.
I had to pin this down because I also like 
John Dunbar (Kevin Costner)
in Dances with Wolves or
The Postman (Kevin Costner)
in The Postman or
Robin Hood (Kevin Costner)
in Robin Hood or
The Mariner (Kevin Costner)
in Water World
But since I was picking the character and not the actor...

10. Lucy Eleanor Moderatz
played by Sandra Bullock in the
Movie While You Were Sleeping
I also liked her character,
Angela Bennett in The Net.
Okay - guess I like quirky characters.

Also rans:
I had these listed but then remembered Yelen and Valek so they got bumped.

11.  Quigley from the Movie
Quigley Down Under

He was a good "cowboy" hero character - 
and I like Tom Selleck! :o)

12.  Dustfinger from  Inkheart by Cornelia Funke -
Again from the book not the movie.
He is an exceedingly flawed character IMHO.

Okay - I will stop now before I think of more. :o)

OHHH - I just remembered another that must be listed:

13. Aloysius Pendergast - The FBI protagonist
from the series by 
Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.
This is a series that my husband will listen to.
He actually has read the latest before me.


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