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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Book Review: Sanctuary by Pauline Creeden

This is an engaging, imaginative and thought provoking world end view.
by Pauline Creeden

  • File Size: 2899 KB
  • Print Length: 268 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1491072067
  • Publisher: AltWit Press; 2 edition (September 13, 2013)
  • ASIN: B00FI2W6CK
Genre: Christian Fiction, Apocalyptic
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Book Description
Publication Date: September 27, 2013
In a heart-racing thriller described as Falling Skies meets The Walking Dead,
Jennie struggles to find a safe place for what’s left of her family. But it seems as though there is no place sacred, no place secure. First the aliens attacked the sun, making it dimmer, weaker, and half what it used to be. Then they attacked the water supply, killing one-third of Earth’s population with a bitter contaminate. And when they unleash a new terror on humankind, the victims will wish for death, but will not find it…

When the world shatters to pieces around her, will Jennie find the strength she needs to keep going?

Jennie is a nineteen year old who was enjoying her first year at college and away from home. Now her parents want her to stay home since no one knows what is happening with the aliens who have attacked. They have already killed one-third of the Earth’s population by poisoning the water supply. Now the spaceships hover as the people wait for another attack.

The second attack comes in the form of dog sized, lion-like beasts who bite and infect anyone they come across - man, woman or child. Jennie’s mother is one of the early people bitten. Jennie takes her young brother to the hospital to be with their parents only to discover that, within an hour or so, the infected humans turn into zombies and attack more humans. Now the population is running from the aliens and infected friends and family.

Hugh is a 27 year-old high school science teacher who was called Mr. Hottie by Jennie’s school friends. He is getting over the loss of his rich girlfriend who was stolen by his younger, woman chasing and leach of a brother, Brad. Hugh spends the first few days of the zombie attacks barricaded in his apartment building trying to learn from news reports what is going on.

Brad is a self absorbed young man looking for the easy life by dating rich women. If he can spite his brother in the process so much the better. Brad and Hugh’s ex are in a coffee shop when the beasts run through town attacking a man right outside the door. Brad thinks he is being a hero when he drags the man inside the shop.

Jennie and her brother have to make it across town to seek refuge and help at their church. There they find Hugh and Brad waiting for the Pastor and his wife to take a busload of survivors to the military base. Hugh has a theory of a cure that he shares with the military scientists.

The Shisas, as the lion beasts are being called, manage to get on base to attack the group. Can Jennie and others have enough real faith to take the steps needed to survive?

I would see this closer to Left Behind than The Hunger Games and that is okay with its faith based focus.  It is an engaging story and I enjoyed how the author tells the tale through the three characters. It moves along well with a good combination of action and emotional input. I also liked the spiritual message told through this unusual, imaginative view. The ending sets up a sequel and I am interested to read on.

I received this for review as part of BookBlast Tour. Check the feature, excerpt and Giveaway on the previous post.

Blog Tour Giveaway Featuring Sanctuary by Pauline Creeden

sanctuary tour banner

Scroll down to see Author Note and Excerpt below the Rafflecopter Giveaway.

Tour Schedule

Sanctuary by Pauline Creeden

“Left Behind for the Hunger Games Generation”
sanctuaryIn a heart-racing thriller described as Falling Skies meets The Walking Dead, Jennie struggles to find a safe place for what’s left of her family. But it seems as though there is no place sacred, no place secure. First the aliens attacked the sun, making it dimmer, weaker, and half what it used to be. Then they attacked the water supply, killing one-third of Earth’s population with a bitter contaminate. And when they unleash a new terror on humankind, the victims will wish for death, but will not find it…When the world shatters to pieces around her, will Jennie find the strength she needs to keep going?

Praise for Sanctuary
“Pauline Creeden managed to mix more genres into one book than I could possibly imagine. The overall concept, aliens attacking the earth, is straight out of Science Fiction, but then you throw in a few zombies and post-apocalyptic fiction with how the dead/sick humans are acting. Overall, the entire story was charged with the adrenaline and thrills of a suspense/thriller novel, but the mood was terrifyingly eerie like a Horror story. There was almost too much sensory information for my primitive human brain to handle. Still, all of these genres combined made for one unique and fascinating story. This kind of book is of the same flavor as The Hunger Games with its originality, which I really appreciated.” - Katelyn Hensel for Readers' Favorite

“Sanctuary is a fast-paced Christian fantasy thriller that is original and quite entertaining. The story revolves around Jennie and her family, Pastor Billy and his wife, and two brothers who are polar opposites of each other. Each chapter is presented in the point of view of Jennie, Brad or Hugh (the brothers), which gives Pauline Creeden's Sanctuary, a multidimensional feel. The three different story-lines merge into a full-fledged fantasy/horror novel that never sags or lets up on the action. While there are Christian themes present in Sanctuary, and Jennie's faith is an important part of who she is, I, a non-Christian, did not feel I was being preached to or proselytized. I recommend Pauline Creeden's Sanctuary -- it's well-written and a lot of fun to read.” – Jack Magnus for Readers Favorite

Book Trailer

Author Pauline Creeden

PaulineIn simple language, Pauline Creeden creates worlds that are both familiar and strange, often pulling the veil between dimensions. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long.

Pauline is a horse trainer from Virginia, but writing is her therapy.

Armored Hearts, her joint effort with author Melissa Turner Lee, has been a #1 Bestseller in Christian Fantasy and been awarded the Crowned Heart for Excellence by InDtale Magazine. Her debut novel, Sanctuary has already been nominated for two awards in YA Science Fiction.

One of Pauline's short stories has won the CCW Short Story contest. Other short stories have been published in Fear & Trembling Magazine, Obsidian River and Avenir Eclectia. An urban fantasy short will appear in The Book of Sylvari: An Anthology of Elves from Port Yonder Press, and a vampire short will appear in Monsters! from Diminished Media Group.

Blog Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 11/30/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the authors. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Why on earth did I write a Christian novel that has both aliens and zombies in it?

When I was a teen/young adult and my faith was wavering at best, there were several movies out with the likely design to shake faith even more. End of the world movies were in their hay day. Alien invasion was another big one. And I couldn’t help but wonder. If something like this actually happened, would anyone be able to maintain their faith?

And now today, Zombies are on the rise.

Could aliens be reconciled with the Bible? Zombies? This is the purpose of Sanctuary.

Because of its poetic nature, the book of Revelation lends itself to a plethora of interpretation. I am not saying that my book is the only true possibility, but it could be one. Could not demons be misinterpreted as alien life forms? Might not Satan use this mirage to his advantage to explain the bitter water or the blotting out of the sun, moon, and stars? And then there’s Revelation 9:6 - "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."


If anyone reading this book at least opens themselves up to the fact that yes, a biblical interpretation could resolve the problems between faith and an apocalyptic reality, then Sanctuary has completed its purpose.

When Jennie reached the back door, she saw them. Four large dog-like creatures with pinched faces like bulldogs and lion-like manes. They snarled, and one of them leapt at the window on the top half of the door when it saw her. Jennie jumped back and fell hard on the cold tile floor. The bottle of painkiller bounced across the kitchen tiles. The creature slammed against the window a second time, cracking it. She blinked hard. Her heart sunk, and the hairs on her arms stood on end. A horrendous gargling howl rent the air, causing a shiver down her spine. She held her breath and waited for the creature to slam into the door again.

“What on earth?” she whispered to herself.

When the third attempt never came, she scrambled toward the door. Blinking hard, she used the door knob to help herself stand. Out the cracked window, her mother was still out of sight, but the last of the dogs headed across the field behind her backyard.

“MOM?” Jennie called out.

The rumbling faded, and the vibrations in her chest receded with the dogs. She pulled open the door and rushed onto their back deck. “Mom, where are you?”

When she reached the banister, she looked over the side. Her mom lay sprawled with one hand on the lattice. Blood gushed from Mom’s leg and her opposite arm. Jennie’s ears rang and flooded with every beat of her heart.

Jennie didn’t know how she got to the second floor of her house, but she found herself shaking her sleeping father. How had he slept through the rumbling? “Outside, it’s Mom…”

Her father leapt from the bed. Mickey, her little brother, lay asleep and undisturbed. Dad ran down the stairs and outside in his flannel pajama bottoms and white t-shirt. He scooped Mom up to his chest and carried her inside. Blood stained his shirt in crimson.

“Jennie, call 911!” Her father had said it at least three times before it finally registered in her brain.

She pulled the cell phone from her pocket, but it refused to connect. With a groan, she grabbed the cordless from the wall receiver, glad her heart stopped pounding in her head so she could hear.

“All operators are busy at this time,” a mechanical voice deadpanned, “Please stay on the line, and the next available operator will take your call.”

“They have me on hold, Dad. Should I hang up and try again?” She held the phone in both hands away from her face.

“No, just stay on the line.” Her father lifted the shredded jeans from Mom’s leg. “It looks like a shark bite. What on earth happened?”

Jennie took in the damage through tear-filled eyes. A huge chunk was taken from her mother’s calf, exposing the fibrous tendons that covered the bone in her leg. A bloodstain grew on the beige couch. Was she going to die? Panic rose up.

“What happened, Jennie?”

“I...I...They looked like lions, or dogs, or something. The rumbling shook the whole house…I tried to go outside to get Mom, but—” A sob blocked her throat.

Her father grabbed a throw pillow and held it against the leg. Mom’s exposed forearm laid across her chest in much the same condition as her calf.

“Grab me the duct tape.”

Jennie suddenly remembered the phone, put it back to her ear, and headed to the hall closet. She reached for the shelf above the jackets and grabbed the junk basket next to the toolbox.

“Please stay on the line. An operator will be with you shortly.”

She shoved the phone in the crook of her neck and fished through the box. Half the contents dropped around her feet. Who cares? When her fingers wrapped around the silver duct tape, a short-lived relief sent prickles down her arms. But the urgency gripped her chest in less than a heart beat, and she threw the junk basket on the ground with the rest of the items.

“Hurry, Jennie!” her father called from the living room. “And turn on the TV. Maybe they’ll have something about what’s going on.”

She handed her father the tape and turned toward the TV. The mechanical voice on the phone came through again, followed by more easy listening.

When she clicked on the TV, the shouting and wailing began before the picture warmed up on the screen. A sideways picture of New York City broke through, with the shaky voice of the newscaster voicing over.

“What we are watching now – I can’t believe it – is live footage of Times Square,” the newscaster’s voice paused for a deep breath. “We’ve lost our man on the scene and his camera man to what appears to be some kind of new alien creature. Just a short half-hour ago, the doors to the ship that hovered above Central Park opened and these dog-like creatures flooded out.”

Jennie couldn’t pull her eyes from the screen. She straightened and dropped the phone on the hardwood. The battery popped out and skidded across the floor.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mailbox Monday 11/18/13

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs.  This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) but is now hosted at Mailbox Monday and through various blog hosts.
For NOVEMBER: the Mailbox Monday Tour host is Crystal @ I totally paused! 
[Starting September, Bob of Beauty in Ruins will be the new back-up host for Mailbox Monday.]

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

I received one print book and one eBook for review.

Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles

Received from Entangled Publishing 
for November 25 Book Blast with Giveaway:

Time Travel Romance

Print received through Hachette Book Groups.

Christmas in Lucky Harbor:
Simply Irresistible/The Sweetest Thing/Two Bonus Short Stories
I read and reviewed Simply Irresistible
and I plan to enjoy the other three stories!


None this week.


I wanted some more holiday reading and I saw this 11 book Christmas Bundle which looked like a good deal for $.99! (On sale for one week.)

Christmas on Main Street
E. Ayers (Author), Susan R. Hughes (Author), Tori Scott (Author), Mona Risk (Author), Jill James (Author), Kristy Tate (Author), Leigh Morgan (Author), Carol DeVaney (Author), Pepper Phillips (Author), Stephanie Queen (Author)

I also purchased a title to support a fellow blogger.

Cheryl at Tales of the Marvelous has released:
 The Wanderers
by Cheryl Mahoney
YA Fantasy
A talking cat and beyond fairy tale
sounds like an adventure to enjoy.

I downloaded 34 free Kindle Titles this week, linked through Bookbub, Bookfun, Free Par-tayInspired Reads, Pixel of Ink or Kindle ebooks.
I have enough books to read for the rest of my life. :-)

It's Monday What are You Reading? November 18, 2013

This meme starts at Book Journey!

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I am continuing to heal with a little bit of swelling and discomfort, especially if I do too much.  Like Tuesday morning when I had to wash, blow dry and style my hair (all with my right arm) for the first time since surgery. I had a function at 10am and I was exhausted when I got there. My body is clearly more fragile than I think. :-)  I had a busy work week so came home tired each evening.

I finished four books but got behind in reviews since I was tired at night.  I did post one ARC giveaway. 
I also posted the regular weekly memes and posts: Mailbox Monday, Friday Pick Giveaway, Saturday Snapshot, Sharing Beyond Books Comment Giveaway and Sunday Words.

Again, I didn't get to visit much during the week. I have to make a new plan to get to visit. 
Thanks as always to all the nice people who visit me.

These were last week's posts:
  • Book Review: Lace & Lead by M.A. Grant, Sci Fi Romance; my rating 4.5. 
Finished Reading:
1. eBook/Kindle

Waning Moon (The Chronicles of Lily Carmichael trilogy)
PJ Sharon
This is engaging and interesting. 
I will post a review soon.
Click on book title for full description.

2. Audio

Five Million Dollar Cat: A Novella
    by Laura Lond
    Narrated by Tavia Gilbert
This is a quick, delightful listen.
I will post a review later this week.

Click on book title for full description.

3. eBook/Kindle

by Pauline Creeden
This is an interesting apocalyptic view in an engaging story.
BookBlast Tour Review and Giveaway to post on November 19.
Click on book title for full description.

4. Print

To Have and to Hold
by Leigh Greewood
This is a solid romance read.
I will be posting the review with ARC giveaway 

by end of week.
Click on book title for full description.

Line Edits/Releases:
I am formatting for two print releases this week.

Enter the bi-monthly drawings at eTreasures Publishing Facebook page.
This week's giveaway link: Rolltop Relic by Barbara Miller; a mystery.

Currently reading:
1. eBook/Kindle

Accidentally Married to...A Vampire? (Accidentally Yours)
by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
This is another fun, sassy read.
Book Feature and Giveaway to post 11/20.
Book Description
Publication Date: March 5, 2013
This is book 2 in the New York Times and USA Today bestselling paranormal romance Accidentally Yours series.

"If you love her, set her free. If she comes back, she's yours. If she doesn't...Christ! Stubborn woman! Hunt her down, and bring her the hell back; she's still yours according to vampire law."

- Niccolo DiConti, General of the Vampire Queen's Army.

After a three-century "time out," legendary vampire Niccolo DiConti vows to fulfill an ancient prophecy and, along the way, defeat the demented queen of the damned. All he has to do is find his human mate, seduce her into agreeing to become a vampire, and bond her to him forever. Luckily, he's handsome, charming, and mind-blowing in bed. How hard could this be?

On vacation in sultry Mexico, biologist Helena Strauss makes the discovery of a lifetime when she meets Niccolo-and finds herself caught in a world of supernatural secrets and dangerous delights. Even more shocking is that he seems to know everything about her and claims her as his true immortal companion. Sure, she can't take her eyes-or mouth-off this gorgeous, perfect being. But can a hot-blooded gal like her really settle down with a cold-hearted vampire?

2. Audio

The Last Battle:
When US and German Soldiers Joined Forces in the Waning Hours of World War II in Europe
       by Stephen Harding
    Narrated by Joe Barrett
I am finding this very interesting.
I received this for review
through Audiobook Jukebox.
Publisher's Summary

May 1945. Hitler is dead, and the Third Reich is little more than smoking rubble. No GI wants to be the last man killed in action against the Nazis. But for cigar-chewing, rough-talking, hard-drinking, hard-charging Captain Jack Lee and his men, there is one more mission: rescue 14 prominent French prisoners held in an SS-guarded castle high in the Austrian Alps. It's a dangerous mission, but Lee has help from a decorated German Wehrmacht officer and his men, who voluntarily join the fight.

Based on personal memoirs, author interviews, and official American, German, and French histories, The Last Battle is the nearly unbelievable story of the most improbable battle of World War II - a tale of unlikely allies, bravery, cowardice, and desperate combat between implacable enemies.

3. Print

Don't Want to Miss a Thing
by Jill Mansell
I am looking forward to starting this tomorrow.
Book Description
Publication Date: November 5, 2013

He knows all about women, or so he thought...

Dexter Yates leads a charmed existence in London, with money, looks, and girlfriends galore. Life's fantastic until Dex's sister dies and his world changes overnight. Astonishing everyone, including himself, Dex leaves the city behind, takes charge of his eight-month-old niece Delphi, moves to a beautiful Cotswolds village, and sets about working on his parenting skills. His neighbors, including cartoonist Molly Hayes, seem friendly enough—but Dex can't shake the notion that he's missing something important.

I am really lagging but still listening to The Listener's Bible NIV read by Max McLean. [Reading and listening on MP3.] I have been remiss and not keeping up with daily reading with my DH.

Line Edits: I will still be working on poetry formatting this week.

I want to keep enjoying adding stories from my own TBR. :-)
I'm up-to-date on reading but have a back load for reviews now. About 7 so I'll have to do more the next few weeks to catch up. 

November Scheduled

11/19 BookBlast Tour Review: Sanctuary by Pauline Creeden
11/20 Review and Giveaway: I Accidentally Marred a Vampire (Reading)
11/25 Entangled Book Blast and Review: Christmas Past by Susanna Fraser

   Don’t Want to Miss a Thing by Jill Mansell (Print) (reading)


   Unfinished Business by Carolyn R. Aspenson

AudioBook Jukebox 
    The New Space Opera 2

From TBR Collection - TBD
Won Book -Waning Moon (read, review to post)

Free Kindle/Nook or Smashwords: TBD

Sunday Words of Encouragement November 17, 2013

[As always, my comments are based on Pastor’s sermon with a bit of interpretation and/or summarizing from me.] 

This morning’s sermon was entitled A Night in the Hardrock Motel and was centered on Jacob’s story in Genesis 28.  Jacob was in trouble for stealing his brother’s blessing. Jacob’s mother, Rebekah,  convinced his father, Isaac, to send Jacob away, back to her family, to seek a wife. Jacob was in distress, estranged from his brother and father, in turmoil, away from home, fearful and worrying about selecting a wife.  As Jacob approached a certain place outside of his destination the sun was setting.  “Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep.” Genesis 28:11. The Lord appeared in Jacob’s dream; stood above him and made promises. Verse 12-14.

‘That place’ was a lonely, hard, rocky place... not a gentle, fertile valley.  When in a desert, dry place you can find vultures looming for death or hummingbirds looking for new life in the fresh flowers. One focused on what was the other looking to the present. Do you dwell on what was or take joy in what is?  Instead of accepting the hard place, let your rock be Jesus’ strength and peace. (1 Cor 10:4.)  Jesus brings calm, ‘Peace’, in trouble. Mark 4:37-38. 

When Jacob awoke he recognized the place as a place of God and he made a promise back that  ‘the Lord will be my God.’  We shouldn’t give up when we know God is on our side. Gen 28:13-17. Fear is a faith killer but Faith is a fear killer. Our purpose in life is not to “be comfortable” but to radiate God’s Love to glorify Him.

I set this song aside a few weeks ago but it fits today.
I trust and He is Faithful to give me peace and to never let go of me!

A Verse for Today:
Genesis 28:15 NIV)
15 “...I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

Thank you Lord for being there to calm us through the hard places until we are walking smoothly with You by trusting You!


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