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Saturday, January 27, 2024

#Netgalley Audio Review: The Fish of Small Wishes by Elana K. Arnold

This is a charming story.
The Fish of Small Wishes
by Elana K. Arnold
Narrated by Erin Ruth Walker

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Roaring Brook Press
Publication date ‏ : ‎ January 30, 2024
Print length ‏ : ‎ 41 pages
Reading Age:4-8 years
My Rating: 5.0 of 5.0.

Fall in love with a modern fairy tale inspired by a Jewish family memory in this magical picture book by award-winning picture book creators Elana K. Arnold and Magdalena Mora.
Once, there was a girl named Kiki, who found a fish on the asphalt.
The fish was very hot and very dry.
But when Kiki put it in the bathtub, it started swimming, and growing, and . . . speaking?
"I want to grant you a wish for saving me," it said.
A wish-granting fish!
Alas, this fish was only a fish of small wishes, and Kiki’s wish was too big.
Unless . . . there was a way for both their dreams to come true.
Follow Kiki and the wish-granting fish in this contemporary fairy-tale perfect for fans of A Big Mooncake for Little Star and Carmela Full of Wishes.

Kiki was too shy to play with the other children. One afternoon she found a giant fish on the hot sidewalk. She knew this wasn’t good and brought the fish to her bathtub. The fish started to swim and spoke to her through bubbly, watery words! The fish offered to grant a wish, but he said he could only grant small wishes.

Even though the fish grew, Kiki’s wishes were still too big. Can Kiki find a wish that the fish of small wishes could grant? Kiki decided to get help to dig a pond for the fish. Kiki’s efforts had a surprising result.

This is a very sweet story. It provides a message showing taking our focus off ourselves to help others might just help us too. I would be glad to share the audio or print with my grandchildren.

Audio Notes: Erin Ruth Walker does a beautiful job on the narration. Her performance matches the sweet story and I totally enjoyed the audio.

Source: 12/11/2023 received at NetGalley. This qualifies for 2024NetGalley, 2024Alphabet, and 2024AudioBook goals.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Post January 21, 2024/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday January 22, 2024

Sunday Post #318 Chairs, Compliance, and Storms
I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? now at The Book Date (at Wordpress)
What Are You Reading? is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I was glad Monday was a holiday as I slept most of the day due to my head cold. I was still pretty foggy on Tuesday but then it started to clear up. I have gone to bed early every night and I am almost over all symptoms by now.

I had my first night out since coming home early December. A friend from my woman's group picked me up (I don't drive at night) and six of us went to play Purse Bingo at the woman's club in the next county. None of us won but we had fun. And I was surprised to see my daughter there with realtor friends!

I will continue to play catch up on work. We'll see if I get any any blog posts done this week.

I have still enjoying my chair yoga and have lost a few pounds.
I will continue to pray for the Advent messages all year: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

We had three nights of "hard freeze" warnings last week. We are expecting the weather to warm up into the 70s this week. (I hope.)

I finished only two audios and made progress in the ebook. No reviews completed.

I visited only 11 blogs again last week. No shout Out this week. is still sharing some free listens for children.
Finished Reading:
1. Audible on Smartphone (ATBR).
The Body Reader  By  cover art

The Body Reader
Detective Jude Fontaine Mysteries, Book 1
By: Anne Frasier
Narrated by: Emily Sutton-Smith
Length: 8 hrs and 31 mins
4. This was a satisfactory thriller.
Source: 3-3-2022 Audible Sale $3.04.

2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Click on link to see full description.

2. Audible on Smartphone (ATBR).

Lady Helena Investigates
Written by Jane Steen
Narrated by Elizabeth Klett
Run Time: 11h 30min
4.0. This was more historical family life and the place of women and aristocracy than mystery. There were several family secrets/mysteries revealed and it is enjoyable for what it is.
Source: 2/19/2023 Chirp Purchase, $1.99
2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audiobook Goals.

A reluctant lady sleuth finds she’s investigating her own family.
1881, Sussex. With a drowned husband—the second love lost—an overbearing family, no longed-for child, and the responsibility of a huge baroque mansion, it’s not surprising Lady Helena Whitcombe is overwhelmed. When attractive, mysterious, French physician Armand Fortier disturbs her first weeks of mourning with his theory of murder, Helena’s reluctant and ineffective attempts at investigation are hardly life-changing—until the resulting revival in her long-abandoned herbalist studies bring her into confrontation with her past and her family’s.
Can Lady Helena survive bereavement the second time around? Can she stand up to her six siblings’ assumption of the right to control her new life as a widow? And what role will Fortier—who, as a physician, is a most unsuitable companion for an earl’s daughter—play in her investigations?
Every family has its secrets. The Scott-De Quincy family has more than most.

Currently Reading:
1. Kindle (/NetGalley )App on Smartphone (NGeB2023)

The Altered Moon 2: The Tyrant of Unity
By James McGettigan, Jingjing Huntley (Photographer), Fabiana Granado, Kyle Davis, Jason Frank, Serena Lucatero, Jacqui Corn-Uys (Editor), Anthony McGettigan (Editor), Judy McGettigan (Editor)
This is still reading slowly and made some progress to 33% and I'll give it a bit more.
Source: December 27, 2023 NetGalley.
Archive date 1/11/24 I have it downloaded so I am able to continue to read it.

2024TBR, 2024NetGalley, 2024Alphabet, and 2024ebook Goals.
Click on link to see full description.

2. Audible on Smartphone (ATBR).

Zone War
By: John Conroe
Narrated by: James Patrick Cronin
Series: Zone War Series, Book 1
Length: 8 hrs and 54 mins
I picked this as a Post-Apocalyptic, Military Adventure, and a “Z” title.
I'm enjoying the story; 3 hours left.
Source: December 2023 Audible Plus Catalog.
2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audiobook Goals.

Publisher's summary
A few short years from now, eco-terrorists unleash the worst attack the world has ever seen. Over 25,000 autonomous combat drones are released in Manhattan from the hold of a ship. Hundreds of thousands are dead, and the entire island is evacuated and quarantined in just a few days' time.
Ten years later, Manhattan is still empty of humans, with the exception of the salvage specialists of the most watched reality show in history: Zone War. Produced live and unedited, the show follows five teams of armored vehicle specialists who brave the active drones to recover lost riches and collect bounties on dead ones. Ram it, slam it, grab the goods, and bull your way back out. And don't break down, because no one will be coming to your aid. Armored entry is the way to go.... Unless...
Meet Ajaya "AJ" Gurung, sniper's son, drone technician, and Zone infiltrator. Following his father's footsteps while forging ahead in ways all his own, AJ has the potential to be the most successful recovery specialist of all time. The drones are changing, the rules have been thrown out, and nothing about the Zone is what it seems. Adapt or die.
©2018 John Conroe (P)2019 Tantor

3. Audible on Smartphone (ATBR).

Winter World
By: A. G. Riddle
Narrated by: Edoardo Ballerini, Amanda Leigh Cobb
Series: The Long Winter, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 4 mins
This is a “Winter” title, sci fi.
Source: October 2023 Audible Plus
2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, 2024Audiobook, and 2024Season Goals.

Publisher's summary
The ice is coming. It was the last thing we expected, but the world is freezing. A new ice age has dawned and humanity has been forced to confront its own extinction. Billions have fled the glaciers, crowding out the world’s last habitable zones. They can run from the ice, but they can’t escape human nature: a cataclysmic war is coming.
In orbit, a group of scientists are running the Winter Experiments, a last-ditch attempt to understand why the planet is cooling. None of the climate models they build make sense. But then they discover an anomaly, an unexplained variation in solar radiation...and something else. Close to the burning edge of the sun, they catch a fleeting glimpse of something that shouldn’t be there....
Suddenly humanity must face the possibility it is not alone in the universe. And the terrifying possibility that whatever is out there may be trying to exterminate us.
©2019 A.G. Riddle (P)2018 Recorded Books

I expect to get to one or two more audios but haven't chosen yet.

January 21, 2024 - I am enjoying a new Bible in a year study on the YouVersion App called The Bible Recap with Tara Leigh Cobble. (The link is to the plan online.) We are now reading in Genesis.
I am also enjoying a 21 day Fast, Read, Pray, Acts Challenge.

I finished two books, no reviews done.

I continue on an ebook. I now have two more ebooks. I still have an older audio on my shelf I need to listen to.
I still have the two old NetGalley ebook titles.

Other Sources: I have a dozen or so books that I received from Facebook links and newsletter sign-ups, not specific review requests. plus many titles through InstaFreebie over the past few years.

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit, and Me. Emma has retired so we are looking for another person willing to assist.

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
No new review titles.
I found another 10 or so Audible Plus titles - to be listed when I get time.
No new Kindle title this week.
Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles



I did find another 10 audible plus titles but I still have a backlog from December that I hope to list before the month is over.

No new free title added to Kindle library.  Free titles might be found at Bookbub, Book Adrenaline, Ereader News Today, Inspired Reads, or Kindle ebooks.

Sunday Words of Encouragement January 21, 2024 - Take Your Place At the Wall!

I enjoyed our worship praise the morning and a wonderful sermon by our Pastor. Before the service he noted: “When we give and serve it is an act of worship. Be thankful in giving.”

Today Pastor taught on Nehemiah 3. I developed the title from my notes: Take Your Place At the Wall!

Nehemiah 3 starts by naming families working side by side all along the walls of the City. We all know that genealogies can be boring as we read the Bible. But they are part of inspired Scripture. Why is this important? The scripture here shows us that God notices everyone doing the work.

Nehemiah tells the story of rebuilding and reviving… restoration. Both the northern and southern kingdoms sinned and went into exile. Now God is having them return. God is in the business of restoration. Jerusalem has to be rebuilt to be part of the prophecy of Jesus riding into city.

Luke 2:19 tells believers to occupy until He returns. We are to be about His business which is important to remember as we go about whatever business He has called and prepared us to do in life. God wants a gorgeous, radiant church upon His return. Ephesians 5:27, Ephesians 3:20.

We - the local church and The Global Church - need rebuilding. We need to be a life growing church. Philippians 2:14-16. Christians are to be salt and light which are agents of change. The Church needs good seasoning. Peace and presence should be with the Christ followers and noticeable to those around them.

Serve as the Church, not just in the Church. We need to be getting the Church ready for the return of Christ, working towards Kingdom expansion. Make a list of those you want to find Jesus and pray for them.

Nehemiah had a mind and burden to rise up and build. The Church is stronger when each is doing their part of the work. Each person has a place to work. Each of us needs to take our place on the wall. Even at the Dung Gate. The body needs each part, including armpits. We each have unique gifts and placement.

God notices. He noticed the families working on the wall. He noticed the widow who gave her last two coins. He noticed the sacrificial gift of perfume by Mary Magellan.

The modern world today’s focus on consumerism is an obstacle to God’s work. We are to be servants and we need to “improve our serve” (Chuck Swindoll).

We serve by:

 Giving. The Church needs leaders and supplies.
 Encouraging; lifting up each other from the leaders to the janitor and the person who arranges the flowers – all tasks.
 Praying. Become an intercessor praying for each other.
 Prioritize your sacrifice. The Sheep Gate where sacrifice and worship occurred was the first area to be worked on. We are living sacrifice to be giving to God. Do it unto God.

God Notices. Serve. Build the Kingdom.

In Haggai 1:2 The Lord questions why the people rebuilt their homes first instead of the house of the Lord. The people were called to repair throughout Nehemiah 3. Sooner rebuild, sooner repair. Repair is to necessarily to restore but to fix and make strong.

The rebuilding will be greater than it was before. The glory of the latter house will v exceed the glory of the former. Haggai 2:9.

Our churches need to be about “presence” not presentation.

Do we want Him, His Kingdom, His glorious presence? Start with revival at home and beyond.

I like this video song for today: These Days by Jeremy Camp

Verses for Today
Nehemiah 3:4-5 NIV
4 Meremoth son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, repaired the next section. Next to him Meshullam son of Berekiah, the son of Meshezabel, made repairs, and next to him Zadok son of Baana also made repairs. 5 The next section was repaired by the men of Tekoa, but their nobles would not put their shoulders to the work under their supervisors.

Lord, guide me and help me take my place at the wall!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday Post January 14, 2024/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday January 15, 2024

Sunday Post #318 Chairs, Compliance, and Storms
I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? now at The Book Date (at Wordpress)
What Are You Reading? is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Last week was rather difficult for me. My house is within a mile and a half of the worst of the tornado that hit here in my town. I could hear the roar and the wind blew my bedroom balcony door open at 6:15 in the morning. I got the door shut and took the dogs out to sit in the stairwell away from any windows. My damage was fairly minimal compared to those whose homes were ravished. I lost two awnings, a window in the garage door, and had trees down on both ends of the driveway. Neighbors came by and helped clear the drive. Then church members cut the trees. Another neighbor helped me get the generator going to operate the refrigerators and the downstairs water. We were without power from Tuesday until Thursday night.

My next challenge was medical testing on Thursday morning. (I went to the local Pilot Travel Center to shower Wednesday night.) The hospital is an hour away and I started my first test at 8am with an MRI set for 9am. In between they added an ultrasound for more detail. This was the first MRI I have had and I managed the first 20 minutes fine. The second stage of 10 minutes with intravenous contrast was more difficult. I felt itchy right away and felt nauseous. I pushed on through but as soon as they brought me out they realized I had a bad reaction to the contrast medicine. My face was bright red, my eyes glassy, and I started getting hives. They took me over to the emergency room as my face was swelling, my eyes weeping, and I started whizzing. They gave me intravenous medications and watched me for a couple of hours. So I didn't leave the hospital until after 2pm. The good news is that the radiologist didn't see any malignant masses. I see the surgeon in two weeks for further review. 

So my week was pretty shot. I had no computer Tuesday through Thursday. I did get to the office on Friday but by mid afternoon the girls told me to go home as the rash and flush were returning and I didn't have any Benadryl with me. I had follow-up medicine for three days and the symptoms did continue into Saturday morning. Later in the day I developed a cold. Blah!

Needless to say, I am feeling behind in work and blog things. I will be working on Monday even though it is a holiday.

I have been enjoying my yoga which are easy enough even when not feeling so good.

I will continue to pray for the Advent messages all year: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

I think we are all expecting some colder weather this coming week but ours won't be nearly as cold as others.
I've finished three audios and one ebook this week. No reviews completed.

I visited only 11 blogs last week. No shout Out this week. is still sharing some free listens for children.
Finished Reading:
1. Audible on Smartphone (ATBR).

Expeditionary Force, Book 8
By: Craig Alanson
Narrated by: R.C. Bray
Length: 17 hrs and 51 mins
4.25. I enjoy the humor and action in this series.
Source: 11/16/22 October Audible Credit.
2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Click on link to see full description.

2. NetGalley App on Smartphone (NGA2023)

Deep Freeze
by Michael C. Grumley
Narrated by Scott Brick
Pub Date: 09 Jan 2024
Archive Date: 16 Jan 2024
4.0. I did like the sci fi irony in this story.
Source: 12/11/2023 received at NetGalley.
2024TBR, 2024NetGalley, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audibook Goals.

Click on link to see full description.

3. Audible on Smartphone (ATBR).

The Forever, Books 1-2
By: Craig Robertson
Narrated by: Scott Aiello
Series: The Forever Series, Book 1-2
Length: 17 hrs and 22 mins
I had finished book 1 in November. Book 2 went off track to a lot of silliness.
Source: April 2022 Audible Plus Catalog.

2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Click on link to see full description.

4. Audible on Smartphone (ATBR.

A Symphony of Echoes: The Chronicles of St Mary's, Book 2
By: Jodi Taylor
Narrated by: Zara Ramm
Series: The Chronicles of St Mary's, Book 2
Length: 8 hrs and 55 mins
I wanted to read in a continuing series and this one called to me. It was a quirk listen which I enjoyed.
Source: 9/6/19 Kindle Purchase $3.99 Whispersync Audible Purchase $1.99 = total price $5.98 for a book on my Audible wish list. :-)

2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Publisher's summary
The second book in the bestselling Chronicles of St Mary's series which follows a group of tea-soaked disaster magnets as they hurtle their way around History. If you love Jasper Fforde or Ben Aaronovitch, you won't be able to resist Jodi Taylor.
Wherever the historians go, chaos is sure to follow....
Dispatched to Victorian London to seek out Jack the Ripper, things go badly wrong when he finds the St Mary's historians first. Stalked through the fog-shrouded streets of Whitechapel, Max is soon running for her life. Again.
And that's just the start. Max finds herself in a race against time when an old enemy is intent on destroying St Mary's. An enemy willing, if necessary, to destroy History itself.
From the Hanging Gardens of Nineveh to the murder of Thomas a Becket, via an unscheduled dodo rescue mission, join the historians of St Mary's as they hurtle around History on more hilarious, hair-raising escapades.
©2013 Jodi Taylor (P)2014 Audible Studios

Currently Reading:
1. Kindle (/NetGalley )App on Smartphone (NGeB2023)

The Altered Moon 2: The Tyrant of Unity
By James McGettigan, Jingjing Huntley (Photographer), Fabiana Granado, Kyle Davis, Jason Frank, Serena Lucatero, Jacqui Corn-Uys (Editor), Anthony McGettigan (Editor), Judy McGettigan (Editor)
This is still reading slowly and I am tempted to drop it because I am not loving it. I'm at 27% and I'll give it a bit more.
Source: December 27, 2023 NetGalley.
Archive date 1/11/24 I have it downloaded so I am able to continue to read it.

2024TBR, 2024NetGalley, 2024Alphabet, and 2024ebook Goals.
Click on link to see full description.

2. Audible on Smartphone (ATBR).
The Body Reader  By  cover art

The Body Reader
Detective Jude Fontaine Mysteries, Book 1
By: Anne Frasier
Narrated by: Emily Sutton-Smith
Length: 8 hrs and 31 mins
I was in the mood for a thriller and
like the look of this one.
Source: 3-3-2022 Audible Sale $3.04.

2024TBR, 2024Alphabet, and 2024Audiobook Goals.
Publisher's summary
A Thriller Award winner, Best Paperback Original Novel.
For three years, Detective Jude Fontaine was kept from the outside world. Held in an underground cell, her only contact was with her sadistic captor, and reading his face was her entire existence. Learning his every line, every movement, and every flicker of thought is what kept her alive.
After her experience with isolation and torture, she is left with a fierce desire for justice—and a heightened ability to interpret the body language of both the living and the dead. Despite colleagues’ doubts about her mental state, she resumes her role at Homicide. Her new partner, Detective Uriah Ashby, doesn’t trust her sanity, and he has a story of his own he’d rather keep hidden. But a killer is on the loose, murdering young women, so the detectives have no choice: they must work together to catch the madman before he strikes again. And no one knows madmen like Jude Fontaine.
©2016 Theresa Weir (P)2016 Brilliance Audio, all rights reserved.

I expect to get to one or two more audios but haven't chosen yet.

January 14, 2024 - I am enjoying a new Bible in a year study on the YouVersion App called The Bible Recap with Tara Leigh Cobble. (The link is to the plan online.)
I am also enjoying a 21 day Fast, Read, Pray, Acts Challenge.

I finished four books, no reviews done.

I have finished an audio and continue on an ebook. I now have two more ebooks. I still have an older audio on my shelf I need to listen to.
I still have the two old NetGalley ebook titles.

Other Sources: I have a dozen or so books that I received from Facebook links and newsletter sign-ups, not specific review requests. plus many titles through InstaFreebie over the past few years.

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit, and Me. Emma has retired so we are looking for another person willing to assist.

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
One new review title from NetGalley again.
I didn't get to pick any audios this past week.
One new Kindle title this week.
Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles
1/12/2024 ebook from NetGalley
If the Boot Fits
By Karen Witemeyer
Pub Date 12 Mar 2024 | Archive Date 21 Apr 2024
Bethany House, Bethany House Publishers
Christian | Historical Fiction | Romance



I didn't get any new audios but I still have a backlog from December that I hope to list before the month is over.
1/14/2024 Free Kindle through Author Newsletter:
Return to Sanibel Island (Florida Secrets Book 1)
by June Woods

One new free title added to Kindle library.  Free titles might be found at Bookbub, Book Adrenaline, Ereader News Today, Inspired Reads, or Kindle ebooks.

Sunday Words of Encouragement January 14, 2024 - Pray and Be Bold!

Pastor preached and prayed this morning from Nehemiah 2 - Pray and Be Bold.
God had placed a burden on Nehemiah’s heart. It wasn’t a fleeting idea. Four months after Nehemiah 1, the king noticed Nehemiah wasn’t ‘good’ – his visage showed his sadness. Along with the burden, Nehemiah prayed. He prayed boldly and he walked in boldness.

It takes boldness to submit to God to fulfill the burden. Nehemiah was able to move out with confidence and boldness that God was with him. There will be opposition.

Nehemiah secretly went at night to inspect the gates. He had to wait for the right time to share his plans with others. Sometimes God puts you in a holding pattern for where you have to land and connect. Both the “ground” and the plane have to be ready at the same time.

The good (or gracious) hand of God was on him v 8 and v 18. God wants you to tell others how good God has been to you. The people responded, “Let us start rebuilding.” When one member doesn’t do what they should, it hurts the whole work. Don’t be just consumers but be the server doing the work.

The enemy’s attacks will increase as you start the work. Nehemiah continues to pray to keep his motives right. This isn’t about the king (or the church), it’s about God. Rebuke the opposition and the enemy with God’s strength. We put the enemy in his place when we are following God’s Will.

Pray to rebuild and revive. Lord you do the work through us. Breathe the breath of the Spirit over us.

I liked this song for this message: Our God Will Go Before Us.

Verses for Today:
Nehemiah 2:16-20
16 The officials did not know where I had gone or what I was doing, because as yet I had said nothing to the Jews or the priests or nobles or officials or any others who would be doing the work.
17 Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.” 18 I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me.
They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.
19 But when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official and Geshem the Arab heard about it, they mocked and ridiculed us. “What is this you are doing?” they asked. “Are you rebelling against the king?”
20 I answered them by saying, “The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it.”

Almighty God, thank you for holding me in your gracious hand. May I always look to You and be willing to do the work You direct.


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