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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sunday Post May 21, 2023/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday May 22, 2023

Sunday Post #318 Chairs, Compliance, and Storms
I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? now at The Book Date (at Wordpress)
What Are You Reading? is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Our week went pretty well. We had some closings, including the sale of my own secondary property. That has brought mixed feelings.
I don't feel like I am stressed but I am working to 7:30pm or 8pm each night. I've made a decision I need to leave before it gets dark because twice I had to wait for a rain storm or drive home in the rain and dark. That just isn't comfortable for my eyes.

Saturday this week I got up to travel an hour east to a fun 'fashion tea' at another woman's club.
Our members posed for a group picture.

When I returned home I was tired and I felt exhausted all day. I did some laundry and cleaning (sweeping all uncarpeted floors). Next I'll finish dusting and vacuum.

My continuing prayers include prayers for more unity in all nations, a calmer social atmosphere, and for revival. We are also praying for family and church.

We continue to have heavy thunderstorms often at the end of the work day. The forcast includes thunderstorms for the coming week. Temps will be a little cooler though, only reaching the high 80s and a nice dip at night into the low 60s.

I finished only two audios this past week and posted two reviews and my memes.

I visited 14 blogs again last week.
Shout out this week: THE ARTSY READER GIRL. The first part of Jana's profile intro says: "I’m a 30-something graphic designer, MLIS, singer, book lover, avid world traveler, cat whisperer, whale watcher, and art enthusiast." And there is more! Go check out her blog. is still sharing some free listens for children.
  • ATBR: Audible Book Review: The Wicked Wyckerly by Patricia Rice; Genre: English, Historical Romance, Regency; My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.25; Narration 4.25.
  • ATBR: Audible Book Review: Broken by S.J. West; Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance; My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.25; Narration 4.25.

Finished Reading:

1. Audible Smartphone (ATBR)

By: S.J. West
Narrated by: Brittany Pressley
Series: The Watcher Chronicles, Book 2
Length: 7 hrs and 43 mins
This continued to drag the romance along. There is another new development leading to book 3 which was free but will also expire 5/23.
I may read it in the future but I didn't jump into it before the deadline.
Source: May 2023 Audible Plus Catalog.

Click on book title for full description.

2. Audio Smartphone (ATBR)
Wild Fire

Wild Fire
New Frontier, Book 1
By: Nicholas Sansbury Smith, Anthony Melchiorri
Narrated by: Bronson Pinchot
Series: New Frontier, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 9 mins
I was hunting a post apocalyptic on an app other than Audible and found this. I enjoyed the full on action.
Source 3/23/2023 Two For One Credit

From the embers of a burned America rises new hope … and a new threat.
Two years after an attack brought down the electrical grid across the United States, the recovery effort is well underway. A new network of armored trains carry supplies and industrial equipment crucial to rebuilding the country.
But along the rails, one area of America is still mired in darkness, violence, and danger. Some call it the Badlands. Others the Wild West. The government simply refers to it as the New Frontier.
Retired Marine Sergeant Sam “Raven” Spears makes a living tracking down people and treasures in this lawless void. When raiders target a supply train in the New Frontier, Colorado Sheriff Lindsey Plymouth asks Raven to work with ex-Navy SEAL Calvin Jackson to secure the train’s vital cargo. All is going to plan until one fateful disaster changes everything.
As the trail heats up to find those responsible, a mysterious virus starts spreading across the New Frontier. Raven soon realizes the two events might be connected.
If he doesn’t find the insidious forces behind this conspiracy, the entire country will go up in flames.
Listener Note: New Frontier is a brand-new series set in the bestselling Trackers universe by Nicholas Sansbury Smith. For listeners of Trackers, this spin-off written with Anthony J. Melchiorri takes place two years after the end of Trackers 4. While Trackers was an EMP/war story about the destruction of the power grid in America and the chaos that followed, New Frontier is a story about the aftermath. For new listeners, you can dive into New Frontier without reading the four Trackers books.

Currently Reading:
1. Audible Smartphone (ATBR)
Dare to Lead Audiobook By Brené Brown cover art

Dare to Lead
Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.
By: Brené Brown
Narrated by: Brené Brown
Length: 8 hrs and 10 mins
I'm listening to this about half hour to an hour a day as I need to concentrate on it.
My son recommended this and I am finding it inspirational.
Source: May 15, 2022 Audible 2 April Credit picks.

Click on book title for full description.

2. Audio Smartphone (ATBR)
Altered Carbon

Altered Carbon
Series: #1 of Kovacs
Written by: Richard K. Morgan
Narrated by: Todd McLaren
I am committing to working on my older TBR shelves.
I am seven+ hours in and enjoying this sci fi detective story.
Source: July 2018 Bundle win through Beth Fish Reads.

In the twenty-fifth century, humankind has spread throughout the galaxy, monitored by the watchful eye of the U.N. While divisions in race, religion, and class still exist, advances in technology have redefined life itself. Now, assuming one can afford the expensive procedure, a person's consciousness can be stored in a cortical stack at the base of the brain and easily downloaded into a new body (or 'sleeve') making death nothing more than a minor blip on a screen.

Ex-U.N. envoy Takeshi Kovacs has been killed before, but his last death was particularly painful. Dispatched one hundred eighty light-years from home, re-sleeved into a body in Bay City (formerly San Francisco, now with a rusted, dilapidated Golden Gate Bridge), Kovacs is thrown into the dark heart of a shady, far-reaching conspiracy that is vicious even by the standards of a society that treats 'existence' as something that can be bought and sold. For Kovacs, the shell that blew a hole in his chest was only the beginning. . . .

'Morgan's debut novel, the first in a series, combines noir mystery with ultra-high tech science to create a complex sf thriller. Featuring a hard-nosed antihero with his own sense of personal honor and ethics, this is highly recommended for sf collections.'-Library Journal

I haven't decided on the next book, but maybe one of the new NetGalley titles.

May 21, 2023 - I am doing the daily readings of BibleProject plan: The Full Story - "From the beginning to the Amen".
No new separate study yet.

I finished two audio titles and only posted two reviews.  I still have four reviews to post to be totally up to date.

I now have four audios on my NetGalley shelf so I will probably listen to one this week. Two are shorter (under 6 hours) and the two new ones are midlength (11 to 20 hrs).
I still have the two old NetGalley ebook titles.

I have one author review in my queue that I need to start reading on my computer. (I need to look back and see which one this is.)
(Plus a few that I received from Facebook links and newsletter sign-ups, not specific review requests.)
Still many titles through InstaFreebie and many new author requests I haven't replied to.

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit, me, and newest to the team, Emma at Words and Peace.
Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

A smaller mailbox this week.
I went to NetGalley and stopped at two new review titles for the next week or so.
I used my two credit picks at Audible.
No free Kindle titles last week.

Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles
Two audiobooks from NetGalley (one Listen now and one Request approved):
Sci fi and Fantasy:
The Never-Ending End of the World
By: Ann Christy
Narrated by: Thérèse Plummer, Ari Fliakos

Length: 13 hrs and 19 mins

Wolves & Roses
Fairy Tales of the Magicorum
By: Christina Bauer
Narrated by: Christina Bauer

Length: 11 hrs and 1 min


5/19/2023 April 2023 Audible Picks; both of these are continuing series I like.
The Extinction Cycle Boxed Set, Books 4–6
Extinction Evolution, Extinction End, and Extinction Aftermath
By: Nicholas Sansbury Smith
Narrated by: Bronson Pinchot

Length: 32 hrs and 54 mins

Black Fleet Trilogy, Book 3
By: Joshua Dalzelle
Narrated by: Mark Boyett

Length: 8 hrs and 13 mins


No new titles added to Kindle library. 
Free titles might be found at Bookbub, Book Adrenaline, Ereader News Today, Inspired Reads, or Kindle ebooks.

Sunday Words of Encouragement May 21, 2023 - God's Choice

We enjoyed a lovely Sunday School and service today. Our substitute SS teacher provided a lesson from 1 Samuel 14 on Jonathan’s acknowledgment and trust in God to fight the Philistines. It also speaks to Saul’s foolishness and failures in leadership that impacted the people.

During service, we celebrated nine high school graduates. And then a fitting sermon from our youth pastor. First he noted that ‘we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities’. Ephesians 6:12. Pastor J focused his message on this quote by missionary (martyr) Jim Elliott: God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.

Pastor J went on to tell the story of how he met his future wife 10 or so years ago. He prayed to God for a special way to propose to her. He heard God tell him (twice because he wasn’t sure the first time) to propose on the stage of Rock the Desert in front of an audience of 3,000.00. He wasn’t sure of this because his wife was shy. After God reiterated the suggestion, Pastor emailed the organization and asked if they could help him. .The event organizer took it all and hand and it happened. Pastor J trusted God’s choice and God made the arrangements. His wife realized too that God had them in his plans! Instead of choosing his own way, Pastor J chose God's way.

The supporting scripture that Pastor J used is Proverbs 3:5-6. (See below the video.)

1. Trust the Lord with all your heart.
The heart is the seat of all emotions, not just a source of life. The Lord doesn't want us to trust in our own hearts, but to trust in the Lord with all our heart. We trust when we know and believe someone loves us. No one loves you more than God.

2. Lean on God.
Lean on God, not yourself. You cannot always protect yourself or know how tosolve the problem at hand. But you can lean on God. Pastor J told of a story of a child on the ladder who trusted his spiritual leader to catch him even when he heard his voice far away across the stage. The boy fell when told to and was caught by another helper who was there at the ladder. God is always there to catch us when we fall.

3. Acknowledge God.
“In all your ways acknowledge Him.” The world wants to restrict where God is. The enemy (the devil) tells lies saying, “Oh you might go to church but surely you can have a good time in the shadows during the week.”

Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6. We need to be ready to accept God’s love for us in all things.

Pastor J and his wife have suffered great loss. They have two daughters they love, but they lost two sons at ages 10 months and 8 months due to a rare genetic illness passed through sons. God has made all creation subject to Him (and the man He created). “Yet at present we do not see everything subject to them/Him”… Hebrews 2:8-9.  Jesus paid for all healing when He was raised from death. All believers, and the children, will be healed when we/they are raised from death. We just haven’t seen it yet.

Pastor J shared what his mother shared with him during his hurt: ‘We don't always understand God’s hand, but we can always trust His heart (His love for us).’

Pastor J also shared an incident from the book Miracle of Courage by Monica Dickens. An three year old boy had to go through the extreme pain of a spinal tap. The mother explained that the doctor would have to hurt him in hopes of helping him. When the procedure was finished, the boy looked at the doctor and said, “Thank you for my hurting.”

Remember: God is good. We can trust who He is.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.

We can (and should) pray: “God, help me to know how much you love me.”

Oh boy- What do you think about this song to fit today? Close.
Verses for Today:
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Lord, I do pray for you to give me wisdom and help me to trust you and to choose Your Way!

7 Wallpaper ideas | proverbs 3 5 6, proverbs, proverbs 3

Proverbs 3:5-6 - Inspirations

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Sharing Beyond Books #458 Comment Giveaway May 20, 2023

Welcome to Sharing Beyond Books.

Thanks to everyone who commented on the last question.
Last post SBB #457: BN100 asked: What do you think is too much to pay for an ebook (depending on number of pages)? For example, saw an author price a 32 page ebook for $10.
Here were the responses:
Marjorie doesn't buy ebooks but thinks maybe $5.00 is a reasonable price.
Fredamans says "I am against paying more than $10 for an ebook." And if it gets near $20, you may as well buy the print book.
Ashfa only buys "ebooks if they are under $5." She prefers print books and doesn't mind paying for them.
Life's Simple Pleasures states she doesn't buy ebooks (no Kindle) but she also thinks $5.00 would be reasonable.

My reply is in the original post.

The Winner from SBB #457 comments is #1 MARJORIE who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the (outdated) ARC/Review titles or Love and Christmas titles OR pick a book from the prior Friday Pick List - all linked near the end of the post.

Please let me know your choice by completing the WINNER FORM.
WEEK #458
(One Question.)
Scattered Leaves asks: Have you ever used a book light??
I have had small book lights several times but I didn't use them much as my hubby did not like the light on once he was going to sleep. The ones I had looked like these:
Mini Folding Book LightHydraulic Pop-Up Book Light, Thy Word, Silver   -
Images found at Kikkerland and

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month, I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a 1/2 book choice or $2.50 towards GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! The supply of questions is dwindling so share some if you think of any -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify them.
May question is provided by Scattered Leaves who gets a half book credit and can pick from the last Friday Pick List .

Your turn to share.
Scattered Leaves asks: Have you ever used a book light??
SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the Updated ARC and Other books, including the "Love" and Christmas titles and from the prior Friday Pick List .

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on the question above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
The deadline is a month, until June 17, 2023.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made through Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 5 PM central.

Audible Book Review: Broken by S.J. West

I found this fantasy engaging and will continue the series.
By: S.J. West
Narrated by: Brittany Pressley

Series: The Watcher Chronicles, Book 1
Length: 8 hrs and 43 mins
Release date: 11-01-16
Publisher: Audible Studios
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.25; Narration 4.25.

Publisher's Summary
At the tender age of seven, Jess Riley's parents were ripped out of her life by the Tear, a ripple of white light in the sky which randomly transports people from Earth to alternate realities and distant planets once a year. On the night the Tear first appeared, the Watchers, a mysterious group of men possessing supernatural powers, made their presence known to the leaders of the world, earning their complete trust to deal with the turmoil the Tear caused.
Now 22 years old, Jess is an agent working for the Watcher Agency searching for a way to bring her parents back home. When the leader of the Watchers, Mason Collier, recruits her to join his team, Jess quickly discovers she is meant to play a major role in sealing the Tear forever. Mason and Jess instantly find themselves drawn to one another but they both resist their mutual attraction for different reasons. Broken by past events in their lives, they each struggle to overcome their fears and find the strength to take a chance on one another.
©2013 S.J. West (P)2016 Audible, Inc.

Jess lost her parents when a ripple of light in the sky opened up a portal to alternate worlds. This became known as the Tear which returned once a year. Random people, like her parents, would leave Earth, and others would arrive. Jess was convinced that her parents would return one year. When the first Tear appeared, Watchers, men with supernatural powers, also appeared. At age 22, Jess became a Watcher Agent hoping to find a way to get her parents back.

An event on a Tear night brings Jess to the attention of Mason Collier, the leader of the Watchers. He explains that they are seeking a way to seal the Tear and it is apparent that Jess has a role to play. This is even clearer when Jess meets the dark opposition to the Watchers.

Jess and Mason are drawn to each other but they both have suffered huge pain and loss in their pasts that make it difficult for them to come together. Their histories are disclosed as the story moves along. The story progresses with the two dancing around each other. The ending has a surprise that leaves the story open to book 2.

I found the story engaging although the relationship between the lead characters is a bit frustrating and annoying. I had to remind myself that Jess is young and has a tragic history. Especially with the surprise as the end, I did want to read the next book in the series and was glad it was available. I recommend this to fantasy readers who like a slow building romance.

Audio Notes: Brittany Pressley does a really good job with the narration. She provides clear and distinct voices for the characters and conveys the emotional turmoil. I’m glad I had the book on audible.

Source: 9/27/2022 Audible Plus. This qualifies for 2023TBR and 2023Audiobook goals.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Audible Book Review: The Wicked Wyckerly by Patricia Rice

I enjoyed this Regency Romance.
The Wicked Wyckerly
By: Patricia Rice
Narrated by: Eliza Jane Cornell

Series: The Rebellious Sons, Book 1
Length: 10 hrs and 35 mins
Release date: 12-23-15
Publisher: Audible Studios
Genre: English, Historical Romance, Regency
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.25; Narration 4.25.

Publisher's Summary
NYT and USA Today best-selling author! Nominated for the prestigious romance Rita award!
John Fitzhugh Wyckerly has been the spare heir all his life, supporting himself with gambling and charm. The news that he's inherited the bankrupt title of earl of Danecroft shatters his indolent world. Even penniless, he's always paid his debts, but now the estate's creditors are closing in. He can fake his death and run for cover or accept overwhelming responsibility and find a rich wife - one who will also accept his illegitimate terror of a daughter.
On his way to find an heiress, he meets Abigail Merriweather, who is neither rich nor aristocratic, but she can tame The Terror and stomp cockroaches. Unfortunately she needs a wealthy, powerful man who will fight her father's executor and retrieve her four half siblings. When an unexpected inheritance falls into Abby's lap, she sets out for London to seek a lawyer.
Can Fitz charm his practical Abby into trusting him to save her siblings when it's doubtful that he can even save himself? And can Abby surrender reason and logic for the folly of love offered by a man who can have any woman he wants but insists he wants only her?
©2010 Patricia Rice (P)2015 Audible, Inc.

John “Fitz” Wyckerly is a second son who, as the spare heir, has supported himself with careful gambling and charm. He isn’t thrilled when he inherits his family’s bankrupt title. Unlike the rest of his male kin, Fitz has paid his debt. Although the collectors are circling and the debt is daunting, Fitz won’t run away. Instead, he will seek an heiress. But first, he collects his illegitimate daughter, Penelope, who hasn’t been well trained…okay, really, she is a terror.

Fritz is traveling to his estates by mail coach, but he and his unruly daughter are dumped outside a home in the country. There they meet Abigail who struggles to keep her farm and her servants while trying to figure out how to get her four half siblings back. Surprisingly, Abby immediately takes Penelope in hand and tries to explain to the clearly unprepared Corinthian what the child needs. Fitz and Abby soon find themselves trying to help each other through their troubles. When Abby gets a letter with an unexpected inheritance, she plans to engage a lawyer to help her get custody of her siblings. The inheritance isn’t enough to solve the debt for Fritz, but perhaps there is a way to make it work for both of them.

Both the hero and heroine have backgrounds that give them unique strengths and weaknesses that make them different than the standard bankrupted nobleman and penniless young woman. Their interaction is witty and fun, and the children add a nice element too. There is chemistry and a bit of sexual content that comes after friendship has developed and well into the story. I have enjoyed Patricia Rice in the past and was glad to get to listen to this sweet romance. I recommend this to fans of historical romance with quirky characters.

Audio Notes: Eliza Jane Cornell does a pretty good job with the narration. I was concerned a few times that the accent of the characters seemed to shift. Other than that happening, I found the voices distinct and suitable to the characters. I am glad I had the audio experience.

Source: 2/6/2021 Audible Plus title. This qualifies for 2023TBR and 2023Audiobook goals.


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