
Saturday, August 13, 2022

MBS July 2022 Reading List Wrap Up

MBS 2022 Reading List - JULY

Code for the list is:
A = Audible; ABB = Audiobook Boom
e = eBook; eA = eBook from Author; eT = eBook from Tour
NG = NetGalley
P = Print; PT = Print from Tour
LBC = Ladies Book Club
TBR = From the TBR shelves prior to 2022
Favorites for the month:

5 Stars =
4.75 Stars =  Man of War, Christmas Every Day
4.5 Stars = (4) End of Summer, The Plus One Pact, Forget Nothing, After it Happened
  1. NG2022: #NetGalley Audio Book Review: Just Tyrus: A Memoir by Tyrus; Genre: Biography, Memoirs; My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.25; Narration 4.0.
  2. ATBR: Audible Book Review: End of Summer by S.M. Anderson; Genre: Adventure, Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic; My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.5; Narration 4.5.
  3. AT2022: Audible Book Review: Man of War by T. J. London; Genre: Action and Adventure, Historical Fiction; My Rating: 4.75 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.75; Narration 4.75.
  4. A2022: Audible Book Review: The Plus One Pact by Portia MacIntosh ; Genre: Contemporary, Romantic Comedy; My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.5; Narration 4.5.
  5. ATBR: Audible Book Review: Christmas Every Day by Beth Moran; Genre: Action and Adventure, Historical Fiction; My Rating: 4.75 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.75; Narration 4.75.
  6. ATBR: Audible Book Review: Forget Nothing by Jason Anspach and Michelle C. Meyers; Genre: Action, Fantasy, Science Fiction; My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.5; Narration 4.5.
  7. ATBR: Audible Book Review: After It Happened Books 5 and 6 by Devon C. Ford; Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic; My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.25; Narration 4.5.
  8. ATBR: Audible Book Review: Sidekick, Raptors, Book 1 by Jaime Castel and C.J. Valin; Genre: Action and Adventure, Comic, Teen and Young Adult; My Rating: 3.75 of 5.0 Overall; Story 3.75; Narration 4.25.
  9. ATBR: Audio Book Review: Tattered Loyalties by Carrie Ann Ryan; Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Shifter, Wolves; My Rating: 4.0 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.0; Narration 4.0.
  10. ATBR: Audible Book Review: Nomad, The Nomad Triology 1, by Matthew Mather; Genre: Action, Post-Apocalyptic; My Rating: 4.0 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.0; Narration 4.0.
  11. ATBR: Audible Book Review: Dead Cat Bounce by Sarah Graves; Genre: Cozy Mystery, Mystery, Women Sleuths; My Rating: 3.75 of 5.0 Overall; Story 3.75; Narration 3.75.
Total read = 11
TBR = 8
New Authors = 8
Audio/Audible = 11 (8 TBRs)
NetGalley = 1 (1 audio) (0 TBRs)
Author Review books (other than NG) = 1 (0 TBR)
Nonfiction = 1
eBook = 0 (0 TBR)
Print = 0 (0 TBR)

Goal Progress (to Date meaning through the end of the given month):
Goodreads Goal Read to Date: 73 of 125
TBR to Date: 57 of 90 total
Audio to Date: 68 of 100
NetGalley to Date: 11 of 10
Author Reviews: 3 of 12
Nonfiction: 6 of 12
TBR ebooks or Print: 5 of 12

• Series: 50 of 75 (21 continuing, 29 new)
• New to me Series: 29 (8 Yes to continue; 9 likely to continue, 9 maybe, 3 unlikely)
• Finished for me Series: 3

Special Goals
• Seasonal title: 3 of 4: Winter, Spring, Summer
• Alphabet letters covered: AUDIO SERIES: 4 Jan, 2 Feb, 7 March, 3 April, 4 May, 2 June (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, Z) (22 of 26)   
Remaining: V, W, X, Y
• Alphabet letters covered: MIXED MEDIA (focus on stand alones but can be series): 3 Jan, 4 Feb, 3 March, 7 April, 3 May, 2 June; (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, U, W, Y, Z) (23 of 26)
Remaining: T, V, X


  1. I love how you break down your reading into different categories. Nice month of reading, Martha

  2. Great job for July!! Happy August reading!


Your comments are always appreciated!