
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday Post July 17, 2016/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday July 18, 2016

I miss-scheduled this so it is posting late... but better late then not at all.

I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading now at The Book Date.
Thank you to Sheila for the years that she handled this meme.
Thank you to Kathryn for taking up the baton.
What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I was able to start getting caught up on work in the office. Hubby is getting stronger each day and beginning to look forward to the day he can come home. I plan to spend this week getting help to really clean the house before he comes back to minimize dust and animal hair.
I continue to give thanks for all the prayers, well wishes and support!

My reading was steady. I finished three books, two ebooks and one audio and I am well into another audiobook. Unfortunately I only got two reviews up as well as usual memes.
I got to visit a little early in the week but I have found myself pretty tired at night.
Thanks as always to all the nice people who visit me.

These were last week's posts:
  • Audio Book Review: Desolation by M.L. Banner; Post Apocalyptic, Sci Fi; my rating 4.25.

Finished Reading:
1. Audible/MP3 (My shelf)

Burning Nation: Book 2 of Divided We Fall
Written by: Trent Reedy
Narrated by: Andrew Eiden
Chilling, scary and sad. This is an intense sequel from my own Audible credits (2016).
Click on book title for full description.

2. eBook/Kindle (NG)

by Hayley Stone
This is action packed and hard to put down.
(Releasing 7/26.)
I received this through NetGalley.
Click on book title for full description.

3. eBook/Kindle (Author)

Indiana Belle (American Journey Book 3)
by John A. Heldt
This is a sweet, interesting "time-travel" romance.
Click on book title for full description.

Currently reading:
1. eBook/Kindle (iRead Book Tours)

Regina Shen: Endurance
by Lance Erlick
I am interested in how things go in this engaging YA, female society dystopian series.
I received this through iReads Book Tours.

Review and Author Guest post will be on 7/21.
Outcast Regina Shen continues her adventure as a hunted fugitive and as a pawn in a worldwide grab for power.
Competing World Federation power brokers seek to control Regina for her unique DNA that could reverse a global fertility collapse. They make use of her unique memory for ancient forbidden texts that help her locate illegal artifacts from before the Federation, which agents then destroy.
For months Regina has been treading a fine line, trying not to let the Federation destroy any more of their past while doing all she can to rescue her kidnapped sister from agents who dangle the sister as bait. Betrayed again by her mom, Regina flees to the Southwest Desert with a close companion to hunt down a vault to exchange for her sister’s freedom. Nothing goes according to plan.
Before her journey concludes, tragedy will shake Regina to her core. It will also open up new possibilities that could lead down an even more dangerous path closer to her destiny but farther from her sister.

2. Audible/MP3 (TBR)

For Honor We Stand: Man of War, Book 2
Written by: H. Paul Honsinger
Narrated by: Ray Chase
I am enjoying the action and characters in this space military story.
This is from my Audible TBR Library.
Publisher's Summary
In 2315, the Earth Union is losing a 30-year-long war with the Krag Hegemony.
Having encountered the Krag before, Space Commander Max Robicheaux now faces daunting challenges aboard the USS Cumberland: The dangers from the enemy without…and clashes with crew and superiors within.
Meanwhile, Doctor Sahin receives a coded message summoning him to a secret meeting which aims to forge an alliance that could change the balance of power in Known Space. But first, he must circumvent the fighter ships and heavily armed troops of the traitorous emir bent on killing him before he reaches the negotiating table.
Both men must call upon their developing skills and growing friendship to bear the burden of carrying between the Krag Hegemony and the Earth Union a fateful ultimatum and the shocking answer: An answer that could spell eternal slavery, or even extinction, for all humankind.
The second novel in the Man of War series, For Honor We Stand continues the galactic naval adventures of Robicheaux and Sahin.
©2013 H. Paul Honsinger (P)2013 Brilliance Audio, all rights reserved.

3. eBook/Kindle (NG)

The Bluebonnet Betrayal, A Potting Shed Mystery
by Marty Wingate
I am looking forward to this cozy mystery
received through NetGalley. (Release date 8/2.)
Bestselling author Marty Wingate “plants clever clues with a dash of romantic spice,” raves Mary Daheim. Now Wingate’s inimitable gardening heroine, Pru Parke, is importing a precious bloom from Texas—and she won’t let a vicious murder stop her.
Pru’s life in England is coming full circle. A Texas transplant, she’s married to the love of her life, thriving in the plum gardening position she shares with her long-lost brother, and prepping a Chelsea Flower Show exhibit featuring the beloved bluebonnets of the Texas hill country. Technically, Twyla Woodford, the president of a gardening club in the Lone Star State, is in charge of the London event, but Pru seems to be the one getting her hands dirty. When they finally do meet, Pru senses a kindred spirit—until Twyla turns up dead.
Although Twyla’s body was half buried under a wall in their display, Pru remains determined to mount a spectacular show. Twyla would have insisted. So Pru recruits her husband, former Detective Chief Inspector Christopher Pearse, to go undercover and do a bit of unofficial digging into Twyla’s final hours. If Pru has anything

4. Audible/MP3 (TBR)

This Present Darkness
Written by: Frank Peretti
Narrated by: Jack Sondericker
I have not read this since the late 1980s. We are reading this for our Ladies' Book Club; meeting 8/6.
Publisher's Summary
A small town newspaper editor and a local minister uncover a web of conspiracy while an unseen battle between the angels of good and evil takes place in the town of Ashton.
©1986 Frank Peretti; (P)2005 Books in Motion

July 3, 2016 - I was caught up through June 30th but now have to catch up to date in July with Reading The One Year Bible again along with my husband and others from our church. I will also be listening (sometimes) to the companion commentary online.

I only posted two reviews this past week so I have eight total pending; two will not post until the week of the 25th. I still have to work on getting caught up.

I've reduced my author ebook reviews committed with no specific dates queueto four books.
My NetGalley shelves are down to three when I finish the one I plan to read this week.
I'm sort of hoping to set aside September for TBR books only so I am trying to resist new arcs/author requests and NetGalley.

I didn't get any backlist titles up at eTreasure's NetGalley page and we will be working to add upcoming releases over the next week or so.

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Leslie of Under My Apple Tree, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit and Vicki of I'd Rather Be at the Beach. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

This week I received a print book from The Cadence for review.
I selected two Audible credit titles and purchased one $.99 Kindle.
I also picked up more free kindle titles.

Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles
Received from The Cadence Group:

Friends of the Wigwam: A Civil War Story
by John William Huelskamp
Friends of the Wigwam is a historical novel and love story about six young friends whose innocence is stripped from them seemingly overnight in the brutal setting of the American Civil War.


It can be hard for me to pick but I selected these two books with my June Audible credits:
The Curse of Tenth Grave: A Novel | The Curse of Tenth Grave: A Novel
Written by: Darynda Jones
Narrated by: Lorelei King

Book 10 in this fun series.

Written by: R.E. McDermott
Narrated by: Kevin Pierce
This is another post apocalyptic novel.

I purchased one Kindle title at $.99:

Ichabod: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP-Survival Thriller  
(Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt Book 2)
by Mark Goodwin

I plan to pick up book 1 at Audible.

Over the past week I added 55 free Kindle titles to my library. Titles found linked through Bookbub, Bookfun, Ereader News Today, Free Par-tay, Ignite Your Book, Inspired Reads, Pixel of Ink or Kindle ebooks.


  1. So glad your husband is on the mend. Have a good week and dont overdo the cleaning and get too tired yourself.

  2. Good to hear your hubby is making some good progress. All the best for the big job of cleaning the house.

  3. I am reading Homicide in Hardcover by Kate Carlisle.
    Have a super reading week, everyone.

  4. I agonize over my Audible picks too and can't figure out why since they can be returned if you don't like the book.

  5. I've read two books by John Heldt but have yet to read Indiana Belle. I also finished Endurance. Hoping author will write a fifth book. Enjoy your reading week!

  6. I'm really interested in Burning Nation. I listened to Divided We Fall last year and enjoyed it much better than I expected. Hope you enjoy your new books!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  7. So glad to hear that your husband is doing well. It sounds like you are keeping up with things as well as can be expected.

    I have the Divided We Fall audiobook, but haven't listened to it yet. I will hopefully get to it soon.

    Sunday Summary #11


Your comments are always appreciated!